Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 510: Richest Man In Town

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 510: Richest Man In Town - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

There was a commotion, and then I had a dog nudging my hand to have me pet him. I was reaching down to scratch him behind the ears when someone yelled out to watch it, that was a police K-9 unit, and he would bite me. I needed to stay where I was and not move.

Sorry. Time to remind you who I am.

Not only did I pet the dog, but I also gave the dog a piece of the steak I got with my eggs.

At about that time, two other police dogs ignored their handlers and came rushing over to have me pet them. Each got a treat of a piece of my steak. I had all three laying down beside my chair. They were happy and content. That brought in all the cops in the area to see what was going on. Three police dogs don’t rush over to be beside anyone unless they are there to detain that person, and even then, that usually is only one.

“Buy you all a cup of coffee? It seems that the K-9s wanted to come over to say hi. Sorry that it caused a bit of a stir,” I told the cops as I continued to eat my breakfast.

No matter what the handlers tried, the dogs didn’t obey them. Even getting close to me caused all three to sit up and growl in warning. When I reached down to pet one of them, they licked my hand. The police chief and the watch commander came over to the table to know what I had done to their dogs.

I shrugged and said, “I didn’t do anything. Ask the waitress or anyone here. I was eating breakfast with my friend, his mother, and their guests. It seems that at least two of them got my scent, so they came by to visit. The third must just sense an alpha male or something like that. Oh, before we let things get out of hand, here is my badge. I see no point in causing a scene or keeping these girls from getting to school on time.”

I handed them the badge case with my Treasury badge and the one that identifies me as someone who can take custody of any child for any reason and transport them to one of my foster care complexes.

The police were chatting and calling in my credentials when a girl rushed over and got in my lap to hug me. I recognized her father from the last time I was here. He was one of those that came pointing a gun at me at the RV park. I took his kid to take her kid to safety away from him. I put my arm around the girl and held her to me as I stood up to go over to him. The two dogs remembered him and started to move to get between us, but I told them to stay, so they stayed by my chair. The girl was chipper and happy. When I scanned her for signs of her abuse the last time I saw her, I couldn’t find any.

When I washed her before letting her get on the bus, she had signs of bruises, cuts from being whipped with something, and a lot of damage to her teeth and jaw.

“People can say many bad things about me, most of which are probably accurate. Keeping my word isn’t one of my faults. We got off on the wrong foot the first time we met. I was an ass, and you treated me with respect when I knew you could have killed as effortlessly as a kid flicks a bugger. I’ve never met somebody that moves that fast or has your skills, especially not someone with your money. The guys said the man that made a bowtie out of two crowbars was here having breakfast, so I figured it was you,” he said as he shook my hand. “I wanted to thank you for giving me the kick in the pants no one else has done for me in my life. I had to go to the family court at your place to talk to them about my kids. I never got past the third group of people asking questions before being put into a small room. They made me watch the video taken in the hospital part of the complex, the one from when they checked and interviewed my kids. I had no idea I had been doing any of that to them. Someone saw something when they watched my reaction. They took me somewhere where the people used me as a pin cushion and checked every inch of my body with every possible scanner they had. Talk to a lot of head doctors as well. I can’t remember the medical terms for what they found, only that I had something wrong in my brain that caused me to have blackouts that made me mad and do all that I did during those times. I asked around here, and it seems I’ve done this at least since I started to get hair on my balls.”

The people from the complex had him taken to a place that found a small benign tumor in the part of his brain that regulated behavior. Certain things, like alcohol and certain drugs, triggered him to go into a blind rage. It kept his brain from being able to move those memories from short-term memory to long-term memory. When he finally passed out, he lost all memory of what had happened. That is what happened when he came at me with the gun and a knife, except my paralyzing his arms and legs kept him from passing out, so he did remember.

They got the tumor removed, and he started going to therapy.

He then told me, “I have a long list of people I still need to apologize to for how that made me act and how I behaved the times the tumor wasn’t why I was a dick to them. When I went back to talk to the people at the complex about my kids, they told me that I wasn’t getting mad about things and not even remembering what happened during those times. It took months before I got to be in a room with my kids to talk to them. My son has a lot of problems and needs of his own. All the doctors I spoke to there said he was thriving there. He wouldn’t have what he needs here to learn how to cope with all his challenges. We talked, and he said that he wanted to stay there. My daughter wanted to come home now that I wasn’t the person anymore. She convinced her mom to give me another chance too. I’ve gotten a much better paying job that I enjoy.”

