A D-Hopping Universe Story
Doug Smith has presented his Ambassadorial Credentials to the UN. Now his associates, four full-time lovers, two part-time lovers, and Doug have to begin his Multiverse Mission - changing Earth's social structures and convincing Earth's people that they need to join the Multiverse.
A D-Hopping Universe Story
Doug and his pregnant wives have returned to the ranch from their honeymoon cruise. A slip of the tongue has the media in a feeding frenzy and the sanctimonious hate groups want the government to kick them off of Earth. Those are just a few of the minor problems Doug will have to deal with in this portion of the story.
A D-Hopping Universe Story
I wrote this so my kids would know a bit about my ancestry, but you may like it also. I decided the best starting point was what my life was like on Everett, before I became a Dimensional Hopper.
The Media declared me a person of Public Interest. Now they will regret delving into my private life and making my personal information Public. Part 1 of a 2 part revenge story (perhaps 3 parts if things progress nicely)
In Part 1 of the story, Carl won the 1.4 billion dollar lottery and collected his winnings. During Part 1, Carl experienced media outlets invading his privacy and publishing the details of his private life. An angry Carl considered how he can attain revenge. Part 2 continues the story of Carl's life and his efforts to combat the media outlets that invade and publish the details of an average person's personal life. Is he successful?
Three families, consisting of three men and nine women, set out to change the world. They create a secret organization that takes on the world’s governments, media outlets, and a few others. This story is the result of merging four stories that I wrote several years ago. I also changed a few things and added new material; which is explained in the Introduction. Squick Alert: Read the Introduction.
A Time Scope Story (4) Jeb and his wives completed the first meeting of the world’s delegates. The delegates said they will recommend a second meeting to their governments to negotiate an Alliance Agreement with the Empire. Between meetings, they are expanding their business, JAMP Enterprises, LLC. Their main problem is to prevent runaway expansion. Mary tells them they will be adding a new wife to their relationship. Conflict and Intergalactic drama is in their future. The final part of the Time Scope 4 series.
A Time Scope Story (1) I learned of my Great Uncle from the letter I received informing me that I had been named one of his beneficiaries. He had a secret that he used to acquire a massive fortune. I was to inherit his secret and a share of his estate. However, my Great Uncle had hidden agenda items and he was controlling them via his Last Will and Testament. As his agenda unfolded, a confrontation started to unfold. Then I met his Granddaughter Alicia who was even more woman than my fantasy girlfriend Belinda.
A Time Scope Story (2) Jeb and Alicia met in Chicago. It was a whirlwind romance that started one morning and ended the same day with them deciding to get married. Two days later, they and the Time Scope Jeb had inherited returned to Seattle. They very quickly came to realize that the Time Scope was far more than what Granddad had explained in his letter. They quickly became the center of an intergalactic drama, which reshaped their lives and gave them an unexpected future.
A Time Scope Story (3) Jeb Connors and his ladies are now in the middle of an intergalactic drama. The Altairian spacecraft's Captain invoked Directive 1495. Now Jeb and his ladies, four everyday citizens of the US, have been declared the Altairian's Facilitators. They must chair a meeting to negotiate an agreement between Earth's governments and the Empire, which the Altairians represent. Without an agreement, Earth's people will be bombarded back to their caveman days.