This story follows the life and times of David Winters. Follow him as he meets and falls in love with Dee. Cry with him as she betrays him. Pat him on the back as he takes revenge. Watch him as he struggles to regain his life back. Rejoice with him as he meets Joyce. Feel for him when she too betrays him. The final closure could bring tears.
This takes place on the planet Surnova during the end of their dinosaur period. It is the story of one tribes attempts to survive in this time period. Follow them as they are almost destroyed, and rebuilt the tribe, only to see it almost destroyed again.
I spotted my wife kiss her boss at their party house on the parade route. When she let my phone call go to voice mail, I knew our marriage is in trouble. Sometimes the good guy does win in a divorce case.
I am a 64 year old man who thinks that my wife of 40 years is cheating on me, but I am not sure. Did she or didn't she cheat on me, that is the question, and I need to find the answer.