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Banadin: Blog


Cast in Time edited

Posted at

Your bookshelf if you purchased Cast in Time on Bookapy has now been updated with the final edited version. I have learned not to say no mistakes will be found.
If you haven't check out my website and sign up for my newsletter.

Cast in Time now on Bookapy

Posted at

An advanced readers copy ARC in now on Bookapy. An ARC hasn't had it last editing so there may be errors.


Error correction

Posted at

Even after using Grammarly software to error check, reading it out loud to my wife, then having four Beta readers go through errors still creep in. Chapter 7 has two. I will wait several more days for more to be found then repost the corrected chapter. Errors are using the same phrase twice in one paragraph about digging a well and Zin-Sag instead of zig-zag.

Thanks for the sharp eyes. Ed Nelson

Cast in Time

Posted at

New chapters will be posted every Thursday. Not on Bookapy until story is complete.


New Story

Posted at

I'm posting a new story, Cast in Time. The complete story will be posted on SOL. It will be for sale on Bookapy. Once sales taper off there the story will be sold on another, not to be named site.
Because of an exclusivity clause the story then will be removed from SOL So download when you can.

Ed Nelson



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