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Banadin: Blog


Latest Jackson story

Posted at

I forgot that people need to sleep. I posted the latest Richard Jackson book about 1am this morning. I'm guessing the moderators don't start work until at least 8am and they have to do site maintenance first thing. I hope that it will be up sometime today.


Book 10 of The Richard Jackson Saga has been sent to Bookapy.

Posted at Updated:

I have finished Book 10 of the Richard Jackson Series, Taking Care of Business. It is released as an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC). An ARC by definition has not gone through the complete editing process. I used Grammarly and Word but my beta readers have not had a swing at the complete story. So when I say any errors are mine I really mean it.

Ed Nelson (Banadin)

Update on book 10

Posted at

Since I posted last I have recovered nicely from my surgery, sold my house in Maryland and bought one in Florida. All moved, currently hanging pictures etc. Keep wife happy, repeat keep wife happy. Then next week is family visits for Christmas.

As exactly the half way point on book 10. Aiming to complete by end of first quarter next year.

In the meantime Podium Audible is releasing Volume 1 which covers books 1 & 2 on Dec. 22. Volume 2 with books 3 & 4 is out on Jan. 1.

Exciting times.



Posted at

Just had my gallbladder removed along with work on pancreas so have 34 staples, no neat little scars for me. Home now and coming along nicely but it has put everything I am doing back by a month.

Ed Nelson

Book 8 Oxford University

Posted at

Getting emails of people not finding the book. It has moved way down the page. You can find under author Banadin or on Finestories near the top.




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