A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Lady Rawlings looked down at the tableau of girls before her. Her maid lay naked on the floor her legs spread wide. Between them sat Veronica her hand laid on the back of the girls knee. Diane was sat to the side gently stroking the shoulders of the exhausted innocent.

'Help her on to the settee beside me. ' Lady Rawlings said softly to her daughter. The girls got up slowly, helping Wendy to the couch.

'Lay her head on my lap, that's the way.' Diane's mother said as they helped the naked girl to lay face upward on the soft cushions. Her head rested on Lady Rawlings knee. Diane's mother gently stroked her hand over the girls glistening shoulder and down on to her beautiful breast, stroking softly. The girl seemed to have regained some of her senses and looked up into the face of her Mistress as she felt the hand gently touch her sensitive nipple. Diane knelt at the side of the settee looking down into girls face.

'Tell me, ' she said quietly 'Did you enjoy that?'. The girl looked into Diane's eyes. 'Oh yes Miss.' she whispered. Her body shivered.

'Did it make you tingle all over, tell me.' Diane leaned close to the girl as she spoke, Her voice whispered softly. 'Did it make you come?' The girl blushed as she looked up at Diane. 'Oh yes Miss, yes Miss.' the girl whispered. 'Do you feel nice now?' Diane reached for the girl's other breast and squeezed it gently as she spoke. The girl dropped her eyes as she felt the caress. 'Answer me.' Diane moved her face closer to her. The girl looked at the lips inches from hers, raising her head she kissed Diane in adoration. 'Oh thank-you Miss... thank you'.

'You can pop your clothes back on now Wendy then fetch us all a drink'. Diane said kindly as she stoked the girl's cheek, 'You know we are really very fond of you'. 'I know Miss. I just get embarrassed.' The girl said softly looking into Diane's eyes. Wendy dressed quickly and left to fetch the drinks.

'Well, ' said Lady Rawlings, 'what a day you're all going to have tomorrow The girls looked up at Diane's mother as she spoke, smiling gently at her daughter and her friend. 'I feel sorry for this orphan boy of yours. Not because you are going to punish him tomorrow but because of his circumstances. Perhaps if he is as beautiful as you say we could do something for him.' 'What do you mean?' asked Veronica as she shifted lazily in her seat. Her robe fell open below the belt exposing her long shapely brown legs right up to the vee of dark pubic hair.

'Well', said Lady Rawlings 'I know a woman that runs a school, mostly girls I think, but she has a wonderful way of moulding her pupils. They turn out quite bright but completely manageable, if you know what I mean.' 'You mean they are submissive?' asked Veronica.

'Yes, I think you would say they are very submissive.' Lady Rawlings smiled. 'I think punishment plays a big part in her disciplines. Look at the way Wendy has reformed since her smack bottom. She does exactly as she is told and yet is cheerful and very caring."

The day dawned bright and clear. The girls were in high spirits as they sat on the cane chairs of the veranda adjoining the dining room. Diane was helping herself to more coffee from the silver tray, which the maid had placed on the cane table in front of them. Diane was wearing a white silk shirt. The material was almost transparent, even the doubled material of the pockets did little to conceal the dark aureole and nipple of each breast. She had unbuttoned the shirt down to the middle of her cleavage and as she leaned forward, her breasts were completely exposed. Her dark blue skirt was made with a buttoned slit, which ran from the waist down to the knee length hem. Diane had unbuttoned these so that the smooth Sea Island cotton material fell either side of her tanned thighs.

'I think we chose the right outfits, don't you?' Diane turned to her friend and smiled. 'I don't suppose there is a chastisement outfit.' Veronica laughed. 'Have you decided what to beat him with yet?' Veronica leaned back as she spoke and unbuttoned her thin cotton shirt to the waist exposing her large rounded breasts to the sun's morning rays.

'That looks pretty.' Diane said, observing Veronica's brown nipples, which stood out quite splendidly from the tips of her firm breasts.

Veronica shifted in her chair placing her feet on the cane table. She was wearing a wide skirt that came to just above the knee. She pulled the skirt up until the hem lay across her hips, exposing her long brown legs. She smoothed her hands over her thighs lazily. 'I'm looking forward to today, he has such a lovely body for a boy.' Veronica spoke softly, turning her face to the sun. 'He is graceful and not too muscular, perfectly proportioned really.'

