The Word On Johanna - Cover

The Word On Johanna

Copyright© 2006 by Paige Turner

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A story about a pair of fraternal twins who live out in the sticks and become very close growing up. A new kid moves in near them and Kathy suddenly has a new friend to play with and Mike gets jealous when he finds out how they play together. Mike will do anything for Kathy, anything at all, but telling the new girl their secret? That takes some thinking about: And the new girl has a terrible secret of her own.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Kathy had handled the last two dinners, so I got breakfast made. Since it was Saturday, I did bacon and eggs and toast and coffee for us, food that we normally passed up in favor of a few more minutes of sleep on weekdays.

I had some errands to run, plus I had to get ready for my date tonight, so I left after doing the dishes. Jo gave me a peck on the cheek for doing breakfast and she and Kathy went back up to her room. We a deal that she'd do the laundry if I did the grocery shopping, and I asked her to change the sheets on my bed. She promised she would strip it and toss them into the laundry, but said that maybe they wouldn't have time to get around to making the bed, as they had a lot to do that day. I asked what she was going to be doing that took so much time, and she smirked at me as she delivered her punch line: "Johanna." I just laughed and left them to their day and went off and started mine.

Kathy had made up a shopping list and I ran into a guy I knew from school buying stuff for a party that night at the checkout stand. We got to talking and he smirked when he saw me take a box of tampons out of the shopping cart. "You on the rag, man?"

"No, my girlfriend is."

That shut him up, but I could see him looking puzzled as I pushed the shopping cart towards the exit. I wondered what exactly a lot of guys found so hilarious about tampons? My dad would rather get shot than walk into a drug store and buy a box of Tampax. Kathy once tried to bet my mom that he would forget to get them when ran into a drug store to get some stuff and we sat out in the car waiting. My mom asked her what kind of sucker bet was she trying to fob off on her anyway? When he got back in the car, I piped up and asked, "Did you forget Kathy's Tampax daddy?" He knew that he'd been had when mom and Kathy cracked up laughing.

Grocery shopping was the last on my to do list in town and I'd used the vacuum on the car and washed it over at the used car lot, returned some library books, filled in and dropped off the check for the electricity at the power company, put gas in the car, bought some clothes, browsed the paperback racks at the local book store, had lunch at the Bluebird Café and still made it home by four thirty, which gave me time to get my bed made, fold the clothes Kathy had washed for me and left on my bed, and still get to finish off the book I was reading and fix dinner.

Kathy had messed around with Jo after I left, and Jo had to go home to take care of her own chores her mom had for her, but was going to come back over after dinner. Kathy and I talked about her (of course) while we eating and she was optimistic that Jo was getting over what had happened to her. (Funny how I can't even say that word, without having a reaction to it.) She was subdued at times, and at other times, full of giggles. She thought that Jo was starting to get some kind of normalness back in her life because of me, which was kind of flattering, yet also kind of embarrassing at the same time. "Normalcy? Is that even a word? And as far as 'normal' goes, I don't think pissing on people is really what they mean when they say 'normal.'" She called me a turkey, of course. I called her a pervert, and that got her into giggling about having to talk Jo into even pissing on my foot. I shook my head, and then laughed at the whole shower thing that morning myself. We hadn't really done anything like that since we were what; seven or eight? It had been fun though, even though I thought it was weird as hell myself. I told Kathy that I thought she had outgrown that stage, but she just said, "Well, I wanted her to have the full experience of having a brother."

"The bad along with the good, eh?"

"Yeah. A girl hasn't lived until she's been pissed on by her brother."

"Or pee'd on him, evidently."

Jo showed up just before I took off to meet Connie, and I said I'd see her later. But she said her mom said she had to go home to sleep that night, as her mom thought she was taking advantage of us. She said she and her mom had had a long talk that day, and she was feeling pretty good about being able to open up to her and not have to pretend that everything was just hunky-dory all the time. I said that sounded cool. I was ready to rush out and go get Connie, but stayed for a few minutes longer to chat with Jo. Kathy finally said that I was going to be late picking Connie up and I'd better get a move on, and I left. Kath said she'd fill me in on the details when I got home, if that was okay with Jo and Jo said sure, so I finally got to split.

