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Book 11 Interesting Times which has been up on Bookapy as an ARC has had a major edit and update. For those who have bought it previously you can go to your bookshelf and download the updated copy for free.
Ed Nelson
Book 9 has been submitted to Bookapy for your bookshelf. I think I have finally got a stake through Luke Hardings heart. He is undead or something. Anyway I think I've got rid of the last wrong reference. Give Bookapy a day or so to get the change up.
Many people pointed it out but special thanks to Antti Huotari for for finally tracking the beast to his lair so I could kill it.
Ed Nelson
I don't know how I managed it but I gave a corrupt version to Laz, my fault not his. Anyway, on bookapy go to your bookshelf and redownload. All fixed.
Have not yet got to bottom of the problem. I only have a complete copy of Book 10, 52 chapters, 484 pages. That is what was sent to Bookapy. Gone most of the day. Got home to find out that the book is only partially there. Will get it fixed, don't know how, not sure when. Too late in the day now but will work on it tomorrow.
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