A Governess for Richard - Cover

A Governess for Richard

Copyright© 2006 by jane marwood

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Richard is an orphan who is taken into care by the local lady Magistrate and her daughter. He endures an embarrassing medical as well as corporal punishment and humiliation

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

It was over half an hour before Jane gently moved Wendy to a sitting position upon her knee.

"You can get up now Wendy." She said softly as she helped the girl to her feet. You too Annette, I want you to stand over there side by side so I can have another look at you both before you go to bed." The two young girl's did as they were bid, standing side by side in the warm glow of the fire.

"Don't they make a lovely sight your Ladyship?" Jane enquired as she got up to sit on the arm of Her Ladyship's chair.

"Right you can put your night-dresses back on but not your panties. You will be much better without those with you both having been shaved. You can take your dressing gowns over your arms it's very warm in the house." Both Jane and Victoria watched as the girl's obeyed Jane's instructions. They took delight in watching the girl's stretch upwards as they put the flimsy garment over their heads.

"Turn around and off you go then. I will be up to kiss you both goodnight when you are in bed." Lady Rawlings looked across at Jane, marvelling in the young woman's ingenuity. Of course what could be more effective in binding the girls to her than kissing them as they lay tucked up in bed. It would make them feel totally secure and childlike. Jane watched the girls turn and leave the room their pretty bottoms naked below the short hems of their night-dresses.

Rachael and Claire stood in front of Diane's desk. Behind them Veronica was seated on the arm of one of the leather Chesterfield chairs. She was looking on with interest, noting the girls humility in her presence. The study door was open revealing the opulent drawing room beyond. Diane's suite of rooms were situated on the second floor of the east wing of the Manor house. Behind her desk the large ornate stone framed window looked over the picturesque gardens below.

"Now I want you both to listen carefully and obey the instructions I am about to give you. It is of paramount importance that you obey me to the letter and clarify any queries you may have before you go, is that clear?" Diane's voice was firm but pleasant. She looked the two girls over, as she sat back in the exquisitely carved high backed chair. She was amused to see the slight wariness in their faces as they stood before her, wondering why they had been summoned to her rooms. Rachael was sure by her Mistress's tone that they were not to be chastised for some misdemeanour, she had already searched her memory for a reason to be called but could find none.

"You may have heard that Wendy and Annette have been looking after Richard, whom I know you have already met." Their duties have been to look after his room and clothes as well of course as his personal welfare. As you are probably aware young boys do not always take care of their personal hygiene as they should and to remedy that, Lady Rawlings has supervised the boy's bath-times. She has also instructed Wendy and Annette how to bathe the boy. There will be times like today when no-one is available to look after Richard so I am going to instruct you how to wash and bathe him." Diane looked at the girl's faces and saw the merest hint of a satisfied smile on Rachael's face.

"She was sure that the girls already knew about Wendy and Annette bathing the boy and possibly most of the detail." You must remember that although Richard is not much younger than you he is still a young boy. I do not want any casual conversation or gossip with him. You must be figures of authority and make sure that he does exactly what you tell him to do, is that clear?" "Yes Miss Diane." They both replied in unison. Diane noted that they were quite relaxed now that they knew the reason for their visit to her rooms. Previous visits had not always been pleasant. Diane proceeded to tell them in detail the precise way in which they were to handle Richard. She noted Claire's faint blush as she told them how to handle his genitals and how to make sure that his bottom was perfectly clean. She was sure she detected a sly smile from both girl's as she told them to expect his penis to become erect.

Veronica got up and walked through to the drawing room.

"I'll leave you to it for a while, give me a call when you've finished." She called to her friend as she disappeared through the door. Diane continued with her detailed briefing to the two young girls.

"Now words are important. The boy is not going to obey you if you are not in command and the tone of your voice and choice of words are just as effective as your actions. Do you understand me?" Both girls nodded vigorously. Diane looked at Rachael's face, her big brown eyes bore little trace of makeup and yet she could have graced the cover of any magazine. Her jet black hair was cut straight just above her shoulders. Her hair shone in the sunlight from the window as she nodded her head. She wore, as did Claire, a white nylon kitchen coat. Diane could see the darker colour of her bra and panties through the material. Although Rachael was the largest of all the girl's, her body was not fat. Diane had seen her naked many times and had often marvelled at her firm, well toned figure.

