The Merchant of Chaos - Cover

The Merchant of Chaos

Copyright© 2008 by A Strange Geek

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - With the failure of the Overlords' gambit, Oceanus is plunged into civil war. But the Mages may yet uncover Jollis' secret, forcing him to desperate ends to preserve his mission. In the middle is Amanda, wishing only to be happy in her reunion with her lover, but unable to resist becoming involved as she struggles to redefine her role in this world. But her personal chaos is nothing compared to the chaos planned for her by Jollis. (This is the fourth story in the series)

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   NonConsensual   Fiction   DomSub   Spanking   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys  

A cool breeze swept around Amanda's nude body as she stepped into the deepening night ahead of her trainer and lover. Behind her, the quarters she shared with Sirinna stood in sharp relief against the sliver of purple twilight that clung to the edge of a velvet sky. The air made her shiver once, and her nipples rose in response. Her dark hair fluttered behind her for a moment before falling gently against her back.

Her platinum-haired lover and Trainer emerged a moment later. Her lips were curled into a small smile that was at odds with the clouded look to her eyes. Nevertheless, she placed her hand gently upon her charge's shoulder and spoke in a soft, lilting voice that still had a hint of excitement to it.

"Let's go, Amanda. It's best not to keep Master Roquan waiting."

"Yes, Mistress," replied Amanda.

Sirinna let her hand drop as Amanda continued ahead of her. Some of her smile faded, her eyes betraying disappointment. Amanda's voice had been respectful, dutiful, and proper, but nothing beyond that.

Sirinna fell into step behind her trainee. Her hand kept wanting to hold a chain that was not there. Despite the force of habit, she was proud that the Overlord had granted Amanda the privilege to go about without restraints or the chain. Roquan rarely did such a thing. He tended to be traditional in this regard, continuing to require cuffs and the chain until graduation.

All that remained was the collar. Even the escort was optional. Amanda had seemed pleased with her new status. Even the other slaves now paid her a great deal of respect. Even Marisa, the one that had pushed Amanda so hard, displayed proper deference to the young fifteen year old trainee.

Those good spirits had lasted only a quarter moon.

"It's an honor to be called to Roquan's quarters for his pleasure," Sirinna said, finding the silence uncomfortable. As they walked, magical lanterns along the path lit in sequence, winking out in their wake, a bubble of illumination traversing the sandy path along the west side of the D'ronstaq Manor.

"Of course, Mistress," Amanda said.

Sirinna's frustration rose. She shook her head once. A good slave was not supposed to...

The thought abruptly collapsed. She felt a small shiver that had nothing to do with the cool air. Thinking about what a good slave should or should not do was a disturbing thought for her anymore.

"Especially considering how busy he's been lately," Sirinna continued, struggling. "And ... so very stressed. This is just the thing for him."

Amanda's gaze hardened for a moment. Sirinna did not see it, but she did see her lover's shoulders tense. Amanda opened her mouth, but shut it without saying a word.

"You seem to enjoy your sessions with him," Sirinna said helplessly.

Amanda said nothing in reply and kept walking.

It was too much for her. Sirinna reached out a hand and grasped Amanda's shoulder. "Stop."

Amanda halted so suddenly that Sirinna nearly ran into her. She swiftly turned. "Is something the matter, Mistress?"

Sirinna looked into Amanda's eyes. Amanda blinked once and drew back slightly. Sirinna let out a slow sigh. Amanda's mouth twitched.

The moment had been fleeting but conveyed much. The old defiance had been there. Amanda had tried to cover it, but not in time, and now she knew Sirinna had seen it.

"Amanda, what's the matter?" Sirinna implored.

"Nothing, Mistress," Amanda replied, her voice less edgy but no less dutiful. "Why do you ask?"

"You're acting as if this is a chore for you."

"I'm sorry, Mistress, I'll try to improve my attitude."

"Amanda, stop it."

Amanda stared at Sirinna with dark, irresolute eyes.

Sirinna took a deep breath. "Amanda, I ... I'm sorry, but the last quarter moon has been very frustrating for me."

Amanda very nearly gave her another automatic, "proper" reply. She stopped herself when she finally looked into Sirinna's eyes for perhaps the first time in days. Her own eyes clouded in guilt. "I'm sorry."

