The Adventures of Erica in Wonderland - Cover

The Adventures of Erica in Wonderland

Copyright© 2009 by PandaGirl

Chapter 6

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Erica and Chris just moved out on their own, and love their new found privacy to explore their kinky sex lives. When Erica brings home a very special stray dog, everything starts to change.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Magic   Hermaphrodite   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Body Modification   Transformation  

That night Erica had the same vivid dream. She saw herself standing between someone's legs, looking down on them. She could make out the black hair, and the white skin ... It was Krystle in her dream, just like yesterday. The fuzzy pictures started to come into focus. No wait ... that's not Krystle, that's Chris! Standing between Chris's legs, with her hand on his cock. His legs, up in the air, his ass spread open. Erica could see it all so clearly now.

She slowly started to open her eyes, and her bedroom filled her vision. She felt the familiar pressure on her stomach. "Ugh," she thought to herself. "I can't believe I fell asleep wearing the damn strap-on again." She closed her eyes and softly thrust her hips against the bed. She always enjoyed the way that felt.

She tried to recall the wonderful dream. It must've been sleeping while wearing that strap-on that initiated the dream. She always enjoyed fucking Chris in that position. She quietly thrust her hips against the bed again as she opened her eyes, looking around the room.

She noticed how messy their bedroom was. A few towels randomly laid on the floor, covered in cum no doubt. Various articles of clothing were also strewn about. She also noticed her strap-on laying on the floor, half wrapped up in a towel. "God, how embarrassing," she chuckled to herself at the thought of a random person walking in on that. "Could you imagine what someone would think if they saw my strap-on on the floor?"

Suddenly it hit her.

She jumped out of bed screaming. Chris shot up looking around to see what happened. Erica looked down on her body, knowing exactly what she was going to see.

There it hung. A massive, fleshy cock sticking straight out from between her legs. A little light headed, Erica slowly reached down to touch it. Her finger made contact somewhere in the middle of the shaft, and it sent a shiver throughout her body. She started to panic. She ran to the dresser to look in the mirror.

"This can't be" she kept saying over and over. Seeing the full picture in the mirror sent her mind into a spin. She could now see the pair of testicles hanging from the base of her cock. They hung low, and looked heavy. No, wait. They felt heavy. She could feel it ... she could actually feel the fucking weight of them.

She didn't know what to make of it. From the waist down, she appeared completely male. From the waist up was a different story. She still had her full breasts, and her flat stomach. Her long black hair, and her soft red lips. They were all still in tact. But this cock ... and these balls.

She hesitantly reached down to cup them. She wasn't prepared for the feeling, or the weight. They flopped into her hands, the skin loose and soft. She was surprised to feel the backside of them completely slippery. Reaching further up the backside she felt something even more wet.

And that is the exact moment her brain shut off, and she collapsed to the floor.

About twenty minutes later she came to. Looking straight up at the ceiling, and into Chris's face.

"Well ... um ... firstly, are you alright?" Chris said.

Erica realized she was now laying on the bed. "My head hurts like crazy." She flinched a little while rubbing starting to rub the back of her head. "What the hell is going on??"

"I was hoping you could tell me. You're the one with the nine inch cock."

Erica sat up in bed, and leaned against the headboard. "It's not that big... ," she half mumbled as she got situated.

"Well, yeah it is, actually." Chris blushed a little as he showed Erica the plastic ruler in his hand. "You were out cold ... you weren't going anywhere. Although, you were only a little erect. By the looks of things, I wouldn't be surprised if this thing grew quite a bit more."

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