Horse Country - Cover

Horse Country

Copyright© 2005, 20014 by Morgan. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - This is #12 in the Ali Clifford Saga. It follows the adventures of two Russian girls who are adopted and brought to America.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Sports   Enema   Cream Pie  

Saturday morning dawned bright and clear. The snow had stopped late at night and the road and highway crews were finally able to make headway in clearing the roads. After clearing the snow off their rented Lexus, Mel Brewster and Jill Barnes headed out to Bluegrass Farm with Mel driving. Curiously, since it was very close to the shortest day of the year, the sun was very low in the sky and coupled with the new-fallen snow, there was a great deal of glare and it was easy to lose sight of things in the dark shadows.

They found what the others had found the previous night: Once they entered Bluegrass, the drives were much clearer than the roads had been. And again like their sons the previous night they were astonished at the size of the main house.

Pulling up in front of the main door, they were about to start unloading their things from the car when Jessie Johnson opened the door and rushed out to greet them. Although she was going to tell them that their things would be brought in, looking into the car she realized how little there was. The three women were able to bring in everything in just a single trip.

Their gear was left in the entrance hall while Jessie led the way back to the kitchen.

“I assume you two didn’t bother to eat breakfast?”

The pair just shook their heads sheepishly.

“Neat!” Jessie exclaimed. “What would you like to have?” After a pause she added, “I can fix anything.”

Since the pair were still dumbstruck, Jessie began to offer suggestions. Finally, they settled on chicken liver omelettes. While Jessie made preparations, she served grapefruit halves.

In almost no time, the pair were eating with Jessie sitting across from them at the breakfast table with a cup of coffee.

“This is out of this world!” Jill pronounced. Then with some trepidation she asked, “How did last night go?”

With a wonderfully warm smile Jessie replied, “I really don’t think it could have been any better. Those four didn’t fall asleep until almost six this morning. But honestly, I don’t know if they’re asleep or unconscious.”

Then she changed the subject dramatically. “I need help!”

“What can we do?” Mel asked anxiously. “Anything ... Anything at all.”

“I have been getting forty kinds of hell from Caitie Corcoran for weeks!” Jessie complained. “And it’s the same thing every damned time.”

“Same thing? What thing?” Jill asked.

“She’s constantly bleating about the same damned thing: We’re not spending nearly enough money down here. Frankly, I’m tired of hearing it. Could you two please help?” she asked plaintively.

“You’re kidding! Aren’t you... ?” Mel asked skeptically.

“Hah! Don’t I wish I were. I’m very serious.” Then to Jill she said, “I guess you’ll be going to New York Monday morning. There’s a chance you could spend some money ... if you open that high-fashion dress shop you’d love to have.”

Jill was stunned. It was her dream, but one she had never shared even with the woman she had come to think of as her sister, Melanie. “But ... but,” she stammered, “I don’t know the first thing about running a shop! I would lose my ass!”

She was stunned by Jessie’s reply: “Even better! The fact is that Caitie is really looking for a money pit: something that will just eat up money.

“Okay, that’s done.” Turning to Mel she asked, “How about you?”

“I ... I guess I’ll be reopening The Girl Spot. And I sort of have another idea...”

“Which is... ?” Jessie prompted.

“I’m not really sure, but I think the land area around The Girl Spot is quite large with hundreds of feet of frontage on the road. If I’m correct, much of the land is on the Lexington side of the property. Assuming all this proves to be true, I’ve been thinking about putting up a fitness club for women. I’ll call it The Body Shop.

“Keep in mind that this is all speculation. The size of the property is based on hunch, not fact. But if it works out, I would like to build The Body Shop on a really crash basis. Then I’ll have the entire female staff of The Girl Spot working out there as soon as it’s complete.

“My thinking is that, first, it will keep them in shape, but second, they’ll provide living proof of what a fitness program can do for a girl’s body.

“What do you think?”

“Super idea, Sis!” Jill exclaimed.

“Sis?” Mel responded before Jessie could speak.

Jill had just blurted out the words without thinking. But after reflection... “Yes, dammit! Melanie Brewster, you are my sister! In fact, you’re my identical twin! Never have two women gone through what we’ve gone through ... together! Mel, I never could have made it without you!”