Diane nodded to her friend in agreement. 'I think he is most unusual and special, let's hope mother can do something for him.'

'Look, ' said Veronica.' My nipples have gone stiff.' Diane laughed, reaching over and tweaked the tip of Veronica's right breast with her fingernail, before cupping the firm flesh with her hand. Leaning forward in her chair she brought her mouth over the nipple and nibbled gently with her even white teeth.

'Oooh don't start that now or we'll never get through the day.' Veronica laughed.

It was an hour later. The girls were sat side by side in the Range Rover belonging to Lady Rawlings. Diane was driving competently down the long drive, which lead from the Manor into the estate. 'Are you comfortable Wendy.' Diane addressed the maid seated behind them.

'Yes Miss, thank you Miss.' Diane glanced round at the maid who smiled back at her. 'You have turned out a nice girl.' Diane said. 'Such a pretty face and body too, you really are a lucky girl.' 'Thank-you Miss.' replied the maid once more. They were now heading up the long hack that led to the lake. Diane drove slowly over the rougher ground. 'Don't the woods look pretty at this time of year.' Veronica said, shifting lazily in her seat. Diane concentrated on her driving; her wide skirt lay over her thighs, displaying a pair of pretty knee's.

'I think we brought everything we need, for our task.' Diane said to Veronica. 'If not we will just have to improvise.' 'You will do as we ask today won't you Wendy.' Diane turned to girl behind her. 'I want complete co-operation from you, is that understood?'

'Yes Miss.' the maid replied firmly, 'I won't let you down.'

'I do think that girls got a crush on you Diane'. Veronica said. She turned in her seat to look at the maid who blushed prettily, and dropped her long eyelashes over her cheeks.

'Here we are.' Diane brought the Range Rover to a halt a few yards from the picnic table.

'Are you sure we won't be disturbed.' asked Veronica as she opened the door of the vehicle.

'No I made sure. The keeper is in 'Far Acre' and will be working there for the next three weeks, so there's no-one to interrupt us.'

'Good' said Veronica jumping from her seat. Her skirt caught up momentarily, revealing her brief white panties as she slid her feet to the ground.

The girls unloaded the jeep: Two picnic hampers and three large car rugs were placed on the grass beside the picnic table.

'You still haven't told me what we're going to use on the boy, said Veronica as she sorted through one of the hampers. The maid approached holding a long slim package. 'Madam asked me to give you this.' she said as she held out the paper parcel.

Veronica quickly tore off the paper and held the long slim cane between her fingers.

'What was Madam doing with this might I ask' Veronica looked at the maid.

'It was meant for me Miss.' the girl replied quietly.

'Has she used it yet?' enquired Diane.

'No Miss, the girl blushed. 'She said it was for the next time.'

'Then what I said earlier is true, you are a very lucky girl.'

'Yes Miss.' The girl said quietly.

'There must be enough stuff in here to stock a chemist's shop.' Veronica said as she knelt over the hamper and sorted the contents.

'Well we have to look after him, I wouldn't want him to be poorly with any infection.' Diane said as she reached for the cane lying on the picnic table. 'How do you fancy being beaten with this?' she asked Wendy as she slipped the slim bamboo slowly through her fingers.

'Oh I wouldn't Miss, it looks awfully hard.'

'Well one stroke wouldn't hurt you, and it would be nice to try it.' Diane said cheerfully.

'Oh no Miss, Please Miss, you wouldn't.' The girl looked pleadingly at Diane.

'But you have already promised to do as you are told, haven't you?' Diane looked inquiringly at the maid. The girl looked at Diane, her bottom lip trembled.

'Please Miss... not with that, I couldn't stand it'.

'Of course you could, now lets have no nonsense from you.' Diane spoke sharply to the girl. The maids face fell, her lips trembled at the sharp rebuke and the thought of the long cane.

'Just bend over the picnic table there's a good girl, one stroke never hurt anyone.' Wendy trembled, but dutifully walked to the picnic table and leaned her hips against it, bending forward slightly. Her face turned to look at Diane.

