Unique Adventures - Cover

Unique Adventures

Copyright© 2006 by Dark Vision

Chapter 8

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Join the families from "The Lottery" as they meet the families from "Lady Guinevere" and embark on new adventures.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   mt/mt   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   DomSub   Swinging   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Petting  

"How bizarre is that?" Eddie said as he started the engines. "Although I'm glad it's out in the open. It's hard to keep from playing grab ass with Jenny. I grabbed her once yesterday and almost got my arm ripped off."

"Hey, keep your hands off my girl," Brad said.

"No, you don't keep yours off mine," Eddie replied and then they both laughed.

"I guess Sally and Kathy talked last night," Jack said.

"Kathy told me, but she wouldn't tell me what they talked about. Not all of it anyway. It gets a bit confusing sometimes. We don't like to tell anyone something that was said to us, but we don't like the idea of lying either. When I asked Kathy what she and Sally talked about, she said it was girl stuff," Brad said. "That's their code for 'it's none of my business' so I back off."

Jack laughed. "That must be universal code amongst girls. I've heard it from my sister and Sally."

"Have Kim and Sally ever gotten into it over you two?" Brad asked.

"No, not as far as I know. Kim and I have just hooked up so there wasn't any competition between them. I don't think there will be any problems though. Sally is so hung up on Jack I doubt she wants anything to do with me anymore," Tom said.

"Don't be too sure, Tom. Sally still really cares about you," Jack told his cousin.

"She might, but not like she does about you. Open your eyes, buddy! Sally is head over heels in love with you. I've never seen her act like this before."

"What are you talking about, Tom?"

"Haven't you noticed how she acts when she's around you? She can't take her eyes off you or say your name without grinning. I know my sister; at least I thought I did. I've never seen her so enamored before."

"How about Brad?" Jack asked. He knew what Sally told him, but wanted to know what Tom knew.

"She tried to love him, but you've had her heart for a long time. I think she just went out with him so she could be around you. I know she resented Megan," Tom said. "Sally didn't dislike her, but she was very envious."

"I never knew," Jack said.

"Of course not, she loves you so much she couldn't do anything to hurt you, Jack. My sister would rather cut off her head than hurt you."

Brad and Eddie listened to the exchange, both of them feeling a bit uncomfortable. They weren't used to hearing anyone speak so candidly, not from people they really didn't know that well.

"Um, would you guys feel better if you were alone?" Eddie asked.

"Not really. We don't have anything to hide," Jack said. "I'm sure you guys have had similar conversations. Besides, we're all friends here, aren't we? I guess we all share a secret that is dear to us, but we can't really talk about."

"Some of our friends know about our relationships with our sisters. They are friends we can trust not to say anything to anyone about it." Brad chuckled. "By the way, Jack, Tom's right about Sally, even I can see how much she adores you. It's not a bad thing you know. You should embrace it. A lot of people would give their right arm for someone that loves them like that."

Tom put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Buddy, I can't tell you how happy I am that Sally fell in love with you. She deserves a guy like you. I know you'll never treat her like the other guys she dated."

"If I'd have known how Brad treated her I would have kicked his ass—I still might!"

"It won't do any good, you know that, Jack. That's history; let it go. It would just hurt Sally."

"I know, but it still pisses me off."

"Feeling helpless is what pisses you off. You'd have to ask Sally how she really feels about her old boyfriend," Eddie said. "The boat's ready to go. How about taking care of the lines and power. I have to top off before we head out."

"Okay, but we're buying the fuel," Jack said. "I know we're guests, but we insist."

Jack, Tom and Brad went down to the cockpit. They worked together, releasing the lines and disconnecting the water and power. Once the boat was free, Brad yelled up to Eddie.

The three guys waited in the cockpit while Eddie motored to the gas dock. When the boat was against the pier, Brad and Tom grabbed the lines the dockhands threw to them. Once the boat was fueled and pumped out, Jack went inside to pay for it. He returned, jumped into the cockpit and they were underway.

