I remember my mother telling me that Grandma Coit (no NOT Coitus!) had once said that the Bible was the dirtiest book she had ever read. At the time, when I was in high school, I took that to mean that my maternal grandmother had been conservative in her choice of literature. But later, as I studied the Good Book professionally, I came to realize my Grandma must have known her Bible well!
Eve raises Cain, as he lowers her to the leaves; not so original sex, but first time for the sin of incest! This one is just for fun, it's soul purpose is to fuck with your brain, but gonads are welcome to come along too
Holy Family Secrets: The most theological of sins! Spiritual insemination transubstantiates into a physical incestuous event. The Spirit was sent by the Father to place His Son inside her - his son slipped his penis inside her to make her pregnant!
"I'm old enough to be your mother." I said to the kid who had just offered to buy me a drink. Here was a hunk, a double of my Danny, trying to put the moves on me and I was going to be a MILF on wheels.
In the last year of graduate school I made a pilgrimage to my boyhood town. This is about the Community Building and my run of the place; I went where I pleased as a boy, if not always when I pleased. Such as the time I was sent to the Principal's office, but at least I could claim to have been there!