My Summer Boss - Cover

My Summer Boss

Copyright© 2009 by VonArmand

Chapter 9: Oh no!

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 9: Oh no! - Tom aka 'Thomas Morrison' an 18 year old normal guy....alone and with a bitchy sister as only company and other than his part time summer job in his fathers company he has nothing else to do this summer. Find out about Him, His Boss and some other friends as you read on.........

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Romantic   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Light Bond   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   School  

It seemed, to me at least, that the longest period of time I had done anything couldn't hold a candle to how long I kissed her. Breathing hard through her nose, she closed her eyes and slowly pushed me backwards. I was relieved to see just how much care she was taking not to touch my bruises. On my back, she figured she couldn't get directly on top of me, but settled for the next best thing, maneuvering half on, half off me.

Whether by choice of for lack of oxygen she broke away, sucking in a lungful of air. This only lasted a second though, before she charged back in, this time going for my neck like I usually did to her.

She took a bit of skin between her teeth, "Touch me, Tom."

"You gotta let go of my hand first," I smiled. She didn't seem to realize she was nearly crushing my good hand in hers. She let go, her fingers cracking out of their locked position. I flexed it and let it wander down between us, lifting up her shirt a bit and playing with the edge of her shorts. She had gone well past that point of no return now, as had I.

"Uh, don't play," she groaned, breathing heavily, her face pressed against the side of mine. I flattened my hand against her smooth stomach and forced it down into her shorts. She let out a shuddering sigh as she felt my fingertips on the sensitive area below her panty line.

"Yehes, Tom," she breathed. Somehow, one of her legs pushed between mine and pressed against my crotch. My fingers had just brushed over her clit, when there was a knock at the door. Brook jumped and pulled away from me, fumbling to fix her clothes.

"Sec!" I called, picking myself up and sitting on the edge of the bed. I grabbed the shirt from the bag of clothes and put it over my crotch, hiding what was clearly a full-fledged hard-on.

"Worst timing ever," Brook muttered, collapsing into the chair next to my bed, desperately trying to calm herself down. The door opened and my parents came in, followed by a young orderly, pushing a wheelchair.

"What's that for?" I asked, stalling.

"Hospital policy buddy, we wheel you to the exit," the orderly said.

"Oh." I stood up and pulled on my shirt, grateful to find my hard-on had subsided from the fear of getting caught. I sat down in the chair and looked back at Brook. She was rubbing her eyes and taking slow even breaths.

"You coming Brook?" my dad asked. She took her hands away from her face and looked at me, knowing full well I had a smirk on my face from my father's choice of words.

She rolled her eyes at me and looked up at my dad, "Yeah. Yeah, just need a second." The orderly started rolling me towards the door and she heaved herself to her feet, following along behind.

As I was wheeled through the hall, a doctor came up to my parents, "Make sure he doesn't put any pressure on it, he should have full use of his fingers within the day or so. Have him come back in three weeks for an update. Listen, I'm really sorry about this but I'm swamped, there was a pileup on the interstate and we've been getting people all day. The nurse gave you the literature?"

"No problem," my father said quickly, blocking my mother who openly glared at the doctor. "Yes the nurse gave us the reading. It all seems pretty straight forward." I could identify with my mom; the bastard didn't even talk to me. I'm eighteen for god's sake, a goddamn adult! But I think my dad just wanted to get out of here as fast and painlessly as possible.

He apologized once more and rushed off down the hall towards a room where someone was screaming. "Prick," my mother muttered under her breath. The orderly snorted and continued pushing me down the hall, my parents and Brook following behind. As we neared the exit, my dad took off to bring the car around. The orderly dropped me off right outside of the door and returned inside with the wheelchair.

Sighing, I stretched my back and grimaced at the pops that accompanied the movement. Unfortunately, I shouldn't have done that outside, because the blood rushed to my head and I wobbled a little. My mom and Brook both rushed to make sure I didn't fall, which I found amusing because this happened to just about everyone anyway. But what I found more amusing was that Brook beat my mother to it, taking my arm and steadying me. The look my mom gave her was a mixed one, part annoyance at being denied her motherly comfort, and part pride that I had found someone who cared so much. Or, that's how I interpreted the look.

