Lucky Sister - Cover

Lucky Sister

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: Bobby walks onto the most losing team in school history and discovers a flair for winning games. The cheerleaders are so ecstatic about it that they reward him after each won game with a prize worth winning for. There are fifteen games and fifteen cheerleaders. The only problem is, one of them is his sister. Will they make the playoffs? Will he make his sister?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   .

Man! It sure feels good to let go and pump a nice, healthy load of cum into my sister Cindy. She's so soft and her pussy is sucking on my cock as it squirts. I can't tell you how good it feels.

OK ... I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking that any brother who would climb between the thighs of his little sister and slide his big nasty boner into her poor little pussy ... and then CUM in that pussy ... is probably a rat bastard.

But it wasn't that way. Really! I HAD to do it! I had to do it for the team.

Let me explain. Then you'll understand.

It all started when I went out for the football team at Wilson High. It was my Senior year, and I'd never played before. Our team had a seven year losing streak going, and we were the laughing stock of the entire State. But I needed something on my resume for college to show that I'd participated in stuff, so I went out.

Turns out I have a flair for throwing the ball! Not only that, but I have a flair for throwing the ball right where it needs to be at any given time. So, after our pre-season practice, the coach put me in as quarterback. Let me tell you, it's a whole different thing to stand out on the field, with the lights on and know that it's all up to YOU to make things work.

There wasn't much of a crowd that first night. Some of the parents went to the games, to support their kids, but when you haven't won a game in seven years, people aren't beating down the gates to get in. On the very first play of my "career" I told Junior Miller to run just as hard and fast as he could straight ahead. He did. I hit him clean. He caught it and was almost too surprised to keep running. Touchdown. Just like that. It was pretty cool.

Not only did we break our losing streak that night, we beat the number two team in the state doing it. You'd have thought we won world war three or something. Everybody and their mother wanted to talk to me.

After the game, and after all the hooplah died down and I was the last one in the locker room, Amber Jones walked in while I was still in the shower. Amber is the head cheerleader, and one of the most popular girls in school. She was still dressed in her cheerleader uniform. She said she'd come to tell me how pleased she was that we had won the game. She was so pleased she said she was there to give me my reward.

Now all the time she was saying all this she was taking her clothes off. I thought it was some kind of joke, and that people would jump out laughing and pointing at my rod, which had stood right up as soon as she started getting naked.

But it was no joke. Amber made a nest on the floor with towels and tried to fuck my brains out.

Turns out I have a flair for something other than throwing a ball. I seem to have a gift for making girls very very happy too. By the time I could feel my jizz boiling up and was thinking about how it would be really smart if I didn't blow my cork inside the most popular girl in school, her fingernails were dug into my ass so deep that I couldn't move.

So I filled her full, and instead of screaming at me she started babbling that if I kept winning, she'd keep me in pussy for the whole year.

Well, that was fine with me. You see, up until I stuck my peter in Amber, I was a virgin, and I decided that I really liked this fucking business.

Anyway, she got the whole cheerleading squad together and somehow she made them promise that each time we won a game one of them would let me have one of them. I found out about this just before our second game.

Guess who told me.

You got it. My sister, Cindy.

See, she's on the cheerleading squad.

I'll never forget the conversation. I was doing homework in my room and Cindy sort of wandered in. That wasn't so strange. We got along pretty well. She was one of those beautiful girls that guys don't ever ask out because they're sure she already has dates booked up until she's about forty. Consequently, girls like that don't actually get asked out and a lot of them don't go on that many dates. And we had spent many a Friday and Saturday night playing board games, or watching movies or playing against each other in video games.

So when she walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed I looked at her and then went back to math.

Pretty soon she says "Bobby, I need to talk to you about something."

So I rolled over on my side and said "What?" kind of impatient like. I had a LOT of math to get done.

"Amber told me what you guys did." She said this in a sort of flat voice that, over the years, I have learned means she's pissed off. "Actually she told ALL of us about what you guys did."

Now there's several things a guy can do in a situation like this. Most of us try playing dumb first. "What do you mean?" I asked, dumb like.

So then I find out that Amber got them all together and said that I was their lucky charm, and that she'd fucked a load out of me for good luck and that if we kept winning it was up to the girls to keep the luck going and so on and so forth.