Veronica stood up and went behind the girl raising her loose skirt up over her bottom. 'Bend forward, there's a good girl she whispered.' Wendy bent over timidly, resting her head on her hands as they touched the table top.

Veronica promptly pushed the full skirt up over the girls waist, tucking some of the material into her waistband. Her pretty bottom displayed a small pair of lace panties. Veronica knelt behind her as Diane watched. Taking hold of the flimsy lace she slowly pulled the panties, making the girl open her legs as she eased them down.

'Just lift your foot', Veronica said gently as she pulled the panties over the girls dainty sandals.

'Open her legs a little more.' Diane instructed her friend.

Veronica pulled the girls legs apart and pushed her ankles further in toward the table. Standing up she placed her hand on the small of the girl's back pressing her slim waist down on to the tabletop. Wendy shivered, her body rudely exposed.

'Please d... don't hurt me Miss". She stammered. Her little bottom moved from side to side in agitation.

'Keep still, there's a good girl.' Veronica said gently stroking her hand over the girl's naked buttocks.

Diane nodded her head to Veronica. Her friend placed her arm over the girls waist and pressed down firmly.

'Just keep still, or I will give you two.' Diane spoke firmly.

Veronica slid her other hand over the girls bottom her fingers trailing through the crease between her buttocks and finding the sensitive lips of sex. Slowly she teased them with light caresses running her nails through the fine hairs of her pubes. The girl moved her bottom, the cheeks quivering as Veronica's fingers slid between the pubescent lips of her vagina. Veronica pressed two of her fingers together, stealthily she pushed them up inside the girl, the vagina already moist, allowing her fingers to slide in easily. Veronica cleverly manipulated her fingers feeling the girl's bottom lift and push back toward her hand. Diane watched as her friend's fingers slipped backwards and forwards between the pretty cheeks of the maid's bottom. The girl moved her hips backwards, her vagina seeking the fingers that gave so much pleasure. Her breath was coming in audible gasps as the probing fingers played inside her. She raised her buttocks, her back arching as Veronica steadily increased the tempo of her fingers. Oooh... mmmm... ah moaned the girl as she bent across the table before her tormentors. Veronica looked up at her friend and nodded. Diane stood back from the girl and raised the cane high above her right shoulder. Veronica increased the rhythm of her fingers inside the girl's wet passage slowly pulling her hand backwards. The helpless girl raised her pert bottom seeking the fingers that gave so much pleasure. 'Now.' said Diane. Veronica quickly pulled her hand away, increasing the pressure of her arm over the girl's back. Diane swung her arm downwards, the cane whistled through the air in a perfect arc, striking the young girl across the centre of her bottom. The tip of the cane curled around the quivering cheeks of the girls thrusting buttocks, biting into the virgin flesh. 'Aaaarrh... aaaarh.' The maid's body stiffened as if electrocuted. Her legs kicked wildly as she screamed. 'Aaaarhh... aaaarh... ooh.' Her head tossed from side to side, her body shaking uncontrollably. 'Oooooh... oooh... Miss... ' Wendy was in turmoil, her thighs rubbing together trying to rid herself of the pain. Veronica thrust her hand between the injured cheeks her fingers rudely searching for the girl's moist vagina. Deftly she sunk her fingers into the girl, swiftly bringing them into play. Her fingers roamed wildly around the inside of the quivering flesh. Diane dropped the cane and splayed her hands over the girls thrashing bottom. Her fingers quickly located the neat sphincter between the quivering buttocks. Deftly she pushed her finger up into the hole. Wendy writhed beneath them, her body on fire. A myriad of emotions went through her innocent body as the girls brought her to a shattering climax. Her screams filled the air as wave after wave of sensation passed through her. 'Mmmmmmmmhhhh... aaarhh... arrrh' The girl was moaning beneath them as they gently slowed the tempo of their busy fingers.

'Mmmmmmhh... mmmm.' she sobbed, her body was suffused in a rosy glow. 'There... there.' Diane whispered softly to her. 'There's a good girl, hush, it's all over now.'

