Stalking Sex - Cover

Stalking Sex

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2007 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: Teen holds off taking girlfriend's cherry. Gets rewarded with two for one!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   .

I allowed my girlfriend the "honor" of keeping her cherry at the junior prom. I mean, it would have been impossible except that we had already moved to oral sex and mutual masturbation by the time May had rolled around.

Cindy never thanked me (as if I deserved it) for that but I think there were other compensations. Her parents soon afterward stopped treating me like a predator. [I'm guessing there was a real cross examination (maybe even a physical one, too) shortly after Cindy waltzed in the door at 3:00 AM.]

Suddenly, I was okay with Cindy's previously strict parents. If only they knew that their overbearing strictness is what led Cindy to rebel, which led to our hands on, then oral ministrations.

I often joked (out of earshot) that Cindy's little eleven year old sister Susan was a 'dam ready to burst' with regard to the parents' heavy handedness.

But the summer came and went, we still didn't progress to copulation yet, while Susan began to bud into her teen body a year early. Her twelfth birthday was March of my senior year.

Susan's previous tomboy features melted into a little hottie whose body was virtually the same size as her almost seventeen year old sister Cindy's.

As a way of controlling Susan, her parents often dumped her on Cindy and me. I could tell their plan was twofold: keep Susan from getting herself into trouble and keep Cindy and me from progressing to the final stage of sexual union!

But they became too jaded. By now, they took to leaving the girls alone some weekends while they partied or travelled on business. I wasn't permitted to stay overnight, especially when the parents were away, but that didn't stop me from trying!

My parents didn't know - didn't want to know where I was at any time. Maybe that's part of why I wanted Cindy's company, even if it meant blue balls. It was only the suggestion that I would need to get relief elsewhere that led Cindy to agree to oral sex, but when her clitty was finally nibbled and her orgasms washed over her, she realized her parents had been lying to her about sex.

Oral sex became the centerpiece of our relationship, both of us now desperately needing the relief it offered; but we got careless one evening and allowed ourselves to be overheard by Susan.

When Susan overheard the moans of sinful pleasure, she demanded to be introduced to some tongue in her pussy! (The "or else" was clearly a threat to rat us out to the parents!)

I tried my best to sound concerned but deep inside, I couldn't wait to kiss that new clitty.

Finally, Cindy beat Susan up over this, smacking her silly. As the crying baby sister screamed that she was going to rat us out, Cindy said, "Go ahead, you little shit! We'll deny everything!"

Now I felt totally forlorn because was I wasn't going to get to do doubles - and Susan was definitely on the fast track to "slutsville".

Privately, Cindy must have suspected I would enjoy her sister, but her nervousness over what was going to happen now with the parents led to ask me, "Ron, what am I going to do with Susan? I know she'll squeal now. Help me!"

As you would expect of a guy, my suggestion was simple: let Susan give and receive the same oral sex that Cindy had been enjoying.

Cindy's eyes got narrower as she barked, "And I'll bet you just can't wait to administer your tongue to Susan's pussy!"

As much as I liked the idea, I did have self control - Cindy's virginity was proof of that - and I told Cindy off. Then, I had a brainstorm, both as a third alternative and to satisfy my curiosity.

I told Cindy, "It doesn't have to be ME that eats Susan out. Show her that you're still a virgin and explain that the oral sex is what has kept it that way. You two can practice on each other."

Cindy then tried to bait me by asking, "And what if we like pussy so much that we toss you out?"

I had the answer to that: "Then you weren't likely to to progress to straight sex with me at all and it's better I find that out now, rather than later. If Susan objects, call her out for trying to steal your guy!"

It worked better than I ever imagined. Not only was Susan shocked that her sister was still a virgin, but she must have entertained fantasies about her because she whole-heartedly agreed.

But now I was left out... but not for long.

Just as it's not the same to have oral sex performed on me if it was a guy doing it, neither Cindy nor Susan was totally sanguine with my alternative.

So the next time the parents were away (and it was just overnight on a Saturday), I was summoned to finally perform the double play I had envisioned, and we would all be together as a threesome to make sure oral sex was all Susan got from me!

I made sure to sound clinical as Cindy and I got down to... well, getting down!

After we explored each other's flesh so thoroughly we moaned in unison, it was time for me to go down on Susan. Susan was disappointed that Cindy didn't allow her to return the favor. Shit! I was even more disappointed!

But Susan's more athletic body clamped my face and neck and she rode me like a "bronco".

I "accidentally" put both hands up to steady Susan's torso at one point, but in doing so, each of my thumbs rubbed a premature nipple to firmness as Susan arched coyly to increase the friction. How that got by Cindy, I'll never know.

Only after everything was finished and everyone had cleaned up did Cindy leave us alone, but only to take a pee. Damned if Susan didn't wait until she heard the trickle when she raced to me and planted a hot wet kiss right on my lips as she reached down to confirm her actions cause me to get a boner!

Had I not unloaded into the tissues Cindy had held, my blue balls would have been unbearable.

As it was, it was difficult enough on me, and my dreams betrayed me because all I could think of now was a threesome!

During Spring Break, the parents had a weekend scheduled in the US Virgin Islands (as if I needed the reminder about Cindy).

That Friday night, I masturbated until my balls were empty because I knew I was going to get the call - and I did. I was also going to stay the entire night!

I felt this was it - that Cindy was finally going to lose her virginity to me. I just had to fiugre out how to make sure Susan overheard us, while pretending to do the opposite.

The evening started out fine - we played videos and rummy together, and even watched reruns of CSI until 1:00 AM.

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