A Friend in Need - Cover

A Friend in Need

Copyright© 2005 by Heathen57

Chapter 17

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Greg helps an old friend who really needs it. But when he offers his help he has no idea just how much this will change his life.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Masturbation   Petting   Lactation   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow   Caution  

Traci was much more nervous than she let on. She tried to keep her outward appearance calm but inside, she was very close to panic. She could see out the window and across the empty seat when the causeway rolled back as well as she could hear the attendant close the cabin door. She had no idea she was claustrophobic but it was rearing its head at this moment. Fortunately, one of the first class attendants noticed how tightly she was holding onto the arm rests and came back to her. Greg started to go over to his lover when the attendant signaled to him that she would handle Traci's anxiety.

The attendant, Sherri, started talking to the Traci. She coaxed Traci to move to the window seat so she could sit down next to her. Sherri took her hand and kept talking to her about how the worst part of the flight would soon be past... . She told her about the vibrations she would feel as the plane rolled down the runway and what the sound of the engines meant as the pilot increased power for takeoff. She had even brought a miniature bottle of brandy and gave it to Traci who gratefully took a few sips.

As soon as the plane was at its cruising altitude and the pilot had given his speech, Sherri gave Traci's hand one more squeeze and told her that she had to get back to her duties, but she would come back and check on how she was doing as soon as she could. Traci covered the other woman's hand with hers and thanked her for helping her cope with her first flight. Sherri gave her a warm smile and then went forward to continue her duties.

The first class cabin was almost empty on this flight with only two other couples seated in the first seats on each side of the plane. This left the trio in the very rear of the First Class cabin with a lot of room between them and the other passengers. With three attendants, the serving of a mid-morning brunch was accomplished with minimal effort. In addition to Sherri who was a leggy brunette, the crew contained a handsome young man named Josh and Hillary, who was an example of classic Mediterranean beauty. The older couples were barely polite to the attendants and were generally quiet so the crew gave Greg, Mandy, and Traci more attention than would have been normal.

After the champagne brunch had been cleared and the people up front had been given a couple more drinks, Sherri came back to sit with Traci again. This time, Greg and Mandy joined into the conversation. They found out that Sherri was from a small town in Ohio and had started working for the airline for the chance to see the world. She was just a couple years older than Traci and figured that she would work a few more years with the airlines before she started using her teaching degree.

Josh and Hillary joined them with Josh flirting with Traci as well as the two women he worked with. When Mandy made a comment that she was feeling left out of his teasing, he apologized and when he found out that Greg wasn't upset about it, started including her in his outrageous and over the top compliments.

Greg went forward to the lavatory and Hillary leaned over to Mandy. "Your 'amour' is quite the gentleman. Would that all our passengers would be so handsome and polite. I find him very..." She seemed to be searching for the right word.

"Sexy?" Mandy finished for her. Hillary ducked her head and smiled.

Sherri gave a giggle at her friend's embarrassment. "Hillary is not always correct in her choice of words, but she is right in this case. You are lucky to have him."

Mandy looked over at her lover and catching Traci's gaze, gave her a secret smile. "Yes, we are both very lucky to have him." She watched the faces of the two attendants as it dawned on them just what she said.

"You mean that... you and her, both..." Sherri's eyes were huge.

"Yep. We all three share our love for each other." Mandy reached across the aisle to touch her lover's hand.

As the other two women were digesting this, Josh piped up. "I would say that Greg was the lucky one, having not one but two beautiful women."

Trying to keep things on a light note, Mandy quipped back. "Why thank you kind sir."

Hillary gave a tentative grin as she looked between them both. "Would you think that maybe Greg would like to have one more female in his bed, just on a temporary basis?"

She was closer to Mandy so she reached out and touched the other woman on her forearm. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that even if we were in favor, Greg would probably not be. And it isn't that he doesn't find you attractive, I know him well enough to tell that he really thinks you are sexy. It's just that he needs to really know a woman in order to even consider making love to her. My father had slapped me around and then threw me out of his house. In a total panic, I ran to Greg. He took care of me and even gave me a bath. I crawled into bed with him almost naked and he didn't make a move on me until he was sure that I was ready and really wanted it."

