A Friend in Need - Cover

A Friend in Need

Copyright© 2005 by Heathen57

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Greg helps an old friend who really needs it. But when he offers his help he has no idea just how much this will change his life.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Masturbation   Petting   Lactation   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow   Caution  

Greg woke up the next morning trying to figure out what was going on. He was on his side and a very female body was snuggled back up against him. He knew it was female because his hand was filled with a soft breast. His mind remembered back to last night and he knew it was Mandy. She shifted in her sleep and he realized that his cock was rock hard and wedged between the bare cheeks of her ass.

He tried to move back but she mumbled, "Leave it there, feels good." He liked the feeling as well, so he stayed there until he could no longer ignore the pressure in his bladder. Despite her protesting, he extricated himself from the bed and moved to the bathroom. By the time he returned, Mandy was wide-awake and laying on her back smiling at him.

"Hey there! You wouldn't believe the dreams I was having."

He grinned back at her. "If they were anything like mine they had to be out of this world."

"You know, I haven't ever slept as peaceful as I did last night. You are a wonderful bed warmer."

"Well I could say the same about you. I have never had anything in my bed so soft and cuddly."

"If you could get your cuddly bed mate that robe, I'll go down and fix us some breakfast. And before you ask, I am a very good cook. Remember, that is what a woman is good for according to the school and I was the best in my class."

Greg handed her the robe and while he took a shower, she got busy in the kitchen. By the time he came down, she had ham and cheese omelets, hashbrowns and toast ready on the counter. He sat down opposite Mandy and dug in. By the time he was working on his second cup of coffee, he had to admit she was as good a cook as he was if not better. He made sure to tell her so.

She blushed at the compliment, but she also was filled with pride by the words. She had cooked at home, but all she heard was complaints from her mother because she wasn't doing it right.

As they ate, they talked about what had happened last night. Greg couldn't believe that her parents had acted the way they did. Mandy told him that she wasn't that surprised considering the kind of religion that they practiced.

Greg looked thoughtful for a moment. "I really don't think that is really what Christianity is all about. There are a lot of Christian kids in my school and their home lives are nothing like that. When they talk about it, they tell of love and devotion and things like that. What it seems to me is that your parents are using religion as an excuse to cover their own problems. What they are living isn't at all what religion is supposed to be about."

"You may be right. I know they keep claiming that all the other churches in the area aren't really Christian and that they are too liberal. I never have felt the love that is supposed to be there. Who knows, one of these days I will go to one of those churches and see."

She was feeling a lot better now that she realized that maybe she wasn't the horrible sinner that her parents made her out to be. Just maybe, God didn't hate her after all.

Greg insisted on cleaning up while Mandy went to get changed. Her dress had a couple of tears but would suffice until they could get her some clothes at the mall. That was their first stop of the day.

Greg normally hated to shop unless it was for something he really wanted. The crowds at the mall bothered him mainly because the 'cool' clique was always hanging out there. Most of the time, they didn't bother him much, but once in a while, one of the jocks would want to be macho. He tried to avoid violence as much as he could so he avoided the mall when he knew those people would be there.

This time, he was almost looking forward to it. When he had suggested to Mandy that they needed some clothes, she about went crazy. It wasn't even the normal female reaction to the siren call of the mall, but she was honestly excited. Then she said she couldn't go because she didn't have any money. It took some convincing but she finally relented and said he could buy her a couple of outfits.

As soon as they hit the entrance, Mandy was ready to explore every store that could contain clothing that she could wear. Greg was getting a big kick out of watching her as she looked at what seemed like every item of fashion that was in style at the moment.

While Mandy had been to the mall with her mother, she had never had the chance to choose her own clothing. She had been embarrassed when Greg had seen her in those 'granny panties' that her mother made her wear. Now that Greg had told her they would be buying her some clothes that she would pick out, that was one thing on her list. But to start with, she pretty well knew what she wanted. The key word was sexy. The only thing she had ever been allowed to wear were frumpy dresses that did their best to hide her figure ever since she had one. The closest thing to sexy was her school uniform and that wasn't much better. Now she could at least have a couple of outfits that were like the rest of the world wore. And she really wanted to turn Greg on.

