The Hots For Mom - Cover

The Hots For Mom


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After his father died, Byron took over the household completely for his mother and told her that he'd take the place of his father, and that's exactly what he did.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jim came home that night, wondering where Gloria had gone. She was always on the porch, waiting for her father to come home so that she could jump into his arms. Julie always thought that Jim might have had a thing for his daughter. In fact, there were times when she hoped that he did. Then she could justify her own feelings toward Byron by pointing out that he had similar ones toward Gloria.

But now all she could think of was the girl's sudden departure. Where was she? What was she going to do? She told Jim that Gloria was staying the night over at one of her girl friends'. That was an excuse for one night, but what if she didn't come home tomorrow? What could she tell her husband then? And what if she did come home? Would she start off by telling her father what she'd seen?

"Well, I hope she'll be home tomorrow night," Jim said, wiping his mouth with his napkin as he pushed his dessert dish away and got up from the dining-room table. "I thought she was all fired up about watching Byron here swim."

"But the meet's not coming up for another day," Julie said.

"But the final timing's being set tomorrow. That should be pretty thrilling. I know I'm looking forward to it," Jim said, winking at his stepson. Byron blushed a deep red and smiled modestly under Jim's proud gaze.

"She'll be here. I'm sure of it. But you know girls-they get together and never stop talking. She and her girl friend Barbara'll probably be talking until three this morning," Julie said, trying to get Jim off the subject of Gloria.

"Yes, I guess so," he sighed, shaking his head slowly from side to side. Then he got up, kissed Julie lightly on the forehead and walked into the living room to read the paper.

"What are we going to do?" Julie hissed softly to Byron after making sure that Jim couldn't hear her.

"I'll go out tonight and start looking for her. She's got to be staying at somebody's house. She's not the type of kid who'll be running around alone at night. She's not all that independent," Byron said as he kissed his mother quickly on the lips, then sprang out of the dining room and ran out the back door.

"Where's he going, hon?" Jim called out from the living room.

"Oh, out with the boys for a while. Guess they're planning a little celebration for the meet," Julie said, pushing the dirty dishes together in the center of the table as she got up and walked slowly into the living room.

"He won't be back for a while, will he?" Jim asked softly.

Julie walked up behind him and looked down at his crotch. She saw that he'd just finished unzipping his fly and had taken out his long, hard cock, fingering it with his right hand.

"No, I don't think he'll be back for some time," she said huskily as she walked around to her husband and dropped to her knees in between his widely spread legs.

Julie wiped the last drops of sticky cum from her lower lip as she rose to her feet and started for the bedroom.

"Hey, honey. I don't think I can get it up that fast," Jim said, chuckling softly almost to himself.

"Easy, boy. I'm just going to go to sleep," Julie said, smiling broadly at him. She saw him still sitting on the couch, his long, thick prong hanging limply now out of his opened fly with his balls hanging lazily down on the couch cushions. How she loved that feeling of hot cum flying out of his twitching prick and slamming against the back of her throat before it oozed down to her belly. Even though she hadn't come herself, it gave her satisfaction to know that she'd brought her husband up to a screaming climax. The scratches from his fingernails were visible around her ears and throat as she looked at her face in the bathroom mirror. Julie sighed as she thought of Byron and Gloria. If the girl weren't found, she'd have to make some kind of explanation to her husband. Maybe she and Byron would have to tell him the truth. God! She shuddered as she pictured Jim's face when he heard the story. Would he hit her? Would he try to kill Byron? Probably. Their marriage would shatter apart, anyway. As Julie slipped out of her clothes, she prayed silently that Byron would find Gloria and convince her somehow not to tell Jim about what she knew.

The next day Julie managed to get Byron alone at the breakfast table while Jim was shaving.

"Did you find her?" Julie asked hoarsely as she finished pouring him his coffee.

"No. That little bitch can sure give a guy the slip," Byron said in a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Julie asked nervously, crouching over her son as she tried to keep her voice down.

"I found her, sitting in the middle of Griffith Park, sobbing like some kind of Shakespearean tragic queen," Byron whispered, reaching down and running his fingers slowly up his mother's well-tapered legs.

"This isn't any time for that," Julie whispered hoarsely, spreading her legs more widely apart and hiking up her short black skirt to give Byron a better shot at her trembling pussy. She felt it juicing and fluttering at the lightest touch.

"Okay, okay," Byron said, still sliding his hand up until his fingers brushed against her wiry cunt hairs. "Anyway, I found her and snuck up behind her. God, you should've heard her scream. She must've thought I was a rapist."

"So you scared her. What then?" Julie asked anxiously.

