Man Of The House - Cover

Man Of The House

by Alistair Acorn

Copyright© 2007 by Alistair Acorn

Erotica Sex Story: A young man who continually was called the man of the house, becomes just that and getting all the privileges that go with it. Not being satisfied with his own house he takes over his next door neighbours as well

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Sister   Harem   First   .

Copyright © 2007

Fifteen-year-old Thomas was leaning on his window ledge watching his new neighbour's removal men move their belongings into the house. What he was looking for was to see if there was to be someone of his own age, but all he saw were a middle-aged couple and an old woman. He heard the woman calling her Gran, so he presumed the old woman was her grandmother, but the old woman looked old and thin, but there was no sign of her being frail.

Thomas really was looking to see if there was a young woman moving in as he was getting sick of getting hand jobs from his elder sister. No matter how much he tried she wouldn't open her legs to him. Every time he tried he got the same rebuff.

"If you think you are going to shove that monster cock of yours in my pussy you are far mistaken."

Thomas had been put on a drug as his pituitary gland wasn't functioning properly and the side effect had been to enlarge his penis and sexual awareness. He has since been taken off the drug, but the damage has been done so he has to live with an overlarge penis. Surely he though there is female out there just looking for such a male.

The woman who was moving in glanced up and saw Thomas. "I'm going to be your new neighbour, I'm Mrs Lucas. What is your name?" She asked.

"Thomas Read. Have you any children?

"No my two sons are grown up and live the other side of the country."

"I was hoping you had someone my age,"

"Sorry Thomas there is only my husband, my great-grandmother and I. Gran likes young people; you should come over and have a chat with her. We both work and she is alone during the day, she will be glad to see you."

"Thank you, tell her I'll call round once you have settled in." Thomas replied. He liked the look of Mrs Lucas; she was a plump woman with large breasts.

"Hello darling, where have you been?" Asked Mrs Lucas to a man who had arrived driving a new Mercedes.

"I met a friend and we had a long chat," he replied, but he said it with a lisp and his wrist was limp on a raised lower arm. When he walked towards Mrs Lucas he didn't walk he minced, just like you see clothes designers walk.

Thomas nearly burst out laughing at the way me was walking. When he got closer he saw that he was wearing a silk scarf around his neck with the knot at the left. His trousers were pink, from a distance Thomas thought they were white, but now he was closer he saw the right colour.

"Agnes!" Thomas shouted after stepping back away from the window.

"What do you want now?" A young woman's voice replied.

"Come quickly, you have to see this."

Agnes his elder sister by a year entered his bedroom dressed only in her panties, her breasts bare. There was no point hiding them from Thomas, he had kissed them often enough and had seen her naked.

"What is it?" Agnes asked.

"Cop the poofter from next door."

"What!" Agnes replied and grabbing one of Thomas's shirts lying on a chair she held it against her chest and joined him at the window.

Mr and Mrs Lucas were discussing something as the men moved backwards and forwards and as they spoke Mr Lucas's hands were hyperactive both with slack wrists now.

"God you are right Thomas, he looks a right fairy, but isn't he a bit old to be dressing up like that?"

"I'm going to find out what he does. Mrs Lucas said I could go over any time and talk with the old woman, surely she will tell me."

"You can't go asking people if their relatives are poofter," Agnes said as the both moved away from the window and sat on the edge of Thomas's bed.

"You'll better get something on, for mum will be getting back soon," Thomas said looking at his sisters firm lovely sized breasts. Breasts he loved to fondle and kiss. They were big enough for Agnes to rub against his cock. Ages did this for him so he wouldn't try to put his cock into her pussy. Thomas was allowed to do anything he wanted, except fuck her. He liked seeing her without a top, but his mother was a tyrant and would think nothing of lifting her hand to either of them.

"I'll be gone before she gets back, I am sleeping at Betty's tonight," Agnes replied.

Thomas knew it wasn't Betty she wanted to see but her brother Frank for Agnes had the hots for him. Thomas was sure his sister was fucking Frank for she always had a smile on her face when she returned. Usually that evening she was all over Thomas and even called him Frank at times.

"So I'm being left with mum tonight?"

"Enjoy, at least she will keep you out of trouble," she replied with a giggle.

Sure enough she left about five minutes later with the usual banging of the front door. Thomas went to his window and watched her hurry away with her bag slung over her shoulder. Without looking back she raised her hand in a wave, for she knew that Thomas would be watching.

"You must be Thomas, Tracy said you would be around to see me," an elderly woman's voice asked.

Thomas turned and saw the old woman looking up at him and smiling. Her face reminded Thomas of one of Agnes's dolls it was so small surrounded by her white hair. She was leaning on a cane to steady herself and even then looked a bit wobbly.