After a few minutes my dad pulled up in my mom's car, getting out and opening the rear passenger door. "I'll see you at home sunshine," my dad said, kissing my mom's cheek, before heading back to the parking garage for his own car. Brook and I climbed in the back and my mom got behind the wheel.

It was silent until we got onto the highway. "Kelly and Dan we're really worried when they found out what happened," my mom said.

I snorted quietly, "I bet she was." Only Brook heard that and laughed.

"Be nice Tommy," she whispered, her lips close to my ear, "she just wanted to sleep with you." Yes, I had told her. "Can you fault a girl for that?"

I smiled, "When that girl is my sister, yes." I whispered back, kissing her cheek.


"But of course I can't fault any other girl for that."

"That had better just mean me and not any other random girl," she said menacingly. "Especially a certain big breasted chick you met at the beach."

"Is that jealousy I detect, Ms. Landry?" I teased.

"N-no! What," she took a deep breath, "what do I have to be jealous about?"

I chuckled delightedly; I loved teasing them like this. "That she's bigger than you."

"I that a short joke?"

"Yes and no." She bristled for a second, before she realized I was trying to get just such a reaction.

"Ooo, Thomas Morrison, I know what you're doing!" she declared, smacking at my arm.

Laughing, I tried to fend her off, but with one hand that was a little difficult, "No fair! I can't defend myself!"

"Good! Maybe I'll win for once." She was enjoying herself immensely, holding my good hand while doing whatever she pleased with her free one. There had been a rather disastrous situation a week or so ago, where she had learned just how ticklish I could be, and she was abusing that knowledge with a passion now.

"No! Brook, come on! Quit it!" I cried, struggling to get out of her reach but hampered by my seat belt.

"Never! I might as well get in all my revenge now, while you're weak."

"Fiendish little girl!"

She giggled evilly, "Mm, you know it." She stopped just before I pissed myself and kissed me hard, leaning back against the car door and regarding me with an amused look on her face. "I'm gonna love this."

I shook my head with an appalled expression, "What am I gonna do with you, little troublemaker?"

She twirled her hair around a finger, looking up at the roof of the car in thought. After a moment, she bit her lip like she did when she was excited and leaned back towards me. "You'll just have to ... discipline me," she breathed into my ear. My heartbeat increased tenfold just then and my eyes met hers.

"M-maybe I will," I stammered, slightly taken aback.

She leaned back and smiled at me, "Good." The rest of the car ride was spent in relative silence. But after a time Brook stopped watching me, instead leaning against my side and closing her eyes.

By the time we got home, whatever they had given me had worn off, leaving me in an annoying, aching pain. Brook had also fallen asleep against my side, which left me sore from trying not to disturb her. She stumbled along after me as we headed into the house.

"Mom you made it sound like he was dying. He's fine!" Kelly said with a disdainful look at Brook, as she followed me in. She and Dan were sitting on the barstools at the counter, apparently waiting for our return. My brother was trying to keep up a brave face but I could tell he had been worried.

"Oh hush," my mom responded. She never was very good in dealing with how my sister and I treated each other, that duty usually fell to my father. She snorted and hopped off the stool, giving me and my cast a strange look before heading upstairs to her room.

"Mom, did the doctor say if this was waterproof?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance as I reminded her of the doctor, "Yeah, he said its fine for showers and stuff but don't go swimming with it."

"Good, cuz I feel disgusting." I trudged upstairs with Brook in tow and pulled out my pajamas from the dresser, which constituted a pair of satin house pants and a very small, thin t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers.

Brook sat in the chair behind my desk, "Are you, um ... are you gonna want some help." She asked.

I grinned, "You know damn well I would love your... 'help', but I think you need a break. Have you seen yourself?"

Her eyes widened, "No. Why?"

"There's a mirror in the bathroom there," I said, pointing to the bathroom across the hall. Fingers probing her face for some reason, she rushed to the bathroom. I chuckled, heading back downstairs to the 'kids' shower. The shower was a mixed blessing, I felt clean again and more awake, but when the water hit my sides full on, it stung like a bitch. I tried making a fist with my left hand, and it shocked me just how hard I had to try to even close my fingers halfway.

