Anne N. Mouse: Blog


Writing software part 4

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Today, between adding notes to the yWriter file for my current project and actually working on said project, I'm pretty sure that I'm approaching at least a thousand words. Certainly I spent more than an hour in my chair. OUCH!!
I'm actually quite pleased, even if my note taking and name transfer caused me to end up doing some minor polishing on my story. At least I didn't get so caught up in the polishing that I failed to extend the story.😁


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There are a couple of words which I definitely intend to do a search for when I get into the editing/proofing stage of my newest project. They are:


I'm not going to say I'll be entirely obsessive about removing them, but I'm definitely going to check to see if I've used them excessively.

I've got other writing habits, not the least of which is run on sentences.

Other than these issues, I'm very happily hitting my goals for production.

Thoughts on the law

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I thought I'd start this blog by saying that the cocksockett series is mislabeled. I probably ought to have labeled most of it rape.
But you may say, no one enjoys being raped. Maybe, but the victim in the story isn't a one time victim. He's being subjected to a program intended to create a certain mindset.
However the subject I really want to address is that of age of consent. While the victim of what is happening in those stories could never consent to the mind washing he's undergoing, there's no reason to believe he would have put himself in such a position unless he left his home before he was considered to have reached his majority. In other words, though it's not explicitly stated if Cal is eighteen years old the whole story fails. It's my belief that not telling the story the way I told it possibly endangers both young men and women who've left their homes for whatever reason.

I'm not much of a music fan

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But, RIP David Crosby.

On meeting goals

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I've set certain goals for the past week which I've either met entirely, or met a minimum goal, while just barely missing my hoped for larger goal. Of course now I've got a tale that's wandering worse than the interior of the minotaur's labyrinth... I've not moved the second chapter to yWriter because it keeps on sprawling, getting larger and larger. Which means that eventually I'll be wanting someone to proofread, and possibly edit. That is if I finish the story, rather than decide I've written myself into an inescapable corner.



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