The Rest Of The Weekend - Cover

The Rest Of The Weekend

Copyright© 2006 by cafetray

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Madison hoped Gracie knew other girls. Turned out, she did.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Group Sex   Interracial   First   School   Transformation  

The women fanned out from the house early Saturday morning. They'd had no sleep; Friday night having been spent enjoying each other's pleasures until the Professor's orders came down. There was much to be done, there was no time for sleep.

Evelyn Torres, Assistant Dean of Admissions, sat in the Dean of Admissions office... it was a much nicer office than hers. Far bigger, with a thick carpet, overstuffed leather couches and chairs, even a fireplace, though she had no idea if it worked. Not for the first time, she promised herself this office would someday be hers.

Not that she had anything against Dean Myers. She loved the old man. He could have chosen any blond WASP or friend/relative of an alum for the job. He'd chosen on merit and he'd chosen her, a Cuban refugee who came to Miami 20 years ago, when she was 8 years old. She'd gone to work for him the year after she graduated college. One of the perks of the job was she'd been able to get her Master's Degree for free. The whole thing could not have worked out any better.

But Dean Myers had been dropping hints for months he'd be retiring sooner rather than later. He'd started dropping those hints to Evelyn weeks before anyone else. She'd gotten the message. Always a hard worker, she drastically increased her output, learned all aspects of the office's operations, networked with the Registrar's, Athletic Director's and Alumni offices, proactively taken on projects. Part of her routine now was to come in on Saturday mornings to catch up or get ahead on her work. Anything she did on those Saturday mornings could just as easily have been done in her office. Working in Dean Myers office was motivation, a reminder that if she could keep the brutal pace up just a little longer, the office would be hers. Besides, no one ever came in on Saturday mornings, so she never had to explain herself.

Which is why it was such a surprise to hear people milling around out in the main office. She went to investigate and saw two girls sitting at the secretary's desks. She vaguely recognized them as students.

"What are you doing?" she challenged.

"Oh... hi," the younger looking of the two said. "I'm Cindy and this is Dana and we're doing some intern work for Professor Sawyer."

Now Evelyn recognized them. Professor Sawyer had a cloud of students around her, all female, all beautiful and all fanatically devoted. The cloud seemed to be growing by the day. Evelyn deeply disapproved.

"How did you get in here?"

"Professor Sawyer gave us the key," Cindy said mildly. Evelyn scowled. "Look, we don't want anyone to get in trouble, least of all us. Why don't you give us a hand? We'll get out of your hair sooner and you'll see everything is okay?"

Despite her dislike for the whole Cult of Personality surrounding Professor Sawyer, it struck her as a reasonable compromise. Besides, it was probably a good idea to know what her interns were up to.

"Come in here," Evelyn said curtly.

The girls did as they were told, with Dana closing the office door behind them. As Evelyn settled back in behind Dean Myers' desk, she noticed a faint hissing noise. She looked at the old radiator in the corner. It seemed a little warm for the heat to be kicking in, then she dismissed the thought altogether. The sound didn't seem to be coming from that direction. She just tried to ignore it. The students took the two chairs on the other side of the desk.

"What does Professor Sawyer need?" Despite all her years in the US, some vestiges of Evelyn's accent held firm. The name came out "Esawyer".

"Demographic and income information," Cindy said, "for the families of all female students and applicants. She also wants that stuff cross referenced against girls who applied to this school but didn't attend for whatever reason."

Evelyn was acutely aware of her jaw dropping, "Are you kidding? That's confidential information!"

"Professor Sawyer wants it," Cindy's tone hardened noticeably.

"I don't care. Professor Sawyer doesn't run this office."

"Not yet, at least," Dana said as she reached a hand into her bag. Evelyn was about to ask what THAT meant when Dana pulled out a grey metallic orb and placed it on the table. The hissing noise became much louder; a wave of confusion swamped Evelyn. She felt hands on her arms, pulling her up. Her head rolled drunkenly on her shoulders. Cindy and Dana, one on either side, led her to the couch. She dropped onto it like a sack of rocks.