The date with Connie went really well, and we left the dance early to go parking. It was nice as she had suggested it when we were slow dancing and she could feel me getting hard. "Let's go someplace less noisy and talk." Oh boy! Was I up for that! We wound up parking and talked for a while, then we got to kissing and we went pretty far for a second date. She didn't mind dry humping and had even touched my dick, through my trousers of course, but hell. Most girls, even the ones that would let you even get your hands down their pants, wouldn't touch a guy 'down there' at all, so I was really happy when I got home. Her folks let her stay out to twelve thirty, so we had been talking and making out for a couple of hours at least.

She had the prettiest tits, and her nipples tasted faintly copperish when I sucked them, which she liked a lot! I made sure to ask her out next weekend, and she'd said yes, so even though I didn't know what we going to go and do, I was really up that she wanted to see me again.

You're probably wondering what the hell was I so up for about Connie, when I had just done so much with Johanna that day, right? Well, that stuff with Jo was just because she was my sister's friend and needed some guy to feel safe about and get over all that ugly that had happened to her. She was Kathy's friend, lover, and Kathy had asked me to play doctor with her, so I did. Jo was still going through a lot of stuff, and it is strange, but she was Kathy's, not my friend. Well, I did think of her as a friend now, but I had kind of lost Kathy for a while when she had another girl living nearby to play with and I kind of resented her for that. And she was gorgeous, with a face that didn't have a zit, creamy skin, lustrous hair, well groomed, and had a figure that made me want to drool like a dog. I would have been totally tongue-tied trying to talk to her if I'd just meet her as 'the new girl' at school, and I don't think I would have said ten sentences to her all semester if she and Kathy weren't hanging out together all the time. But I had gotten used to having her around the house and wasn't going around drooling on her, as I had gotten to know her a bit before finding out she and Kathy were lovers. So I could talk to her, and then this whole thing came up about her being raped and I wasn't in awe of her anymore, just felt really sorry as hell for her as a matter of fact. So yeah, she wasn't just a goddess, one of those out-of-my-league girls that made me feel like a moron whenever I tried to talk to them. The 'what do you say to someone as wonderful as she is that don't sound dumb' thought train starts running through my head and once it gets going, I turned into a driveling idiot.

So I had her holding my dick? And she'd watched me jack off. And she'd used me to piss on my sister, felt my sperm, and washed my back and front. She wasn't Johanna the goddess anymore, the girl too pretty for me to talk to. She was a person with some problems that made anything bad that ever happened to me look like a scrapped knee from falling off my bike. I got the shudders when I thought about it, frankly. Like the school bully holding me down on the schoolyard and punching me until I cried in front of all the other kids on the playground didn't hold a candle to that.

So anything I could do to make her feel better, I'd do.

Not just because she was Kathy's friend, but just because she had become my friend, too.

But as far as my being romantic about her? Hoping to go out parking and finger fuck her?

No fucking way, man.

Kathy was asleep when I got home, so I just turned in and played with my dick and thought about Connie before falling asleep. And those thoughts and hopes about getting somewhere were a lot more romantic than anything I had ever felt about Johanna. Yeah, it was about sex, and yeah, about her doing some stuff sexually, but I was also thinking it would be really good if I could have her for a girlfriend so we could do a lot more and keep doing it.

And I really, really wanted to see if I could make her sound like Jo could make Kathy sound.

Substitute the word 'come' for 'sound' and the truth is in there somewhere.

Kathy was up before me the next morning and finally woke me up and asked if I wanted to get up for French toast? Most times sleeping in on Sunday was exactly what I wanted to do, but I could tell that Kathy was tired of waiting for me and was hungry. I told her I'd be down in a second or two, and she grinned at me, knowing exactly what was going to take me a 'second or two' and asked how my date went? I smiled back and she knew it really went well from my smile.

She said she was going to go down and get the eggs ready and glanced back at where I was leaning back on my pillows and made me promise to give her all the dirty details of my date.

I promised.

By the time I got done with my 'morning dick maintenance' (as Kathy sometimes referred to my first jacking off and then pissing routine, ) I could smell bacon as I came down the stairs and the cinnamon French toast frying on the stove.