"Right let's get down to a more practical demonstration of how I want you both to behave." Diane got up from her chair and moved to the open doorway of her drawing room.

"Rachael, take all your clothes off and when you have done so I would like you to come to the bathroom. Claire you may follow me now." Diane did not wait for a reply as she proceeded through the doorway and into the drawing room. Diane had just had chance to see the shock on the young girls faces before she had turned to leave the study. She knew that if she were not present Rachael would not be able to plead or protest her instructions. She could here hurried whispers and then quick footsteps following behind her as she passed through the drawing room and into the hallway which led to her bedroom and bathroom. Diane entered the bathroom to see Veronica sitting on the side of the large tub in which hot water was steaming. Veronica had filled the bath to half full before switching off the gold plated taps. She smiled at Diane and Claire as they entered, noticing Claire's blushing face as she hurried to keep up with her young mistress.

"OK Claire you are going to be you - and Rachael is going to take the place of Richard. Now obviously there will be two of you bathing Richard so Veronica will take the place of Rachael. Rachael entered the bathroom just as her name was being spoken. She was blushing profusely, one arm was crossed over her breasts, while her other arm was pressed to her body with her hand over the dark hair at the juncture of her thighs. Her shoulders were hunched forward as if trying to lessen the fullness of her breasts.

"You silly girl what on earth do you think you are doing. Stand up straight, and put your hands by your side... you look ridiculous like that." Diane's voice was sharp and clear, it's amplitude increased by the marble walls of the sumptuous bathroom. Rachael blushed an even deeper shade of red as she reluctantly let her hands fall to her sides and stood up straight. Her body was quite magnificent. The flesh of her breasts swelled from just below her shoulders. Her upper chest was quite broad which tended to separate the firmly rounded orbs of her breasts. The bottom of her rib cage swelled the flesh of her torso accentuating the firm stomach muscles. Her waist narrowed down to the soft pliant flesh of her tummy which dipped and then swelled into the swollen mound of her pubis. A small triangle of black hair neatly delineated the top of her firm thighs. Her long tanned legs were well muscled, the skin glistening with health as she stood timidly in front of her mistress. Diane looked at the girls face, the lips of her wide sensuous mouth trembled as she stood naked and shamefaced.

"Right as I have told Claire you are going to take the place of Richard so that I can show you both exactly what I want. Veronica will take your place, so although you are our model for this evening I want you take notice of everything that Veronica does." Diane smiled.

"Of course you will feel what she is doing won't you." Veronica moved toward Rachael and took her arm pulling her toward the bath. Come along into the bath, we haven't got all night." Rachael blushed as Veronica helped her into the bath. Diane noticed the stripes faintly visible on the girl's buttocks.

"Do as you are told and take note of Veronica and Claire's words as well as actions, you don't want me to add to those stripes on your pretty bottom do you." Rachael Blushed and turned to Diane as she stepped into the water.

"No Miss, I'm sorry." Diane smiled kindly at her.

"All right Rachael, stand up straight and take your medicine." Veronica took hold of the girl's hip and turned her round to face her. Now Claire and I are going to bathe you so stand up straight, hands on your head like a good girl. Diane moved behind Claire and whispered gently in her ear.

"You are in charge so take control of the situation." Claire stooped over the bath, her body moving gracefully as she picked up a perfumed bar of soap from the ornate gold tray which was set into the marble wall.

"Stand up straight there's a good girl she said softly. She averted her eyes from Rachael's gaze as she smoothed her hands over the soft flesh, delicately applying soap to her tummy. Veronica sat on the side of the bath and began to soap the girl's legs, her long fingers lovingly caressing the smooth skin at the backs of her knees.

"Now I want you to be obedient to Claire." Veronica's instruction was more designed to encourage Claire to take charge than to admonish Rachael. Claire understood what was required of her and slowly her hands became boulder. Occasionally she glanced over at Diane and Veronica to receive their nods of approval as she became even bolder.

"Right open your legs so that I can wash between your bottom." Rachael blushed as her young companion moved her legs apart.

"Now bend over so that I can get at you properly." Little by little Claire began to ignore the embarrassment her friend must be feeling, instead she concentrated on what she must do to satisfy her mistress.