“I never thought I would see my little girl smile again,” a woman said, coming over to us. “I’m not science smart. I understood how they used tiny tools to break parts of her jaw and then set them back the right way before putting some fake bone in places where she was missing some. It is the part about them pulling out her broken teeth and regrowing them. Everybody knows you only get two sets of teeth. I saw the x-rays at the dentist’s office, and he said they are real teeth, not fake ones. They even made sure they came in straight. I miss my son a lot, but I visited him at your complex, and he is doing great.”

The girl piped up to add, “I think he is faking some of it to stay there. He loves the smash rooms. When he gets done with them, he always comes to find me to talk to while taking his shower, and then he gets cuddly. He has six girlfriends in the suite where we lived. Some are those that don’t like anyone touching them, but when he gets all cuddly, they like to snuggle up with him. If I were a boy with girls who wanted to sleep naked in bed with me, I wouldn’t want to come home either.”

“I never gave you any crap about when you were sleeping naked with naked boys in your bed,” her mom said.

“Yuck! I was ten, and they ran away from home. They didn’t have clean clothes, so we had to wash theirs and wait for them to dry. It wasn’t like we were having sex. I still don’t want to do that with a boy yet. I don’t care if I am big enough down there now,” she said back to her mom.

While we were talking, the K-9 handlers were trying to get their dogs to follow commands.

“Time to go,” I told the dogs after I scratched them behind the ears.

I got a lick on the hand, and then they went to their handlers.

“Join us for breakfast?” I asked the girl’s parents. “Your daughter is about to crash from all the excitement of getting to see me again. I don’t mind holding her while we eat. I have a kid who falls asleep in my arms like this. I’ve even gotten pretty good at feeding them and myself without making a mess.”

The waitress pulled over another table and chairs. The three girls were saying goodbye to Al when the entire place went silent.

“Ghost girl!” someone screamed out in terror.

I looked over to see Ellen walking over toward me. She looked mildly annoyed before people went quiet like they had seen a ghost. Now her look was going between annoyed and amused. She was a few tables away when a man popped out behind her, grabbed her, and held her off the floor. Even though Ellen tried to escape the guy, she couldn’t.

The man finally said, “Oh no, little girl. You couldn’t get away from me when you were small, and you sure aren’t now that you have more to hold onto.”

I watched Ellen’s expression go from mild panic to accepting that this guy had her, and she wasn’t going anywhere until he let her.

“Glad to see you aren’t a ghost. I got worried when no one had seen or heard anything about you since sometime last year. In the spring and summer, we always get stories about the ghost girl in the woods,” he told Ellen. “That big guy over there picked up a bunch of kids from your dad’s closed-down RV park. Your uncle closed up his restaurant and vanished around then too. Let me take a good look at you. It feels like someone has been feeding you junk food and finally putting some fat on you.”

He looked her over well before asking her what had happened. The last time he saw her, she was nine.

Ellen looked a bit sad and then said, “My father got killed by my aunt Ava because he pissed off people in his family when he wouldn’t scare people into paying whatever they owed. Dad was dying from cancer. When my aunt arrived, my uncle said there wasn’t much of my dad left in his head and body. I lived at the RV park. I hunted, fished, and found safe things to eat in the woods. The big guy there adopted me when he came to get all those kids to take to his foster care complex. All of them were being abused. It was not a well-hidden secret. David, my adopted dad, got the people there to fix everything wrong with their bodies. The people also helped them, and sometimes their parents, work through all the abuse. Dad is holding a girl whose brother is a different kid than when we drove them to the foster care complex. He has a lot of anger issues that his doctors are helping him work through. They have a great way to make him want to participate in therapy sessions and smash rooms. If the doctors think he put in a real effort that day, they let him go in for an hour to break whatever he wants.”

“I thought mom and dad were driving you to the airport so that you could be back to school tomorrow,” I told Ellen.

“My school is why I’m here. Grandma called the school to say that we had gone on an unexpected trip and I would be back tomorrow. You have to talk to them, or I can’t go back to school until you do. Your parents can’t do that. We have to have a video call with the assistant dean,” Ellen said as she started to get annoyed again.

We stepped outside, and I called the school. I told the assistant dean what was going on. I explained all about the developer screwing up and how I brought my parents so that they could get an idea of where Ellen lived before I adopted her. The place was where Ellen had lived for two years, in the woods on her own.

I don’t get why my parents telling her the same thing didn’t fly.

The girl in my arms had woken up enough to hear and see Ellen. I let her down. Both girls rushed toward the bathroom to do a show and tell about how much their bodies had changed. I told my parents, and they laughed. When I asked if they wanted to come in, they said just to hurry Ellen along. They needed to get back on the road to catch their flight.

It turned out that the girls took less time showing each other their tits and bushes than it usually takes girls to go the bathroom.

