Genius - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 2: World of Brenhan

I went into the portal low and rolling, just like they do on the movies, I could see two large men walking towards a struggling Genius. The shotgun took their heads off. I then picked up two swords and looked around.

There were seven of them left standing, one was holding his arm where Genius had managed to wound him before she had been captured, there was a tree holding her? "Ternus Magure" I said and the tree shrivelled up releasing her.

"Obviatatus!" a man said and dark light began to race towards me.

"Negatus" I said and it vanished, I threw one of the swords to Genius

"Thank you Sir John." She said and started attacking one of the men. It seemed that the wizard was my target as she left him alone.

"You must be pursuance in the craft, what rank are you?" The wizard asked. I didn't answer him — mainly because I didn't know what he meant — but just started to walk towards him. He held up his hands. "Hold, wizards do not fight one another, it's the law!" He said

I laughed, "I'm a stranger to this land, but where I come from when I'm attacked I defend myself, completely, anyway you started it!" I said walking towards him.

He could see what I had planned for him as he gestured with his arms, "Travelatus" and vanished from us.

I could now turn my attention to the five remaining men, without thinking I broke the shotgun and loaded two new cartridges into the barrels, closing the gun and bringing it up I despatched two more swordsmen and then threw the gun down onto the ground and brought my sword up.

"You get him and I'll protect you!" One man said to the other.

"Naw, you get him and I'll protect you!" the other said.

I smiled, "Tell you what guys, you both run and then you can protect each other." I said.

"The sodats of Brak Distar run from no man!" The first said belligerently.

I sighed, "You had your chance." I said and brought my sword around he raised his to deflect my stroke, but my sword brushed it aside with a skill I'd never had before and then swung back to stop the blow from his partner.

I smiled, "Tag-teams always cheat don't they?" I asked them and at their blank looks I pressed the attack forward. I'm not sure what the movement was but somehow I managed to get the blade of my sword just behind my opponent's hilt and cut off his wrist. The sword seemed to suck at his blood. I had to pull it away; the second man took one look at the sword and screamed. "He's got Edward's sword, it will eat us!" He said and began backing away.

The man who's wrist I had slitted shook his head, "No, not me Questoring Blade, I'm on Brak's side!" He said.

I could have sworn that my sword gave a laugh and without my doing anything made a thrust for his heart, digging deep into his body and killing him before I could stop it!

"What is this?" I asked.

The runes on the sword seemed to glow and I'd be dammed if the blasted thing hadn't replied into my mind. 'I'm yours Master, feed me!' it said.

Now I'd read enough Mike Moorcock in my time to realise that this wasn't a good thing to have. "I'll not feed you, if I had my way I'd turn you into a ploughshare, except you'd ruin the ground you'd turn." I said to it but then I found the partner of the dead man was now swinging his sword at me. "Later!" I added and then turned to take the blow on the blade of the sword.

"Murderer! Swine, you deserve to die!" The man was shouting, it didn't matter that he and his friends were trying to kill Genius and Brenda! I was now the bad guy! I could feel the sword in my hand trying to give a killing blow and being restrained by me.

The man paused for a moment trying to gain his breath, I risked at glance to see how Genius was getting on to find this was the last opponent for us both. I held up my hand, "Where is the girl?" I asked him

"My Lord Hubert has taken her to his castle, to prepare her for Brak's arrival." He said with a smile on his lips.

I looked to Genius, "Do you know where it is?" I asked her she nodded; I looked back at the panting man, "Thank you, and goodbye!" I said and then gave a thrust that he tried to stop but couldn't. The rune blade sank deeply into his body and then I watched as he started to go white as his blood was drained into the blade.

I looked around and saw on one man an ornate scabbard which matched the runes on the sword. I took the scabbard from the body and tied it to my belt; I then put the sword into the scabbard, noticing that there were holes in the scabbard that seemed to highlight the blade somehow.

We went to where Genius thought their camp had been and found several horses standing hobbled and feeding from nose-bags. I picked one horse and Genius found another and we were about to start off when I felt that somebody was nearby in trouble, I couldn't explain it but I had to follow my instincts.

Genius looked at me as I got off the horse and walked towards a tent, "Brenda is this way!" She said pointing.

I shook my head, "Just a minute!" I told her and I looked inside a tent. There was a man dressed in what I thought of as monk's robes and habit, but he was tied up and gagged, I quickly untied him.

"My thanks stranger, I thought that Sir Hubert and his men were going to kill me, you must hide quickly lest they return." He said.

I shook my head, "It's okay brother they won't bother anyone again. But Sir Hubert has taken a friend of mine and I've got to chase after him, but why would they treat a brother in this way?" I asked him.