"This will suck," I muttered to myself. After a few more minutes, I stepped out, gingerly drying myself off and getting dressed. I brought my stuff back upstairs to my room, dumping it in the laundry basket. It was then that I realized I hadn't seen Brook. She wasn't upstairs and she wasn't on the middle floor so she was either outside or in the basement.

I found her in the basement, sprawled on the futon in the media room, her eyes closed. Her legs were spread and her shirt had hiked up a bit, showing off her flat stomach and delicate navel. The TV was tuned to comedy central but the sound was down. I stood in the middle of the room and watched the TV for a second, wondering what I should do.

"You smell good." I actually jumped a little bit, even though her voice was barely above a whisper. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled sleepily up at me.

"Do I now?" She closed her eyes and nodded, putting her arms out expectantly. It took me a moment to figure out what she wanted; I couldn't pick her up so that meant I had to go to her. Well, I had thought I was more awake, guess not. I sat down next to her and entered her arms. But she surprised me this time, instead of pulling herself on top of me or something like that, she pulled me in to her. One arm remained around my neck and the hand of the other held the back of my head, pushing my face into her bust. I straightened myself out and sighed, finding this particular position extremely comfortable.

She must have noticed. "You like this Tom?" she asked, running her hand through my hair.


"Good," She snickered, pushing my face harder into her breasts.

"Mmff, c-can't ... breathe," I cried into her soft, giving mounds.

She let me loose with a giggle, stroking my head.

I was out minutes later.

I woke up on my face, alone. "Damn it," I groaned, rolling over onto my side. "Fuck!" I shot onto my back, pain lancing through my side. The room was dark, but the digital clock on the VCR glowed into the dark. "One? Good god!" I got up and staggered upstairs. Everyone was gone, even Dan.

"This blows," I muttered, getting myself some breakfast. I appreciated alone time like everyone else, but this, this was just cruel. I couldn't do much, I couldn't leave the house, so I ended up vegetating in front of the TV. I suppose I was lucky I woke up so late in that I didn't have to wait very long for people to start getting home. My dad walked in the door around three thirty, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Brook squeak past my father and rush over to me. She was just about to toss herself on me like she normally would have, but stopped short, instead gently lowering herself down next to me.

"How's my baby?" she asked in a teasing voice.


"Aww. Poor Tommy," she snickered. "Would you like me to ... entertain, you?"

I stuck out my bottom lip and nodded. Trying to hold back a face splitting smile, she leaned over and pressed her lips against mine. I put my arms around her and pulled her tight against me. The bruises on my chest were just for show now, surprisingly they didn't hurt much anymore.

"I missed you," I said, kissing her forehead.

"Aw, you're so sweet. I missed you too. It's different at work without you." She paused, a little smile revealing her bright teeth, "Eve could barely function, you should have seen her."


She frowned all of a sudden, as if disheartened by something.


"She wants to see you today, if you're up to it. And she asked to see you alone." Part of me immediately felt bad for Brook, but part of me was also thrilled at the chance to be alone with Eve.

"I can't drive though. How am I supposed to get there?" I asked. As if to answer that question a horn sounded twice outside, in the driveway if I wasn't mistaken.

"She's picking us up."

"Is that Eveline's car?" my dad called from the door, sounding confused.

"She and I are taking him out to dinner," Brook called back, standing up and holding out her hand for me to take. I took it and allowed her to help me up, then followed her to the door.

"Try to be careful," my dad cautioned as we walked past him and outside.

Once out of earshot of the house and Eve, I asked, "Are we really going to dinner?"

Brook looked back at me with a smile, but I could see it in her eyes that she was disappointed. "Well, no. And we have to go to my house first so Eve can drop me off."

"Poor Brook."

"You're damn right, poor Brook."

"I'll make it up to you."

"You both will," she replied wickedly, getting into the passenger seat. I got in the back and leaned between the two.

"Ballsy Eveline, very ballsy."

"I know! I know, I'm all like ... shaking," she grinned, very pleased with herself. She backed out of the driveway and headed for Brook's. I loved riding in Eve's car, it was pure luxury inside.