When Mandy had finished, Traci took over the tale. "I had known these two for months before we made love. I had posed for Mandy in the nude and even with Greg but he didn't try anything even when he brought me to a glorious orgasm. It was Mandy that brought me into their bed."

Greg, returning from the restroom, cut anything else that would have been said short. Before he got back to his seat, Hillary stopped him and stretching up, gave him a very passionate kiss before she headed back toward the front of the cabin. Greg stared after her in a state of shock. He didn't understand why, but he sure enjoyed it.

They were getting close to La Guardia, so the captain turned on the seat belt sign and the trio prepared for the landing. Traci had moved back to her original seat and Greg reached across the aisle to give her hand a squeeze. As the plane descended in altitude, she held on tight, her breathing quickened and she pushed hard against the seat. She didn't relax until the plane was stopped in the terminal.

They disembarked and found someone to give them directions to the baggage area. They turned to head that way and Mandy spotted a gentleman in a uniform holding a large piece of material with "CARSON' printed in bold letters.

They approached the man with Mandy in the lead. The man smiled and asked, "Amanda Carson and Party?"

"I am from the hotel. If you will give me your baggage claims, I will retrieve your luggage and we will be off."

Mandy handed over her claim stubs as did the other two. The big man turned and started out of the terminal with them following. He led them through the crowd of people, some wearing very expensive clothing, to a line of limos. He opened the door on one of them and motioned them to enter. "Make yourselves comfortable while I retrieve your luggage. We will be to the hotel shortly."

Traci entered first followed by Mandy. Greg took a position next to the right side window. They were marveling at the luxury of the interior while the skycap and the driver got their bags into the trunk of the huge vehicle. Then the driver settled in his seat and pulled the long car out from the curb and into the traffic.

They opened the champagne that was waiting on ice and all three had a glass. Traci found that the bubbly liquid helped to calm her nerves and she was soon joining the other two staring out the windows as well as the sunroof at the buildings.

None of them had seen the mass of people and buildings that they saw on the streets. Carl, the driver, moved the limo through the congestion with the skill that came from long experience. The ride was smooth and comfortable and it seemed like just a few minutes before they stopped in front of a hotel.

After Carl opened the door for them, they stepped out and crossed the sidewalk into the entrance of a building that almost looked out of place in among the tall steel and glass structures that they had seen. Greg stepped back out the doors for a moment to slip Carl a tip and a hearty thank you. Then, he joined the women as they walked to the registration desk.

A pretty and well-dressed young woman met them at the desk. "Welcome to the St. Regis in midtown Manhattan. Do you have a reservation?"

Mandy cleared her throat. "I think we do. Mr. Arborough said that he had taken care of everything. Maybe it is under Amanda Carson?"

The woman checked her computer terminal and glanced back up with a frown. "Yes, Ms. Carson and party. I am afraid that the suite that we have reserved for you has just one king size bed. I can see if we have another that has two doubles if that would suit you better."

Mandy turned a little red in her cheeks. "No that room is just fine. We will be quite comfortable with the king."

The woman at the counter glanced at them one at a time, and then decided that it wasn't her business just what their sleeping arrangements were. She rang for someone to handle their luggage and to lead them up to their suite. As they followed the young man to the elevators, Greg glanced back to see that the woman was still watching them. He chuckled to himself as the doors on the elevator closed.

The man opened the doors to their suite and they were in for another shock. The whole room looked like it belonged in a French palace. There was rose-colored silk on the walls and gold leaf everywhere. Traci, who had taken some design history, told them it was Louis XVI style. The sofa and chairs were covered in brocade that matched the rest of the decor. They looked through the door into the bedroom and found that it was of the same decor as was the marble bath.

The bellman then showed them how to operate the plasma screen and the DVD as well as where the outlet was for their laptop to connect to the Internet. Greg handed him a tip and he made a hasty exit, expressing his appreciation until the door was closed.

Traci and Mandy were muttering between themselves as they wandered between the rooms, admiring all the furnishings. Neither of the women had been around this much grandeur before, and decided they were going to enjoy it for as long as they could. Traci called dibs on the garden tub and started removing her clothes as she wandered toward the bathroom. When she got to the door, she struck a very provocative pose against the doorframe and gave a sultry glance at the other two.

