Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Aurora: Blog


Jake White

Posted at

Some alterations to chapter 36 ready for 37 to be posted. My editor, Old Rotorhead pointed out to me that there would have been a change of trains part way, whereas I had claimed UP all the way. Anything but. A little research informed me that from Chicago to Council Bluffs it was most likely the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific - difficult to determine largely due to the antics of Mr Durant - then a ferry across the Missouri, UP to Ogden and Central Pacific to Sacramento. Then Western Pacific to San Francisco. Phew!

So there you have it, 37 (very exciting) will be posted for the weekend and 38 is being written.


Susan - Engineer series

Posted at

I think I've got all the Susan stories in the right order after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing. Phew! And finally there is the final part that is devoted to Susan. Next, we will have some from George's point of view and then we'll move on and see what happens.

First though, I must carry on with Jake white, will he hang or will he get away? Watch this space!

Susan yet again.

Posted at

Well it's been an awful week except that Her Loveliness has been feeling well. But depression and indigestion and a burst water main in the drive, and Dwr Cymru leaving a hole rather larger than the Grand Canyon meaning that we couldn't get the car in or out, then sent some men who closed the wrong road so the gang couldn't work on it and no bugger knew what was going on, and then I lost a complete chapter of Susan, And to top it off I realised just how bloody silly the chapter names are because even I couldn't work out the order. But then I never expected it to be more than two so it didn't matter, and it appears it will run to seven.

Let's hope the scores are better on this one, Once Again's first two votes totalled 4.15, I don't worry that much (he lied) but someone said to me that they never read anything with a score less than 8. So only one of mine and I'd say they were missing a hell of a lot. Particularly mine.

Susan once again

Posted at

You know I thought I'd deal with Susan in two episodes and here we are with no.3 and there will be another. I also know that there are people waiting for more Jake White, but that is much harder to write and I'm essentially lazy, and Susan is generally much easier. Except that this episode suddenly took a turn that I wasn't expecting, because the character simply wouldn't do what I told her. I had the same problem with children. Enjoy!

Susan again

Posted at

I tried to keep Susan down to a couple of episodes, but it seems she's got another one yet and then we can go back to the farm and see who George is sleeping with now and how the business is developing. After being told my descriptions were a bit lacking, this one is 500 letters/spaces. Enjoy




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