"Yes Mrs Lucas said you like to speak to young people and maybe I could keep you company some time." Thomas replied. Not particularly fond of keeping the elderly company, but just out of respect for the old woman.

"Why not come round now, I'm getting in the way of the people in the house."

"So you are living in the Granny flat?" Thomas answered. He knew about the granny flat next door, but it had stood vacant as long as he could remember.

"Yes it is nice and private and quiet, I'll be waiting," she replied and shuffled off before Thomas could answer. Anyway he was better out of the house when his mother returned, for she would find something to do around the house. He quickly dressed, well pulled on a clean teeshirt and shorts and pulled a comb through his hair.

He knocked on the door of the Granny flat and the woman's voice cried out," The door is open, come on in Thomas." Which he did.

The granny flat was a self-contained unit with everything from the small kitchen to the two rooms, one being a bedroom, the other a lounge.

"Come sit down Thomas, sit by me. You can call me Sybil when we are alone, but call me Mrs Thompson when Tracy is around, she doesn't like young people using forenames to older people."

Thomas sat in one of the TV chairs alongside her as she asked and had been patting when she asked him.

"Now tell me all about yourself," she continued.

Maybe it was the way she smiled and talked in her soft soothing voice, but Thomas started telling her all about himself, even the affects of the drug they had put him on. He never mentioned anything about how he and Agnes carried on though.

"So you are still a virgin, a bit out of the ordinary these days," she said after he had told her his life history without interrupting once.

He had also told her about how his mother kept on saying 'He was the man of the house.', and what for, he still got a slap if he did anything wrong.

"Yes, but I told you why," he replied and strangely not embarrassed as he couldn't even talk to his mother about how he felt.

"You have to learn to be more assertive Thomas. By your mother saying you are the man of the house she is looking for someone to take the load off her shoulders, someone she can lean on and comfort her."

"No, I can't see that, you don't know my mum she is very aggressive and keeps my sister and I on the straight and narrow."

"Thomas it is the man who is aggressive, the woman is passive by nature. Show her you are a man, I'm sure you are taller than her, for you are a well-built young man."

"Well-built you say, but I'm a freak."

"No your not, sure you say you are a lot bigger than normal, but I doubt there is a woman alive who wouldn't be able to satisfy you." She replied

As was said earlier Thomas had told her everything and without any embarrassment. "That's not what my sister says. She says no woman could ever take me."

"What does your sister know, she is young and inexperienced. Now do as I say and you will be surprised, I can vouch on that."

"Thanks Sybil, but it feels strange calling an elderly woman like you by your forename."

"Maybe at first, but you wait you won't feel that way in a short time if you keep coming to visit me."

"I have to go now, my mother will be wondering where I am."

"Tell her where you have been, be aggressive."

Thomas rose then bent down to kiss her on the offered cheek, but as he was about to kiss her cheek she turned towards him and their lips met. For some reason Thomas didn't pull his head away and the kiss was a lingering one. When he did pull away Sybil had a smile on her face, as if she knew the turmoil that was going inside Thomas's head, by that encounter. He even had a twitching in his penis, but luckily it hadn't hardened, for he would have been really embarrassed if it had.

He left with a wave and walked back home, his head in a spin wondering why he had opened up to the old woman so much. He was even afraid by the feeling he had just by kissing her, something he never did, not even to his own mother. Surely the old woman didn't want that kind of company.

"Where have you been, you know what time I get home," barked his mother as he entered the house.

"I've been next door talking to the old woman who has just moved in with her grand-daughter. Why are you shouting at me anyway? You keep saying I'm the man of the house, but I get none of the privileges, so get on with what you were doing and call me when dinner is ready." Thomas replied in a determined voice, and then went upstairs to his bedroom.

His mother said nothing, but watched her son climb the stairs to go to his room. Even though she didn't like to admit it, she was glad that Thomas had stood up to her. She did as he said and returned to the kitchen to prepare there evening meal.

She was still standing at the sink when Thomas returned downstairs and stood behind her with his hands around her waist, again something he had never done before.

"I thought you wanted me to call you when dinner is ready?" She said in a quiet voice.

"I thought I would come down and help you," he replied talking to her with her hair pressed on his cheek an d his mouth close to her ear. He liked the smell of her perfume, something he hadn't even noticed before.

Thomas was a head and shoulders taller than his mother, so he was bent forward as he held her. For some reason she pressed her well-rounded bottom back and felt the large bulge pressing against her. The task she was doing stopped and the knife she held in her hand was stopped in midair.

"I like the smell of your perfume, wear it all the time from now on," Thomas again said in her ear.

As he felt her press back his hands slid up and was now holding in his hands her firm breasts, far bigger than Agnes's are.

"What are you doing Thomas?" She asked as she dropped the knife and placed her hands over his, but making no attempt to take his hands away.