Jo had come over just after Kathy had woke me up and was sitting at the table. She'd already had breakfast, but was still nibbling a piece of bacon and Kath was talking her into 'just trying' her French toast. She was using up the last of granny's home made bread as it was getting stale, but once it was dipped in the batter, it was good enough for French toast. I was just wearing my robe, as I hadn't wanted to get dressed right away and Kathy's toast isn't to be missed.

I got coffee and topped up Jo's cup and sat down just as the first plate hit the table in front of me. I buttered it and poured the maple syrup on it and grabbed some of the bacon out of the paper towel on the plate on the table and started to pig out.

Kathy gave Jo a single slice and she went through the 'Oh, this is great!' complements that everyone that has ever eaten Kath's toast goes through, and I just forked it into my face. Kathy got the next pieces in the frying pan and when they were done, gave me a couple more and I demolished them, too. She asked how my date went and I said it was fun, but she didn't ask any questions like she would have if we were alone. None of that stuff was Johanna's business, and besides, I think it would have just upset her I listening to me talk about how much I wanted to fuck her brains out, and dry humping her and how her tits tasted and her feeling me up. I could share that sort of stuff with Kathy, and yeah, it's kind of locker room sex, but I wasn't going to tell Jo any of that stuff, ever, because what Connie and I did was private, and it fell into the 'things I don't talk about with anyone but Kathy about' category. Jo trusted me not to talk about stuff I had done with her and I sensed that she wasn't ever going to talk about that kind of stuff with anyone but Kathy. So going into the gory details of 'how far I got' on last night's date just wasn't a subject for discussion with her, and we all knew this instinctively.

Jo and her mom were going over to her grandfather's house for dinner that that afternoon, but was hopeful she could talk her mom into letting her stay over at our house again that night. Our folks were going to be back on Tuesday, and while we wanted to have them home again, it sure was going to put a crimp in things. Getting out of cooking dinner and doing laundry and grocery shopping and such was the plus side of things, but not having Jo be able to stay overnight and losing the privacy we had been enjoying was the minus.

I had to fix a back up light on the Chevvy that was burned out, so I got dressed and went out to do that. I told Kathy I would do the after breakfast dishes after fixing the light, and she and Jo went upstairs.

I don't think it was just to play record albums, either.

I just walked into the house when the phone rang and it was mom calling to ask how we were doing. I told her fine, and she asked about my week. I told her that I had been out on a date with Connie last night and had another date lined up for next week. She asked about how the furniture moving had gone, and I almost drew a blank. Just then, Jo shrieked from upstairs and I remembered that I had 'helped her move furniture' that week and made up a lie on the spot about moving her bed around so she could see out the back yard better and how she had helped me move the box springs and mattress. She asked what I had done last night, and it was another one of those moments, as my mind immediately flashed to Connie and I dry humping in the front seat, but I just said we went to the dance. And yeah, I dropped off the electric bill, and got an A on my math test, and passed the American history exam okay, and all the rest of the week in review stuff that mom asked about. Finally she asked to talk to Kathy and I said I'd go get her, as she had a new Beatles album and she and Johanna were upstairs playing it and I doubt if she'd be able to hear me if I just yelled up the stairs, as she had it cranked up. Mom said she thought it was the radio in the kitchen she was hearing in the background, and I said, no, Kathy figured it wouldn't disturb you, and I asked a few questions about Florida, which mom was happy to go on about. I had to take the phone in the closet, as not all the sounds coming from upstairs were Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's from George, Paul, John and Ringo. Mom told me dad had gone deep-sea fishing and she and some of the other wives had gone shopping. I asked if he had caught anything and the only thing he'd brought back was a sunburn, but he'd had fun, and she'd gotten some really nice summer clothes and a really nice purse while he was out on the boat. Finally she asked me to get Kathy and I said sure, be right back, and ran up stairs after putting the phone down on. I knocked on the door and Kathy yelled 'not now!' at me, but I told her that mom was on the phone and wanted to talk to her, so I heard some unlady like language and my sister came out of her room looking pissed and panting from what she had been doing. "You're playing the new Beatles album really loud and Johanna and you are upstairs in your room," I cued her in on what I had told mom and she nodded, running downstairs naked.

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