Cathy Douglas - Cover

Cathy Douglas

Copyright© 2006 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 3

Cathy Douglas

The Leader looked at the child standing before him; she was calm and not disturbed over her abduction. "So you are one of the twins, those who are prophesised to destroy The Organisation?" He said watching her.

Samantha shook her head, "No! My brother and I are only here in order to prepare the way for the twins. I allowed myself to be taken while my brother remained to help Annabelle and the others. Why did you think I was so easy to take?" She asked him not speaking as a child would and showing no fear at all.

"My people fought hard to take you girl! I'm told your brother was badly injured in the attack." The Leader said looking not at Samantha, but at Sara, the woman in charge.

"Sire, it was a terrible fight, that nanny fought like a wildcat, it took 3 of us to stop her!" Sara said and showing her arm which was cut and bleeding.

Samantha nodded, "Yes, it was difficult. We had to influence both your troops as well as Sir Timothy's to prevent loss of life." She said to the Leader.

He laughed, "So you want me to believe that you and your brother, just children! Have enough power to overwhelm my people!" He went to stand up, but found he was stuck in his throne. "Wh ... what's the meaning of this!" He demanded.

He could see those around him try to move their feet but found they couldn't move either, there were cries of panic from some of them, these ceased as Samantha held up her hand.

"The mind can be more powerful than you know Leader ... or would you prefer I called you Carl?" She said looking at the leader's face. "Bullied at school, weren't you? Joined the Association in order to get your own back, found you liked it and moved up the ladder. When the previous leader died you took the reigns, made them regard you as a superior being ... but you've never met Bemalin, you haven't learnt all the secrets of the Association! That's why you're lacking the knowledge! Why didn't you enter the dreamtime to meet your leader?" She asked him.


Samantha shook her head, 'Come with me!' she thought as his eyes closed.

The Leader was standing in a desert landscape. 'What is this place?' he asked, although he didn't speak the words. He looked to find his body was younger, just like the boy he was before he joined the Association.

Samantha was before him, this time though she was older, apparently older than him, but she was more serene. 'This is the dreamtime, a place where the leaders of the Association and the Organisation live, to direct the leaders of the two on Earth.

'Sir Robert de Sable is the leader for the Organisation, his brief is to guide it in the path that the Knights Templars had decreed, defend the known world against evil and to fight it were every it was found.

'Bemalin sur Nisir was adopted by one of the fractions; he had plans to control the known world and to make it as he wanted! - By any means at all! His supporters had to be as ruthless as him! And so they were! This is what you have forgotten, Control by all means and ignoring everything else!' She told Carl.

'BUT I AM THE LEADER!' He shouted at her.

'Only in a small way, your time will soon pass and your successor will be even better than you!' Samantha said and then they were back in the Association's room.

Carl was back in his throne and the other members of the Association were still stuck to the floor, "How did we get back?" he asked which made several people look at him, to them they hadn't been gone at all!

Samantha, the 3 year old child looked around, "Back from where? We never left this room, only one person now can get to him to release Bemalin ... but I'm not the one." She said and then she turned to Sara. "You! You took two children; you will bring them to me!" She commanded.

Sara found that she could move her feet, but instead of trying to attack the girl before her she virtually ran from the room.

She returned a few minutes later with two crying children, bruises were visible on their faces and arms. Samantha looked at the two children and shook her head. "Of course! All the Association knows is hurting people and using them as things! You have abused these two children, and so I will ensure that all those responsible will be punished appropriately!"

She concentrated and the bruises on the two children bodies began to disappear. Then Sara cried out in pain and a large bruise appeared on her face, throughout the Association base several cries could be heard.

Then Samantha turned to look at Carl. "This was done with your permission! You are the cause of their injuries!" She said and watched as he began squirming in his throne, sweat pouring out of his pores as his body began turning black and blue with the bruises that both children had be dealt with.

The pain for him was too much and he fainted, at the same time all the lights within the Association's complex went out along, as all the people in the complex went unconscious.

When the lights came back on and the people slowly woke up, Samantha and the two kidnapped children had vanished without trace. When the clocks were checked it was discovered that two hours had passed, there was no time to chase and re-capture the children!

When Carl woke up he was aching everywhere, he glared at the people around him, "This never happened! You UNDERSTAND! This whole matter didn't happen at all ... And YOU! I don't want to see YOU again!" He pointed to Sara as he said that.

Sara opened her mouth to defend herself but Shaun had grabbed hold of her, "Can I have her please Leader?" He asked.

Carl didn't even look he just nodded and Sara was dragged away by Shaun.

PC Roger Bowman was patrolling his beat, he was surprised to find three children, all about the same age, walking alone in the street, he stopped and knelt down in front of them, "Hello, where's your mummy?" He asked them.

The girl in the middle, Samantha, who was holding the other two's hands spoke; "Don't know? Some strange men took us away!" She said with a lisp.