I came in to see her pull back to kiss one guy that looked about fifteen before pulling another boy into a hug. This one looked about thirteen, and Ellen was all but stripping them both and screwing them right there in the restaurant.

I cleared my throat, and Ellen didn’t respond. She blocked out the link as well. It took a few ice cubes dropped down the front of her pants and panties to cool her off.

Ellen blush?

The boy had cum in his pants. He knew that Ellen knew it also.

“Sorry,” she whispered to the boy.

“He and his brother were in the RV park for some reason. They found me one time that I had gotten so sick that I don’t remember turning on the power or going into the bathhouse. I must have told them about me being killed if anyone knew about me because they didn’t tell anyone. The older brother went to get their sister. Their parents were away on business. Both older kids had to go to school, but their brother went to a different school, already out for the summer. Not wanting to risk them getting killed for taking me to their house, they brought stuff for their little brother to take care of me in the RV park. He did everything for me for the next two weeks, including wiping my butt and washing me. Nasty storms came through that blocked the roads with trees. Even after I got better, he was there for another week before his brother and sister could get back to us. His food was long gone, but we got berries for a few days until I could set some rabbit snares. We were little kids, so two rabbits were enough to feed us for a day. I never saw them again after they left, until today,” Ellen explained. “Can he stay with us for a while?”

“I heard him talking to his brother and sister about the girl they took care of for a few weeks in the woods. I asked around, and people said she was a ghost of a little girl whose father was brutally murdered in town when she was only nine. People had seen a naked little girl running through those woods from time to time. Whenever the police came to look, there were no signs of her anywhere. Not even bloodhounds could find any scent. The kids heard some news about something going on out here, and my youngest begged them to bring him here to see if anyone had seen this girl around,” the boy’s mom explained. “My children are now homeschooled, so he doesn’t have to worry about that being a problem. He’s not Autistic or anything but has issues with people touching him. Forget about hugging him. Of course, he is at the age where girls are vile cesspits to be avoided at all costs. He was kissing your daughter back with as much enthusiasm as she was kissing him. I know it is crazy to let a stranger take your child, but the waitress explained that you have this big foster care complex. My kid is likely safer with you than me.”

I pulled Ellen off to the side and said, “I don’t think right now is a good time for you to have a guy going home with you that you just made cum in his pants and took off to the bathroom with you. Your hormones are messing with your brain and body. I know you want to thank him for taking care of you, and I get that. If I let him go with you, you will have his dick inside you before getting out of the parking lot. I’m not saying no, just not right now. I won’t be there for a while to help you think things through.”

“I know all that, daddy, and I want to do it with him,” Ellen said. “The big knife pushed out of me when I saw him. I got wet instantly. We know I’m big enough inside so that it won’t hurt me. It isn’t like he is going to get me pregnant.”

“Ellen, it isn’t about you being able to take his dick inside you. If that were all, I wouldn’t care one bit. It is more your head I’m worried about. Physically you are ready for sex, but mentally you are still in that place between a little girl and a woman ready to start breeding. You have Dee, Tee, Crimilda, Ariba, and even April at home to help keep you from doing something you’re not quite ready for yet. We can’t be sure what may be a trigger for the Angries that no one knows about. You don’t have that much school left this year, and you do need to focus on being sure you can go into sixth or seventh grade next year with everyone else. There will be plenty of time to have sex in your life, Ellen. Don’t rush it,” I told her.

“Ok, daddy,” Ellen told me. “I don’t like that you are telling me no. At least he rubbed me off in the bathroom, and I made him shoot again. That was fun.”

I got a hug before she and the boy headed back toward the bathroom. Instead of going in, they went on down the hallway a bit to talk privately. They hugged a bit and kissed a few times before returning to where his parents were waiting.

Ellen told the boy’s mom, “Daddy said it is probably not good for your son and me to visit each other right now. My body is telling me one thing, but my brain isn’t ready to do that thing. Maybe this summer, daddy will let him come out to visit.”

Ellen hugged the boy and his older brother before returning to get on the road with my parents. The three girls who ate with us left to get to school on time. I went back to finish my breakfast to find my plate was gone. The waitress said she had another getting made up since mine got cold.

Al’s mom needed to go back to their room to shower, and Al needed to talk. He and I got in the truck to head out to the RV park where we could have some privacy.

“Who was the girl out here in the storm with you last night? Is Ellen like us?” he blurted out as soon as we got in the truck.

Once we got to the RV park, I told him about Kirsten and Leigh.

