Cathy Douglas - Cover

Cathy Douglas

Copyright© 2006 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 2

Cathy Douglas

Charlotte was nervous; she didn't want to be here! Her driver, Antoinette, formally dressed in trousers, jacket, a neat tie and a chauffeurs' hat, was trying to calm her down.

"It's alright Miss Charlotte, I'll be out here and if there's any problem you can signal me and I'll be there." She said — Antoinette was one of Su-Li's pupils and was well versed in self-defence, she was assigned as a body-guard as well as a chauffeur.

"I just wish that Mum or Cathy could have come along, I don't know why Maria said they couldn't!" Charlotte said.

"It could be that she doesn't want anyone to try to change your mind, she wants you to make up your own mind, I suppose." Antoinette said, although she thought it was odd as well, there was something here that rang alarm bells, but there was nothing to see!

Charlotte arrived at the offices and Maria was there waiting for her, "You can go now." She said to Antoinette, dismissing her from the area.

But Antoinette shook her head, "I'm sorry Ma'am, but my orders are to remain here." She said.

"You can't this is a no parking area!" Maria said.

"That's alright Ma'am, this car has special privileges! I won't be bothered." Antoinette said calmly, but again there was something wrong in Maria's attitude; she was never like this at Alpha 3 ... almost as if she was a different person.

Maria thought for a moment and then nodded, "Very well, but please, this is a difficult time for Charlotte and she shouldn't have any distractions." Maria said.

"That's okay; I'll wait in the car." Antoinette replied which seemed to make Maria easy.

"That's fine; Charlotte should be ready in an hour's time - that's if she doesn't stay with her father!" Maria said before taking Charlotte's hand and walking into the building.

Charlotte was disturbed, "I don't know Maria, I don't think I want to remain with my father, I'd rather return home to Mum and Dad" She said.

Maria didn't take any notice, "Please Maria, I don't want to see him!" Charlotte pleaded.

This time Maria spoke, "Charlotte! You promised your father that you'd see him, I'm making sure that you keep your promise." She said almost dragging Charlotte into an enclosed room.

Richard Ferris was sitting by a table; he was smoking a cigarette although there were signs saying 'no smoking!' It appears he didn't hear them!

"Master, I will..." Maria started to say but Richard stopped her.

"Be quiet, and sit on that chair, don't move until I tell you!" he barked to her then his tone changed, "Charl! It's good to see you girl, damn you've grown." Richard said looking at his daughter.

"Dad, I'm glad you're out, but I don't want you near me." Charlotte said.

"Listen to me girl. It's me, your father, I'm the one who raised you after your mother left - I cared for you!" Richard Said.

"Yeah, and then you let that Jason do those things to me, and you were even going to let him put cameras in my room. It was the only place I felt safe and you were going to invade that! I'm sorry but when you did that then you were no longer my father! You were just a parent who gave me his genes!" Charlotte said.

"Don't be like that love, I did it for the best reasons, I mean the pay wasn't that great and..." Richard began to say but Charlotte stopped him,

"It wasn't that! You were boozing and betting, losing all your money on dogs and horses! That was the problem that you created! I was just something to help you make money that was all. I told Maria that I didn't want to see you but she thought it would make a difference ... it did! I can tell you to your face. I. Don't. Want. You. In. My. Life!" Charlotte said

"I thought you would say that darling, so I've got this little thing that I want you to look at..." Richard said and held up a small PDA. "Don't you see Charlotte love; this is showing you how much I really love you." Richard said smiling.

Charlotte tilted her head, seeing the pattern on the screen, just like that one she saw when Cathy hypnotised her to help her get over her feelings so many years ago. "So ... you're trying to hypnotise me? Just to make me love you?" Charlotte said.

Richard stopped the display and shook the PDA, "The buggers said it would work, they proved it. I mean it worked on that bitch over there!" He said pointing to Maria who was still watching, but not taking any notice.

Charlotte was scared now; she pulled out her own PDA and pressed a button on it. "Dad, what have you done?" She asked him.