Concerned he radioed in his find and a car was dispatched by his station to pick them up, it contained two WPC's as the sergeant at the station worried that men might be too much for the children.

While they were waiting PC Bowman tried to get as much information as possible from the children considering their age. The most verbal of the three could only say she was missing from her nanny, she lived somewhere known as Alpha 3 and could recite a telephone number.

He passed the number on and was surprised when the Inspector radioed him back and asked him to re-check the number.

Carefully he asked the child to repeat the number and then the inspector acknowledged it.

Alpha 3 was like an ant-hill after it had been turned over. Soldiers were running around! It had been like that since Annabelle had pressed her alarm button. Two squads had been sent out and they rushed to the park where Annabelle had taken the children.

They arrived to find Annabelle slumped to the ground with a lump the size of a goose-egg on her forehead, the only child they could find was Samuel, who was hidden under a bush, he was unconscious but unharmed.

All the watching guards were found, all unconscious with one unknown person dressed in military garb. - He was taken away for interrogation — The only missing person was Samantha.

The troops searched the park and surroundings, they found the tyre prints of cars leading away from the park, but they vanished when they hit the tarmac.

Annabelle could only say she had been attacked by a group of people, she wasn't sure how many, and she tried to fight them but she was knocked out.

Sandra was crying away until Samuel woke up. He reached out and touched her hand, "It's alright mummy, Sam will be back soon." He said and then seemed to drift off again.

It was the way he spoke that caused Sandra to relax, much to the amazement of Mary. "Why did his words have such an affect on you?" She asked.

Sandra shook her head, "I ... I don't know, it's just ... just that I think he knows what he's saying." She said.

Mary wasn't sure either, but she understood what Sandra meant.

The phone call from the Police station was answered by the operator at Alpha 3; she immediately connected him to Sir Timothy.

A few minutes later there was a click on the intercom and Sir Timothy spoke throughout the complex. "Attention please! Samantha has been found, along with two other children. I've asked the police to bring them here for Doctor Mary to check them out. That is all!"

When Cathy heard the announcement she was relieved, the fact that three were recovered meant that Primrose's children were alive! She was going to phone her and Rose but then the thought struck her, what if it wasn't them? She would have raised their hope, just to dash them again. It was with an iron will that she kept away from the phone.

The police car arrived at Alpha 3 and the three children were taken by the maids to the Medical section where they were checked over by Mary.

"Well they're slightly malnourished but apart from that they seem fine, there are indications of some bruising, but that is fast fading. Samantha seems more affected than the others." Mary reported to Sir Timothy.

The maids took a photograph of the twins that Samantha had brought with her and passed it on to the girls waiting with Primrose, who fainted when she saw the picture; this was enough for them to bring her to Alpha 3

Cathy went to the phone and contacted Rose to let her know that the twins were safe and sound, she heard the girl squeal with joy and then she was talking to a man, "Please tell me, what's happened? Rose can't say anything."

"Mr. Davis, I'm happy to say that Primrose's twins are safe, she's going to be with them soon. I just wanted Rose to know so that she'll be able to sleep tonight; I think you need the rest as well." She said softly.

"Thank you miss, thank you!" he said barely coherent in his happiness.

Cathy made a note to send an email to the school, saying that Rose would need the day off due to a family crisis that had just been resolved. She couldn't see the girl being able to work normally after her shock.

Primrose arrived and taken to the medical section, when the two children saw her they ran to her and hugged her. "Oh thank you, thank you. I don't know what to say!" Primrose was babbling away.

"We didn't actually do anything, it was Samantha there that took them to a policeman, they've only just arrived here actually." Mary said.

"But she's only a child herself? How did she know what to do?" Primrose asked looking puzzled.

"It's something we've taught both her and her brother, now I want to keep the children here overnight, do you want to remain with them?" Mary asked her after glossing over her lack of knowledge about Samantha.

Primrose didn't answer, she just nodded her head. Mary patted her on the shoulder and then left the mother and her children together.

Christopher Henderson was sleeping fitfully; there was too much going through his head! He wanted to ask Cathy if she was having the same dream that he was.

He looked over the landscape; a large red mound was visible. He knew it was Ayres Rock so he must be in Australia? But he didn't remember how he got there!

Two people, nearly adults, were seated on the ground watching him and speaking, but he couldn't hear them. They were most insistent in their approach to him, trying to make him understand them. He pointed to his ears and gave a shake of his head, trying to convey that nothing was getting to him.

The woman got up and walked to him she looked into his eyes, for some reason she reminded him of Samantha, but that was impossible! The woman shook her head and then turned to the man.

He now approached Chris and held his hand; again the action reminded Chris of Samuel. Then he became dizzy, he closed his eyes and opened them again, this time he was in a room — his father's living room, and there in front of a television playing a game was a boy ... no it was him!

