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Ouch! I hurt a bit and with something on the order of a forty minute drive to and from that makes my work day that much closer to twelve hours... But I should pick up at least ten hours of overtime when I work a full week...
The work isn't too tough, yet I'm not standing in one place either... Though I'm on my feet at a slow walk, except for drive time.
Still I have to say I'm glad to be working. Otherwise I'm sure I'd not have enough money to cover my expenses... Like car insurance and eating!
I haven't written at all since mid March this year. 😞 I'm somewhat at the same place I am with It's a Helluva Job, basically I don't know how to wrap the story up... And I'll never be satisfied with an ending that's less than excellent.
Well I guess I've yammered on for long enough.
I posted a link to a video so of course you won't see it unless you follow my blog. For all those who fell in battle, let us not forget what they sacrificed to give us freedom.
Liberty only exists because brave men and women were willing to die to obtain it.
Let us be as brave in keeping liberty for our posterity.
One area in my life where I'm an absolute failure is anything requiring coordination.... Of course that pretty much means I'm an absolute failure. Would that I believed that I wouldn't fail at suicide.
The world needs fewer failures.
Or not to serve, alcohol, that is. So I'm working a seasonal job that if I get an alcohol service permit (Oregon license...) I will get a significant boost in pay.
I've taken the time to go through the course for permittees (more money out of my pocket) and am satisfied that it was info that I should know... So paid the fee for the course, which sent me back to OLCC site to take the test from the state of Oregon (and of course pay their fee too) but I don't know what I'm not seeing there, because I can't see a portal (though the web site says I can take the test online) to take the test.....
So at this point I'm wondering, given the aggravation and additional responsibility entailed in serving alcohol, do I just tell my prospective employer that I'd rather wash dishes? I know that is a choice I have to make for myself...
I'm just venting a bit.
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