How Ronny Throckmorton Was Saved From The Indians - Cover

How Ronny Throckmorton Was Saved From The Indians

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Chapter 3

Western Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Captured by Indians as a boy, he grew up as an Indian. When a white woman and her three children are captured by his arch enemy, endangering the tribe, he undertakes getting them back to where they belong. Along the way, though, they must abide by his customs, including his attitude toward sex. Rape is part of the story, but not a code.

Caution: This Western Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Petting   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Julia found the twins playing a game with sticks and small stones. It wasn't any game she'd ever seen, but it didn't matter to them. They sat 'Indian' style and they were both still naked from their bath. Cindy's menses had passed and now she didn't wear her panties. The way she was sitting left her completely open to her brother's gaze. The only way anyone could tell he was actually looking though, was that his fourteen-year-old penis was as hard as a rock and sticking up out of his thin bush of brown hair. He had never been circumcised, but he was so hard that the head of his penis had almost pushed out of the hood. Both children were ignoring it as they played the game. Julia sighed. Perhaps she didn't have much longer with them either. She was surprised that she didn't feel anger that he had desire for his own sister. It was more resignation that he was male, and sometimes that was all that mattered.

"Bobby?" she said, sitting down on the ground beside him.

"Yes Mamma?" he said in a voice that clearly said he was paying more attention to the game than he was to her.

"Why is your penis erect, young man?" she said.

That got his attention. He looked at her and then at his twin sister. "Ah ... well, I think it's because Cindy is ... well, pretty."

"Cindy is pretty." she repeated.

"And you Mamma. You're real pretty too." he added quickly, glancing at her breasts.

"You think your mother is pretty," she said, not knowing what else to say.

He smiled that special smile of his that tended to melt her heart.

"Sure, Mamma. Badger Claw thinks you're pretty too. I can tell."

She looked at his sister. "Cindy?"

Cindy had followed the whole conversation. "I don't mind" she said simply. Julia noticed then that Cindy's nipples were also erect! Her whole family was ... was ... was coming into heat!

Julia was in a daze. "How is this happening?" she said, more to herself than her children.

But Cindy answered. "Mamma, when Badger Claw gets ... what did you call it ... erect? ... it doesn't mean anything in particular. I mean he doesn't do anything with it. It just means he thinks you're pretty, or maybe Molly. It doesn't get that way when he looks at me. At least I don't think so."

Julia looked at her daughter and actually examined her, looking at her perhaps for the first time as a young woman. Cindy's breasts were firm cones, but she'd lost all her baby fat, and her hips were wider. She'd been bleeding for years now. Julia realized that she'd just wanted to think of her little girl as ... her little girl.

"So you like it when your brother thinks you're pretty?" she said.

Cindy nodded. "It makes me feel all warm and funny here" she pointed to her abdomen."

There was a shriek from off in the direction Badger Claw and Molly had gone. Both youngsters started to get up.

Julia stopped them. "It's all right," she said.

"That was Molly!" said Bobby. "She sounds hurt!"

"She's not hurt" said Julia. "She's with Badger Claw. He won't let her get hurt."

"It didn't sound like she was hurt to me" said Cindy. "She sounded like you did the other day, when Badger Claw took the knife away from Bobby." Her brother shot her a dark look. Cindy's eyes got wide "Is he ... is he putting medicine in her?"

"What they are doing is not your concern!" said their mother. She had a sudden memory of that morning. "Are you two sleeping naked?" she asked, remembering seeing them putting on clothing when she woke up.

"Yes" answered Cindy simply. "You do. So does Badger Claw. And it's warmer" she finished.

There came a wail, clearly Molly's voice, rising higher and higher. It ended sounding like a coyote. Both teens looked at their mother. Cindy's nipples were even more pronounced now, and her chest was flushed above her breasts.

"Sounds like she's having fun, whatever they're doing," she said under her breath.

Julia didn't know what to do. "Have you two ... touched each other?" she asked, for lack of anything else to say.