"Beds are all made," Kim said as she and Sally came up from below. "The sheets should be ready for the dryer in a few minutes."

"I wish you two would relax and enjoy yourselves. Kathy and I should be doing the work, not you guys," Jenny said.

"That's bull. When we take you out, we'll expect you to help," Kim said, and then she giggled. "Really, we don't mind, do we, Sally?"

"No, not at all. It's fun. Besides, we messed up the beds." Sally grinned. "That was fun, too."

"You're just a horny little devil," Kim said.

"Like you're not?"

"I think we all are," Kathy said. "I can't imagine going without sex anymore. I hate it when I have my period. I don't feel comfortable screwing then, but Eddie doesn't really mind, he still gets his."

Sally giggled. "Yum, tube steak!"

"Do you like giving head too?" Kathy asked.

"Doesn't everyone?"

"No, we have a friend that doesn't really like it. She has done it, but she won't let her boyfriend cum in her mouth," Kathy said.

"To each their own, I love it. I love the way a guy reacts when I do it to him," Kim said. "It makes me feel like I'm in control."

"It should, all you have to do is bite down and the guy's pecker is toast! Not that I would ever do anything like that," Kathy said.

"We should go out and get the rods ready," Jenny said. "It's our turn today."

The girls went out to the cockpit to rig the rods. Jenny and Kathy showed Kim and Sally what to do, teaching them how to tie the knots they used. Once the teaser rods were set, Jenny and Kathy began fixing live bait. They put the large hooks in the small fish, securing the hooks with wire. Once they had a dozen baits ready, they relaxed.

"Wow, can you believe how calm it is out here?" Kim said as Eddie piloted the boat out of the inlet and into the ocean. "It's so pretty this morning."

The boat came up on plane, cutting through the water without any bounce. The sun was up and the ocean was as blue as it could be. Sally leaned over the gunwale, letting the wind blow in her face. Kathy came over, standing next to her.

"Thanks for this morning, Kathy. I thought I had really screwed up," Sally said. "You were funny."

"Hey, what are friends for? I didn't want to say anything to Eddie about you guys, and I guessed you didn't want to say anything to Jack about us. I just thought we might as well get it out in the open."

"That was so cool how you did it. I thought I was going to piss my pants when you asked the question. I laughed so hard!"

Sally turned around, leaning against the gunwale. She grinned at Kathy and said, "I asked Jack about—you know, what you wanted to do last night. He said it might be okay."

Kathy furrowed her brow. "What do you mean you asked him if it would be okay? Isn't it up to you?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't do anything unless he approved."

"Why not?"

"Because I wouldn't. Would you?"

"I do what I want to do, Sally. Eddie doesn't have anything to do with it."

"It's cheating, isn't it? I mean, would you have sex with another guy behind his back?"

"No, of course not, but this is different."

"Not to me," Sally said. "I know it's my body, but I gave Jack control over it. If he says I can't fool around with you, or any other girl, I won't do it."

"I could never do that."

Sally shrugged her shoulders. "I can and do. It's what I want. Isn't that what we all want, to be happy? Please don't judge me."

"I'm not judging you, Sally. It's just hard for me to understand. You're right though, if it makes you happy, who am I to say?"

"Jack will never hurt me. He would never tell me to do something that I really didn't want to do either. I tell him what I'm willing to do. If I ever said no, he would respect me and not ask me to do it." Sally reached out, putting her hand on Kathy's arm. "Do you have any idea how it feels to be able to trust someone so completely? To feel so safe you can give that someone complete control?"

Kathy shook her head.

"It is so liberating, at least to me it is. I can be so free."

"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of things does he tell you to do?"

Sally giggled. "He hasn't really told me to do anything, not yet. Well, he did tell me to give him a blowjob last night."

Kathy laughed. "Hell, I do that when Eddie asks me to."

"Jack didn't ask, he told me to. I guess it's the same, but I wouldn't refuse him, that's the real difference."

