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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Allan Joyal: Blog


and we have progress. :)

Posted at

I just saw a sketch of the cover. This was a black and white proof and it was amazing. I am very happy with how it turned out. The editing process is well along and I can now promise that Seafaring on Jord will come out sometime in December.

A Living Dungeon's Madness is also getting close. I broke the 88,000 word mark today and really just have a few remaining scenes, although as this is the climax they might take some time to write out, but my progress the last few days has been solid. Hopefully we are looking no later than early January, although I might just wait that long so I don't flood the market with 2 new books right on top of each other.

A question

Posted at

I've said I've cut back quite a bit on writing Swarm Cycle stories. This is very true. While they are fun to write, I am heading more to writing for sale and the stories I output in the Swarm cycle universe are ineligible by Amazon rules for publication via their website.

That said, I know people enjoy my tales, so since I"m trying to write more I'm considering posting again, but it most likely would be 1 chapter every 10-14 days, as I'd be concentrating on other stories and only writing a chapter when I have time.

Are people interested in that at this time?

I'm writing again, but mostly for Amazon.

Posted at

I haven't posted much in the past year, partly because I seemed to run into a period where I just wasn't writing. I think I wrote less than 30K words between December of 2017 and October of this year. My muse just wasn't driving me to write.

However things do change. I finished Seafaring on Jord finally, and have sent it off to my editors. I even have someone working on the cover art.

The sequel to A Living Dungeon is at about 63K words now. I'm still working through the final sequences of events. I want to make sure it spins out the way I want, but I do have plans on his to bring it to a close I hope fans of the first book will enjoy.

After that I expect to start 1 or 2 new series. I have several ideas that I've at least started, but I'm not sure which one will get attention next.

Heir to Silence does have a sequel planned, but I haven't seen a huge hue and cry from my readers to complete that tale. I do plan on finishing it, but I'm not sure when my muse will drive me to write.

I haven't forgotten my fans here, especially of my Swarm cycle stories. For quite a while I've had a couple of well-begun projects that just languished. I'll probably try to find time to write 1-2 chapters a week on one. If it looks like that's going to continue, I may post that one starting sometime in late December or January.

Please don't manipulate my book sales on Kindle

Posted at

I find that I'm livid at someone, but unfortunately I have no evidence as to who caused the problem. Earlier today I received an e-mail from Amazon that they were suspending my account and pulling my books because of "illegitimate activity regarding reading or borrowing my books in an attempt to manipulate the service."
They have asked me to check on any marketing services I might have used, which is none.
However, I guess it is possible that someone has decided to see if they can manipulate my books. If you have, please stop. You are hurting me

I've joined the dark side

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I have done a bad thing and created a Patreon account.

For those interested in such evil things. Mine can be found at:



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