"Do you like what I'm doing?" He asked as he gently squeezed her breasts through the layers of material.

"This is wrongful Thomas, I'm your mother and we shouldn't be doing this," but now she was pressing her bottom hard against him and the combined actions started the blood pumping into Thomas's large penis.

The feel of the lump hardening against her body brought a shiver throughout his mother's body and she felt the dampness soaking her panties as though she was having her periods. She hadn't felt this way for many years and this seemed more intense than at any time she could remember, but Thomas was her flesh and blood. The feel of his cock against her body was just too much to take.

She quickly turned round and Thomas eased his arms then when she was facing him he tightened his grip once more. Now she was pressing her breasts against his chest. She pressed her hips forward and felt him against her soft belly. The feel of him against her made her feel dizzy and a need to get that lump inside her, rather than pressing against her stomach. The turmoil of her son seemed to vanish, here was a man and he obviously wanted her so what is the wrong in that.

Thomas felt his mother press her body hard against him and even felt the urgency in her breathing. Even though he was inexperienced his natural instincts came to the fore and he knew exactly what he had to do. One hand he slid down to her thighs and gently lifted her up. His mother had her hands around his neck and her eyes were closed he noted, but she had a calm look on her face as he carried her up the stairs to her bedroom.

He gently laid her on the bed and she lay back and looked at him. Thomas undid the button and pulled down the zip of her tight skirt and pulled it down. She lifted her hips so it would slide down more easily. Folding the skirt he hung it up and then pulled down her half slip which had come down halfway when he removed the skirt. He didn't hurry, but his erection was now hurting, but he was determined to keep cool.

His mother was wearing a high hip pair of panties and they too were pulled down, but just dropped on the floor. His mother's pubic hairs were the same colour as her mousy brown hair and had been trimmed short. Her legs were still together so he could see nothing of her mound, but as he watched he dropped his shorts and underpants and moved closer.

As he moved closer his mother raised her knees and spread them wide allowing him the full view of her womanhood.

Why am I allowing my son to undress me and now I'm letting him see my most secret part of my body. I just can't stop now, for I must feel a man inside me, no matter what relationship he has with me.

She raised her hands as though begging him to come to her and that was exactly what Thomas did. Instead of moving into her arms he placed one hand under her hips and the other under his penis as he guided the massive purple head towards her glistening vulva.

Gently guiding himself he pushed aside her plump lips, which guarded her vagina and the head slid easily in. Sybil had been right he thought as he started sliding into the inner being of his mother's body.

His mother felt her lower body being filled by a penis larger than the one of his father, which was the only other man whom she had been with. Now she felt her whole insides were being pushed aside as Thomas's penis slid into her. To help him she pushed her hips forward and soon their bodies touched, but when they did she raised her legs higher so more of him could be taken. It was the most wonderful feeling she was experiencing as he had stopped and was looking down at her.

As he entered her, his virginity days were over and he loved the feeling of being encased by her warm grasping pussy. Sliding up was even better as more of his cock was encased, then he felt his mother thrust her body into his and he how was hard against her. He felt her legs lift so he moved his arms on the outside her legs and held them tight to his chest and a slight push and now their pubic hairs touched.

The act had been entirely intuitional and Thomas started moving his hips back and forth as he had seen on the porno movies. They were nothing compared with what he was feeling now and they both got into the rhythm and the squelching noise and slap as their bodies came apart and then slapped together again. It was his mother who started moving faster they she let out a cry he was sure would be heard in the street and at the same time tried to reach him with her hands.

Thomas was a bit worried, for he thought he had hurt her, but then he saw that his mother had been experiencing the same feeling when he masturbated and just before he ejaculated. Still he pumped into her and then without warning he felt his sperm rising up his penis. Quickly he withdrew and half a second later he spurted his load all over her bare stomach.

"Thomas, you shouldn't have withdrawn, I'm on the pill, for that was the most pleasant experience as long as I can remember."

"I love you mum and I hope you don't feel bad about me for what we did."

"Oh Thomas I don't feel bad about you quite the opposite and call me Jean since what we did gives you the privilege to do so."

"No you're mum and will always be so."

As they talked Jean dropped her legs and pulled Thomas down beside her. She leant over and kissed him on the lips with a hand either side of his head. A flash of memory he remembered he got the same feeling of the kiss which Sybil had given him.

"Now you are truly the man of the house, and I hope you won't forget me now we have made love." Jean asked smiling meekly at her son.

Not fucked, made love, Thomas was learning, maybe women thought of it differently, so making love was what he would call it from now on, well until he discovered differently.

After they lay there for twenty minutes Jean sat up. "I had better get up and prepare my masters dinner." To which she laughed and patter Thomas's limp penis all sticky with her lubricant.