The man pointed to the screen, Chris shrugged his shoulders and looked anyway, instead of the game he was expecting the screen was showing this message:

You will obey the Association.

You will get Cathy Douglas.

You will obtain information about the Organisation.

You will get Cathy Douglas.




And then it repeated. Chris looked at the man in shock. The man nodded.

The scene changed again, Chris was in a room that he'd never seen before, there was a chair in the middle of the room and some-one was sitting in it, a strobe light was flashing into the person's eyes and a voice was droning away.

You are a part of the Association.

It is your duty to do anything for the Association

You will obey anyone from the Association.

You will obey!

You are a part of the Association

It is your duty to do...

The voice droned on and on, the person in the chair was also repeating the words. Chris didn't need to go near the chair ... he knew who it was sitting there.

But what did this mean?

He couldn't remember any of those things happening. When he was younger — when Cathy had been kidnapped — he was at his fathers' playing some video game, it was one of those that was so ... hypnotising in its addiction!

Chris sat down in shock, his father had done that! He was trying to make him do ... what? Kidnap Cathy? But for what? Why? He shook his head and looked around.

The man and woman were looking at him now, the woman opened her mouth, "We've tried to show you what has been going on, it's up to you to decide your path now." She said and this time Chris could hear her.

"But why? I mean I had a compulsion to take Cathy ... somewhere? But I just couldn't do it." He said.

The man smiled — again Chris was reminded of Samuel — "It was your inner person, you didn't want to have Cathy hurt so soon. But now it's time to bring things along, you have to choose, do you want to be with the Organisation and fight evil where-ever it is, or to stay with the Association? After all they have been helping you become yourself!" He said.

Chris thought - it was the Association that had messed up his commands when he was at the paint-ball contest; it made him a laughing stock! He wanted some kind of revenge against them!

The woman tilted her head, "There is another way, but it will be hard for you." She said.

Chris looked at her and then she seemed to be in his mind, opening doors that had been closed, showing him images, other people, other thoughts. It was too much for him. He screamed.

Chris sat up in his bed; the dream had been so vivid, so real. His father came into the room after hearing his scream.

"Chris? What's up?" He asked

"How long?" Chris asked him

John Henderson looked at his son puzzled? "What do you mean, how long?" He asked

Chris shook his head, "You've been working for the Association, following their orders, for how long?" He asked

John Henderson sighed, "You don't understand son..." He began.

"Understand! What don't I understand? That you've been hypnotising me, making me a puppet for them to pull the strings? Was that what you're supposed to be doing? How long have you been working for them?" Chris persisted.

John sat done on his son's bed. "The family has been a part of the Association for over 50 years, when my father was arrested by the police for something they got him off, since then we've always followed their orders! We owed them and they only asked for a little." John said.

"So you handed me over to them, to be tortured and brainwashed!" Chris said angrily.

"No ... no son, it was nothing like that! It's just that you wouldn't follow their orders, they had to do something." John said looking down.

"Well you know what dad! Something just broke! But it wasn't me! I want to meet these people and see them in my own right, not because they've ordered it!" Chris said.

"You don't want to..." John began but Chris was out of his bed now.

"I gave you an order father! Don't make me angry enough to show you what they've done!" Chris said in a commanding tone that John had never heard before.

John found himself going into the hallway and picking up the phone, he dialled a number. "It's me ... I know, I know never to phone you, you are to phone me! ... There's a problem ... I can't ... I really can't ... you don't understand he's ... yes ... Yes alright."

John returned to his son's room. "They're sending a car to pick you up. I don't think you should..." He said but Chris stopped him.

"You shouldn't have tried to change me dad! That was a mistake! One that they've made as well!" Chris said in a cold voice as he dressed.

As he passed his father John realised that the son he had was now lost.

Chris went outside his father's house and waited. After a few minutes a car arrived. "You the brat?" The man in the passenger seat asked in a surly voice.

"I'm the one you're collecting yes, now open the door and let me in!" Chris said in his new commanding tone.

The passenger blinked and then slowly got out of the car and opened the back door. Chris entered the car and the passenger closed the door.

When the man was back in the car, the driver grunted and began to drive off, compared to the Organisation's cars this one was mundane, just a radio in the front and no other communications available.

The driver looked in his mirror at Chris for a moment, and then Chris stared him in the eyes. "What were your orders about me?" He asked the two men.

The passenger seemed to be trying to stop himself but found it impossible under Chris's influence. "We ... We've been told ... told to take you ... somewhere quiet ... we're supposed ... to ... to teach you manners ... Our bosses give ... give the orders!" He gasped out.

Chris smiled, so that was it! "Very well! So now you know who the boss is! Take me to your headquarters! I've a meeting to attend!" He said.

Unable to disobey the driver turned the car around and started to drive away

Cathy was worried.