Her head drooped. Sirinna gazed at her charge with concern and affection. She lifted a hand to Amanda's chin and gently raised Amanda's eyes to hers. "Why have you been so distant?"

Pain flickered across Amanda's gaze. "I didn't meant to make you feel bad, Mi ... I mean, Sirinna ... I just..."

She trailed off. There were no words she could use to describe what she was feeling about her erstwhile lover. They were based on a conclusion she wished she had never reached, which in turn came from knowledge that she wished she had never discovered. She didn't want to look into Sirinna's eyes anymore lest she confirm her worst fear.

But at the moment, all she could see was tenderness and compassion. And worry. It was a small measure of relief for Amanda, but did little to dispel her disturbing thoughts.

Sirinna's hand slowly dropped. "Something is bothering you and you won't tell me what it is."

Amanda bit her lip. She could see the unspoken hurt in Sirinna's eyes. She drew Sirinna into a tight embrace.

Sirinna let out a heartfelt sigh as she hugged Amanda. "Please, what is it? It can't be your training, you've been doing so well at it."

Sirinna felt Amanda tense in her arms.

Amanda drew back from the hug. She wasn't sure Sirinna would understand. That thought raised the same specter in the back of her head that had haunted her moments before.

"Please, you can tell me, Amanda. What... ?"

"I want more."

Sirinna was quiet. Amanda could see the silent struggle for understanding. Amanda's eyes teared and she shook her head, turning away. "No, never mind Just ... forget I said anything ... Let's just get to Master..."

"You want to be more than a slave?"

Even though Sirinna had managed to utter the sentence, it still did not completely parse in her own mind. She had pieced it together largely from thoughts that still seemed so out of place to be flitting through her head. Nevertheless, she plowed on. "Is that it? You want ... something more than that?"

Amanda took a moment to respond, as shocked as she was that Sirinna had managed to make the connection. Even after she had recovered, she struggled to put it into terms that sounded coherent even to her own ears.

"Sirinna, look at everything that's happened. Look at what I've been involved in. Look at the things I've done. Doesn't that mean anything to anyone?"

Amanda stumbled over the last words. She did not want to come off sounding like she was trying to brag. Her "accomplishments" were supposed to remain low-key to the world. But she had thought it would matter to Roquan. Instead, he had relegated her to her slave role once more as soon as she had been returned to the Manor by Duric.

She had thought that granting her additional privileges had been a sign of things to come. Surely he had come to realize that she could no longer be treated as an ordinary slave?

"Amanda, I don't understand everything that happened," Sirinna finally admitted, voice edged in frustration. "But I know it was important, and it certainly does matter to me. You know I've been so proud of you since..."

"Are you really, Sirinna?" Amanda retorted and immediately regretted it. But she could not take it back, and she had to vent her pent-up anger. "It's more than just the slave stuff. It's more than just pleasing a Master or Mistress. Are you really proud of everything I've done?"

"Yes, Amanda, I am. All of it. How can I not be?"

The fact that Sirinna did not hesitate, nor did she sound anything less than sincere, made Amanda hesitate. Yet it did little to tame her fury. It simply gave her a new target. "Then try telling that to Master Roquan! He's barely acknowledged anything I've done. He won't even tell me what's going on in the civil war or Jo ... o-or anything else! Even if he won't give me anything else to do, he can at least tell me that much."

As a Trainer, Sirinna was very observant about her Trainees. More so with Amanda, since she also loved the girl. She noticed the slip and knew of whom Amanda almost spoke. She decided not to let on she had noticed. She would not admit it, but she was also frustrated with Roquan for not bringing up the subject with either of them.

For Sirinna, it was worry over Amanda's safety. That strange merchant still had a Farviewing pearl tied to Amanda. She was told that such magic could not be subverted for other purposes, but she was concerned anyway.

"Amanda, have you tried to talk to Master Roquan about this?" Sirinna asked.

"No, because he won't let me. He keeps throwing that rule in my face about not speaking unless spoken to or he gives me leave to speak. I feel like I'm right back where I started when I was first collared."

Sirinna's instinct was to berate Amanda for her insolence, but she did not have the heart to do it. Sirinna herself was already treating Amanda as different from other slaves even if Roquan appeared not to be. But he used to treat Amanda differently as well. What had changed?

