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Allan Joyal: Blog


Humm. I guess people do like my Swarm Cycle stories

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I've noticed that Living a CAP Based Present has been creeping up in its score. I checked today and its risen to be #6 on my list with 4 other Swarm cycle stories above it as well as my one MORFs story Loving My Bunny Girl.

I'll admit that I do probably put the most mental agony into my Swarm Cycle stories out of the ones I post here. Well, if I do add to my MORFs tales those will also have a lot of mental anguish, but I'm very ambivalent about doing that. I had an argument with a couple other authors from that universe and ended up feeling more than a bit unwelcome. And since I have so many other ideas.....

I will say that I might at some point take a break from Living just to work on something else. I've added about 50K words in the last 2+ months and my muse keeps whispering that I'm neglecting all the other stories vying for attention in my imagination.

But I don't want to leave the story unfinished, so who knows.

The joy is back... for now.

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I never want to claim that I'm bi-polar or whatever they are calling it now, but I long ago learned that my writing seems to cycle. I'll have a few good months, and then many poor ones before starting to write again. I don't want to jinx myself, but with just another 1000 words written I'll have my best February writing since i started keeping track of my monthly writing progress. It won't be too high, only at about 1000 words per day, but it will be a huge improvement over the last 4 months of 2016 where I averaged less than 250 words per day over 4 months.

However, never believe that I didn't think about stories or get regular visits from the insane and twisted spirit I pretend is my muse. I have no idea where the spirit goes, but I get regular visits with some strange ideas.

And I also have my next visit to Ishtar starting to come together in my mind. It might not come right away, I really want to finish 2 other Swarm cycle tales I've been working on as they should help introduce characters to the Borneo sector who were there before the end of Crisis. In fact one made a rather prominent appearance in Crisis and finishing that tale will help explain some of the events that shall be befalling Ishtar and the whole Borneo sector.

More for everyone

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I've been writing more so I thought I'd post a chapter, but found chapter 44 is perhaps the shortest chapter I've written in years. So I included 45, one of the longer chapters I've written.

Go figure that I'd have a long one after a short one. :P

Not enough chapters posted

Posted at

I know, I know, you want more Living. or at least I hope you do.

I have written more in January than I managed in the last 4 months of 2016. (I'm over 15,000 words for January, September thru December I wrote 11,368 words.)

Unfortunately that's actually a very low writing speed. For me a good month is 70K words or more, but I haven't managed that in a year. Hopefully I'll start writing faster.

I do have chapters almost ready to post, so more of Living will be showing up. I can't promise more than that. i have several non-erotic stories clamouring for attention and those go straight to Amazon when completed/edited.



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