Bobby looked confused. "Mother, we touch each other all the time!"

Cindy knew what her mother was talking about though. "Not like that Mamma," she said. "Not really."

"Not really?" said Julia. Bobby was also interested in what his sister was saying.

"At night..." Cindy said, "when we cuddle to get warm ... sometimes ... well you can't help but touch sometimes." She was looking at her brother's penis, which had softened a little, but was still hard enough to perform its intended job.

Julia felt like she was in some strange dream world. But there was nothing she could do about it. "And when it touches you ... you like it?" she said, knowing the answer.

"Uh huh" said Cindy. "I like it a lot Mamma. Are we being bad Mamma?"

Julia knew that, after what they'd gone through it was amazing that they hadn't gone crazy. This small ... well, maybe not so small thing ... was something they could share at a time when they had nothing else to share. She shook her head.

"I don't think so baby." Her face looked sad. "But if we ever go back home, I don't think it would be a good idea to keep doing it. People wouldn't understand."

Cindy didn't look relieved. "What people Mamma?"

Julia had no answer for her. "Lets collect some firewood and take it up to the teepee," she said.

They had collected enough for several days by the time Molly and Badger Claw appeared. Molly was wearing her buckskin dress, and Badger Claw had on his leggings and loin cloth. Molly was limping ... no ... it was more like she was walking gingerly, like she was sore. Julia felt a rush of wet in her pussy. Molly was radiant, and when she saw her mother she ran to her, sort of, and threw her arms around her.

"Thank you Mamma" she whispered in her mother's neck. She pulled back and peered into her mother's face. "Now I know why you were always singing and happy." Her eyebrows twisted into a light frown. "But how in the world did you ever get anything done Mamma? If I was married and my husband did that to me I don't think I'd want to do anything else but that all day long!"

Julia's pussy pulsed again. Her daughter smelled of sex, both male and female sex.

"Did you wash in the stream after... ?" she asked.

Molly looked surprised and said "No. Should I?"

Julia stifled and exasperated retort. "If you don't want to get with child it would be a good idea to wash him out of you girl!"

Molly's eyes got big as saucers. "Oh my!" she said. "I never thought of that!"

She stepped back but Julia stopped her. "It's probably too late to do it now. It won't do any good to worry about it. It took your daddy and me a whole year to make you. Now. You've had your fun. You have cooking duty tonight. Let's see if we can find something to go with that venison."

That night was the tiniest bit tense when it was time to sleep. Molly, for the first time, decided to sleep naked. When she removed her dress everyone could see scratches on her back that had been caused when her lover's thrusts had been so forceful that they moved her along on top of the ground.

"What in the world did you get into? Brambles?" asked Bobby.

"Quit looking at me you little sneak!" snapped Molly.

"I'm not sneaking!" he said indignantly. "You're standing there in plain sight!"

"Well a gentleman doesn't look at a lady when she's naked." said his sister.

"Badger Claw sure looks at you" he snorted. Just then Cindy reached up from under their fur blanket and pulled him under it with her.

He wasn't there to hear Molly say "He's allowed."

Molly turned to see her mother standing naked in the fire light, facing Badger Claw, who was also naked. Instinctively she knew that her mother had given her a great gift by 'lending' her the handsome man. She also knew that she could share, and should pretend to be asleep very soon. She lay down and faced away from them.

Julia stood still, just looking at Badger Claw in the fire light. As he looked at her his penis began to rise and soon stood straight out from his body.

"Have you no shame?" she asked in a whisper. "You just had sex a few hours ago."

He whispered back "Why should I be ashamed for wanting you? And yes, it was very good sex. Your daughter is very good at enjoying lovemaking. She is much like you I think."

"And now I suppose you want to make love with me," she said, still whispering.

"I like your words - make love - better. Yes ... very much," he said honestly. He pulled her to the bed and they both slid under the fur. Julia's buttocks touched Molly's briefly.

She leaned over and spoke in his ear quietly. "But Molly is right next to us."