"This tub is big enough for three. You guys up for a mutual back washing?"

Mandy and Greg glanced at each other and began removing their clothing while they were heading toward their lover. They shared a three-way kiss and grope while the tub filled. There was a lot of 'washing' of backs as well as other, more sensual, spots as they laughed and enjoyed the hot water. The girls took turns riding on Greg's cock, bringing themselves to an orgasm then allowing the other one her turn. Traci was the one enjoying her coupling with Greg when he finally could take no more. He took hold of her hips and bucked up, shoving as deep as possible as he shook from his orgasm. Mandy saw that Traci was almost over when Greg erupted, so she massaged her lover's clit, pushing it harder against the base of Greg's cock. Before Greg finished, Traci gave out a low moan as she pounded her pussy hard against the base of his cock.

The lovers separated as they started to come down, each moving to the opposite side of the tub, letting their heads rest against the marble surround. Mandy had almost recovered before the other two went off, so while they rested, she caressed them both lovingly.

The ringing of the phone shattered the moment. Mandy jumped up and ran naked into the living area to answer it while Greg and Traci dried off then joined her. They walked in with Greg holding a towel for her as she replaced the receiver.

Greg started to pat her body dry while she told them who had called. Mr. Arborough wanted to make sure they had made it in and that the room was to their liking. He asked that we come to the gallery in about an hour to finalize the details of the show scheduled to start the next night.

The call caused them to scramble to get dressed and the women to reapply their makeup before they had to leave. They went downstairs to get directions to the gallery and found that it was just a few blocks north on Fifth. They stepped out the door and joined the mob of people that crowded the sidewalks of Manhattan.

Mr. Arborough was waiting for them when they came through the door. He greeted them and then took them to where Mandy's artwork was displayed for the show. When the deal for the show had been struck, Mr. Arborough requested that she send every available original. They had made a master print of each and had what they considered a reasonable amount of copies made. The original works, including the oils that she had done over the last year, were displayed on walls of different geometric shapes that were designed to display each in its best light. Mandy was amazed that her work looked so much better in the way it was shown.

Mr. Arborough explained what was supposed to happen the next night. Mandy would be expected to mingle around the crowd to answer questions and to sign any prints that were purchased during the show. The extra prints they had would just have her signature. He also asked that she check the collection to make sure that any originals that were not for sale were marked as such. He went over the terms of the contract once again, making sure that she understood the percentages she would receive for any sales.

He did ask if she wanted to participate in an art auction for new artists that was scheduled for the day after the show. If there were any, a couple of her originals that had not sold outright the night before would be auctioned off with half the profits going to the local art school.

Since they had gone over everything beforehand, there were no differences and the meeting was short. Mr. Arborough told them that a limo would pick them up at the hotel at eight to have them make an entrance to the show. He then told them that they would be his guests at one of his favorite restaurants after the show, so to eat light during the day.

They shook hands and the trio headed out to see what they could before they headed back to the hotel.

The rest of the afternoon was spent wandering around mid-town, looking at all the sights and stores that were within walking distance. Greg took pictures of the women in front of some of the more famous establishments, landmarks and even the skyline from the top of one of the skyscrapers.

On the way back, they went past a small deli tucked in among the tall buildings. Greg was starved and when he asked, the girls agreed with him. Inside the door, they were hit with the sights and smells that were associated with a place such as this. There were several workers from around the area taking a late lunch crowded in the small store, standing in line as the crew behind the counter made their sandwiches.

The food proved to be as good as it had smelled and the portions were more than enough. Greg promised himself that he would be back here before they left the city. This was just what he imagined a New York Deli should be with the staff shouting orders to each other and managing to get the food out in spite of what looked like total chaos. By this time, they were all feeling the stress of the day and headed back to the hotel.

Being full and tired, it was agreed that a nap should be the first thing on their list. They all stretched out on the king size bed with Mandy taking the edge closest to the phone. She had promised herself that she would not worry about Jenni, but the separation was getting to her and she called Heather.