It was Genius who answered as she entered the tent. "Brak Distar is against the church, they speak out against him." She said.

The Monk nodded and then looked at me, "but who are you that are not aware of this?" He asked.

"I'm a visitor to this world, and my name is John." I said holding out my hand.

He looked at it but didn't return the gesture, "I thank you for untying me and for allowing me to know your name, many people still believe we clerics are able to use them to cast spells on people." He said with a smile.

Genius frowned, "But you do! There are many stories..." She said accusingly but I held up my hand to stop her as I could see the Brother was getting annoyed.

"It is true that we can help people, in the main it is partly by prayer to the higher being to help them, but where we know the person's name it is easier." He explained.

I nodded, although I didn't really understand. "I see brother, I'm afraid that in my world such things are no longer believed."

He looked sad, "So they have lost their ability, that is a pity, but how is it that you are here?" He asked.

"Tell him on the way, we needs must hurry." Genius said anxiously.

"She's right, tell me brother can you ride a horse?" I asked him

"Of a certainty, but I think those miscreants killed my mare." He said looking worried.

I smiled, "Well you can have your choice of what's outside, they don't need them anymore." I told him.

He looked at me wide-eyed, "But they were the best of Hubert's men, and you have beaten them?" He asked amazed.

I laughed, "Swords are no match for shotguns brother, and Genius is very good when she has a sword." I told him as we left the tent and he took in the sight of the fallen men.

"But what of the demon sword? Where is that?" He asked.

I tapped the scabbard by my side, "I couldn't leave it for others to find, and wherever it's left it would be found." I said.

He went pale, "I beseech you, find some sacred ground and bury it." He said worriedly.

I nodded, "In due course Brother... , what is your name anyway?" I asked.

He seemed to consider my question, "My name is Pieter." He said.

I took his hand and shook it, "I'm glad to meet you Brother Pieter, now we are in a bit of hurry, "I said picking out a horse for him and boosting him into the saddle.

"But where are you going?" Brother Pieter asked wonderingly.

"We have a rescue to carry out brother; I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to join us." I added.

He smiled, "Sounds like a noble course, I will join you ... wither are we bound?" He asked I told him and his face fell, "There? ... Well no matter I will join you as we are all going to die someday." He said

I shook my head, "Well I for one don't intend to die just yet brother." I said and we galloped off following Genius.

We rode for nearly 4 hours when I called a halt, "Genius, how far do we need to go?" I asked.

"About another hour Sir John." She replied.

"Well the horses won't last that long without a rest; I'm surprised they've lasted this long already." I said.

She look at me, "You needs must thank the Cleric, he's been praying for them so far." Genius said and looking around I could see his eyes were closed and he was touching the neck of his horse, but he looked tired.

I made a decision, "We're making camp here, for an hour." I said.

Genius turned to me. "But Brenda's still a prisoner!" She protested.

"And we can't help her if you're tired out and weary from five hours of riding, we need to be fitter, so one hours rest and some food, we'll use the rations." I said pulling my horse to a stop.

Pieter didn't seem to notice as his horse stopped, I had to touch him to make him aware of our situation. "Relax brother, I hadn't realised what you were doing, I'm sorry." I said.

He frowned, as if being apologised to wasn't normal, "That's alright ... John, may I ask why we've stopped?" He asked.

I sighed, "Well for one thing, I'm hungry and I think we'd all be better off with something inside us, and for another a quick nap before we rush into danger would help. I doubt if they'd let us eat just before we fight?" I said.

Pieter looked around at our new location, "Well there isn't much here, but I'm sure the Lord would provide..." He said looking up into the sky.

"He might, but we do have something to eat." I said pulling three tray-meals from my back-pack, and after reading the instructions I pulled on a tab for each tray, putting them down on the ground. Pieter went to reach for a tray but I stopped him. "Not just yet, we need to wait a few minutes." I said.

Pieter seemed astounded as he watched the tray getting hot, "What type of magic is this?" He asked interested.

I laughed, "It's not magic, just physics. There are some elements which, when they are mixed, create heat. In this case enough to make the food edible and warm enough. It's not magic but science." I said in explanation.

Pieter shook his head, "It does seem like magic! How does the metal know when it has to get hot?" He asked.

I pointed out the tab, "Did you see me pull on this?" I asked him, when he nodded I continued, "Well that forced those two elements to mix and that is what caused the tray to head up." I told him. He was still shaking his head when I decided it was time to eat.

I handed a tray to Genius with a knife and fork which she accepted without question. I pulled the foil from the tray and then aroma of the meal struck us. I did the same for Pieter who looked at the cutlery in surprise but when he sniffed the food his face broke into a smile, "A feast fit for a king!" He said.

