Wandering Minds - Cover

Wandering Minds

Copyright© 2007 by MWTB

Chapter 12

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 12 - What would you do if you suddenly discovered that you could ride along in people's minds, see what they saw, feel what they felt, experience what they experienced? Two teenagers find out.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Mind Control   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   School  

Early the next morning, Sarah walked into her room. She saw Betty sleeping in Seth's embrace, with her head on his chest and her hand clasped around his cock, which was standing proudly. Sarah wished she had a camera handy. Too bad, she thought, taking a close look at her naked brother before she climbed onto the bed next to him. "Time to get up, Seth," she whispered.

"OK, Sar," he mumbled.

He started to move when he realized that his sister's voice did not come from the head on his chest. His eyes popped open and he looked up to see his sister smiling down at him, then he looked down and saw Betty's head on his chest and her hand around his cock.

"Hey!" he yelped, sitting up and knocking Betty off of him. He grabbed the blanket and covered his crotch.

"Really?" Sarah asked. "After last night?"

"Really!" Seth roared.

"OK, I'll turn around while you get dressed. You have to go to class soon." Sarah turned quickly and asked, "Are you sure you don't want Betty to take care of that woody before you go?"

"I'll do it!" Betty assured eagerly. She had moved to sit against the wall.

Seth struggled into his pants and took a breath. "Sarah, sorry. You startled me. Thanks for the birthday present. It was great." He leaned over the bed and kissed Betty. "Thank you, too."

"My pleasure, for sure!" Betty grinned broadly.

Seth kissed Sarah on the cheek before he left. "Mmmm, Eau d' Betty's Pussy," Sarah commented.

"You should try it some time," Seth said with a smug look, then he was gone.

Sarah turned and stalked towards Betty, crawling until she knelt between her knees. "Did you do well?" she questioned the satiated girl.

"I think so, Sarah. I think that your brother was quite satisfied."

"And you?" Sarah inquired.

"For his first time, he was amazing," Betty gushed. "The best solo straight sex I've ever had."

"That was a lot of qualifications," Sarah observed.

"What can I say? I'm a slut," Betty chuckled.

"Yes, but now you're my slut," Sarah said, caressing Betty's cheek. Betty purred.

"You do know that I share everything with my brother, right?" Sarah asked Betty.

Betty nodded.

"That means there are no secrets between us. I'm going to find out exactly what happened last night in exquisite detail, and he knows everything that I've done to you," Sarah explained.

Betty blushed, but just nodded. "I sort of figured that would be the case. You are closer than any brother and sister that I know."

"But it also means something else," Sarah continued. "I said we share everything, and that includes you as well. If Seth tells you to do something, it's as if I were saying it. If he wants you to suck off his friends, you'll do it, right?"

"Happily," Betty said. She really did have a good time last night.

"OK, get dressed; you have class," Sarah instructed.

"I just need to shower," Betty replied.

"No you don't," Sarah disagreed.

"But I smell like sex!" Betty blurted. And she did. She reeked of it. Sarah could even see sperm leaking from her pussy.

"I know, and just imagine how good that will make the people sitting next to you feel," Sarah countered.

Betty looked like she was going to argue the point, but then she just said, "OK, Sarah."

They got dressed and went to their classes. That night, Sarah visited with Betty to find out how she felt about the previous night's activities. She discovered that Betty would be quite happy to do it again any night, over and over, though she'd prefer that Sarah were there, too.

After the events of the birthday, Sarah's questions of bisexuality pretty much disappeared. Only a few days later, during another massage, Sarah didn't object when Betty's fingers slipped over her ass and over her pussy lips, and then, when Betty heard no complaining, into her pussy. When Betty asked her to turn over, Sarah just acquiesced, and Betty worked her way up from Sarah's feet until her face was firmly planted in Sarah's crotch. Betty brought Sarah to two orgasms that night, and two the next. Sarah reciprocated the following evening, and from there on out, she made use of Betty as often as she felt like it. Interestingly enough, no matter how long Betty spent in bed with Sarah, when Sarah awoke in the morning Betty was in her little nest at the foot of Sarah's bed.