"Sirinna, can you talk to him?" Amanda pleaded. "Maybe he'll listen to you."

Sirinna did not feel she had the daring to do such a thing again. She had already defied Roquan once, and still held regrets over it despite having been proven right in the end. "Amanda ... maybe ... maybe you need to do it."

"But I already said he won't... !"

"Maybe you need to force the issue. Master Roquan will listen to you more than he would listen to me. You can say things to him I just can't."

Amanda frowned. "You mean I can be disobedient and disrespectful towards him and you can't."

"I didn't mean it quite that way."

"But that's what it amounts to, isn't it?"

Sirinna said nothing. It was neither agreement nor disagreement. She had simply reached the end of what she was willing to say.

"He'll punish me," Amanda said tonelessly.

"Then tell him I instructed you to act this way."

"Oh, no, I won't. Then he'll punish both of us."

Sirinna smiled weakly. She cupped Amanda's chin. "I don't care, Amanda, if it means seeing you happy. You haven't been happy since you returned from Master Duric."

"Yes, I was," Amanda protested, though the conviction in her voice was weak. "I was really happy to see you again."

Sirinna's smile widened. "I know. But it wasn't enough for you."

Amanda had hoped that it would be. She had hoped that being with Sirinna again would mean she could tolerate anything else that befell her.

"Master Roquan always wants to do what's right for us," Sirinna said. "I really believe that. But h-he might not know everything."

Amanda gave Sirinna a hopeful look. She could hear the catch in Sirinna's voice. Perhaps Amanda had been wrong, and that Sirinna really could think for herself.

"But give him his pleasure first. And do the best you can to please him."

"I always do that, Sirinna, you know that," Amanda said, her voice a bit more sharp than she had intended. She softened her gaze. "I actually do enjoy it, you know. And I am good at it."

"Oh, yes, you are indeed. I have heard some very, very nice things about you from Master Duric through Master Roquan."

Amanda smiled, the first genuine smile that graced her lips in nearly a half-moon. Sirinna melted at the sight and embraced Amanda tightly once more.

"I'm sorry I've acted like such a sourpuss lately," Amanda said,

Sirinna giggled. "Sourpuss?"

Amanda blushed. As much as she had grown used to the idioms in Narlass, she occasionally slipped and let out an Earth expression. "Um, I'll explain it later. We better get to Master Roquan."

Sirinna nodded and smiled. She fell into step again behind her charge, her heart feeling a lot lighter than when she left their shared quarters.

The tense silence between the two Overlords was like a band drawn taut between them, stretching even further as Roquan turned away and stepped back to his desk. His eyes dropped to the large parchment map of Oceanus spread out over it.

"No," said Roquan D'ronstaq.

A soft but clearly exasperated sigh came from the other. "Yes, I could have told Doran you would say that," said Rennis D'glounaas with a sour note to his voice just before he raised the wine goblet to his lips.

Roquan did not turn around. His eyes remained riveted to the map, tracing the notations he had made to it. "Then why did you waste your time in travel to my Manor if you knew this already?"

Rennis took a long drink from the goblet before responding. "In the vain hope that you would see the sense in it."

"It would have been better had you come for the purpose I had assumed."

"And that was?"

"That you brought word of the whereabouts of Jollis."

"I don't have any insights for you there, Roquan, I'm sorry. Not his exact whereabouts, anyway."

Roquan clenched a hand into a fist briefly, but otherwise did not react. He continued to stare at the map.

"You know, one would think you're obsessing over that scrap of paper too much."

Roquan turned, body stiffly tense in anger. He fixed an icy gaze on his friend.

Rennis returned it with equanimity. He was beyond caring about Roquan's temper anymore. He was too tired, not so much physically as emotionally.

A handful of seasons was all that it had taken. Rennis had not had any gray whatsoever when Amanda had first arrived on Narlass. Now silver streaked his hair and peppered his goatee. Roquan's edge of gray about the ears had crept up the sides of his head.

Both men were still physically in good form. Rennis was still lean and lithe, Roquan still broad-chested and muscular. But the toll could be seen on their faces and heard in their voices.

"I would not 'obsess' over it as you so indelicately put it, Rennis, if I had something substantially new to place upon it."

Rennis raised an eyebrow. "I don't follow you."

Roquan swept an arm over the document, the hem of his robe swirling briefly. "See for yourself."