I picked up my meal and it purely standard to me, I was about to start but Genius stopped me and pointed to Pieter, "Oh Lord we thank you for this most miraculous of manna. May our endeavours reflect your generosity" He said and then went to pick up the meat in his hands.

"Uh, Pieter, use the knife to cut the food and the fork to move it to your mouth." I said and showed him what I meant.

He followed my example, "I see, this is much easier and you don't burn your fingers." He said — now if I could only get him not to talk with his mouth full!

After the meal, and much to Genius' annoyance I demanded that we'd all have a rest. "But Brenda's in danger now!" She insisted.

I looked at her, "Is Hubert going to do anything to harm Brenda?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment, "Well ... no, but I've got to protect her." Genius said aggressively.

"And what's going to happen when you get there too weak to do anything because you wouldn't rest?" I pointed out.

"But John, I could use my small skill in giving you energy when you need it." Pieter said.

I nodded, "I know Brother, and I would appreciate it, but how much will it take out of you?" I asked him, "You were pretty much asleep when we stopped." I pointed out to him.

"That doesn't matter, I will be able..." He began but I stopped him.

"It DOES matter! It will take less from us if we're refreshed beforehand. That is final!" I said and was surprised when both of them agreed.

For all my talk of resting, I think I was the only one who didn't sleep. I was worried about Brenda but knew we needed the rest, and so it was with surprise that I found I was so full of power. I held the scabbard and looked at the sword; it seemed to glow within the sheath. "You're doing this?" I said to it.

'Yes Master. It's just one of many benefits I can give to you, as long as you feed me blood!' the sword said into my mind.

"And how do I know you won't stab me in the back when I least expect it?" I asked knowing what had happened to Eric in the Moorcock stories.

'While I'm in your hands I will obey you!' It replied.

"And what happens if you're not?" I asked it.

'Then it's up to my new Master, I am loyal to whoever wields me.' The sword replied honestly.

"So you won't hurt me, until an enemy has you!" I said.

'Such is life ... and death, Master.' The sword replied smugly.

I decided that we'd rested enough and I woke Genius and Pieter. I turned to Genius, "Do you want to ride with us or will it be quicker in another form?" I asked her.

She considered my words, "I can cover the ground faster without a horse, but how will you know where I am?" She said

I thought about this, in my world I would have brought a tracker and receiver to locate her, it would be simple then, I could almost see the items in my mind, as if I could reach out and take them, it would be so simple. "Constructus!" I said and then felt a weight in my hands as a small tracker and receiver appeared in them. I tested the tracker and it lit up, the receiver made a loud noise to say I was on top of the unit. I handed the tracker unit to Genius. "Hold onto this and we'll follow you." I said to her.

She nodded and after tucking the tracker into her clothes she went down onto all fours, appearing as a wolf, she turned to look at us and then she was away

I noticed that Brother Pieter was shaking his head, "How did..." He began but didn't finish.

I smiled, "Genius is a guardian spirit, didn't you know that?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "It's not that! Those things you created? How did you create them?" He asked me puzzled.

I had to shake my head at that, "They are items that exist in my world, I just pictured them in my mind and then all of a sudden they appeared. I can't explain how." I said.

"But such magic is impossible, only a mage of the highest calibre would be able to do that, and it would greatly use his powers. We of the church are aware of them all; most of them are on Brak Distar's side." He said sadly.

I shook my head yet again, "I don't know anything about that, come with me and I'll tell you what happened to me." I said getting onto my horse and then we were off, I told him my story as we rode.

It was sometime later when I had run down from talking and the tracker indicator told me that Genius has stopped.

Pieter was still full of questions, "But even after your meeting with the Green Lady, you wouldn't have the talent. Tell me what did you do in your world?" He asked.

Now how can you explain computer programming to someone who doesn't even know about electricity? "I wrote instructions for a machine to follow, which would help others in their tasks." I finally said.

Pieter smiled, "So you created a difference in their work, tell me John, was it for the better?" he asked.

I sighed, "I hope so, I would try to make things easier for other, but I was paid to do that, it wasn't something I did for free. I had to make a living." I said trying to show I wasn't being altruistic with my work.

"As it is for other wizards. But now you are on a quest and must use what powers you have. I must ask you, what is your faith? Do you believe in the Great One?" He asked.

I frowned, "Well, I've never really been one for the church, and where I'm from the Catholic Church with the Pope in charge had an argument with a reigning monarch who created his own version based on the same bible, but then perhaps my God is not the same as yours?" I said.

He laughed, "'Tis of no concern, the Great One who created this world must have had a hand with yours. Tell me you do not follow the Dark One?" He asked seriously

I shook my head, "Never had a need to, although sometimes my boss could be ... NO, no I haven't!" I said feeling that this was no time to be flippant.