Mel started to cry but turned toward Jill and took her in her arms. The two had been lovers for years, but it had started and continued as a way for the two of them to obtain sexual release; there had been no men in either of their lives from the time the two had been impregnated. But hearing Jill’s words, Mel instantly realized that what she had said was true: They were truly identical twins. With that realization, they shared the most loving kiss of their lives.

When they eased apart, Mel said softly, “Thanks for your support ... Sis!”

And again they kissed. While they were hugging each other, Jessie was shedding tears of happiness.

When again they eased apart, Jill noticed something: Jessie appeared to be uncomfortable. It seemed as if she was straining not to squirm on her chair. “What’s wrong, Jessie? Something seems to be bothering you.”

Hearing the question, Jessie gave up her fight and did squirm on her chair. “It’s ... it’s all these damned clothes!” she admitted. “Usually we’re bare around the house, and ... and I’ve come to like it that way. But with you two ladies here now...”

Mel and Jill couldn’t control themselves. They both howled with laughter. Finally Jill regained enough control to gasp, “That’s the funniest thing we’ve heard in years! First of all, referring to us as ladies? Surely you’re thinking of two other women. Ladies just don’t get pregnant at the age of 12!

“And then there’s the idea of being bare assed ... Jessie, dear, it may come as a great shock to you to learn that Mel and I spend about eight hours a day every day bare-assed. If you haven’t received the detailed report, Mel and I are exotics. That means that we don’t strip; we start off naked and stay that way. So if you think we would be offended if you shed your clothes, you’ve got to be thinking of two other girls!

“So? Strip!”

With a broad grin Jessie did just that. And while she was taking off her clothes, so were the two women.

When she was completely bare, Jessie stood like a model with her shoulders back and with one foot ahead of the other.

Mel finished stripping first and went around the table to get closer to Jessie who was still holding her position. Since she was posed as if for inspection, Mel did just that. Her first impression was that Jessie Johnson was one of the world’s outstanding beauties. Like the girls, she was quite tall at five feet ten. Her skin was the color of light café au lait, and she had brilliant green eyes. Her hair was coal black; like the horses, her hair was so black it almost appeared to have blue highlights.

With a very light touch, Mel ran her fingers over the woman’s perky breasts. Her light touch was enough to bring both nipples into tight erections. Then Mel’s fingers moved lightly down her body and came to rest on her abdomen. Looking the woman straight in the eye she commented, “Caitie Corcoran said you were pregnant. When did it happen? Last night? Girl, you’re the most un-pregnant looking woman I’ve ever seen!”

“I’m in the fourth or fifth month,” Jessie replied softly.

Just then Mel could feel movement in Jessie’s abdomen. “My gosh!” she exclaimed. “I felt your passenger move just then!”

Mel then changed position, moving so she could look at Jessie in profile. “I do not believe it. Even from the side there’s no bulging at all.”

“I’ve had to increase my work on the pectoral muscles supporting my tits,” Jessie admitted. “They’re starting to swell and get heavier, so, unless I want to start wearing a bra — and I sure don’t — I don’t have a choice.” Then with a grin she added, “Okay, Mrs. Brewster—”

“It’s Melanie or Mel. And it’s not Mrs. Brewster... ever! Jill and I are not married and never have been.”

Ignoring Mel’s interruption, Jessie announced, “This is a game more than one can play. Now why don’t you two stand side by side?”

The pair did, both striking a model’s pose similar to the way Jessie had been standing.

“Twins!” Jessie murmured. Then slowly shaking her head she added, “It’s easy to see how the Monica/Monique thing works. You two are absolutely interchangeable ... and you’re utterly gorgeous.”

Suddenly Jill’s eyes widened and she murmured, “Oh, shit!”

Jessie was startled. “What was that all about?”

“‘Oh shit’ means that neither of our sons have ever seen us naked. And while they know we’re both dancers, they certainly don’t know that we’re exotics.” Looking at Mel she asked, “What are we going to do?”

“Look, why don’t I take you up to your room?” Jessie suggested. “Then maybe you both might want to look in on the sleeping beauties.”

Back to the entrance hall they went and gathered up the girls’ things. With Jess leading the way they padded up the curved stairway at the back of the hall and then turned left and went down the corridor on the second floor.