Sarah's sexual escapades served to loosen her up for the aloofness that she exhibited in high school. Sarah was still a virgin — well, to men anyway — because she never found someone that she thought would be permanent enough to give her virginity to. During her first months at school, however, after being exposed to sexual activities both with Betty as well in the visits that she had with numerous students getting it on, Betty realized that she was missing out on quite a bit of fun, and that she just had to like the person, not love them.

The person that Sarah chose to lose her virginity to was John. There were a number of criteria that she used to pick him. First, she had to like him. She met John in her Intro to Psychology class and they hit it off. John seemed quite nice, and they flirted regularly. Second, he had to be cute, and at 6' 1", brown hair, hazel eyes and a body that spent at least three days a week in the gym, John was eminently qualified. Third and fourth, he had to be basically an upstanding person, not a sleazebag, and he had to be a good lay. Sarah was able to confirm these requirements by manipulating him into a position where she could visit in his mind. She realized that it was not the most ethical of actions, but she wanted to make sure that her first time was good, and she didn't expect John to be a long term relationship.

John asked her out after a Thursday class, and Sarah accepted. The agreed to go out to a bar the next night and do a little dancing. As Sarah had hoped, she had quite a nice time with John, both of them getting a little tipsy, though neither of them got completely sloshed. Sarah enjoyed dancing with John, and she particularly liked the way that he held her tight, smushing her breasts into his chest while his arms were wrapped around her.

When they were finished with bar, John asked, "What now?"

"Let's go back to my room," Sarah replied.

"Are you sure?" John asked with a grin, though he certainly knew what he wanted the answer to be.

Sarah nodded.

"What about your roommate?" he asked.

"She's out for the evening," Sarah informed him. That was actually a little bit of a lie. True, Betty would not be in the room. When Sarah left the bar, she texted Betty, 'Now'; when Betty got the text, she went into the closet and started wrapping a rope around her ankles, her calves and her chest. She wanted to wrap her wrists as well, but Sarah would not let her do that until she had arrived in the room. Sarah had explained that if she were delayed in any way, and anything untoward happened in the dorm — fire, flood or the like — she wanted to make sure that Betty could escape. However when Betty heard Sarah enter the room, she took the rope that she had pre-tied, slipped it over her wrists, tightened it with her teeth, then slipped the loop over a hook that they had placed in the ceiling. Betty could now hear what was going on in the room, but she could not move, and she dared not make a sound for fear of discovery. She shuddered to think about what Sarah would do to her if she messed up her night by freaking out John.

Sarah was a kind Mistress, but a firm one. While Betty was quite compliant and subservient, she did occasionally slip up and disobey or forget Sarah's commands, and Sarah had proven herself quite inventive at punishing her little slave girl. When Betty had hesitated at obeying one of Sarah's commands for fear of embarrassing herself in front of some other girls on the floor, Sarah made her masturbate in the shower, cumming over and over again, loudly, as various girls from the floor popped in and out of the bathroom.

Another time, Sarah had unbuttoned Betty's shirt just before class, so that if she leaned over in the slightest her breast would be visible. Even worse, Sarah had instructed Betty that if some kind soul informed her that she had misbuttoned her shirt, she was to say, "Thank you, but I know. It's just that it makes my pussy gush every time I realize that someone has seen my tit."

Those humiliations, along with other punishments, made Betty desperate not to do anything that would really piss off her Mistress, and messing up her deflowering would definitely fall into that category.

When Sarah and John stumbled into the room, and Sarah pushed him down onto her bed, straddling his hips. She kissed him deeply, enjoying the interplay with his tongue and the feel of his hands running up and down her back. Then she abruptly broke the kiss and sat up. In seconds she had pulled her shirt and bra off, leaving her magnificent tits exposed to John. She let him admire them briefly before she fell back onto him, thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth again.

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