"I learned something about your daughter today" he said, nuzzling her neck. He kissed downward, toward her breasts. "I learned she has very sensitive milk teats. I think you probably do too. I think you are healed now. I must find out." He captured one of her nipples in his mouth. It was already stiff - had been stiff from the second she saw his hard penis pointing at her.

He was right. The bruising had gone with continued application of his medicine and her nipples didn't hurt any more.

Or they hadn't until now.

She felt a rush of sweet agony as that nipple felt something it hadn't felt since the twins quit breast feeding. Her husband had said he was no calf, to suck at a teat like an animal. She didn't know how much she'd missed a mouth suckling her until now.

She was ready for this. What Yellow Water had done was gone, banned from her memory by the trauma of it.

Now she almost had an orgasm as her 'owner' sucked gently and twirled his tongue around the stiff peak. "This pleases you?" he asked and she shoved his head to the other breast. That brought him half over her and his penis now lay trapped between his body and hers. The tip was in her pubic hair.

Quite suddenly she had no shame herself. She just wanted this man to love her. She pulled on him and he mounted her fluidly, guiding himself to her sex before she could do anything. He probed gently until he found she was wet and slick. Then, in one long glorious motion, he slid his hardness into her softness. She couldn't suppress a groan of satisfaction.

"Mamma?" came Cindy's voice. "Are you all right?"

"Yes ... dear ... go ... to sleep" she panted, trying to make her voice sound normal and failing completely. He pulled back and then went deep into her forcefully and she groaned again.

She heard movement and suddenly Molly's voice: "Mamma is fine. Lie back down Cindy. Bobby! No! Don't bother them now!

There was a scuffle and the fur on top of them was dragged off. In the firelight she saw three pairs of eyes glittering at them. In her mind's eye she saw her white legs, wrapped around Badger Claw's waist, her hands made into claws, digging into his buttocks. Her hair was unbound and flying loose.

"What's he doing?" came Bobby's voice, sounding troubled.

"What do you mean? Are you an idiot?" came Cindy's voice.

Molly said "I told you to leave them

But they didn't.

They couldn't, really. The sounds their mother was making were obviously pure joy and in the fire light, as Badger Claw smoothly slid his hard penis in and out of her, they could see his strong rod, glistening in the light with her juices on it.

Molly was instantly transported back to that afternoon, when he had done the same thing to her. Had it looked like this? She felt hot, and she itched between her legs. She wanted him to do everything to her again ... and soon.

Cindy, for all the scorn directed her brother for not knowing immediately what was going on, reached her hand out to take his. She had examined his penis with great interest in the last few days, comparing it to Badger Claw's. She liked her brother's penis. It looked smooth and hard, but somehow also soft. If she had to have one in her, she thought she'd rather have Bobby's. Badger Claw's was awfully big.

She watched it slick in and out of her mother and watched her mother's hips arch up off the ground, going up to meet that long thick thing that was coming down into her. She glanced down at her brother's groin. His penis was sticking straight out too. When she saw it she felt a rush of heat between her legs and for an embarrassed second thought she had peed. She put her fingers against her pussy and felt hot slick moisture. It wasn't pee. Maybe it was what was coating Badger Claw's penis, making it look wet.

Just then their mother began moaning and wailing softly, saying "I love you" over and over again. Badger Claw lowered his mouth to their mother's breasts and he sucked at the tips, like a baby. Julia gasped and then her whole body tensed. She arched up off the ground so hard that she lifted the Indian with her. She gave out an agonized long groan and then, as if she had been hit in the head with a rock, she fell limp. Her legs released and fell to the ground, lying spread. Her arms fell out to her sides. The only muscles that seemed to work were the ones in her lips. She smiled.

Cindy turned to her brother. "Come on Bobby, let's go back to bed."

He glanced at her. His mouth was open. "No! I think he's hurting her!"

"Don't be an idiot" she said. Then she reached down and grasped his penis in her right hand. She pulled him toward their furs. "Come on!" she said.

