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Aurora: Blog


The Fence

Posted at

Things are slow at the moment because of the subject matter in this story... just a small thing, a few rotten wooden posts and some rusty barbed wire, but the abuse is almost unbelievable. Honestly, if I wrote it as it is you'd be saying I'd exaggerated to make a story. Difficult to get the brain cell to concentrate.

The bike ride

Posted at

Just a little something to while away an hour or s. Yes, the continuation of Jake's saga will be next on the list. I took minimal sex to mean well, just mentioning it really. Just in case someone wonders.

Jake White time line

Posted at

I now have Fitz and the girls crossing the US. The time is a problem here because as has been pointed out to me the transcontinental railway opened in late '69. But if I use that time line then within days of the completed line there were Pulman trains and that doesn't allow a lot of adventure.

A year earlier, which is where I have set it, the western part of the line wasn't out of the mountains and a stage coach between that and the Union Pacific? I don't know. What I can say is that conditions along the line were - in English vernacular - as rough as a badgers arse (I have no personal experience of this!) and taking a couple of ladies through that? Well plenty of opportunities for adventures, but I felt the stage journey would be more productive due to the availability of a contemporary account (Mark Twain)

And, as a Western fan (will we meet Rooster Cogburm? Probably not) there are endless possibilities for mayhem, Indians (am I allowed to say that?)and this heroine is a pretty good shot.

Mean while the honeymoon may become even more exciting!


JW31 Sh*t Happens

Posted at

There was an anomally in the first para of 31 where I wrote Jake instead of Fitz. Bugger. I have also added a clarification in the Victoria gets off the train in Manchester and Bea and Amanda go on to Liverpool.

Jake White Cast

Posted at

31 is in the queue. I forgot to say last time that I had updated the 'Cast'. not the best name for it because not only does it list all the characters - mainly for my benefit - but some explanations of other aspects of the story which readers might like to know. No explanations of character names is included!!

32 is well under way, but the sun is shining and it is reasonable warm so...




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