So naturally I figured that this meant I was in deep trouble, because my sister wasn't impressed and was going to rat me out to our parents or somebody. I was so busy trying to think up some way of getting Cindy to stay quiet I almost missed it when she said "Amber says your cock is really long and you're really good with it."

Let me tell you, most guys will NEVER hear ANYTHING like that from their sister.

I was stuck dumb.

Then Cindy goes on to say "She says she came three times before you did." This was getting weirder and weirder.

I said "Cindy, this conversation is weirding me out."

She looks right at me, all serious like and says "The girls agreed to do it."

Wow. I was struck dumb again.

Cindy stood up and I realized she was wearing a T shirt and panties. She always had worn that to bed, but suddenly I noticed it. She was still looking at me all serious. "So you'd better keep winning." And then she just walked out.

We won our second game by 23 points. They actually wrote it up in the County Gazette. And after that game I got a visit from Nancy Thompson. This time they let me get out of the locker room. She was waiting for me at my car. She looked nervous. "Hey Bobby" she said. I still didn't actually believe that all the cheerleaders had agreed to let me fuck them so I said "Hey Nancy. Need a ride or something?" I'd known Nancy pretty much all of my life. She was cute, but we'd never hung out together. "I'm ... um ... I'm your ... reward," she said. It was dark but I could still see her blush.

Now I'm NOT a rat bastard, regardless of what you may think. So, like a gentleman I said "Nancy, you don't have to do anything."

Imagine my surprise when she stuck her chin out at me and said "Bobby Richards, if you don't ... you know ... If you don't let me do this ... I'll never ever speak to you again!" I found out later she was afraid that if we didn't do the deed and we lost that she'd be thrown out of the squad or something equally stupid.

So, we went for a ride and ended up on a blanket in the country. Once she got into kissing and petting she got pretty hot and the next thing I knew I was buried balls deep in her just like I had been with Amber.

Guys will say that pussy is pussy, but that's not true. Nancy's body was different than Amber's. Nancy was softer, and she was tight. Her hips acted different, bucking up off the ground in a way that made me actually bounce off of her. And even though Amber said she had three orgasms, I didn't know it at the time.

It wasn't that way with Nancy.

When she came anyone within forty feet would know. Anyway, I got close and groaned "Nancy, I'm close ... you want me to pull out?" She put her arms around me and said "NO! You have to leave it in. It's part of the deal."

So I pumped about a quart of my spooge into her pussy. I know there's a bunch of you out there saying that you CAN'T pump a quart in a girl - nobody even HAS a quart to pump. But it sure FELT like I was pumping a quart in her, and that's what really counts, isn't it?

I decided I really REALLY liked this fucking thing.

With Nancy I stayed there, cuddling a little bit. We talked some and I asked her what she meant about me staying in her when I came. She said that the rules were that each girl was only required to fuck me one time, and that they all felt like they could take a chance that one time. They even decided whose turn it would be each week by scheduling out all their periods, so that whoever might have to spread for me on a given night was in her "safe" time.

Sounds crazy, right? All teenagers are crazy. Adults say it's the hormones that make them that way. I think this time it was because these girls had a "good" excuse to be bad and they didn't want to miss it.

I pointed out to Nancy that there were only fifteen girls on the squad, one of whom was my sister, and there were fifteen regular season games, not to mention playoffs.

Nancy laughed and said "Don't get greedy Mr. big shot quarterback" There's pretty even bets that most of the girls won't have to do this at all." I reached for her saying "Don't count on it. I kind of like this whole "good luck" scheme."

But she slapped my hands away. "I wish we could Bobby, but the rules are ... just once, right after the game. I don't want to be the one to break our luck."

Cindy was in my room again later that night. Turns out all the girls decided to wait around for ... whoever ... to make sure things happened like they were supposed to happen. And, naturally, Nancy and Amber had compared notes while all the others listened. Including Cindy. Nancy had been very impressed too.

So Cindy is talking about this, sitting on the edge of the bed again, in her T shirt and panties, and I noticed that my sister had nipples. I mean she'd always had them, right? But now I NOTICED them and they were sticking out, making bumps in her shirt. My cock actually started to get hard and I got embarrassed. I said "Cindy, this is crazy. Somebody's going to find out about this ... this ... I don't know what to call it ... but somebody's going to find out and then we're ALL going to get into big trouble."

