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AJ Martin: Blog


Giving it another try.

Posted at

It's been a while since I posted anything but as always I've got plenty of stories twirling through that soggy gray matter of mine and as I do enjoy telling tales, another try seemed natural.

I know that I have incomplete stories out there and I'll attend to them in due time. For now, I've got a short one that started to roll out recently when I slppped my keyboard into my lap and put a few sentences down.

"My Time" hopefully will peak your interest and as always, I have a few surprises that should be interesting for the reader. I completed and posted Chapter 1 a few minutes ago. I'm sure some will find my attention to spelling and gramar lacking, but as I constantly review my wrting, That will improve with time. Although, I'm at a loss right now as my spell-checker isn't working so don't get too harsh about that.

Anyway, I hope you all will enjoy this first piece and I';ll get Chapter 2 out soon.


So The Damn Cretins Are Still Here!

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It's been a while since I posted anything and the first Blog entry I checked was about the same CRETINS I complained about long ago.

I think that there should be a requirement when placing a low vote, perhaps 3 or lower, the respondent must make a justifying comment or the vote would not be counted.

In all honesty, I got so upset at low votes I stopped posting for over two years. I don't understand the cretins who just are purposefully hurtful. I personally wish they would either put up and justify their scoring or shut up, wither and a have horrible death.

Morgan's Interesting Milestones

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I don't know if other authors keep track of things like ratings, readership and the length of their stories, but Morgan will reaching some interesting milestones in the next few days.

First off, my guess is Morgan will surpass 50K downloads in a couple of days. Claire, Book 1 is my only other story to have done so. Hence, I have to say, I've appreciated readers' response to the story.

Then, the story itself is second place of my stories regarding its size. It will soon pass the hundred-thousand word threshold.

Lastly since the release of the first few chapters the scoring has risen a full percentage point. I find that point very gratifying. Even 'Percy One Note' has graciously dropped his signature 'One Vote' upon Morgan.

Anyway, if you haven't read Morgan, you might find a new twist on an old theme and appreciate my efforts. I do hope so.

If you're one of Morgan's many readers, My Thanks. Just remember most authors, me included, appreciate feedback. It helps.


Morgan - Chapter 36 - Up and Ready To Read

Posted at

I released chapter 36 for Morgan and it's up and ready to read.

I've added another twist to Blair's bundle of tricks. Hope you find this one interesting.


Chuckle for the Day

Posted at

I, like I assume other authors here do, get comments. I've referred at times, what we speak and write, as The Queen's English.

Today I got a comment from a reader referencing that I was wrong. It's The King's English. He stated, being older, he was in school before the Queen's Coronation, therefore he must have learned not the Queen's, but the King's English.

I thought, my response might give readers a chuckle. It did give me one.


Hi there,

I guess you learned the King's English as did I, so to speak. But what of children of today. Aren't they learning the Queen's English? Or was it that she inherited it from her father which keeps it in his Realm. So perhaps you are right.

Whomever is the keeper of the language I just wish they'd made it simpler.

Although, Google gives a different spin on things. Doing a selective search I found, what since 1553 or thereabouts, it, the language, has been referred to as The King's English.

Although, in 1908, the Fowler Brothers took up the Torch with their book titled just that. So it might have become their language, but maybe not as their book was called The King's English.

But it might be also noted, that all languages do evolve. So it's not the King's English we all speak, as the book the Fowler's wrote is considered obsolete.

Hence, perhaps, it is the Queen's English after all.




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