“Ellen isn’t like us, but I did something to let us talk somewhat telepathically like I do with my other daughter. Something does allow her to enjoy what we get to feel when hit by lightning after our first time,” I told him. “It is different from how you are, though. The girl you probably felt isn’t like us at all. She had bad nightmares about an accident, so I needed to let her experience what happened to me when I was hit by lightning multiple times. We have a special bond.”

It seems that Al is still having a bit of an issue coping. He had gotten off the medicine that helped him block out what was attracting all the girls who wanted to screw him. After Al spent some time getting tested, Al figured out how to block what he was blasting out all over the place. Now he had the problem that girls were all over him because they liked him and not from any vibe he sent out.

“I mean, how did you deal with all the girls that wanted to have sex with you because they like you as a person and want to show you? They are sincere, and most say they want to have my baby. Even their parents say that it is ok as long as it is my baby and not another guy’s kid. I’ve gotten dozens of girls pregnant already, but the people that tested me showed me how to solve that problem. Sometimes I can’t kill my sperm no matter what I try,” Al told me.

I commiserated and told Al, “I don’t know what caused that to happen. I’ve wondered if whatever made us like this ensures we are breeding, but only with certain girls and women. There have been some women who wanted me to get them pregnant. Their timing was right, but my body wouldn’t let any sperm come from my balls no matter what I tried to do. I don’t understand any of it either.”

From there, Al had a lot of questions about what he could do, what Al didn’t tell Steve’s people that he could do, and what to do about new things he learned.

“Al, you have the ultimate birth control and the same problem I had. My best advice is that if a girl wants to have sex with you, and you want to do it with her, then go for it. Girls can be sneaky, especially when you won’t sleep with them. I won’t even claim to understand anything about girls or women. All I can say is for you not to be a dick or smug about it. Do your best to ensure the girls and women get off, even if you have to give them a little push over the edge. You don’t want to overdo it because they will be all over you all the time. Sadly, for you and me, this is also a curse. I have kids around the globe now. Women will always be drawn to us, even if we aren’t sending out anything they tune into to get us to fuck them,” I told him.

Al asked, “Why is that a curse? Isn’t that every guy’s dream? All the pussy he can fuck anytime he wants?”

“It does get old, but that is the curse. What woman or girl is willing to be my wife when she knows I won’t be able to be faithful to her? Have any girls you know asked you to be their girlfriend? I know you haven’t asked any to be your girlfriend,” I told Al.

He got it right off the bat. It did suck, but the kids all liked him a lot, even the guys whose girlfriends were having sex with Al, but not their boyfriends. Much like kids at my school, well, middle school anyway, understood that fact. We took a long walk around the RV park before I put the geothermal system on the bypass to shut everything down again. I locked the building and gate, using some energy to lightly tack-weld a tiny spot to keep them from being opened easily. I only locked up the bathhouse.

That is what Al needed to center himself again. I’m glad I was able to help him out.

After checking with his mom, who was happy to have some time away from Al, we headed to see if Mr. Thomas had gotten anything started as promised.

“Mr. Jones,” he said when I got out of the truck. “You know some people that can get things done. When I arrived, I found thirty seed trucks and forty of the biggest tractors I’d ever seen. Each had a seeder with a planter hooked up behind it. They are amazing to see running. I don’t know how they work to keep in sync, but a seed truck is waiting for them right as the hoppers run empty. Some sort of high-end tree planter machines will be here tomorrow.”

“Mr. Thomas,” a man who just walked in said. “Your wife dislikes the idea of not being able to take a vacation this year. I’ve been told to advise you that she is now in charge of your business, though I suspect you already knew. If I were in your shoes, I would let my husband take over running things if he had the required skills. She is the one that reached out to my company to mention she knew of one-hundred-thousand-plus acres that needed someone to un-clearcut. Your company will pay for the fuel, seeds, and operators. We would provide the seeders, tractors, and planters we wanted to stress test. My brother owns a company that designs tree planters for ten to twenty-foot tall trees. He is trying to perfect a fully automated system that will dig the hole, place the tree, hold it, move the dirt around it, and then tamp the soil back down. You won’t need to lease any equipment to fix your mistake.”

“Don’t let her fool you. My wife has been in charge since before I met her,” Mr. Thomas joked.

This guy got an attitude correction last night!

A stunning woman dressed in overalls that hugged her body and a short-sleeve cotton shirt walked in.

She came over to us and asked, “Is this the place that ordered a thousand tons of weed seeds? The guys think they are pulling one over on me, like asking me to bring back fifty feet of shoreline. Daddy has never had anyone call up asking us for all the seeds we separated from the grass seed and offering to pay us for the seeds. You might get some grass in there, but mostly you’re getting weeds, wildflowers, nuts, and acorns. I had to see for myself who the hell would buy a thousand tons of weed seed.”

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