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I'm looking for stories with Tourney Knights, I wanted to do something around this. Any help would be appreciated.
Chapter eight is posted, I hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. Nine & ten are complete and ready to launch. I know I said Monday, but I need my endorphine rush lol.
Thoughts on the series? Yes, its going to be a bit short, until dear Proxy reappears, but I think it goes into waaaay more detail then what I did on my own earlier.
Steven as always is a goldmine of information, I cannot wait until you see what he and I produced for Nine and Ten. I am *really* pleased with these chapters.
Not only does it show James' maturity, but it sorts him out really nicely too! You'll see when we get there.
What is everyone's thoughts so far, comments are turned on, so please feel free to rip the shit out of it!
As always, my love to you all. PEACE.
Holy craaap, this is what I wanted in a Star Wars show. The writing is next fucking level, I wish they would do a 1313 show, man that would be awesome.
So here we are, on the home stretch. Chapter seven has been posted with resounding results. It's only been out a day and over 1300 people have downloaded/read it (I presume!)
With the first part, I wanted to be more character focused. I wanted to show James' motivation for being the way he was and why he wanted to change. As they say, the devil is in the detail and I like to think we've achieved that here. We’ve written out nine chapters, and am in the process of chapter ten. When ten is finished, I will put the story as complete and then start working on part two. I’m really, really pleased with how this story has turned out. I have my editors to thank, massively. Steven who is an absolute fucking God send, NNPDAD for editing & sorting out my grammar (yes mother lol) and Proxy, wherever the fuck he is. If and when he resurfaces, we will work on book two.
I am confused about something though, while book one doesn’t have any sex in it, this is a sex story. There will be incest, there will be sex. Chapter three had a whole section dedicated just to James’ dick and like chekhov's gun it is going to get used at some point.
I hope y’all enjoyed this wild ride as much as I have writing it! Again, without my three guys, this would not be as awesome as it is. I raise my pint to all three of you, especially Steven, who has a ton of patience with me.
Jeeeesusss. Sorry for the religious moment but The Wishes seems to be kicking off, I can't wait for you guys to read chapter six! But it won't be until Monday, I know the anticipation is killing you.
One is at 5085 already, five has only just been posted it and its already on 1331 downloads. Christ you guys are hungry for Do Over's. Not that I mind at all!
Thanks for sticking with me, regardless of all the bullshit. I really want to continue this one as I feel this is the purest form of the Wishes. And certainly the best written.
Proxy where are you, come back, all is forgiven lol.
On a side note dear followers. Please go show Anne D Mouse some love, poor guy is not doing so well. I can't do much from my end but I can send my positive vibes out to him.
I wish her the best.
And another week, another Prime Minster. Taking all bets on how long Rishi will last. Kier must be laughing his ass off over this. I give him three weeks.
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