"A guy could get used to this," I said, leaning back and putting my hands behind my head in comfort.

"What, getting chauffeured around in a beamer by two beautiful ladies?" Brook asked, smiling back at me, then at Eve who returned it with an impish grin of her own.

"You forgot sexy, but yes."

"Us or the car?" Eve asked, finding my eyes in the rearview mirror.


They giggled. "Typical guy," one of them said.

"You know it," I sighed, closing my eyes. The next thing I knew we were pulling up in front of Brook's house. I scrambled out of the car after her.

"Are you gonna come in to work this week?" she asked quickly.

"Well if my fingers start to work," I held up my braced hand and tried to make a fist again, almost able to do it but not quite, "I should be in later this week."

"What are you going to do with yourself without us?" I opened my mouth to say something witty, but she cut me off. "Don't answer that. I don't want to know."

"You sure?" I smirked.

"Uhg, yes! Just give me a kiss and go have fun with Eve," she said, a flat edge to her voice.

"Oh you sound so enthusiastic." I grinned, as she hugged me and looked up expectantly. I leaned down and kissed her, my hands creeping down her back.

"No, Tom," she sighed. "I can't handle that right now."

I laughed and kissed her again, "Fine, I'll see you soon I guess."

"Maybe I'll stop by."

"That would be awesome." She tossed a grin over her shoulder as she headed for the front door. I watched her disappear inside before turning back to Eve's car. This time I got into the passenger seat.

"All mine, at last," she purred, eyeing me with a strange look as I buckled myself in.

"Yup," I said happily, not really noticing the change. "So now whammff..." She cut me off mid-sentance by seizing my head and crushing my lips under hers. An eternity later she broke away like nothing had happened, while I collapsed against the door, breathless.

She flashed me a smile, "I missed you." She turned on the car and headed for her apartment.

Still trying to refill my lungs I said, "Yeah ... yeah, I m-missed you too." Her smile turned into a grin at my reaction. I finally got my head together after a few embarrassing moments. "It's only been what, two days?"

"Agonizing, lonely, boring days."

"You two are so weird."

"Oh and don't try to tell me that you've just been having the time of your life." She responded a little more bitterly that she intended, probably put off that I wasn't sharing her enthusiasm.

Smiling apologetically, I held up my damaged hand. She took one look at it and groaned, smacking her forehead against the steering wheel. "I'm sorry. This has just been a little hard on me."

"Understandable," I said diplomatically, desperately trying not to smile. We pulled into her parking lot and got out, looking at each other over the roof of the car.

"So you missed me that much did you?" I asked, finding it quite cute.

She nodded slowly, her cheeks turning a delicate pink.


"Shut up and come with me," she smiled, walking around the backend of the car and taking my good hand.

"Yes milady," I laughed, as she led me inside and upstairs to her door. Inside the apartment it was pleasantly cool, unlike the oppressive summer heat outside.

"God, it's so nice in here," I sighed, kicking off my shoes and flopping face down on the couch.

"I know right." After a few long moments, she sat down next to me on the couch and started rubbing my shoulders. "Why so tense?"

"Dunno, it's stupid."


I sighed, "I guess it's because you and I haven't been alone in like forever. I'm just used to dealing with the two of you." I craned my neck and looked back at her, "And I guess ... I don't know what to do."

"Oh my god," she said, putting a hand to her mouth, my stomach dropped, "that's so cute!"

"Oh brother. Look don't start with that alright Eve."

"But Tom," she whined, shaking me by the shoulders, "don't you think it's just so adorable." She was teasing me by this point.

"No. It's embarrassing is what it is."

"Soo," she lay on top of me, wrapping her arms around my neck, "you don't know what to do with me?" she asked in a cute little voice.

"No," I mumbled in a defeated tone. "Because I got this now. And it's not like I can do much with it." I held up my left arm and wiggled my fingers at her.

She giggled, kissing the back of my head, "Well I may have a solution to this conundrum."

"Oh you do?" I asked, rolling over underneath her.

She bit her lip excitedly and perched herself over my hips, leaning down to whisper close to my face and stare deep into my eyes. "Yeah baby. You can just lay back and let me take care of everything." My jaw dropped so hard it cracked. "Yeah, you didn't think I'd make you do anything a few days out of the hospital would you?"