Cindy just got up and started out of the room. Then she turned around and said "You just keep winning."

Our third game was a squeaker, but we won by a field goal. There were people in the stands that night. It was pretty cool. And after that game, Mindy Grant.

Mindy is a tiny little thing. You know how sometimes they throw cheerleaders up in the air and then catch them? She's the one they throw because she's so small and light. She was actually sitting in my car when I got out of the gym. I got in and she said "You know the deal."

Like we were going for a coke or something.

She had keys to her uncle's gas station, which had a back room with a couch in it that folded down into a bed. She folded it down and started stripping. She was gorgeous, with flat boobs that had big nipples on them. She demanded that she be on top, but after she got me on my back she decided to suck on my rod for a while. Nobody had ever done that to me, and I couldn't believe how good it felt.

I said "Man, Mindy, if you keep that up I'm gonna cum right away."

She whipped her mouth off of it and growled "You can't cum in my mouth you idiot". Then she squatted over me and went to work trying to get my cock into her pussy. Mindy was small everywhere, and there was a point in time when we both thought it just wasn't going to work. She'd bear down and my dork would bend.

Then she decided that if she just fucked the two inches she COULD get in for a while, that maybe she'd stretch. She was grunting and grimacing like it was terrible, but those two inches of pussy sure felt good, kind of like her mouth. I closed my eyes and within two minutes I felt the sperm rocket through my cock and out into her pussy.

The funny thing was that the reason she couldn't get it in was because she was in a hurry. It turned out she was a virgin, and, not having done this before, she was scared. Neither of us knew enough to think that she was dry. But when my spooge splattered into her, she got lubed up real fast. The next time she tried to slam down on my cock, it slid into her clear to her belly. She gasped "Ooof" and then made a kind of "Wahhhh" sound.

There were big tears in her eyes and I could tell it hurt her. So I pulled her down until those flat little titties of hers were lying on my chest and kissed her neck and told her how beautiful she was and how sexy she was. I think getting her weight off helped some, but when I started whispering to her and kissing her she got turned on. That did the trick and before long she was fucking me like a Rodeo girl. She only had one orgasm that night, but it was a doozy. Knowing the rules, and having just pounded a cupful of stuff in her, I didn't go for another cum.

Cindy came in that night too. Same thing. She sat on the edge of the bed and gave me the report on how I did. "You just about ruined that girl" she said in that level voice she'd taken to using around me on these after-game nights."

"I'm sorry." I said, meaning it. "I didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't know she was a virgin, and it wouldn't go in her and..."

"That's not what I mean, you idiot" she growled. "She says she's going to have to find her a boyfriend now cause she can't go without that from now on."

"Oh" I said, lamely.

We kept winning, and every time there was a willing cheerleader waiting for me after the game. I took to bringing along condoms, because I thought their rule was stupid, but not one of them would let me use one. They all said it would break the luck. There were a lot more virgins on that squad than I'd have believed. Everybody thinks that cheerleaders all fuck, but that's not true. Well it wasn't true then.

Anyway, I got pretty good at identifying them and knowing what to do to get them ready. And every night after "my reward" Cindy came in and told me how it went. The only one who bad-mouthed me was Ashley Anderson, who said that her boyfriend's cock was thicker and satisfied her better. None of the girls would speak to her for the whole week until we won the next game.

After our eleventh game, and after Maria Gonzales nearly killed me with what I later learned was called a snapping pussy, when Cindy came in I finally got around to what had been on my mind the whole time. "Cindy?" I said.

She said "Yes?" Not "Yeah" or "What" or any of the other things a sister usually says when her brother calls her name. She said "Yes?" like she'd been waiting for me to call her name for hours and I finally did.

"Um, we have four more games to go." I said. "At least."

"Yes?" she said. It was that same kind of "Yes."

"Well, aren't we going to ... run out ... of cheerleaders ... so to speak?"

"No ... we're not," she said in that flat voice.

"But ... what about ... you?" I said.

She looked at me, sitting there in her T shirt and panties, with her perky little nipples poking out at me. "I'm a cheerleader, Bobby."

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