Molly missed the interchange between her brother and sister. She was staring at her mother and the man who had smoothly pushed that very same penis through her maidenhead like it was wet paper. Even though she had only had this man once, she remembered every instant of that union; the smells; the sounds; the feelings; all of it. And the noises that Badger Claw was making right now she remembered him making just before she felt flooded with wet heat as his savage Indian seed had flushed into her depths.

She turned away. She couldn't watch him put his seed into her mother. She realized she was jealous. She knew she would get over it, but for now she lay down again, facing away from them. She closed her eyes and remembered her mother scolding her for not washing that seed out of her. She smiled as she realized she was going to get to scold her mother in the morning for exactly the same thing.

She heard him grunt rhythmically. He was squirting in her mother.

On the other side of the fire the furs were moving as the two fourteen year old twins under those firs squirmed. Bobby had already been shocked at seeing Badger Claw hunched over his mother, having sex with her. Then his sister had grabbed his penis! She had pulled on it too - hard - and he'd had to jump and hop to keep up with her as she pulled him back to their bed. Then, no sooner had she pulled him down and covered them up when her face was in his, close. She whispered "Kiss me, Bobby."

They had played this game before, and he liked to kiss her, so he did. Her hand had stolen back to his penis and she grasped it again, squeezing it gently. He pushed with his hips and it slid through her hand a little bit. Both of them realized instantly that this mimicked the motions they had been watching only moments earlier, and she began sliding her hand up and down his hard length. She smiled to herself at the feel, which was both hard and soft at once. Their kiss became more and more passionate. Cindy felt the need to push her pubic hair against something, and his leg was handy. She lay a leg over his and snuggled her pussy up to his thigh, moaning softly as she felt a distinctly pleasurable thrill at the contact and pressure.

Bobby rolled on his side to face his sister, dislodging her sticky pussy from his leg. He'd seen Badger Claw suck his mother's breasts, and it had made his stomach feel funny. He wanted to try that. He ducked his head and found one of Cindy's nipples. He realized it was long and pointed, not round and flat like they usually were. It made it extremely easy to suck. When he pulled on it with his lips she shivered and pressed her lower body against his. She let go of his penis to put her hand behind his head, holding him to her breast. His penis slid between her legs and was suddenly surrounded by her heat. That felt good and he pushed, sliding his penis along the furrow of her pussy.

They were both good and hot now, aching for something they didn't now how to do and had only seen once. But Cindy wasn't finished yet. If Bobby didn't scratch the itch between her legs she decided to go ask Badger Claw to do it because if it didn't get properly scratched she was going to just explode. She put her lips next to Bobby's ear. "Do it to me Bobby ... what they were doing. Please Bobby?"

Bobby knew exactly what she was talking about. It never occurred to him to say 'no' to his twin sister. He rolled on top of her, and between her legs as she spread them to make him a saddle. Her hand found his stiff prick again and she put it where the itch was.

It never occurred to Cindy that it would hurt.

Bobby didn't know to go slow.

They were both so excited that, when Bobby felt wet heat surround the head of his cock, he just rammed it into her. She was plenty well lubricated, which is why she was able to choke off a yelp at the sharp sting she felt. Had he been aware of her distress he would have stopped. But his instinct was to pull it out and push it back in, and he did that with vigor. In fact, he did that frantically which, in the process, made the top of his cock saw back and forth along her adolescent clitty. That little organ had peeked out of its hood early on in this game, and his abuse of it caused her to feel something beyond the pain of his rough entry. It was an indescribable, wonderful feeling that was even stronger than the pain. It was crazy! She felt pain, but wanted it to continue! That stimulation, combined with being completely overwhelmed physically by her brother, caused Cindy to have her very first orgasm.

She would, in later years, become a very vocal lover, but this first time she didn't know what to expect and she thought she might be dying. She didn't see how anyone could actually live through the amount of pleasure that was coursing through her body and she just tried to hold her breath until it was over ... or she was dead.

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