As she prepared their meal she was all warm inside and happy that a dream had come true, one most women dream of, being seduced by a man with a large penis. Granted she had been apprehensive when she saw for the first time Thomas's almost donkey sized penis advancing towards her, but once inside her body she loved the feeling, which still lingered. He was hers and she was sure that she will have many happy experiences in the future with her son, but she wished he would call her Jean. It didn't sound right calling her mum when his hard massive penis was lodged inside her pussy.

His mother's attitude had changed and instead of the snarls and groans she was all smiles and fussed over him.

At bedtime Thomas made no attempt to go into his own room, but got into his mothers bed and waited on her getting in beside him. Now it was Thomas's turn to see his mother's naked body and he wasn't disappointed by what he saw. They pressed their bodies together as only lovers do and started the feel of each other's bodies, examining every part of each other. Thomas who had only felt his sisters body so wasn't unfamiliar with a female body nevertheless loved the feel of his mother's body even better.

Thomas's hand slid down between them and he slid his finger into her crack. Firstly moving up and foundd her clitoris just protruding from under its protective covering and with gentle rubbing became as hard as his penis was now. His finger dropped and as he skirted her warm entrance to her vagina Jean took a deep breath, but he moved just past it and rotated his finger. Jean squirmed and pushed herself hard into his hand, he had found a G spot which he read was where many women have one.

It was Jean who started the next move as she pushed him on to his back and straddled his hips. She had to raise herself up so she could insert his cock into her warm pussy and then slowly lowering herself down so she was sitting on his thighs. Thomas held her waist as she did this and loved the warm grasping feel of his mothers vagina massage his rampant rod of bone.

Jean once again felt the lovely filled feeling as her son's man meat slowly expanded her already stretched vagina. Here at last she was getting what she always dreamt about, right here within her own family. She knew it was wrong, well in western society, but this practise of mother and son has been going on since the beginning of time and why not animals do.

Thomas lay back and except for an occasional thrust of his hips on her decent he let his mother bring him on. After she reached her climax, this time Thomas spurted his load into her tight-fitting love-nest. She then dropped forward on to his chest and they both fell asleep to be awakened by a banging on the front door. The bolts and chains had been put into place and Agnes couldn't get in. It was she who was banging on the door.

Thomas got out of his mothers bed and walked over to his own and left his mother to go and open the door to let his sister in. As usual she came bounding up the stairs and into her room, presumably to drop off her bag. Then Thomas's door was thrown open and she called out, "Come on lazy bones, come and have breakfast." Then he heard her noisy descent and calling out her mothers name.

That was close Thomas thought to himself as he swung his legs out of the bed and moved into the bathroom where he showered to remove the perfume and earthy sex smell from his body. He then returned to his room and changed into his usual shorts and teeshirt, he then went downstairs.

His mother had a dressing-gown on and he knew she had nothing underneath as she sat and had her usual cup of coffee before going for her shower. Agnes sat at the opposite side of the table looking at her mother with her tussled hair, puzzled that she was smiling, not the usual sour face she had got used to. Thomas sat down beside his mother, again something he never done before and ate his cornflakes, but as he was he was playing footsie with his mother. They had become lovers in just over 12 hours and they tried to hide it from Agnes.

When their mother left and Agnes heard the water running she looked at Thomas. "What has come over mum, she is away in the clouds and have you noticed she is actually smiling and hasn't said a thing to me, except wish me a good morning."

"Maybe she has found something she has always been longing for," Thomas replied, he too with a smile on his face. He then continued eating his breakfast.

Jean came down all dressed for work in her skirt suit, kissed them both on the cheek, but kissed Thomas longer, "See you at the usual time, behave yourselves." Then she was off to catch her usual train.

"There is definitely something going on, was she like this when she came home last night?" Asked Agnes, but the turning up of Thomas's mouth's sides made her wonder.

She sat back and looked at him all smug and somehow more manly and confident.

"I went to see the old woman Mrs. Thompson after you left, she lives in the granny flat. She is very nice and we had a long chat, in fact mum was getting worried about where I was," Thomas said trying to take Agnes's mind off the subject she had been pestering him about.

"Did you find out about Mr Lucas, is he queer?" Agnes asked now more interested in Mr Lucas

"Hell, I forgot to ask. Mrs Lucas's name is Tracy, but she doesn't like people younger than her calling her that."

"God another bossy bitch, we have enough of them at school, now we have one next door as well," she said rising from the table.

"Here, take my dishes and wash them," Thomas said to Agnes. The way he said it, it was like an order. Agnes was going to tell him to fuck off, but something in the way he said it made her do as he said. Funny, Thomas didn't have that commanding tone in his voice before, I wonder if I'm just imagining it she thought as she washed the breakfast dishes.

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