"Quickly now bend over." She slapped the plump firm buttocks as she pushed down upon the girl's naked torso.

"Over you go that's the way. Her fingers became bolder, firmly pushing her hand between the soft globes of flesh she pushed her forefinger hard against the sphincter. Rachael squeezed her buttocks together trying to stand up as she felt an acute pressure against the vulnerable sensitive membranes of her bottom. Claire immediately pushed down on the girl's back and withdrew her hand from between her buttocks. Slap... slap... slap... She smacked the tender buttocks hard, watching the resilient flesh of the cheeks become red.

"You naughty girl, now you keep still while I wash you properly." This time there was no resistance as she firmly pushed her soapy finger against the tightly puckered star of the young girl's sphincter.

"Relax now... oops there we are." She remembered Diane's words exactly as she pushed her finger firmly up into the quivering bottom. Rachael moaned as she felt the long slender intrusion into her tender young bottom.

"Now straighten up there's a good girl." Claire's instruction was followed by her hand pushing up underneath the girl's breasts. Rachael reluctantly stood up aware of the extra pressure of the finger inside her as her sphincter contracted. Without warning Rachael felt soapy fingers slide down over her tummy and over the sensitive flesh between her legs.

"Arrggghh arrggh" She could not help crying out as Claire pushed a finger between the sensitive folds of flesh.

"Stand up straight there's a good girl." Claire chided as her fingers gently probed the crease between her legs. Arrrggghhh arrgghhh. Rachael could do nothing as Claire's busy fingers found her most private passage.

"Ooooohhh... ooo." She felt weak at the knees as two slim fingers gently squirmed their way up into her tight orifice.

"There we are, we do want to be clean all over don't we." Claire was now enjoying herself immensely. She could see that her friend was becoming sexually aroused. Veronica stepped forward and took hold of the girls nipples, tweaking the hard nubs of flesh between her elegant fingers. Rachael moaned as together the girls brought her to a state of sexual arousal.

"There... there try and keep still won't you." Claire's voice was soft as her busy fingers moved quickly inside the girl's vagina. She pushed harder with her finger inside the quivering bottom, making her young friend squirm.

"Come along now there's no need to blush." Her voice was soft and low as she looked up into Rachael's blushing face. She could see that her eyes were tightly closed, her pretty lips trembled as she increased the speed of her fingers. Veronica tweaked the nipples harder as she felt the girl begin to tremble from head to foot.

"It will soon be over now Claire whispered softly, her fingers seeking the most intimate of places inside the girl.

"Argghh arrgghh... argggggghhhhhhhhhhhh." Rachael's whole body stiffened as she began to climax. Claire could feel the subtle contractions inside the girl's vagina as her busy fingers quickened inside the sensitive flesh. Veronica slid her hand down the girls tummy and scraped her finger over the nub of the clitoris as Claire quickly manipulated her fingers up inside her.

"There, there... you are in a state... you poor girl, you've no control at all." Claire's words preceded a firm push with her finger up inside the girl's bottom as she climaxed.

"My you are a sensitive girl... aren't you. She punctuated her words with firmer movements between the girl's legs and bottom cheeks. Arggggghhhhh agggghhghhh... ooooooooohhhhhhh. Rachael was beside herself, drowning in sexual ecstasy as their fingers played diligently inside her.

"Arrggghhhhh arrgggghhhhh." Wave after wave of sensation enveloped her body. Her breasts thrust forward as she heaved for breath, her buttocks quivered as her body shook.

"Well who would have thought you that you would be so sensitive, you poor girl." Claire's words made Rachael shudder once more. Slowly Claire let her fingers become still inside the girl. She held her firmly, feeling Veronica remove her hand from the clitoris. Gently she withdrew her own finger from the sphincter and patted the soft mound of flesh of the pubis as she slid her fingers out of the tight vaginal passage. Veronica put her hand around Rachael's trembling shoulders and held her steadily as they let her body sit down in the warm water. They laid her head back against the slope of the bath and gently stroked her breasts and tummy. Diane was delighted with the performance, she leaned forward and gently kissed Claire's cheek.

"Good girl." She whispered. Claire moved away from the bath as Diane knelt beside Veronica and lifted Rachael's head between her hands.

"She pressed her lips to the girl's and kissed her passionately.

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