He looked from his PDA to her, "It was these guys in prison, said they wanted me to join them, well it was either them or to get beaten up every night — they're mad in those places, just because you like to look at young stuff! — anyway I said I would and they've tried to help me, they got me out early, let me meet that bitch over there and gave me this to get her to do what I want! So you see you're going to change you mind and come with me!" He said reaching out to grab Charlotte by the hand.

The door to the interview room slammed open and there was Antoinette, hat missing and coat hanging off her arm as she rolled into Richard forcing him on to the ground. "Don't look at the PDA!" Charlotte warned as she saw his hand moving towards it, Charlotte ran to it and kicked it away with her foot.

"Noooo! You fool. Now I'll never get you back!" Richard Said in anguish.

"Dad, I would never be yours, not after what you did to me." She looked at Maria who was still watching the events without moving. "And for what you did to Maria!"

After a few minutes as several people looked into the room but didn't dare enter a police car arrived and two officers entered the room. "Miss, will you please let go of that man and tell us what's happening?" One said.

Antoinette looked at them, "My charge there gave an alert, this person was about to grab hold of her and try to take her from here, I could not allow that!" she said.

"Your charge? What do you mean?" the second one said.

Antoinette released her hold enough to get out a badge. "This is my authority, and that girl there is my responsibility, now until my people arrive you will remain outside this room. They will be here in a few minutes!" She said re-establishing her hold.

"Look miss you just can't..." The first was saying while the second used his radio to call in. he then interrupted his colleague.

"She can! Sorry Miss, we got a call that a mad-woman was here attacking people and had to respond." He said.

"I understand, and I can see what you mean. But Charlotte is important to us and we have a duty to look after her!" Antoinette said still keeping her hold on Richard and making him scream in pain.

"Miss, can you just relax the hold so that he's not so noisy?" The second officer said.

"I'm afraid not, see what he's done to that woman there." Antoinette said looking at Maria.

The first office went to Maria and shook her, "Miss, look at me!" He said, but Maria didn't respond. "What the hell!" he said.

Charlotte pointed to her father, "He did it, he told her to sit there and not to say anything until he told her otherwise." She said

Antoinette turned to Richard, "Release her!" She demanded, but Richard shook his head.

"Oh no, not until you let me go and I'm out of here with my daughter!" he said, "I'm the only one who can snap her out of this!" he added.

The policemen shook their heads and waited outside the room while Antoinette held on to Richard, they remained like that until some soldiers from the Organisation arrived commanded by a Captain Rodgers.

"Report Corporal!" He said shortly taking in Antoinette's position.

Antoinette stiffened, which made Richard moan again, "Sir, I received Charlotte's alarm and notified HQ as soon as it arrived. I then moved into the building and traced the signal to this location, where I found this man about to attack Charlotte. He had a PDA that was giving off a strange signal. I stopped him and held him until you arrived." She said.

This reminded Charlotte of the PDA she picked it up. "Don't miss, it might still be working!" The Rodgers warned her.

Charlotte shook her head, "It's alright, Cathy worked on me after the Jason incident, it was as part of the treatment that she made sure I was immune to hypnotism with equipment like this, I'm not sure about you or anyone else here, so I'd advise you not to look at it!" She said.

"I don't know who you lot are, but that's my daughter and she's coming with me!" Richard said, ignoring his bonds

"I'm not going with you father! I'm staying with my Mum and Dad; they've shown me more love than you ever did!" Charlotte said.

"Well there Mr. Ferris, that's your answer, she said no! So I suggest that you release Maria now!" Rodgers said.

But Richard shook his head, "I don't care what she's says, she's my daughter and I'm taking her with me!" He said, and was still saying that as the two policemen came in from outside and arrested him for assault!

"I think I have an idea!" Charlotte said, she picked up the PDA and activated it, holding it up in front of Maria's eyes. "Maria, I order you to wake up!" She said.

But Maria stayed still, just then Nancy entered the room, "Maria, I hear there's been a ... Maria? Maria? What's wrong with you?" She asked

Charlotte was crying, "She's been hypnotised, by my father, I don't know how to bring her out of it!" She said.