Wendy sighed and moaned but her body became still. 'There you're all right now, just lay quietly.' Diane reached underneath the girls waist her nimble fingers began undoing the buttons of the maids skirt.

Once open she tugged at the material, pulling it from under the maid's stomach. Gently she raised the skirt over her bottom, taking care the material did not touch the bright red weal crossing the buttocks. Veronica put her hand underneath the girl's tummy to support her while Diane laid her skirt beside the hampers.

Taking a bottle from the open hamper, she poured lotion on to her hand. She applied the liquid delicately to the girl's bottom, softly rubbing it in to the marked cheeks.

'Oooh Thank you Miss.' The girl murmured as she felt the cool lotion being rubbed over her wounded bottom.

Diane spent several minutes gently applying more of the liquid. She re-capped the bottle and placed her hand gently between the girl's thighs. Cupping the pubic mound she squeezed softly.

'There now how do you feel?' Veronica asked as she carefully lifted Wendy from the table.

'It really hurt Miss, I didn't think I could stand it... it was awful.' The girl whimpered as Veronica helped her toward the blankets.

Diane watched as the maid approached, 'You look quite beautiful you know.' she said to the maid looking at the small patch of hair that ran down between the girls legs.

'Turn around so we can see your stripe'.

The maid turned without hesitation, showing her bottom to Diane.

'Shall I bend over Miss.'

Diane smiled. Obedience at last. She thought.

'Yes please Wendy.' Diane replied.

The girl bent down touching her toes easily, although she grimaced as the flesh of her bottom tightened. Diane could not resist reaching between the proffered thighs and delicately tickling her pubes. Wendy trembled but did not move from her bent position until Diane patted her thigh and told her to come and sit down.

'I don't know whether I can sit Miss.'

'Just lay on your tummy, then we can see that delicious bottom of yours' Diane replied.

'All that excitement has made me thirsty.' Veronica said brightly. 'Who would like coffee?'. 'I'll pour it Miss, I'm all right now.'

Richard awoke with a start. He had had a terrible night. unsure every minute of the evening whether he would be called to Matron's office. Whether the girls had decided to report his crime. He had slept fitfully, waking constantly only to fall back into an uneasy sleep.

He looked at the large round wooden clock hanging high on the wall at the end of the dormitory. It said six o'clock. Richard jumped out of bed and hurried to the bathrooms. He filled the large cast iron bath with tepid water, the only kind they supplied at the orphanage. He shed his night-shirt with which they supplied to both boys and girls and sank into the tepid water. He scrubbed himself thoroughly, rubbing his skin red with the harsh bristles of the wooden brush.

He had asked Matron for clean underwear and socks, which she had provided without asking why. Normally clean clothing was supplied at the whim of the domestics who worked in the institution.

After soaking in the bath for as long as the rapidly cooling water would let him, he got dressed.

He was the eldest boy in the dormitory and as such was not asked questions about where he was going. The rules were strict and it was only the most foolish boy or girl that broke them. He often went for walks early in the morning even during term time. He was quite sure no one would question why he was dressed so early during the school holidays.

Richard had a strange feeling in his stomach. His nerves were on edge with a mixture of apprehension and dread at thought of what the day would bring.

He sat with the earliest sitting of boys and girls for their meagre breakfast, however this was one day that Richard could not bring himself to eat his food. Richard did not possess a watch so watched the clock at the far end of the room. As soon as the hands read ten minutes to nine, he set off for the long walk up to the lake.

The sun was already hot he as crossed the fields toward the woods. He trudged on steadily, becoming more nervous as his legs carried him nearer to the estate. He was well inside the woods when he saw the faded notice that read, Private Land, Trespassers will be prosecuted. The fence that provided the boundary for the estate that lay ahead. Slowly he climbed over the round wooden posts that ran between strong stakes that were firmly implanted in the ground.

Slower now, he climbed up the hill, which led to the lake. Cresting the rise he could see the blue water sparkling through the trees. The lake looked inviting, but thinking about the lake made his stomach churn. If it had not been for his desire to swim there he would not have had to be here now.

Richard covered the last few yards through the trees with an impending feeling of dread. His mind had covered every possibility including whether it might be a game and they would let him off.

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