Pieter smiled, "Then I am satisfied, the Great One will smile on us." He said, in the distance a castle loomed.

"If he does, I hope he has a good aim." I said in answer.

One of the first problems was how to enter the castle!

"They have taken up the drawbridge." Genius said, "I've circled the castle but cannot find any other entrances." She added.

Pieter looked up at the castle, "'Tis regarded as a main stronghold, it has never been breached ... except when Sir Hubert's grandfather took it!" He said.

I frowned, "How did he do that? Does the story tell?" I asked.

Pieter concentrated in his effort to remember, "I recall stories that he entered through the ground and came up into the Lord's chamber. But it doesn't say by what magic he used to do this." He finally said.

I nodded, "Perhaps it wasn't magic. All good castles should have a back door, just in case things get too hairy." I said which made the two of them look at me as if I was mad. "Should the invading hordes gain access to the castle then the lord would run through a tunnel to safety." I explained and then I was giving orders again. "Genius do you have a form which could find a tunnel in the ground?" I asked her.

She smiled and began to shrink down, turning into a mole; she burrowed into the ground and was gone. Pieter looked at me in shock. I shook my head. "Don't ask me, all I've done is asked her." I said.

"But she is listening to you, almost as if you were her master. This is not right with such as she." He said.

I couldn't really answer that but I did say, "She needs us to help her and so it's in her favour to listen to us and to take our counsel. When we find Brenda she'll most probably protect her first." I said.

Genius came walking back to us, "I found a tunnel, but there's been a fall and it's not passable at this time, it would need several men some days to repair it." She said looking annoyed, and I can't say I blamed her.

I started looking around the place and noted a small building nearby surrounded by what seemed to be a small wall; I went near there and felt the sword seeming to pull me back. "What's wrong?" I asked it.

'You will not bury me in the ground here?' The sword said fearfully

"This is consecrated ground? But there's no church here?" I said looking around.

'This is where people have been buried by a priest, the ground has been blessed.' The sword replied.

I entered the area and immediately found that swirling mists seemed to rise from the ground, I didn't seem threatened by them and so ignored them. At least until one rose in front of me and seemed to take shape.

"Mortal man! Are you not afeared of me?" The shade asked perplexed.

"Should I be? I don't believe ghosts could truly hurt me." I said stepping towards him.

"But I was the first Lord of this land, I had the castle built! I should be respected!" The shade said angrily.

"I'm sorry my lord, but that was some time ago and people start to forget their past." I said.

The shade nodded the area where his head was, "So? 'Tis always the way of mortal men." He said in a resigned tone.

"I do know this my lord, but can I ask something of you?" I said cautiously.

"Why should I help you mortal, what can you give me?" The shade replied.

"I don't know my lord, what is it that you require?" I said.

"My family have been interred in this land, but the priest was killed before he could usher us into the next world, I beseech you to find some way of helping us." He said.

"Please my lord, wait a moment." I said and walked back to where Pieter and Genius were standing.

"You are still whole? There have been stories of people being driven mad by the evil shades that reside in that place." Pieter said amazed.

"What evil shades? I spoke to a man who was the first lord of this land; he's the one who built that castle. Tell me Brother Pieter, if you were requested to help a person to enter heaven, would you do it?" I asked him.

Pieter frowned, "Only those who have been good and buried in consecrated ground can be directed to meet the Great one. Why have they not been delivered there beforehand?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "I don't know, maybe you should ask him yourself, come with me." I said turning to re-enter the grounds.

Brother Pieter seemed to go white in the face, "Enter there? Are you sure?" he asked me worriedly.

I sighed, "I will protect you Brother, god-fearing people here need your help! Will you help them or turn your back on them?" I asked him I know I was laying it on rather thickly but he needed it.

"I will come with you." He said making a sign.

I returned to the shade, "It seems that you have a reputation here." I said, "There are stories of people being driven mad who entered here." I said.

"Lies! We have harmed nobody, all seem to stay away from here, we can't really hurt anyone ... as you surmised." He said.

I turned to Brother Pieter, "Did you hear that? Now I want you to listen to the lord here and help him!" I said.

Rather timorously Pieter approached the shade and began talking, I noticed that while they spoke he seemed to straighten up and gain confidence, He was asking the shade about his faith and belief, and then he asked for all the names of those buried there. He walked around the graveyard, which it now appeared to be and then he returned to me.

"You were correct, these poor souls need saving. I thank you for showing me to them." He said and seemed to prepare himself for something.

I went back to the shade, "I have done what I promised; now I need your help. I am after a woman who's been taken into the castle as a prisoner, is there any way to enter the castle with the drawbridge up and the tunnel collapsed." I asked.

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