What Sally was saying began to interest Kathy. Not because she wanted to be like her, but because Kathy wanted to try to understand.

"So, is it like one of those master slave relationships I've read about?" Kathy asked.

"No, not at all. I'm not going to sit at Jack's feet or walk behind him. I just want him to be the strong member of the relationship. Jack will make the decisions and I will do what he decides. I'm perfectly comfortable asking Jack if I can do something. I'm also comfortable with being told no. If it's really important to me, we'll discuss it, but the ultimate decision is his."

Kathy shook her head, trying to put herself in Sally's shoes. Sally smiled at her.

"You said you have a micro bikini, right?"


"I don't know how small yours is, but mine doesn't leave much to the imagination."

Kathy giggled, nodding her head.

"Let's say you and Eddie were going to the beach, or maybe a party and you wanted to wear your micro. If he told you he didn't what you to wear it, would you?"

"Probably not."

"How about if you didn't want to wear it, but he wanted you to? Would you wear it then?"

"Not if I really didn't want to."

"I would. If Jack told me to wear it, I would. If he told me not to, I wouldn't. It's as simple as that. I trust him not to hurt or humiliate me."

"That's a lot of trust."

"It's a lot of love. I love him and he loves me. I couldn't really love someone I didn't trust."

"You aren't afraid he'll tell you to do something you don't really want to do, are you."

"Nope, not at all."

"Well, I hope things work out for you, Sally."

"They will."

"How do Kim and Tom feel about this?"

"I don't care. I'm not asking them to do it. This is what I want and that's all that matters. Let's say you like a certain food and Brad didn't. Would you not eat it because they won't?"

"No, if I liked it, I'd eat it. It's none of his business what I like and dislike."


"You are one strange girl, sexy, but strange." Kathy giggled.

"Kids that run around with green hair and a bunch of piercings are strange too. I don't want green hair, but I don't care if they want it—it's up to them. I'm not going to live my life the way someone else lives theirs just because they don't like the way I want things. I'm not telling anyone they should feel like I do, so no one should tell me what I should feel like."

"You're right. No one has the right to tell you to do something you don't want to do. I guess if it's cool between you and Jack, it should be cool to your friends and family," Kathy said.

Kim and Jenny came over to where Kathy and Sally were talking. When they asked what was going on, Kathy said, "Sally and I are just getting to know one another better. What are you guys up to?"

"The same, just talking," Jenny said.

Jack came down from the flying bridge. He went over to Sally, put his arm around her and gave her a quick kiss. "How's my girl doing?"

"We're talking, what are you guys doing up there?"

"Eddie and Brad have been telling us about fishing in the Keys. Someday I'd like to go down there." Jack held up two coffee cups.

Sally took the cups from Jack, smiled and said, "More?"

"Yes, one black for me, one with cream for Eddie."

"Okay, I'll bring them up to you guys." Sally started to leave, but Jack pulled her close to kiss her.

"Thanks, love you."

Sally smiled at Jack and then went into the cabin. Kim looked at her brother, raising an eyebrow. When Jack shrugged his shoulders, Kim smiled and shook her head.

Jack went back up to the flying bridge. Sally came up a few moments later with two cups of hot coffee. After handing the cups to Jack and Eddie, she stood facing Jack.

"Anything else, Baby?" Sally asked.

"No. Thanks for the coffee." Jack gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Yeah, thanks, Sally," Eddie said.

"Let me know if you need anything else. I'm going back down with the girls." Sally didn't move, waiting for Jack to respond.

"Okay, Sweetie, thanks again."

Sally left the flying bridge. When she rejoined the other girls, Kim moved next to Sally.


"Please don't start on me, Kim. It's what I want," Sally said.

Kim held both hands up, showing her palms to Sally. "I'm not going to say a thing." Kim lowered her hands, stepped closer and put her arms around Sally. After a brief hug, Kim said. "As long as you're happy, so am I."

Sally hugged Kim. "You have no idea just how happy I am. Jack is the best!"