She was dreaming that the dreamtime world was in trouble, something was happening, something bad!

She woke up in a sweat. There was only one thing that could have caused that. Someone was going to release Bemalin!

She got out of her bed and looked at the clock. Half-past 4! It wasn't even near time to get up, but she knew sleep wasn't possible at the moment.

Slipping on a dressing gown she went into the common room, she looked to where the camera was. "Sorry boys, I'm just not tired at the moment, I'm just going for a walk!" She said and went into the corridor just outside.

For some reason she was carrying her PDA, it had become second nature to do so recently, and so she was surprised when it gave a ping to say it had an incoming message. 'Who would be trying to contact me at this time?' she thought.

Looking at the display she found it was from Sir Timothy, 'Can't sleep either? It seems we have problems, please contact me.' It said. Cathy thought for a moment and then went to an access door.

She went down the stairs inside to the lower area, a guard was standing by the entrance when she arrived, he saluted her. "Good morning Miss? Anything wrong?" he asked her.

Cathy smiled at him, "Hello Corporal Quinn. No, only with me, insomnia I'm afraid, just going to Sir Timothy's study for a think." She said.

"Very well Miss." Quinn said and allowed her to pass — although not part of the Organisation Cathy held a special place for the people 'below' and was often part of their training routines, even going so far as running some of them herself.

Cathy wandered through the semi-dark corridors to the Study; she entered the room and turned on the light. A screen in the corner of the room lit up, showing Sir Timothy looking pensive.

"You felt it too?" He asked her without preamble.

Cathy nodded, knowing that a camera was focused on her, "Yes, it was so strong. I don't understand what was it and why did it affect me?" She asked.

Sir Timothy shook his head, "I don't know what it was, but I do know why." He said and almost smiled at her look, "Cathy it's something that you were involved in, that's why you've been touched by it." He said.

Cathy almost swore, "Bemalin! That's the only answer, either he's free or he's going to be freed." She said.

"That's what I thought. Cathy you can't do anything about it. If it's going to happen then it will." He said.

"Not very comforting!" Cathy said.

"Real life very rarely is. How is your school project getting on?" Sir Timothy asked changing the subject.

"To be honest I think we've got the girls as far as we can take them, I know the Project people are interested in it but with all this in the air I think it's time to change their focus on life, but we're not the ones to do that. I think Nichola and her group can run the classes alone now, the girls will listen to them." Cathy said — although Kathy, Charlotte, Sharon and Cathy had been acting as classroom assistants they had also been training the girls in the school on how to look after themselves and not to allow peer pressure to influence them. The effect was not immediately visible, but the lessons had been learnt.

Sir Timothy nodded, "Yes, that was the report we had from the School as well, it's going to be at least 8 months before the next group is ready. So are you interested in something different?" He asked her.

Cathy thought for a moment, "Like what? Combat simulations in the woods again? Or that advanced driving course?" She said smiling, it was a standing joke that in some cases she was a better driver than the official drivers and was always passing on hints and tips to them, instead of the other way round!

"Nearly, how are you with heights?" Sir Timothy asked with a smile on his face.

Chris was standing in the chamber, it was the same one that Samantha had been in several weeks earlier. A group of people were standing around him, "So you wanted to know some answers!" The Leader said to him.

"I don't need the answers, I already have them! Your plans were idiotic and ill conceived! Through the Association's meddling I have been restrained from my true path! This meddling will cease now!" Chris said.

"You think you have the right to come here and to give your orders! Do you know who I am? I am the LEAD..." The Leader was getting into his stride.

"I DON'T CARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Chris said in a voice so loud that the air seemed to shake, silencing the Leader in mid tirade. "I know who I am, I will be the one to lead this Association to greatness, you're petty sniping at the Organisation achieved nothing! You are like a small ant, trying to bring down an edifice! But only acting alone, if you had any sense you would bring all your forces together to fight, but no! You think small and so only achieve small things!" Chris said with a sneer.

"HOW DARE YOU... " The Leader was astounded, no one had ever responded like that! He was going to order that Chris be struck down for his insolence, but something in the boy's stance stopped him. "What would you suggest?" He then said, knowing that when the boy failed he would be able to remove him!

"I need time to look at your development section, see what they can provide and to make suggestions. But I think your communications need sorting out, get some experts in to fix your cars, they need to be able to respond within seconds not hours! Radios are old fashioned, mobile phones are better, but you'll need your own network!" Chris said watching him.

"But that take money, more funds than we have!" A man spoke from behind Chris.

"So? This is the Association! We take what we want!" Chris said making the Leader smile at this approach, it was a pity, normally this was the type of person the Association needed, but he would be too much of a threat to The Leader's reign. Still it wouldn't hurt to let him make his changes before he was eliminated. There were the thoughts going through the Leader's head.

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