She almost bypassed The Temp because she was afraid it was too expensive, but Greg steered her into the entrance anyway. She zeroed in on a rack of the low rise jeans that she had seen on the girls that walked around town. Having never owned a pair of jeans, she didn't have any idea of the size, but one of the salesgirls came over. When she asked Mandy if she needed help, she admitted she did. "My boyfriend wants me to have a couple of outfits and he's buying."

The salesgirl, whose nametag read 'Nicole', looked over at Greg. "Better keep him around. Good lookin' and willing to spend money. Rare combination." She grinned at Mandy and winked.

It was just a few minutes before she headed to the changing room for a fitting. A couple of whispered a conference between the girls and Greg was at the counter paying for three pairs of jeans and two knit tops. Mandy had been frugal with the amount even though he had told her to get what she wanted which told him that she wasn't taking advantage of him.

The next stop was Victoria's Secret. This one was a stop that Greg was dreading. He knew she would want new under things, but he didn't figure on having to help with the selections. He was a little embarrassed being surrounded by all the revealing bras, panties, sleepwear and other things, but he followed her around anyway. She selected a couple of thongs; along with some bikini cut panties and, at the suggestion of the woman behind the counter, a selection of bras in various cuts and colors. Again, Greg paid the bill and asked the lady if Mandy could change into one of the new outfits. It was a slow in the store, so she told her to go ahead.

When Mandy came out, the change was startling. Instead of the matronly dress with the white knee high socks, she was dressed in a tight red top that showed her figure and left a bit of her midriff showing above the low rise pants. As she turned, Greg saw the top of her thong just peeking out. She looked like a teen-age wet dream. They walked out with Mandy carrying her bags of purchases like they were a badge of honor. They made one more stop at Mervyns for the more practical items she would need. He offered to buy her another uniform for school, but she declined, saying that by next Monday they would have kicked her out for being a loose woman and being pregnant.

They did look in the maternity shop but figured that there was still time for that, and then they headed to the food court to grab something to eat.

As they started to sit down after getting their meals, Greg almost suggested they leave and go somewhere else. A group from the school was there and one in particular, Adam Sloan, was someone he would rather avoid. Then he looked over at Mandy and saw she was having such a good time that he decided to stay put. Maybe Adam and his buddies would overlook them and wander off.

Apparently, Adam's testerone level was way too high and the sight of a sexy girl sitting with Greg was too much for him. He and a couple of his buddies came swaggering up to their table. Mandy could even tell that they were there to cause trouble.

"Well if it isn't the geek-boy Greg. Who is this doll with you? Can't be a girlfriend; cause someone this hot wouldn't have anything to do with you. Why don't you split so I can show her what a real man is like."

Mandy looked over at Greg with a real fear in her eyes. This guy reminded her of the guys at her school. She knew how they would react, and she was afraid that it would be the same now.

But Greg had had enough. Adam was leaning over Greg with his hand on the table. Before any of the interlopers could react, Greg grabbed Adam's hand, twisted it as he stood and put the bully on the floor. His foot was on Adam's throat and there was fear in the bully's eyes now.

"Now listen, you moron. I have put up with a lot from you and your goons for a long time. I don't like violence, but by messing with my girlfriend, you crossed the line. All I need to do is step down and you would be dead. Think about that, asshole. I am going to let you up and you and your goons are going to leave us alone. Next time, someone will get hurt and bad. Do you understand what I'm saying, Asshole?"

Adam slowly nodded. He had been picking on Greg the Geek for the past three years and he had never reacted except to walk away. He certainly did not expect to find himself in this position. Greg released his grip and Adam rubbed his throat where Greg's shoe had been. He then signaled to his friends and they walked off, their bravado gone for the time being.

Greg and Mandy finished eating but the joyous mood had been broken. Mandy was torn in her thoughts. She was very grateful to Greg for protecting her, but she had never seen him hurt a fly for as long as she knew him. The sudden outburst and the speed that he had used to take the other guy down had startled her. Even more was the intensity with which he did it. And what he had told that Adam guy. Somehow, she knew that he wasn't kidding when he said that he could have killed the guy. That was the scary part for her.

They were continuing their walk through the mall when Greg noticed her quiet demeanor.