Mel looked both ways down the corridor and it appeared to end in both directions at blank walls. Reaching the apparent end, they jogged left and the corridor continued. She realized that the true length of the corridor was so long it had been broken up to avoid an exaggerated bowling-alley effect. Finally they reached the last door on the left and Jess opened it with a key. After doing so, she gave a golden key to each of the women.

“You’ll note that this is a heavy fire door and this is about the best entrance hardware available. We thought you would like some privacy.”

When they were shown around, Jill and Mel just gasped. Their suite was in the corner of the house with windows in their sitting room facing east while the bedroom had windows on the north and east. Their bath was gigantic with a shower large enough for four, two sinks, a toilet, a bidet, and a gigantic sunken bathtub with Jacuzzi properties.

“Good heavens!” Jill exclaimed. “This is larger than our living room!”

“Is this okay for you two?” Jessie asked diffidently. “Of course, I’m certain you’ll want to decorate it to your own taste...”

“You’ve got to be joking!” Mel retorted. “I have never seen a suite of rooms nearly as nice as this in the finest decorating magazines. This is utterly magnificent!”

Jess helped them put away their clothes. All three laughed because the few things they had were lost in the gigantic walk-in closets, and each woman had her own.

“The kids are in the first suites past the stairway in the other direction,” Jessie pointed out. With a grin she added that there was a stairway right outside their door that went down to the kitchen and the exercise rooms below. With that she started to leave so the two would be alone to get settled.

“Uh...” Jill began haltingly, “there’s something you should know, Jessie.” Then she blurted, “Tanya wants to call me Mama.” With that she blushed red as a beet.

“And Tasha wants to call me Mommy,” Mel added.

Neither had mentioned the fact to the other, yet neither was surprised.

“Honest?” Jessie yelped. “Oh, boy! Wait until Caitie hears about this!”

Jill’s eyes widened and she pleaded, “Please, no! Please don’t tell her, Jess! She’ll utterly freak!”

Jessie grinned and replied, “You’re right about that: Caitie sure will freak, but not for the reason you’re probably thinking of.” Slowly shaking her head she continued, “I guess you know that the girls have been in that ballet and gymnastics school since they were three years old. Neither know their families. I’ve tried to help, but it’s not the same thing.

“But you two? Absolutely unbelievable. Do you realize that you both combine in their eyes the best features of a mother and an older sister? Furthermore, it’s all happening as they’re reaching womanhood and really need another woman. Caitie is going to be so happy she won’t be able to see straight!”

With that Jessie left the room. After exchanging looks, the pair, still nude, went down the corridor toward the stairway. Passing it, they came to two suites opposite each other with the doors open. From both rooms they heard the sounds of orgasmic ecstasy. Since Jessie had told them which suite was which, they split and each went into the one with her own son and “daughter.”

Making her way back to the bedroom, Jill found Tanya with her legs in a shallow V 90 degrees from her body while Mike was cuming again. Both screamed as orgasms shook them both. Gasping for breath, Mike rolled off the girl ending on his back apparently sound asleep.

“Good morning ... Mama,” Tanya whispered when she was again capable of speech.

With the bed covers mostly on the floor, it was easy for Jill to see the pool of already dried blood on the bottom sheet and dried blood on Tanya’s inner thighs.

“Good morning, Daughter,” Jill replied with a warm smile. Although she had a million questions she wanted to ask, she thought it would be better to ask them somewhere else. “How about if we get you cleaned up?”

Having been warned, Tanya eased out of the bed and tested the ability of her legs to support her weight. They worked but she found that the muscles in her abdomen were very sore and her bare labia were bright red. She giggled softly as she realized she was definitely more comfortable walking bowlegged. Although she headed toward her own bathroom, Jill took her by the arm and guided her out to the hallway instead. Together they made their way to the women’s suite.

Going into the giant bathroom, they found that Mel and Tasha were there before them. Then the two girls showed the women some of the features of their new home. First, the water supply for the house came from a group of springs that once had provided the purest water used to make the finest Kentucky bourbon. The water was triple filtered and both the cold- and hot-water lines were temperature controlled. As for the giant tub, there were controls that could be used to dial-in the desired temperature or — the control the girls preferred — a button marked Hold. Using the faucets, they got the temperature to their liking and then pressed the Hold button. At that point, the controls automatically maintained the existing temperature.

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