Nancy held her, "Now Charlotte it wasn't your fault that your father did that, we've got some doctors here that might be able to sort her out." Nancy picked up a phone and called someone, a few minutes later a man walked into the room. He looked at Maria and shook his head

"I'm sorry Nancy but whatever's been done to Maria needs a certain command or voice to bring her back, there's nothing either I or anyone else can do." He said.

Nancy looked crestfallen, "I knew there was something wrong, but I didn't know what! Every time I asked her she said there was nothing wrong and now this..." She began to cry.

This time it was Charlotte who held her, "It's alright Nancy I'll go to my father and tell him I'll stay with him, make him put Maria right again. I don't want to but it might be the only way!" She said feeling tears in her eyes at the though of being with him now!

"NO!" Nancy said, "Whatever happens that's not going to happen, I don't want you to endanger your life and I'm sure Maria wouldn't either, we'll find a way out of this!" Nancy said.

Captain Rodgers in the meantime was speaking to his headquarters, "If you don't mind, we'll take charge of Maria, it's possible that our people will be able to help her." he said.

Nancy looked at him, "But you heard what Dr. Granger said, "Without that Richard Ferris we'd never get her back!" She said.

"Miss, I promise that we will do everything we can to restore Maria back to normal, I can't reveal the method but our people are sure that they can do it, I trust them." Captain Rodgers said.

Nancy looked from her friend, and lover, before she nodded her permission. "Charlotte held her for a moment, "Please don't worry, I know she'll be alright." She said her trust showing in her voice.

Nancy nodded, "Thank you Charlotte, I'm sorry that this had to happen to you." She said and then watched as Maria was picked up by two soldiers and carried out of the room, still in the seated position.

Maria was placed in the van that the soldiers had arrived in, securely belted in with a soldier to hold her just in case!

Charlotte returned to the car and there Antoinette was, the tie now back in place and her jacket back in place. "Can we follow them please Antoinette?" Charlotte asked.

Antoinette picked up a phone and spoke into it, then she nodded. "They're going to Alpha 3 Miss Charlotte; it's the nearest to us at the moment!" she said and began driving off.

When they arrived at Alpha 3 Charlotte instructed Antoinette to keep on following the van, leaving a mystified Jameson at the door, he shrugged and re-entered the house, making his way to the military area when he watched as Maria was man-handled out of the van.

"Good grief! What have they done to you Mrs. Clarkson?" He said but received no answer, of course.

Charlotte came running to him, "Oh Jameson! It was my father, he used this thing on Maria, and she's been like that ever since ... Is Cathy here?" She said hurriedly.

His normal undisturbed attitude severally ruffled Jameson was at a slight loss, but then he pulled himself together and retrieved his PDA, "She's still at the school Miss, but if you need her..." He started to say.

"YES! Can you get her here now?" Charlotte said knowing that once Cathy was here she'd know what to do!

Jameson entered in some words on his PDA and sent a message to both Cathy and the chauffer who was waiting at the school.

Charlotte stayed with Maria as she was taken to the medical area; Mary was on duty — as this was her main station, although she did rotate around the other Alpha sites as well. — Charlotte looked as Mary shook her head.

"I'm sorry but she's in a deep trance, I can't do anything from outside, and I certainly can't look inside!" She said and then looked around to see if anyone else was near, "Any word from Cathy?" She asked — Mary was aware of Cathy's abilities, having been the recipient of her aid three years ago.

Charlotte shook her head, "No, Jameson sent a message but we've heard nothing!" She said.

Cathy didn't even hesitate when she heard her PDA give a 'ping', she excused herself from the class she was helping in and then read Jameson's message. She apologised to the teacher in charge, before she went to the headmaster's office.

She told the secretary that she had an important appointment and had to leave.

She was outside the school and getting into the car while the secretary was still writing out a note.

"Jeffery, can you arrange a backup car for Sharon and Kathy?" She asked the driver.

"It's already done Miss Cathy, and I've instructions not to stop for anything! So please buckle up!" Jeffery said as he touched a button on the dashboard. A flashing light came on.

As the car moved off from the school they came to traffic lights which quickly went from red to green, the car quickly moved away and picked up speed, as they came to another set of lights they also changed to green, going back to red after the car had passed them.