"Mandy, are you upset about what happened?" She nodded. He moved her toward a bench and got her to sit down. He got in front of her and took her hands in his. "I'm sorry that it happened and that you had to see it. Those guys are goons, and I have put up with them for a long time. I hate violence, and I try to avoid it when possible, but this was one time that I had to do something. I wasn't going to let them hurt you. And I don't want you to worry, I would never, ever raise a hand to you."

"Okay, that much I understand. I think it just startled me. It happened so fast."

"I didn't want a scene, and I figured if I could take him by surprise, it would be over quickly. It was very simple to do that. When we get home, I'll teach you how to do that yourself."

"Maybe I should know how to take care of myself. My father considered himself the protector of the family, but when it all is said and done, he didn't do anything but blame me when I really needed protection. If I had been able to protect myself, I wouldn't be in the condition I'm in now."

Seeing that she was happier now, Greg took her hand and pulled her up and they continued with their shopping. His bank account had taken a hit, but he could afford it, so he decided that he needed a couple of things. Mandy picked out a couple of shirts for him and he bought a couple of CDs that needed replacing.

The music store fascinated Mandy. There were so many different styles of music that she had never heard of before. This store had headphones where you could listen to different groups and CDs. They spent close to an hour in there as she sampled every style of music there was. Greg watched closely at what she really enjoyed and picked up a couple of discs from each one.

The final stop was the shoe store. Mandy needed something besides the patent leather dress shoes she had to wear all the time. They walked out with a pair of Nike running shoes, sandals, and even a pair of fashionable high heels.

They went back out to the bike and Greg compacted everything down to where he could strap most of it onto the backrest or fit it into the compartment under the seat. This left one bag that Mandy had to hold. They rode back to the house with Mandy holding that bag like it was her most prized possession in one arm and the other around Greg's waist.

Once home, Mandy insisted on giving Greg a fashion show. She modeled every combination that she could come up with using the tops and jeans. He told her that every one of them was very sexy and that she had great taste. She didn't model the Victoria's Secret purchases, but he hoped that would come later.

After dinner, they sat down to relax. When Greg asked if there was anything in particular she wanted to see, she blushed. "Could we maybe watch one of the dirty channels? I heard a couple of the girls whispering about how one of them got to see a 'sex movie' as she called it. Ever since, I have been curious to know what they are about."

"Sure, anything you want to see. But if you get too uncomfortable just let me know and we will change the channel. The ones on the satellite are not hard core where they show everything up close, but you will get the idea."

With that, he put in the channel number for one of the adult channels. They got lucky since a feature was just starting. Greg could tell from the first that the plot wasn't that great. Two flight attendants who were roommates were after the same guy. The basic plot was that they were competing to see which one was better in bed, and when the guy can't choose, all three end up together.

Mandy was watching intently as the two girls on the screen were undressing and taking showers. Greg could see that she seemed to be comparing her own body to those on the screen. She looked up at him and asked if he liked figures like that,

"They are interesting for a change of pace I guess. But they are mostly silicone. Personally, I think the real ones are better. As far as preferring them over you, there is no comparison. I don't think of you as just a body; it is the whole package that I'm in love with." Her smile told him he had answered the right way.

When the mandatory girl-girl scene was on, Mandy was just a bit more interested. She watched, but her reaction told him it wasn't really her thing, but she seemed curious. However when the regular sex scenes were going, her attention was riveted to the screen. The way she was moving her body, he could tell that the action was having an effect on her. She was shifting her legs and would unconsciously let her hand wander down to the crotch of her new jeans. He could see her nipples pushing the front of her shirt out making their yearning to be touched known.

He decided to help her along a bit and brought the hand that was on her side up to touch the underside of her left breast. She moaned a bit deep in her throat and he took this as a cue to continue. As his fingers grazed over her nipple, she shuddered in reaction. She was getting very turned on.

His other hand was busy with the buttons on her jeans. He would undo one button at a time and then caress the exposed skin under it before moving to the next. When he got to the front of her panties he caressed first over them, and then under, where he encountered her soft pubic hair. He could feel the moistness of her arousal before he even came close to her cleft. The heat she was generating was tremendous.

He worked her jeans down to where he could touch her entire vulva. The jeans kept his hand in close contact with her body but there was just enough room for him to stroke her. She was so wet that there was hardly any friction, but he found her clit and started applying pressure to each side so that the head was barely rubbing the silk of her panties.