I couldn't even answer her simple, obvious question. Fortunately I didn't have to. She seemed to remember something important and bit her lip again, leaning back to give me a strange little look.

"Speaking of which, I just remembered something I have." Despite her excitement, I could tell she was nervous about something.

"What?" I asked, amping up the enthusiasm to help her feel better about whatever it was she was up to.

"Hold on a sec, I'll go get it." She gave me a quick kiss before hopping off of me, "Don't move."

"Kay," I smiled as she hurried off to her room. To be honest I was thrilled with whatever surprise she had in store for me and I was even more thrilled with the fact that I didn't have to take control of the situation, that I could let her take charge for the time being.

"I can't believe I still have this," I heard her say, walking back over to the couch. She shuffled into my field of view, holding something behind her back. I could hear the crinkling of plastic as she shifted nervously. I couldn't help myself, I was curious, so I sat up and leaned forward.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked, leaning to either side in the hopes I could see what she was hiding. She was blushing hard at this point and she looked away as she brought what she was holding into the open.

It was a simple plastic wrapped package at first glance. It reminded me of what you bought at like an Iparty, a plastic wrapped costume with a picture of what you should look like on the front. But this was not purchased at an Iparty, no this was bought at a much less innocent establishment. The picture on the front was one of a buxom woman in a very, very small nurse's outfit. I must have done a triple take between her face and the picture.

"Eveline, you continue to surprise me." She blushed just a little bit deeper and made sure to avoid eye contact. I took the package from her to examine it closer. She fidgeted uncontrollably as I turned it over in my hands.

"When did you get this?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, "Um, I don't know, maybe ah, a year or so ago."

I raised an eyebrow, "And you kept it?"

"Y-yes." I smiled sympathetically and put it down next to me, reaching out with my good hand and pulling her into my lap. I took the package and placed it in her lap, putting my arms around her and peering over her shoulder.

"Were you gonna put this on for me?" I asked softly, nuzzling her neck.

"If you wanted me to," she murmured so quietly I barely heard her.

I hugged her, "Will you?"

"Of course." She seemed to perk up a bit and made to stand up. I held her down though, my arms circling her lower than before.

"You going to be my nurse, boss lady?" I asked her in a playful voice, trying to relax her as best I could, kissing her lightly behind the ear.

"Yeah," she replied, picking her head up.

"You gonna take care of me?"


"Extra special care?"

She giggled girlishly, twisting around in my grip and closing her arms around my head to kiss me hard.

"Yes, now lemme go so I can put it on," she grinned. I released her and she shot up, scampering off to her room once more.

"Yup, I'm good," I said to myself, basking in the knowledge that I could still cheer her up and get her excited about something. Figuring she would be awhile, I stood up and wandered into the kitchen fishing for a quick snack. But once again she surprised me with how quickly she changed.

"You're gonna eat me out of house and home one of these days Mr. Morrison. And shouldn't you be in bed?" I turned around and choked on the cracker I was eating. She was stunning! The costume, or whatever you wanted to call it, fit her like a glove, accentuating her every curve. It didn't have sleeves, the fabric stopped just after her shoulder. From there if fell into a plunging neckline, which made even Eve's small breasts look much more pronounced and full. The outfit had four oversized red buttons, the top two undone. The uniform clung to her waist, showing off just how trim she was as well as the gentle swell of her hips. At the bottom, the fabric seemed just enough to cover her goods. And she could forget sitting down, one good sneeze would show everything she had. It was white of course, and it had little red crosses over where her nipples should be. Her dirty blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. And to top it all off, a little white nurse's cap perched atop her head, adding just a little extra cute to this sexy ensemble.

I was rendered speechless for a few moments at least, my mouth working to say something. Her cheeks turned a rosy pink as I stared at her, but other than that she seemed perfectly comfortable in this situation. That was just one more thing to add to my Eveline Azmano guidebook. She would be nervous to do something but once she started into it or did it once, she was good to go.

"Uhh, Eve you look ... you look..." I gaped.

