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Anne N. Mouse: Blog


Changing goals....

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While I have no ending in sight for my current project I continue to expand it at what seems at times breakneck speed. I'm not yet moving my goal to 50,000 words in thirty days. But I'm definitely on that track with twenty six days or less to go if I keep up my current pace. Of course that pace doesn't guarantee a complete novel when I reach 50,000 words... Indeed I'm just hoping I've not started another project that I'm unable to draw to a close.
Obviously I need to double check my titles along with everything else 😂

More dyslexia...

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I've only been working on my current project since Nov 28, not Oct 28....
Which still makes jus a hair over 30,000 words somewhat slow. But I didn't set large goals. Indeed originally I just wanted to keep going even if the story wasn't flowing very strongly. I'm not yet to the point of setting the goal to even a thousand words per day. But I'm definitely closing in on four hundred words per day.


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I've definitely been in the groove for the past couple of days. Both of them saw me expand my story by no less than a thousand words. Today was more than two thousand, plus a tiny bit of smoothing. Not really polishing yet, but checking names of people and places.... Changing word order in places, and adding stuff, 'cause when I roll like today, I tend to not get everything written.... I still have places where I need to clarify things I've jumbled (dyslexic here remember) so that what's on the page makes sense....
Still if I can find an ending for my story it's definitely looking to be a fair sized novel.

Writing software part 5

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Bleach! I'm still working on learning to use yWriter. Everything I'm seeing, from pasting in pieces of what I've got going currently says that it really is a very powerful tool which I'm not using to its full potential.

The swarm cycle author's list has seen what I've written so far and if I keep on my current pace I'm hoping to have a fair sized novel by the end of this year if not sooner. I don't have a word count goal for the story, but just what I've already got done, if I called it complete, which it certainly isn't would probably edit out to be nearly as long as On Dog Creek I'm aiming for no less than sixty thousand words, with a potential of one hundred thousand, but only time shall tell, because to a certain extent, I write by the seat of my pants 😋


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Err dyslexia, and other assorted or related problems. On the dyslexia front, I was working on writing this morning and due to a habit I'm trying to form I put my ending word count in my document before I started.... Except I didn't! My end word count was say 647, but I'd put down 674... Worse, I just happened to add exactly enough words to bring the actual count to 674! Much frustration and confusion (plus lost time) ensued!
After that I wrote and added 300+ words to the story... Oh, yeah you can assume that the 647 is just the hundreds count, not the entire amount of words in my current story. After that I struggled a bit with the usage of whom... I'm thinking I got it correct, but I'll probably be asking for a volunteer editor in a bit. After all right now chapter 1 is about 3500 words but chapter 2 is about 13000 words which will make for an awkward balance but may be inevitable. I'm getting very close to having averaged at least 300 words of production every day since Oct 28 last year. Some of that is due to having days during Dec especially when I wrote nothing at all. The rest is down to my current physical limitations. Half an hour in a chair drives me to bed. Not to walk, which it probably should do...
Well this has been a rather longer than I intended report or is it a rant?



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