Rennis finished off his wine in one long pull and set the goblet aside. He stepped across the outer chamber of Roquan's quarters and peered.

The map showed the part of Oceanus contained on the main continent, which would be the east coast of North America on an Earth map. Near the center along the coast was the Imperial Palace. Around it, chunks of land were carved by treaty-bound borders marking the lands of the Nobility. Five such areas near the Imperial Palace were shaded in ominous red.

Rennis looked up. "So?"

"You do not consider it important that nothing has happened?"

"I would say a fair amount has happened," Rennis said patiently. "The Emperor did as we thought he would. He fanned out his armies and usurped the lands of the Noble Lords that bordered him to the south and west."

"And nothing else has happened," Roquan concluded testily. "There have been no moves at all against the Imperial legions."

"Really, Roquan, you should let Lord Duric worry about that. There's a reason he was put in charge of all the Nobility's forces. If Lord Uras thinks he's up to snuff, then..."

"If Duric would launch an attack and bring the war to the Emperor, you would not have to ask me to treat with the Urisi!" Roquan thundered. "Again!"

Rennis clasped his hands tightly behind his back in an effort to remain calm. Doran had specifically chosen Rennis for the task of speaking with Roquan because Rennis was a close friend. He could make Roquan see reason when others could not.

But with a matter so close to Roquan's heart -- his slaves -- Rennis' task was enormous.

"If you want my opinion, Roquan, I believe Duric is attempting to lure the Imperial army into making a brash attack," said Rennis.

"While leaving the north vulnerable."

"He has that covered as well. It was clever of him to leave behind a cavalry regiment to make constant border raids on the western borders. I hear he is leaving fake documents behind to make it appear he has a whole legion there."

"I fail to see how that..."

Rennis clasped Roquan hard on the shoulder. He looked earnestly into his friend's eyes. "Roquan. Leave the soldiering to the soldiers. Please."

Roquan looked taken aback by the gesture. He finally let out a slow sigh, his shoulders slumping.

"You're the one that is so adamant about getting back to business as usual at your Manor," Rennis said mildly.

"That is what I am thinking of, Rennis," Roquan said in a calmer voice. "I am thinking of how many Overlord Manors would be overrun in an Imperial offensive."

"Yes, and don't you think the other Overlords are considering the same thing?"

Roquan snorted. "And that is their reason for dealing with the Urisi?"

Rennis turned away and refilled his goblet. Normally protocol would dictate that he wait for his host's leave before helping himself, but such traditions appeared to be crumbling with everything else in Oceanus. "The Overlords are worried, Roquan. Some have already lost business from the initial occupation. Others are seeing contracts canceled by Lords that need to keep platinum in reserve for war supplies."

"It cannot be that bad already. I refuse to believe that."

Rennis turned towards his friend. "Believe what you will. The plain fact of the matter is that they are frightened."

Roquan's jaw tightened. "And did they not realize what they were getting into when they voted for a change in leadership at the Conclave?"

"No, they didn't. They expected a swift, easy coup. That failed. Then they expected the Nobility to rally and bring down the Emperor in a lightning strike. That failed as well. Now they're stuck with a civil war that they did not want."

"Are you telling me they are reconsidering their support?"

Rennis shook his head. "It's too late for that. But I guarantee that every one of them would claim, if pressed, that they would have changed their vote if they knew it would come to this."

Roquan remained silent. His eyes grew distant.

Rennis knew his friend well enough to realize that Roquan was taking it personally, all of it. It was the equivalent of a vote of no-confidence.

"They do not need me," Roquan declared flatly.

Rennis paused with his goblet half-raised. He lowered it and frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"I do not control them. I am not their leader. Overlords do not have such things. They are free to treat with whatever power they wish."

"You still don't get it. It's not what the Overlords want so much as it is what the Urisi want."

"To blazing hellfire with what the Urisi want."

"No, Roquan, not this time. The Urisi will hold this over us. They know the Overlords will be hurting for more business. And they have always wanted your slaves because yours are the best."

Roquan allowed himself a moment of pride. It was a small victory in a war he was rapidly coming to realize he was about to lose. "You know how I feel about the Urisi," he said in a low voice.

Rennis nodded once.