They passed a police car, which began to follow them, putting on its blue light and sounding it's siren. Cathy looked behind and shook her head, the last thing she needed was to be stopped.

She was surprised when the car overtook them and then cleared the road for them. "What happened?" She asked.

Jeffery smiled into the mirror, "It's a signal this car gives out, it alerts the police that a top emergency is in operation and they're obliged to help us, just like the traffic lights are responding to us!" He said as he put his foot down on the accelerator to keep up with the police car.

Sir Timothy was disturbed by Baxter, "It appears that Miss Charlotte encountered problems at her meeting."

"Oh yes? What happened?" Sir Timothy asked.

"The reports are sketchy; it's either that Miss Charlotte or Mrs. Clarkson has been hurt in some way, I do understand that Jameson issued a purple alert and recalled Miss Cathy back to Alpha 3." He said.

A purple alert was a high priority alert, which called for police assistance and medical stand-by, it wasn't meant for small problems.

"Baxter get a car ready, I'm going to Alpha 3. I think I might be needed there." He said.

Baxter bowed, "The car will be outside, is it alright if I accompany you Sir?" He said, Jameson was his responsibility and it would be up to him to issue any reprimands should they be needed.

The police car blocked the road just after Alpha 3, allowing Cathy's car to drive directly into the driveway.

Cathy watched them as they car passed, "Jeffery can you pass on my thanks for their help." She said undoing her seat belt. The car scrapped to a stop on the gravel and before Jeffery could even open the door, Cathy was out and up the steps to the door.

The maid was opening it as Cathy entered the room, "Where are they?" She gasped out.

"With Doctor Mary, miss!" The maid said and Cathy was already making her way to the medical area.

"Charlotte, where are you!" She called out.

"In here!" Charlotte said from a side room, looking out as she heard Cathy's footsteps running down the corridor.

Cathy entered the room and immediately hugged Charlotte, "I'm sorry I wasn't here! I came as soon as I got the message!" She said and then saw Maria, sitting on the examination bench.

"What did this?" She asked Charlotte.

"It was my father; he had this and was trying to use it on me!" Charlotte said showing Cathy the PDA she had taken.

Cathy turned it on and looked at the display; Mary gave a gasp as she did so, "Don't! You don't know what it might do!" She said.

Cathy tilted her head, "It's designed for the viewer to obey completely the words of the holder, as I'm both the holder and viewer it's effects are nullified, but it wouldn't had affected me anyway!" She said with a smile.

Mary shook her head, "You don't know that for sure!" She said, although she was used to Cathy working the impossible.

Cathy didn't answer, she went to Maria and looked at her, her breathing slowing and then she closed her eyes.

Cathy was standing in a large hall. There was an echo in her foot-steps as she walked around. "Hello — llo — llo — lo" Her voice echoed away as she called out.

'Well the lights are on, but no-body's home' Cathy thought to herself.

She walked further until she saw a wall ahead of her, looking closely she saw that it was curving round slightly, she followed it. Then she knocked on it, hearing a dull ringing tone. This was created to keep things in, not to let them out! She decided.

She concentrated on the wall, but could not seem to affect it, which to her was impossible, but it meant that she wasn't capable of opening it. She shook her head.

"Maria! It's Cathy I'm a friend of Charlotte. She's safe but; can you come out please and talk to me?" She called out, but she was only answered by the echo of her own words.

She concentrated on leaving the area and opened her eyes.

She was looking at Sir Timothy, "Hello Cathy, what happened?" He asked her, noticing that Maria was still in a trance.

Cathy shook her head, "She's got a wall surrounding her, it's stopping her from doing anything and it's too strong for me. I'm going to need help!" She said and then threw out a thought.

Annabelle was watching her two charges as they played with paints, making a mess of the paper that was before them. Then she saw them stiffen and look at each other.

Both children got up and went to the washbowl that was nearby, each cleaning their hands and drying them off on the towels provided, they then went to Annabelle.

"Miss Annabelle, we are needed in the medical section; Sir Timothy is there so you'll be able to report to him there." Samantha said, this time with no sign of a lisp.

