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Anne N. Mouse: Blog



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As I noted in my last blog I'm back in the labor force... Not just part time, but full time plus over time presently. I'm of course very glad for the opportunity.
No I'm not being sarcastic about saying that. I'm hoping that I will prove to be a good employee and move from temporary staff to being part of the permanent crew.
What am I doing? For the first week I was running a saw cutting pieces for cabinets. This week, so far I cut a day and a half then was told I was ahead of the assembly crew, so I've spent the last day and a half sorting out a giant three-D puzzle...😁
I actually prefer the saw, but the company may make it a test from which you're moved as soon as you prove you're up to bigger challenges.... In one way I hope not, though if I can keep caught up I'll probably become a part of the relief crew which works wherever there's a bottleneck. Which seems to be what the sorting job I was doing today was about. Finding and putting in a single stack the parts for a single cabinet. Times about ten or so today... Lots of bending, lifting and getting between two stacks, one coming apart and being distributed, the other being built as it was 'next'.
Because A lot of the parts are cut by a giant robot the person who runs that sometimes has the parts for several cabinets in a single stack. He puts a label on each part then stacks the parts somewhat from largest on bottom to smallest on top. So sometimes I ended up moving the same part twice or three times. Even though I was trying my best to stack like sizes together until they were needed for the 'next'cabinet....
Anyway, because I'm on a concrete floor I'm looking for a safety toed boot that's just slightly less aggressive than the pair of Danner boots I currently own, besides I want (not absolutely need) a second pair of boots so I can alternate pairs from day to day.
Well I've rambled on enough. I hope to be getting back to at least a little writing, but for now I'm a bit worn from the physicality and hours of the job.

Good news?

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I got a scrape on my left shin. Why do I say that is good news? When I first saw it I thought I was seeing a leaking blood vein.
Given that my left leg is where the DVT occurred, any signs of trouble are concerning. I worry because I can definitely see swelling in the leg at the end of my work shift. So the thought of an edema had me ready to head to the ER!
On the writing front, nothing is moving, so don't even expect a short story from me for a while. Part of the problem is that I'm dissatisfied with how I've ended everything I've written.

Ten hours days....

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Ouch! I hurt a bit and with something on the order of a forty minute drive to and from that makes my work day that much closer to twelve hours... But I should pick up at least ten hours of overtime when I work a full week...

The work isn't too tough, yet I'm not standing in one place either... Though I'm on my feet at a slow walk, except for drive time.

Still I have to say I'm glad to be working. Otherwise I'm sure I'd not have enough money to cover my expenses... Like car insurance and eating!

I haven't written at all since mid March this year. 😞 I'm somewhat at the same place I am with It's a Helluva Job, basically I don't know how to wrap the story up... And I'll never be satisfied with an ending that's less than excellent.

Well I guess I've yammered on for long enough.

I can't say it better...

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I posted a link to a video so of course you won't see it unless you follow my blog. For all those who fell in battle, let us not forget what they sacrificed to give us freedom.
Liberty only exists because brave men and women were willing to die to obtain it.
Let us be as brave in keeping liberty for our posterity.

The ones left behind

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