Kim and Sally released one another. They began talking to Jenny and Kathy about clothes and the things they liked to wear.

"Want to take the helm, Tom?" Eddie asked.

"Sure." Tom took over steering the boat toward the destination Eddie showed him on the chart plotter.

Eddie sat next to Tom, watching him at the helm. "Do you know how much time you and your family are going to spend down here after the yacht is finished?" Eddie asked.

"Not really. I think we'll spend the winters in Florida. You never know what our parents have in mind. If I had my way, I think I'd live down here all the time. Michigan is nice, but this is great—especially the beaches."

"Yeah, the scenery is pretty good on the beaches. The scenery isn't too bad on the boat either. Kim and Sally are really cute."

"Jenny and Kathy are hot too, Eddie. I guess we're all pretty lucky guys."

"No doubt! When you guys are down here, you and Jack will get to live in the same house as the girls—that would be cool."

"We're going to live together in Michigan too. My parents are selling our house and we're moving in with Jack and Kim. I guess our parents decided they didn't need three houses."

"Do you have a big house in Michigan?"

"My uncle Don and Aunt Marge have a very big house. They're going to do some remodeling to make a bedroom out of the recreation room for my mom and dad. Our house is almost as big, but we don't have an enclosed pool."

"You guys have an enclosed pool?"

Tom gave Eddie a description of the house, telling him about the pool, main floor and the bedrooms. As Tom talked, Eddie shook his head.

"Sounds nice," Eddie said.

"Someday you guys will have to come up for a visit. I think you and Brad would like salmon fishing."

"I like any kind of fishing. It's really cool that my sister is into it, too."

"I think it's cool to be close with my sister. I knew kids from our old school that didn't get along with their sisters."

"I know kids like that too. The four of us, Brad, Kathy, Jenny and me really get along. It's fun when we travel to tournaments on the boat. We hardly ever get into arguments with each other."

"What do you plan to do after you graduate?" Tom asked.

"I want to go to college to learn to design boats like my dad does. I hope to work with him someday."

"Why don't you work at the boatyard now?"

"I might work there this summer. Brad and I have been talking to my dad about it. Our sisters might work with my mom. She manages a shop in West Palm. Dad said he wants us to concentrate on our school work so he doesn't want us working while we're in school."

"Jack and I are really looking forward to working at the boatyard this week. I don't know what to expect, but I'm sure we'll keep busy. Our sisters are going to be working with April, our steward."

"How many people is it going to take to crew your yacht?"

"I really don't know yet. Jeri says at least four, but probably six when we have a charter. Oh, plus the chef."

"I've read some about the yacht charters. They sound like fun, expensive, but fun."

"The yacht is going to be cool, but to tell you the truth, Jack and I would like to have a boat like this. We love fishing and Tomiko is way too big for that. Our dads have talked about buying another boat, a fishing boat, so Jack and I can learn how to operate something a little bigger than Jack's boat."

"If you get one, we could go to tournaments together. It would be a blast."

"I think we'd get smoked! We don't know anything about this kind of fishing except what we're learning from you guys."

"We didn't know that much when we started. Jenny and I worked for a fishing charter last summer and learned a lot from Nate, the captain. I read everything I can get my hands on about fishing and we practice when we can. We learned a lot by joining the fishing club too."

Eddie pointed at the chart plotter. "We need to slow down. We're almost to where we want to start fishing." Standing up, Eddie began scanning the water for birds or debris. "I'm looking for birds or something floating in the water. Anything that will tell us there's baitfish."

Jack and Brad got up. They began looking out over the water, helping Eddie search for signs of life. Brad saw something and asked Eddie for the binoculars. Holding them to his eyes, Brad focused on what he had seen.

"There's birds diving over there," Brad said, pointing in the general direction of the birds.

Tom made a slight course adjustment when Eddie told him to. Brad went to the rail, looked down and told the girls what was going on. Jenny and Kathy took the rods that Brad handed them from the rocker launchers, placing them in the rod holders in the top rail.