The Urisi Nation was the other "superpower" on Narlass. Located across the ocean to the east, occupying most of what was Europe on an Earth map, they dealt in slaves as well. But their slave system was very different, as was the manner in which they treated them.

Roquan was fiercely protective of his slaves. For a Noble Lord to get on Roquan's blacklist was a kiss of death in terms of slave trade. He hated the Urisi slavemasters and their methods. He despised the attitudes of the slaveowners. "Nothing but a warm body with a cock or a pussy" was his oft-repeated summary of the latter.

"Are you saying they will refuse to deal with the other Overlords unless I relent?" Roquan asked.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Doran said that's the impression he got the first time he inquired."

Roquan wanted to rail against the fact that Doran had usurped his authority, but that would be admitting a tacit leadership role that he had claimed he had not wanted and that did not truly exist. "Just tell me one thing, Rennis. Please tell me that Doran was not influenced by Freya."

One corner of Rennis' mouth rose. "Ah, so you've heard about that."

"I had hoped to have heard the last of that infernal woman."

He would no longer dignify Freya D'yros with the title "Overlord." She had nearly taken Amanda from him once in exchange for not exposing his secret, that Amanda had never had the Draught of Forgetfulness. It was a terrible breach of Overlord protocol to train a Draughtless slave. It was Roquan's belief -- born out by Amanda's brief time as Freya's slave -- that Freya abused her slaves in a manner similar to the Urisi.

"One would think Freya's slaves a much more attractive commodity to the Urisi," Roquan said icily.

"Oh, you can be sure that she's being motivated by platinum," said Rennis, the disdain evident. "No doubt of that. But she is stirring up feelings that the other Overlords already had."

"She is doing it to increase her own influence!"

"Then give in and cut her off. If you relent and open up the market, you'll steal the wind from her sails. You'll be seen as the progressive one, not her."

Roquan did not reply, but there was a faintly thoughtful look to his otherwise inscrutable face.

Rennis took a long pull at his wine. "In fact, you should be the one to negotiate with the Urisi liaison"

Roquan blanched. "What? Are you quite serious?"


"I am not letting a Urisi set foot in my Manor."

"Oh, come now, Roquan. He will be a statesman, an aristocrat, not a common Urisi slavemaster."

"I have even less use for aristocrats."

Rennis laughed.

Roquan frowned. "I do not recall saying something amusing."

"You want to see an aristocrat, look in the mirror. Because that's what people see us as."

Roquan shook his head. "This is insane."

"Yes, it is. Everything that's happening is insane. It's insane that we're in a civil war. It's insane that you had a tradesman and merchant that was a spy for some unknown cause..."

Roquan's tensed again.

" ... and it's insane that you gave your Healer the secret formula for the Draught in total disregard for centuries of tradition..."

"Now, Rennis, I told you exactly why I..."

Rennis waved a hand in dismissal. He had not meant his claim to be recriminating in the least. He actually admired Roquan for doing it. "The point is, what's one more insane action added to the pile, hmm?"

"That is hardly the way to make an argument."

"Yes, also true. But will you do it?"

Roquan's face was stony. "Do I have a choice?"

"Not really, considering Doran already told the Urisi to send someone, so they'll probably ask you to power your Portal in another day or so."

There was another moment of silent tension. Finally, Roquan let out an exasperated breath. "I should have known Doran would dare to do such a thing."

"He just knows you better than you think he does. He knows you always do the right thing in the end."

Roquan was about to retort as to his thoughts on how "right" this was when there came the gentle knock at his door. Still glowering at Rennis, he said crisply, "Enter."

As the door opened, a breeze swirled in around Amanda. It caught the edge of the map and nudged it until it was draped partially over the side of the desk. The movement briefly caught Amanda's attention with a shift of her eyes.

The wind wrapped Amanda's lustrous hair around her torso, a few strands falling before her brown eyes. Her hair settled when Sirinna came in behind her and closed the door. She brushed Amanda's hair straight with her fingers.

"Good evening, Master Roquan," Sirinna said brightly. She turned her head towards Rennis. Her face lit up. "And good evening to you as well, Master Rennis!"

Rennis smiled softly at the one that had once been his slave some time ago before selling her to Roquan. "You look quite wonderful as always, Sirinna."

Sirinna positively glowed from the praise.

Rennis' eyes dropped to Amanda. Her eyes rose to his. "You are also looking very well, Amanda. It is good to see you back at the Manor again."