"We should tie her up," Cindy said.

"With what?"

Cindy thought about it, then smiled, "I have an idea."

Cindy began to unbutton Evelyn's blouse. Dana, following Cindy's lead, started on the pants. The pair stripped Evelyn quickly and roughly. Evelyn wanted to resist but her limbs felt not just heavy, but also cumbersome. They left her lying on the couch, arms tied behind her back with her pink bra.

Slowly her mind began to clear. Evelyn couldn't see them due to the way she'd been placed on the couch, but she could hear them, tapping away at Dean Myers computer, sifting through the files and speculating on which one had what they were looking for. She closed her eyes and tried to get her breathing under control while she attempted to figure a way out of the situation.

Nothing came to her... she couldn't think straight. It wasn't the confusion anymore, she was fully cognizant of what was going on around her and that was the problem. What was going on was making her hot. Cindy and Dana were really beautiful, and the way they taken control of the situation, taken control of her, the way they'd touched her as they'd taken off her cloths. It was cunt drenching, nipple tightening. Thoughts raided her mind, disjointed and powerful, of Cindy, or Dana, or other women she knew touching her, this time with their mouths or their tongues. It made Evelyn tremble. She could feel the leather of the couch, hot and soft, and the juices leaking out of her pussy...

It was crazy! It had to stop! Evelyn clamped her eyes shut and took long, deep breaths, desperately trying to think of anything other than how hot and sexy and helpless she felt. On her way to work she'd seen a freshly squashed squirrel on the side of the road. She though about that. Spiders... she thought about those. Castro... she hated him.

A hand brushed her cheek, "What's the password?"

The contact, so soft and unexpected, knocked her from her metal exercise. The arousal flared up again, "Wha... what?"

"Dana found the file we need, but it's password protected," Cindy explained patiently. "What's your password?"

Evelyn closed her eyes again and violently shook her head. The Access file! They'd found the Access database. It had everything they were looking for.

"No!" she croaked.

"You know you're going to give it to me eventually, so let's not waste both out time. What's the password?"


Cindy sat on the edge of the couch, by Evelyn's knees. The Cuban girl was dazzlingly beautiful with richly golden brown skin, thick, shiny black hair, voluptuous mouth and lips, a classic hourglass figure and full, large breasts that, judging by the way they lay on Evelyn's chest, were 100% real. The nipples were long and hard.

"You know, you might have the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen," Cindy said, staring between Evelyn's legs. The girl's twat was completely hairless, no stubble at all, and very wet. Cindy slid a finger along the slit, "How do you get it so smooth?"

"Waxed... yesterday... surprise... my boyfriend," Evelyn spat the words out through clenched teeth.

"What a shame he's never going to see it," Cindy said sadly. She pushed her finger in until the nail disappeared, then slowly ran it up the slit. She flicked at the rapidly growing clit with a quick motion of her wrist. Evelyn screamed as the pleasure exploded from between her legs to her entire body.

"What's the password," Cindy asked again.

"NO!" Evelyn's cry was more desperate than resolute. Cindy smiled pleasantly, and then stood up.

"I want you to know I understand why you don't want to tell us. And I am not mad, I'm really not. But we need that password... so I guess we're going to have to do this the fun way."

Cindy unbuttoned her shirt, eyes locked with Evelyn's, freezing her in place. As Cindy pulled the shirt off her shoulders, Evelyn couldn't help but notice how enticing the younger girl's tits looked, all pushed up and defined in her light purple bra. Cindy wore a pair of tight Capri pants which were inched down her slender legs. The panties came next, two shades of white and clearly wet. Evelyn's breath caught when she realized the whole thing was turning Cindy on as well. Cindy's pubes were trimmed close, with a thin landing strip of hair. Finally she removed her bra, a devilish smile playing across her face as she dropped it to the floor. She walked slowly to the couch, hips rolling lewdly, and positioned herself over Evelyn on all fours.

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