When Tom had the boat close to the flock of feeding birds, Eddie told him to slow to eight knots. Tom pulled back on the throttles, slowing the boat to the speed Eddie told him to achieve.

In the cockpit, the girls began setting the lines. Jenny and Kim lowered the outrigger on the port side of the boat while Sally and Kathy attended to the starboard side, sending teasers out behind the boat. Once the lines were out, the girls stepped back to watch. Kathy took the harness out of a locker, getting it ready in the event they hooked a fish.

Tom followed Eddie's instructions as he told Tom what to do. They trolled for a half hour; making three passes though the birds, without a bite.

"I think we should re-rig for wahoo and dolphin," Brad said. "I don't think there are any sails here."

"Works for me," Eddie said. "Let the girls know we're changing up."

Brad yelled down to Jenny, telling her about the change in plans. The girls reeled in the teasers, replacing them with lures and live baits. When the lines were back in the water, Tom made another pass.

"If we were fishing a tournament, we'd move. Because we're just out here to have some fun, we're going to try for different fish," Eddie said.

Brad's idea to change was fruitful. The first fish hit after another fifteen minutes of trolling. Sally fought the first fish, landing a nice wahoo. While the girls removed the hooks from the fish so they could stow it in the hold, another rod went off. Kim grabbed the rod after Brad told her there was a fish on. She set the hook and began the fight.

Kim's fish, a small dolphin, was released to fight another day. Kim reset the line and put the rod in its holder.

"Well, we could let the guys have their turn or we could take another turn for ourselves," Jenny said. She giggled and added, "It isn't free though."

"What do you mean?" Sally asked.

"Sometimes, the guys will let us have another turn if we flash our boobs at them," Jenny said.

Kim giggled. "I like fishing."

"Hey, Eddie, we're going to keep fishing," Jenny yelled as she, and the other girls, stood with their backs to the transom.

Eddie started to laugh. He told Tom to set the autopilot and get up. The four guys stood at the rail, looking down at the girls. "This is always fun," Eddie said.

"What do you mean you're going to take another turn? It's our turn to fish," Eddie said.

"We know, but we want to take another turn," Kathy said.

The game was always the same, as were the results. After a few moments of bantering back and forth, the girls pulled their tops up and showed the guys their breasts. They giggled as they shook their shoulders, making their breasts jiggle.

Eddie, Brad, Tom and Jack laughed as they watched the girls. When the girls pulled their tops down, Eddie told them they had won and could take another turn.

Tom returned to the helmsman chair while Eddie sat next to him. Brad and Jack stayed at the rail, watching for the next fish.

"Do they do that often?" Jack asked Brad.

"All the time. It's a game we play. When it's just the four of us, Jenny and Kathy will take their tops off. There have been times when they got naked so they could keep fishing," Brad said.

"Would you guys let them fish if they didn't flash you?"

"Sure, but this more fun."

"I can't argue with that. Nothing like bare boobs to make your heart get going."

"We don't do it because we're perverts." Brad sounded like he was trying to justify what happened. "Like I said, we do it because it's fun."

Sally took the next fish. She fought the dolphin to the back of the boat and Kathy gaffed it. Once the fish was in the hold, Sally reset the line.

"I guess we should let the guys fish now, shouldn't we," Sally said. "I know Jack really wants to."

"We could flash them again and take another turn," Kathy said.

"Maybe later, I'd really like Jack and Tom to have their turn." Sally giggled. "They see our boobs all the time. I'm pretty sure fishing is more important right now."

"I've got an idea, why don't you and Kim fish with Jack and Tom? Jenny and I will go up with Brad and Eddie," Kathy said.

"Really? That would be so cool," Sally replied, her excitement was very obvious.

Jenny and Kathy checked the lines before heading up to the flying bridge. They sent Tom and Jack down to fish with their sisters.

"Jack gets to reel in the next fish," Sally said.

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