"Nothing much more. She screamed the same stuff at me and told me to get away. There were some people beginning to get closer to us. I thought that I'd better get away before they started in on me. So, I moved out and hid behind some trees. I thought I could get her alone again and make some sense. But then she somehow got away. God only knows where the hell she is now, Byron said, motioning to his mother to get away from him before Jim walked back into the room.

"Well, hon, off to the pits," Jim said as he bent down to kiss his wife good-bye.

"Take care, and come home early. Don't forget that the timing qualifications are tonight," Julie said.

"Right! And make sure Gloria pries herself out of that girl's house to come with us," Jim said as he walked out of the house.

"Oh, God!" Julie wailed as she sat down and covered her face with her hands.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll get the guys out and look for Gloria," Byron said.

"You can't!" Julie said helplessly. "If anybody besides you finds her, she may talk. That's all I need."

"Okay, okay. I'll do it by myself. But I'll have to stop looking around noon. That's when I've got to get ready," Byron said as he walked out the back door.

Julie followed him to the garage.

"Hey, I don't think you'd better come with me," Byron said as he climbed into her car. "One look at you and me together, and she'll blow her fuse in public."

Julie sighed, knowing that her son was right.

"Okay, but find her!" she pleaded, backing away as Byron shot out of the drive.

All day Julie sat by the phone, waiting for some kind of call. But there was no word from Byron until one o'clock.

"Hi, Mom!" he said at the other end of the line. "Couldn't find Gloria anywhere. I'm down at the pool now, getting dressed. Jeez, my cock feels lonely here without that set of cunt-lips of yours wrapped around them," the boy said huskily in the phone.

God! Julie couldn't believe it! Her son acted as if nothing had happened. Her marriage and respectability were teetering on the edge of complete disaster, and all he could think of right now was fucking. She almost shouted some obscenity in the phone and would have if her mind hadn't swung over to that side of the fence, too.

"Never mind about my cunt-lips," Julie said, trying to act angry. "You just keep looking for Gloria," Julie said as she hung up the phone.

"Christ!" Julie said to herself, feeling her snatch firing up. All Byron had to do was talk to her and she was ready to strap him on! She had to watch herself in the future. If she got any hornier around her son, she'd probably wind up strapping him on in public.

Julie was shaken out of her thoughts by a sudden pounding on the door. She got up and walked to the window, pushing the lace curtains to one side and peering out into the morning light. She gasped when she saw Bertha Moore standing on the front porch. What did she want here? Wasn't she supposed to be at the office?

"Yes?" Julie said coldly as she opened the front door.

"Mrs. Hoover. I've got some news for you about your daughter." Bertha said, barely able to hide a triumphant smile from her face.

"Come in," Julie said anxiously, wondering just what Bertha wanted with her.

"She came to me last night. Obviously I was the only friend she could trust," the older woman said as she set her purse down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch.

Julie looked curiously at the secretary. She'd taken care to brush her hair and fix it in an attractive French sweep. Her dress was actually attractive-not the olive-drab green suit that she always managed to wear at the office. Julie was surprised. Bertha Moore was actually a rather attractive woman when she took the trouble to be one.

"What did she say?" Julie asked in a quavering voice. One look at Bertha's smile and she knew that the woman knew everything that had happened between her and Byron.

"Come now, Mrs. Hoover. I think we can dispense with all this roundabout chatter. I know where you stand with your son. Now, maybe we can get down to business. Just sit down here next to me and we'll talk," Bertha said as she patted the cushion next to her lightly.

Julie did as she was told, looking closely at the older woman. What did Bertha have in mind? Was she going to blackmail her? Did she want to have easy access to Jim?

"I think we can bury the war hatchets now, don't you?" Bertha said, leaning back and brushing some stray hairs away from her eyes.

"I don't understand," Julie said nervously.

"Oh come now, Julie. I may call you Julie? Good. We've been at each other's throats for a long time-ever since I've met you. And, I'll admit, it was jealousy that made me that way."

So it was finally out in the open. Well, it was better that way. They could talk about it freely now and maybe reach some kind of agreement. She really didn't mind sharing Jim with Bertha, if Jim didn't mind. After all, she was far from the faithful wife. She couldn't expect her husband to toe the line. Besides, even though Julie saw that Bertha was an attractive woman, she just couldn't imagine her getting jealous of the secretary.

"Well, I'll admit that I guessed at that," Julie said, smiling at Bertha.

"I'm sure you did. But I think you got it backwards," Bertha said, smiling mysteriously.

Julie felt her skin crawl for some unknown reason. What was that woman talking about?

"I mean, I was jealous, but not about the person you're thinking of," she said softly, moving her hand slowly across the couch until it bumped against Julie's left thigh.

Oh my God! I should have known! Julie screamed to herself as she felt her thighs quiver in horror. A dyke! And sitting next to her, holding the trump cards.

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