I was running along, my feet bare and the tree branches wiping my face. I was being chased but I couldn't remember by whom. I fell but before I could get up, hands grabbed me and pulled me upright. I was eleven again, wearing that silly squaw outfit my mother had made for me but now it was a little too small for my growing body.
It must be in the make up of most men to enjoy receiving a tit fuck from a well-endowed girl, I know I do. I've had many mails about this concerning my first wife for she did have the perfect tits for it. She also loved giving tit fucks too as I have also said on many occasions before.
"So what do you want me to do?" she asked with a big smile, "fuck all your friend, male and female, or perhaps do something disgusting with my stud horses, oh I know how about me and Lucy get in on with you."
I had known her all my life, for we were the same age and went to the same school. She lived just down the road and we would constantly play together throughout the long hot summer months.
I don't know if you know anything about wizards or not, Harry Potter has a lot to answer for, tales of his broomsticks and wands and all the other misinformation
She walked into the firelight and just stood there staring down at him, she look magnificent. She had purchased new boots and jeans in town and that was all she was wearing, her top having been discarded; the effect was electrifying.
My first wife confessed to being harried by a number of guys, although she was reluctant to go into too many details. What I do know was these incidents scared her early sex life and it took many years before she became comfortable with her own body, especial with her large 'D' cup tits.