Annabelle gave a gasp of shock and thought she was dreaming, "No Annabelle, you are awake, it's just that there is a problem that only we can deal with, come with us!" Samuel said taking Annabelle's hand and pulling her up.

"Bu ... but you are..." Annabelle said the shock of her two babies apparently talking normally and reacting cognitively.

"Miss Annabelle, we'll tell you and Sir Timothy everything, but first there is a serious problem that requires us! Please hurry!" Samantha said urgently.

And so it was that Annabelle was dragged to the medical section by the two 3 years-old. "Sister Cathy what was it that demanded we reveal ourselves?" Samuel asked, slightly annoyed at his older sister's actions.

"I'm sorry, but this couldn't wait and she needs urgent attention." Cathy said showing Maria to her brother and sister.

The twins regarded the girl, and then looked at each other before speaking, "We see, it's a nasty thing, do you know how it was created?" Samuel asked, speaking for the pair of them.

Cathy showed them the PDA, without even trying to keep the screen away from them, both children watched the pattern and then looked at Cathy, "That's more evolved than the original program Sir Timothy tried on you." Samuel said, "It seems the Association has links in the Organisation as well!" he said making Sir Timothy blink.

"What do you know about the Association and the Organisation?" He asked.

Samantha shook her head, "Sir Timothy when you're able to walk through people's dreams you learn things about the real world, also Robert has been very talkative." She said before returning her gaze to Cathy.

"You tried to break it down, but failed!" Samuel said.

"Yes, should we go over it again?" Cathy asked them.

The two children nodded and closed their eyes, Cathy did the same, and they were in the area, although there was a second Cathy there.

'I thought I was in a large room, but it's her immediate mind, isn't it?' The Cathy with the children said.

'Yes, her free will has been wrapped away to that area we can see ahead.' The twins said in their mixed mode.

They watched as Cathy tried to break down the wall before she gave up and vanished.

Then the three of them approached the wall, Samantha reached out and pushed the wall, it moved slightly but didn't give way.

'We need a diamond pointed drill!' She said,

Samuel concentrated and then lifted his arm, Cathy gasped! Instead of his hand a large rotating drill was there instead, 'Sister Cathy, you don't understand fully what is capable in the mind!' he said with a smile. He walked to the wall and then thought again, 'We're going to need a shield, just in case.' He was looking at Cathy as he said it.

She remembered what she had been shown a few days ago, she concentrated and a glowing sphere surrounded all the children, leaving the end of the drill outside.

'Ready?' Samuel asked.

'Yes!' Samantha replied for herself and Cathy.

Samuel concentrated, the drill bit began to turn and then he pushed it into the wall.

A pattern of cracks appeared in the wall, radiating from the point of the drill; they spread out to the furthest parts of the wall ... And then it shattered, parts flying out and hitting the shield, Cathy could feel the hits as the shield fluctuated in defending her and the two children.

Then there was a cacophony of sound and lights as everything inside the wall was released and Maria's memories were flying back to where they belonged. But something was still missing.

'She's still in there, she's frightened.' Samantha said shouting over the noise.

Cathy concentrated and the shield thickened and stopped the sounds, it also polarised slightly to reduce the amount of light allowed through, but still allowing them to see where they were going.

'Why didn't she leave?' Cathy thought.

'She was trapped in there with all that noise and lights' the twins said, their answer coming as if from one mind. They raced forward, the shield getting weaker as it was no longer needed.

Cathy didn't know what she was looking for as they were now in a long corridor with doors on either side. 'What are these?' Cathy asked.

'Old memories, just behind doors that Maria can open when she wants to.' Samantha said and opened a door.

The view was from behind a desk, A young girl — looking apprehensive — was seated with a middle-aged man who was holding her hand, Maria's voice could be heard, "Hello Becky, I'm sorry..."

Samantha closed the door, shutting off the view and the voice. 'This isn't what we're looking for.' She said drawing Cathy along the corridor. Cathy was tempted to open another door, but she knew she shouldn't.

By now the shield had gone completely, the noise was at a normal level — just in the background, but they could hear the sound of a woman crying.