Her breathing became erratic and he felt her tense up. She reached up and pulled his head down for a kiss. As soon as he touched her tongue with his, she started shaking in orgasm, her pelvis jerking up against his hand and her mouth trying to swallow him completely.

She started to calm down a bit and released the death grip that she had on his head. He eased his fingers out of her pants and thinking of what he had seen on the screen, brought his fingers up to his nose. There was a slightly musky odor on his digits but the scent seemed to go straight to his cock making it harder than ever. With her watching him in curiosity, he stuck both fingers in his mouth. There wasn't much of a taste, but what there was he liked. He hoped to get a taste from the source to see if there was a difference.

By now, Mandy had recovered and looked down at the crotch of Greg's jeans. The bulge that she saw fascinated her. She looked up into his face for permission and when he nodded, she undid his belt and opened the front of them up. He raised his butt off the couch and she slid the pants and his briefs down to his thighs releasing his painfully erect cock. To her, it seemed every bit as big as the ones on the screen, definitely bigger than Steve was. The head was dark red with passion and Mandy found it very arousing. She wasn't ready to try to put it in her mouth like those actresses did, but she found that if she squeezed and stroked it, Greg responded by groaning and his cock throbbed even more.

She was still examining his cock closely when he cried out that he was going to come. She moved her head back just as his body went rigid, then she felt the pulsating of the semen rising through his cock. The first shots fired up into the air landing on his chest and stomach. The slowed in intensity and the final spurts came out and coated her hand. It was hot, sticky, and when she rubbed it between her fingers slick. Feeling very daring and remembering what he did, she touched some of it to her tongue. She didn't like the texture very much, but the taste wasn't that bad, a little salty maybe.

She looked at him, grinned, and got a relaxed grin in return. She reached over on the side table and pulled some tissues from the box to try to clean up the drying semen. It had soaked into his shirt, so she knew they would have to wash it before it stained.

She tossed the used tissues toward the wastebasket. Looking down at Greg, she saw him smiling up at her. This time he reached up and pulled her head down for a long, loving kiss.

"Thank you. That was the best I have ever felt." His voice was so low that she almost didn't hear him. She sighed in satisfaction and hugged her lover, content in the closeness and what they had just shared.

They stayed like that for a while until Mandy started to move her arm and realized she was stuck in some of the semen that she missed cleaning up. She giggled at him and he sat up with a smile. "Lets go take a shower to make sure we are both cleaned up. I wouldn't want you to stick solid to me in the middle of the night.

They showered together sharing long caresses and deep kisses. Since they were both sated for the moment, it was more loving than sexual, but it gave them both a feeling of closeness. They ended up standing face-to-face kissing while each explored the other's back and buttocks until the water started to turn cool. They got out and dried each other off, learning even more about the other person's body.

Greg was already in bed when Mandy came in. She was wearing a nightshirt that came about a quarter of the way down her thighs. She started to crawl under the covers, and then hesitated. "I bought this nightshirt, but there isn't any reason for me to wear it to bed. You already have seen all there is to see."

Greg was watching her as she lifted it off over her head. He was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing anything under it and that she had trimmed and shaved her pussy hair until there was just a small patch at the top of her cleft. She saw him looking and explained that some of her new panties would have shown her hair above them.

"It looks great on you." he replied as she slid in next to him. They lay like that for a few minutes until Mandy's hand wandered down toward his cock. She pressed her hand against it softly and felt him respond.

"Greg, would you make love to me? I know it can be better than what happened before, and I really want to give myself to you. I want to know what it is to really love someone and have them love me back."

He touched her lightly on the cheek. "I would love to make love with you. I have wanted to for a very long time. Let's do this right. I want to make you feel as good as you possibly can."

With that, he onto his side and started kissing her... Her eyelids, cheeks, along her chin and then to her ears, stopping each time he switched sides to kiss her lips. Then he started on her neck and down across her shoulders until he got to her breasts. By now, she was starting to moan and move around... He looked over and saw that her nipples were very erect and the flesh around them was crinkled. Still, he didn't just go for the nipples but worked his way all around her mounds gradually moving to where he could take the tips in between his lips and rub gently. This really made her start to squirm and her hands started to roam around on his back and chest.

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