"Thank you, Master Rennis," Amanda said. Duty had triggered the automatic reply, but there was a hint of warmth to her eyes. She had always liked Rennis the best of all the other Overlords. He seemed to share some of the better qualities of Roquan.

Rennis turned to Roquan. "And privileged as well, I see. You did well to reward her, Roquan, considering."

Amanda's teeth clenched briefly, but it was the only reaction she allowed herself. She was determined to do everything right that night. If she was to be treated like a slave, she would throw everything she had into the role. She would prove herself again.

Her gaze met Roquan's. His eyes were unyielding and evaluating. Amanda kept her own eyes soft and submissive, and her stance relaxed and subdued. She knew that word had likely already reached him of her attitude problem of late, even if Sirinna did not reveal it to him.

"I bring you Amanda for this evening, Master," Sirinna said, completing one variation of the traditional presentation. "May she give you great pleasure. Please treat her well."

That was Amanda's cue. She did not let her gaze linger. She dropped her eyes as was proper and folded her hands demurely before her. She stood perfectly still and awaited a command.

Sirinna's lips twitched into a tiny, relieved smile.

"Sirinna," Roquan said.

"Yes, Master?"

"You will see to my friend's pleasure this evening."

Sirinna was delighted. "Yes, Master, of course!"

Rennis grinned. "Be careful. I might just find more excuses to come down here if you keep doing that."

"Your company is never unwelcome, Rennis, no matter what machinations you inflict upon me with each visit."

Rennis chuckled.

Amanda took a slow, deep breath and let it go. Out of the corner of her eye she could see part of the map. From that angle, she could see that notations had been made but she could not interpret them.

Roquan looked so tired to her. So much older. Was it because things were going really bad? The Emperor was supposed to be in control of the navy, and Roquan's Manor sat on an isolated island. Why have there been no attacks from sea? Were Manors considered neutral territory?

For everything she had learned in the past season, she felt she had ten times as much still to learn.

Rennis turned away and headed towards Sirinna with an eagerness that he rarely felt anymore. He lifted a hand to her face and let it slide down one arm and around Sirinna's hip. Sirinna let out a sigh of pleasure and leaned into the touch, her sex already growing damp.

"As responsive as I remember you, Sirinna," said Rennis. "But I have one last bit of business with your Overlord."

Rennis raised his hand and teased her breast. Sirinna let out a soft moan. "Of course, Master," she said in a light, breathy voice.

"Yes, Rennis, what is it?" Roquan said.

Rennis withdrew his hand and turned to Roquan. "I actually did have a bit of news about your wayward merchant."

Amanda twitched and held her breath. Roquan's eyes flicked to her, then to Sirinna.

"I had said no one knows where he is, but that doesn't mean we don't have our suspicions about..."

Roquan abruptly turned away from Rennis and called out, "Amanda!"

Amanda looked up. "Yes, Master?" she said, her voice quavering.

"You will wait in my spring chamber, as you will be tending to my bath tonight."

Amanda shot him an accusing look before she answered in a weak voice, "Yes, Master."

Rennis raised an eyebrow. Sirinna looked nervously from him to her Overlord as Amanda left the room.

"Sirinna, wait for Rennis in his quarters."

And Sirinna did not like it either, but she was much more accomplished at hiding her reaction. She had to be, with as many conflicting thoughts as she had had lately. "Yes, Master."

Roquan waited until both slaves had left before turning to Rennis. "Now, what was it you wish to tell me?"

Rennis frowned. "What in hellfire was that all about?"

"I do not follow you."

"Why did you send them away?"

"This is not for their ears. It is of little consequence to them."

"That's not what you thought when you used Amanda as a spy on the other Overlords at the Conclave."

Roquan's eyes burned in anger, but for only a moment. There had been no reproach in Rennis' voice. "What is your point, Rennis?"

"Slaves are never sent out of the room when important matters are spoken. Unless you started to believe your own speech about not being able to trust a Draughtless slave that made Freya give Amanda back to you."

"Do not speak such nonsense."

"Then give me a better explanation."

"You said it yourself earlier. I wish to return to business as usual in my Manor."

"Except things will never be that way with Amanda. I mean, she deserves to know this information as well, considering how close she was to him. Talk about a betrayal."

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