"Don't hurt yourself Tommy," she teased, sauntering over and wrapping her arm around me. She kissed me and pulled away, looking herself over and spinning around. The back of the outfit was amazing. The fabric came to just below her butt cheeks, a tantalizing image.

"You like it?" she asked in a little girl's voice, playing with her hair.

"Yes! I love it!" I exclaimed, astonished that she even needed to ask.

"I don't know. You don't think it makes me look too fat do you?" She was serious, despite the little smile she had put on.

I frowned at her, taking her shoulders and pushing her ahead of me towards her room. I marched her into her bathroom and stood her in front of the mirror.

"Eve," I said slowly, "do you see any fat in this picture?"

"Well, I don't know, I just think I look kinda bloated."

Sighing, I ran my hands down her sides, demonstrating her neat hourglass figure. "Where? Because all I see is a slim, trim, beauty dressed in the sexiest outfit I've ever seen." The image of Eve in the mirror blushed hard and looked herself over one last time.

"Now, stop being silly and be my nurse," I complained.

"Yah, but..." she trailed of, turning sideways and peering at her image in the mirror again. That's when I saw what she was talking about.

"Ohhhh, okay I see what you're saying," I said as if truly enlightened by the sight. Her eyes bugged out at the thought that I was calling her fat and she turned her disbelieving gaze upon me. I stood close behind her and put my arms around her middle.

"It's not here," I said, drumming on her belly. My hands started sliding up, rising over the curve of her bust and stopping when I was covering her breasts. "It's here." I squeezed. She gasped, her face going red and her hands grabbing at mine.

"This thing really sets 'em off." I began a steady pulse of squeezing and releasing her tits, much to her embarrassed delight. She let go of my hands, instead letting them roam over her body, touching, probing all those sensitive spots. She was also beginning to breathe rather hard.

I kissed her behind the ear again, delighted to hear her actually moan. I had found a new favorite place to tease it seemed. She appeared to have a moment of clarity and she turned her head to look back into the mirror, the wide pupils of her bright blue eyes taking in everything. What she saw was me pressed into her back, towering over her, hands on her tits, leaning down to kiss the back of her neck and other key spots. That sight must have driven her right over the edge because she sank back against me, legs trembling.

"Oohhh gggodd," she moaned loudly. I looked over her shoulder, past my groping hands, to her quivering legs. If I wasn't mistaken, I saw a tiny line of something wet running down the inside of her thigh.

"Leaking again boss lady?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper in her ear.

"Ahha," she replied in a wavering voice, looking down to see for herself.

"I suppose I should fix that," I said in a world weary voice. I let go, to her immense disappointment and spun her around. I lowered myself to my knees and stuck out my tongue, running it up the inside of her leg, erasing the line of liquid and leaving a wet streak in its place. Her breathing increased sharply as I neared the hem of her uniform.

She whispered my name over and over again as my tongue neared the junction of her legs. I let my eyes flick up for the quickest of peeks and saw two things. One, she wasn't wearing any panties, which I had already suspected. And two, her eyes were closed, looking like she was going to pass out. God I loved pleasing her! Finally I came to a point where the next few inches would bring my tongue into contact with her glistening slit.

"Stop Tom!" she cried out, gently pushing my head away. "I don't want to. Not yet." Reluctantly, I pulled away and sat back on my haunches looking up at her. She leaned against the sink and took a few deep breaths.

I must have looked put out because she smiled apologetically and cupped my chin her hand, "Aw, I'm sorry baby but I want to make this last." I grinned, my mind already imagining everything that meant. I stood up but looked back down as something caught my eye.

"Did you know this came with a thermometer?" I asked, pointing down at a little pocket midway down the uniform.

"Really? Cool!" she smirked, pulling it out of the pocket and waving it at me. "So do you want to open wide or bend over, Mr. Morrison?" she asked, back in character.

"Neither," I said, stepping up close to her and putting my arms around her once more. "Put that down." She put it on the sink and looked back up at me with wide, excited eyes. "I have," I pushed my hips into her, "my own thermometer," her mouth opened as she figured out what I meant, "and I want to take your temperature."

She was stunned for a moment. "Tom," she said slowly, "did you just talk dirty to me?"

"I think so."

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