They followed the sound until they were in a circular room; there was a fountain in the middle with stone seat around it. On one of the seats was Maria, her head in her hands, sobbing away.

Cathy went to her, 'Maria, what's wrong?' She asked.

Maria looked up, 'I couldn't stop him! Every-time I tried to do something he'd show me that small box and I'd be powerless' Maria said and started crying again.

Cathy took her hand, holding her, 'It's alright now Maria, Charlotte is safe, and her father won't be able to touch her again.' She said.

This made Maria look up at her, she tilted her head puzzled, 'I know you. You're one of Charlotte's friends. You're Cathy, but how can you be here?' She asked and then she looked around, 'But where is here? I recognise it, but it isn't right, it shouldn't be here!' She said getting slightly worried.

Cathy didn't know how to answer and so Samuel spoke up, 'This is you! Your hopes and fears, this is where you were hiding! Locking yourself away when Richard tried to force you to harm Charlotte, his last command was to sit and not to move until he said otherwise. Now is the time to ignore that command. And don't worry about his program, that and others like it will no longer affect you!' He said and touched Maria's forehead.

Maria faded from their sight.

Sir Timothy sat watching the children and Cathy still in a circle with their eyes closed. Annabelle was sitting beside him, "I don't understand sir, all was normal, they were playing like children and then they looked up and told me — in normal voices, not like children at all — that they were needed here. It was like that film, you know, The Midwich Cuckoos! They were so intelligent, it scared me." She said

Sir Timothy nodded, "I've seen several strange things in my life, the children are not the worse of it. I've know nice decent people turn into raving madmen for no reason at all!" He said.

At this point his eyes closed and he slumped in his seat, but this was unnoticed by the others as they also were unconscious.

Around Alpha 3 the soldiers all seemed to slump down where they were, the strange thing was that if any of them driving or operating equipment, they shut them down first and then fell asleep.

In the monitor room the person there did a strange thing, first of all data on the tapes for that past hour were erased, a code had to be entered for that! Then the recorders were stopped and the tapes erased, so that the current images were lost, finally the operator sat at his desk and shut down the internal sensors — not the outer ones — before he too succumbed to the spell.

It was the hand on her shoulder that woke Mary up, Maria was shaking her, there was an anxious look on her face. "What happened?" Maria asked her.

Mary was surprised, she looked around at the sleeping forms in her room, "I don't know, but I do feel so refreshed, as if I slept all day! Let's check on the others!" She said getting up and moving to where Sir Timothy and Cathy were on the floor.

She quickly checked them and found they were all asleep; she gently touched Sir Timothy who woke immediately. He looked around, "What happened did the car crash?" he asked her.

Mary tried to think, "I ... I ... I don't know, Maria was carried in, Cathy arrived to see what she could do ... and ... and then ... I woke up with Maria standing over me." Mary said.

Sir Timothy went to a phone and dialled a number, but received no answer; shaking his head he dialled another number with the same result. He then went to an alarm button and pressed it.

Immediately throughout Alpha 3 a strident alarm sounded, bringing everyone around and dashing to their station in a few seconds.

Sir Timothy waited and then picked up the phone again, dialling a number, which was answered on the first ring. "This is Alpha, cancel alarm and check perimeter, we seem to have been attacked! I need to know if anything or anyone is missing." He said as a squad of men arrived in the room.

The Captain saluted as Sir Timothy put the phone down, "Sir! Captain Jones reporting." He said

Sir Timothy returned the salute, "Thank you Captain, now what happened? A complete report please." He said.

Captain Jones was troubled, "Don't know sir, when the alarm went off I found myself outside on the ground with no reason for being there, the last thing I remember was just leaving the officer's mess." He said and then he looked guilty.

Sir Timothy chuckled, "Don't worry Captain, I was in my car coming here, when I woke up I was being shaken by the doctor there. It seems we've been attacked and have lost some time."

Captain Jones looked relieved, "I'll go to the Monitoring Room sir and get the tapes, they're bound to tell us what happened." He said and, after receiving Sir Timothy's permission he left the room.

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