First Rain - Cover

First Rain

by just-this-guy

Copyright© 2007 by just-this-guy

Erotica Sex Story: I was home alone from school when the neighbor girl appeared. She was caught in the rain.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   First   .

I barely got wet during the walk home from school. It was only light sprinkles so it was nothing to be concerned about. If I had an umbrella it would have been a waste of energy to pop it open. I could never get stupid umbrellas closed anyway. It was like umbrellas had something against me. I had no idea what I did to them. Perhaps in a past life I was a dog that urinated on them?

When I got home I did first what I always did first. I headed to the kitchen. I took two pieces of bread, saturated both in mayo, and piled it with lunch meat. It was highly probable that my sandwiches were directly responsible for keeping Oscar Meyer in business. I grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed to the living room.

I carried both sandwich and drink on a plate and placed it on the sofa cushion. I pressed "power" on the TV remote then walked up to the videogame console. I slipped Alien Annihilation into the machine. Nothing was more relaxing after a school day than blowing aliens to smithereens. My dad wouldn't be home until after six, so I had over three hours of alien annihilating pleasure. Sadly, my mom passed away from cancer six years ago when I was ten.

The doorbell rang. The aliens had a reprieve.

"You're home," she said with a look of relief when I opened the door.

She was Samantha Stewart. Sami lived directly across the street. She was soaking wet.

"Can I come in, David?" Sami asked.

"Uh ... sure." I moved out of the way and she stepped into the entryway. I closed the door.

"It's wet out there," she said with a big shiver. Water dripped into a puddle on the linoleum. I would need to get a towel and wipe that up before Dad got home.

"I must have just missed the rain," I said.

She shivered from the cold.

"Can I get you something?" I asked. I should do something but I wasn't sure what.

Sami said, "Can I put my clothes in your dryer? Do you have a robe I can wear?"

"I don't have a robe," I replied robotically. Take her clothes off here? What was she thinking?

"One of your shirts will do."

"Uh ... okay," I said awkwardly.

I knew Sami for like forever. It was for as long as I remembered. I lived in the same house all my life. I wasn't sure if she always lived across the street but if she didn't then she was very young when she did move in. We were both 16 now and high school sophomores.

"Where's your dryer?" she asked.

She should know. Our houses were mirror images of each other. There was a laundry room between the garage and kitchen. Besides she was over at my house hundreds of times. We were best play friends growing up through elementary age and even into middle school. She played "space rangers and aliens" with me and I played "house" with her. A few years ago as we became teens our interests changed and we became more casual friends and didn't see much of each other.

"This way," I said. It must have monster rained. She was so wet.

She looked at the dryer when she got to it then expectantly at me. Did she want something?

"Could you get your shirt?" she asked.

Oh, yeah. Duh!

As I turned she said, "The biggest one."

"Okay," I mumbled and headed to my room.

I searched through my dresser. All my shirts were about the same size. I pulled out a navy blue t-shirt. It would do. I was back in a couple of minutes.

"Here," I said and held it out.

She smiled as she took my shirt. In a few seconds she looked expectant again.

"Are you going to go?" she asked. She then said with a self-conscious laugh, "I can't change with you here."

"Uh ... right ... yes," I said. I felt greatly embarrassed.

I returned to the living room. My snack was there. That was something I could do while I waited for her to change and come out.

"What are you doing?" Sami asked.

I turned my head to look behind me.


My shirt was short on her. Very short.

I was only a couple of inches taller than Sami so it made sense that my shirt was short on her, but I never expected this. My eyes roamed up and down her bare legs. Wow! Fantastic legs!

"What are you doing?" she said again.

I heard what she said the first time but I was too stunned to respond coherently. "Just eating a snack." I looked at my sandwich then back at Sami.

She walked over and stood in front of the couch. I thought she was going to sit in the recliner, but apparently she wanted to sit on the couch too. I scooted over to one end. She sat on the other end with her legs curled up under her. Her shirt rode up but her legs blocked a view of her panties.

"So how are you doing?" she asked.

"Uh ... okay," I said. My eyes kept sliding down to her legs. I tried hard not to look but it was difficult.

"How's school?" she now asked.

"It's alright."

"How's your grades?"

What was this? Did she think she was my dad?

"I'm doing good," I replied.

"So who are you dating now?" she asked.

"Okay," I responded before I realized the subject changed. "Uh ... no one."

"I thought so. I haven't seen you hanging out with anyone lately."

I dated a few girls over the last year or so but nothing much came of any of it and I never dated any girl for very long. A few kisses were as far as I ever got. I never hit it off with anyone. Sometimes I dumped her and sometimes she dumped me. It was hard when Angie Appleton dumped me because she was the first girl I ever went out with but now it was no big deal to be dumped. A guy learned to move to the next girl and hope for better luck.

How long was it since I dated? Was it a whole month?

Sami said, "Remember when we used to pretend we were married?"

"Yeah," I said thinking back to when I was a little kid.

"We even kissed."

"We did?" I didn't remember that.

"We had to act like we were married."

"Uh ... yeah."

We lapsed into silence. I glanced at her legs again then looked up into her very friendly smile.

"Thank you for letting me in," she said.

"Sure," I replied. I couldn't just leave her out there but I also couldn't figure out why she didn't go home. There must be a reason but she didn't offer one and I didn't think it was my place to ask.

I looked at the shirt she wore while her clothes were in the dryer. It was strange to see my shirt with boob curves. Sami's tits were on the small side but she still had them. They were big enough to be noticed which was big enough for a guy like me.

"What are you thinking?" she suddenly asked.

"What?" I said startled.

"It was like I could see from the expression on your face that you were thinking about something."

"I wasn't thinking of anything!" I rapidly said. Shit! She almost caught me looking at her tits.

"Sorry," she said to my outburst.

I spoke more calmly, "I meant I was thinking about stupid stuff. I didn't mean to yell."

"Okay," she said with a smile. "Can I ask you a question, David?"


"So what happened to us?"

"What do you mean?"

"We used to be best friends but now we barely talk to each other."

"I don't know. I guess we grew up." Why did she ask that?

"Is that what happens when you grow up?" she replied.

I took it as a barb.

"We change when we grow up," I said.

"We were best friends, David. Best friends."

"That doesn't mean we are best friends forever."

Sami said, "But you completely dropped our friendship."

"I didn't mean to," I said. "I'm sorry." Did she just need a friend today? Was something going on in her life?

"Friends again?" she asked.


"Do you think my panties are dry yet?" Sami said.

"Your panties?" I choked out unsure of what I heard.

"Yeah, do you think they dry faster than my other clothes."

She wasn't wearing panties? That meant ... she wasn't wearing anything under my shirt!

"I don't know," I honestly said.

"So what do you look for in a girl?" she now asked.

Was she drawing her questions out of a hat? They seemed as random as whose cum was in a movie starlet's cunt.

"I don't know," I said flustered. "She needs to be pretty I guess."

"Good," she replied to my nondescript response.

We lapsed back into silence. I felt very anxious and nervous. She wore nothing under my shirt! I glanced over her tits gently pushing out the shirt then gazed over her legs. Sami was very pretty. Prettier than I remembered.

A wicked thought crossed my mind but I thwarted it. This was definitely the wrong time to ask for my shirt back. My cock instinctively stirred.

"So who are you dating?" I asked. I decided to turn the tables.

"No one," she said.

"No one?"

"No." She paused. "There is a guy I have my eye on."


"He's a really cute guy. I like him a lot. Seemingly forever."

"Yeah, I know how that feels," I said. I thought I was with Jennifer Jenkins forever but it turned out we only dated six weeks.

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