Her fears dissipated when Heather assured her that Jenni was doing just fine. Adrian, her current lover, was currently cuddling Jenni. They had all met this man and had found him very loving and attentive to both Heather and Jenni. Mandy knew she could trust them both to give her daughter all the love and attention she could stand. After making no promises not to spoil Jenni shamelessly, Heather told them to call any time to check in. Now that her mind was soothed about her baby, Mandy joined the other two in a dreamless slumber.

The ringing phone awakened Greg. He crawled over the still sleeping Mandy and answered. It was the Concierge at the main desk, telling him that three tickets to the off-Broadway production of My Fair Lady were delivered to him for that evening in Ms. Carson's name. Greg thanked the gentleman and asked who had sent them. "Mr. Schmidt of Arborough, Martin and Schmidt is an investor in the production and thought that you and your companions would enjoy the show. He was the one who had them delivered," was the answer.

Greg again thanked the man and after getting the show time, hung up the phone. They had just a couple hours before they would have to leave so he aroused his companions with a few well-placed kisses and caresses.

The girls were excited about the play, but Greg was not so sure. He hated musicals in general and refused to watch them. Mandy was the one who insisted that he get dressed and join them. No amount of excuses could get him out of it so he put on the suit he had in his luggage and, still grumbling, got ready.

Mandy and Traci both took the time to get their makeup on just right and dressed in the nicest dresses they had. Greg had to admit that if he was going to be dragged to a play, at least he was going with the two sexiest women he knew. That would make it tolerable, almost.

By the time the trio had settled in a cab and headed to a nightspot for a late dinner, Greg had to admit to his lovers that he had enjoyed the show. The actors, while not major stars, were very good in their roles. When Mandy asked, he told her that seeing it live was very different seeing it from on television or at the movies. Their discussion of the play continued through their meal and then in the hotel room.

"Alright, I will concede to going to see..." Greg stopped while he peeled off his shirt over his head. "We can try one of the plays that comes to our local theater. But that doesn't mean I am going to watch musicals on the television."

"Well, at least that's a start," Mandy commented to Traci. "Next thing will be to get him interested in 'chick flicks'."

"Hey you two, I already watch some of them with you," Greg said as he slipped under the covers on the left side of the bed. Mandy had called the center for that night.

"You just want to see the sex scenes you pervert," was Mandy's reply, as she grabbed one of the pillows and whacked her fiancé' with it. His response was to sit up and try to grab the pillow from her grasp. This left the other pillow free so Traci grabbed that one and joined in the fray. Outnumbered, Greg finally admitted defeat and called for mercy.

Weak from their laughter, the girls collapsed on the bed with their lover. He pulled them both close and kissed them as they calmed down. The laughter was soon replaced with feeling of arousal and hands started wandering to more intimate places.

As they were moving around into more comfortable positions, Mandy stopped them. "This trip is so much like a fantasy that I wonder if we could try something. Maybe Greg could do me from the back?"

Greg looked up at her in surprise. Ever since her first boyfriend had taken her thrown down against the gym mats in that position, she had not been able to make love that way. Every time she tried it, the memories would come flooding back and she would start to relive that terrible scene in her head. After the first time she fell apart and asked him to stop, Greg had never tried that position again. That it was one of Traci's favorite ways to make love meant that he didn't miss out, but Mandy asking for it that way threw him for a curve.

"Are you sure, sweetheart? You know I will stop if it bothers you at all." He was stroking her back as he spoke to her.

"Maybe I can help make it better for you too," said Traci. "Let's just start and see how it goes. We only need to go as far as you want and if we can keep your mind on other things, then maybe those old memories won't show themselves."

There was no need for any more words as first Greg and then Traci gave their lover a smoldering kiss filled with all the passion and love they could put in it. The tension that had built up when she was talking about her rape started to dissipate only to be replaced with her body's reaction to the kisses and caresses she was receiving from her lovers.

She moved around until she was over Traci, facing each other so they could continue their kiss. This was the position that she had avoided for so very long, but this time it felt different. Instead of her face being forced against the vinyl of the mats, she was being kissed and held. So very different.

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