Sarah's Story - Cover

Sarah's Story

Copyright© 2004 by Rob Henson

Chapter 8: Sarah and Mike

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Sarah and Mike - Simon Lindley is happy little boy who gradually realises he could be an even happier girl. The story tells of his wakening both physical and sexual, as Sarah begins to take over until the ultimate decisions have to be made.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   ft/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   TransGender   CrossDressing   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

Cambridge is a charming city nestling on a bend in the River Cam as it glides lazily north-westwards until losing its own identity and begrudgingly becoming part of the more industrial Great Ouse, which then flows on towards King's Lynn and the Wash. The town is dominated by the great university where religion and education come together to produce the scholars needed to build economic empires but, unlike its more arrogant cousin in the Cotswolds, the many colleges seem to integrate more comfortably into the pleasant East Anglian market town.

Sarah liked living in Cambridge, a sophisticated city but not snobbish, unpretentious and acceptant. Indeed it seemed paradoxical that the great buildings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries should now house so many unkempt teenagers many of whom would not realise the opportunity afforded them until much later in their lives. She felt secure and safe amongst the term-time visitors and locals alike. It is also the bicycle capital of England as she frequently found out through the need to replace so many pairs of tights.

Saturday decided not to brighten up but remained a grey autumnal day, not especially cold except for a freshness in the air. Sarah liked this weather and she especially loved the feel of the chill around her legs when wearing skirts or dresses. She wanted to look good for Mike and wore a tantalisingly short, long sleeve blue dress she found the previous week shopping with Deedi. She wore slightly thicker tights than usual but not opaque, more a dark cream colour called wheat, which perfectly matched the dress and her new, light suede ankle-boots. The new green three-quarter length coat she threw on as she left the house, finished off the ensemble and she caught the bus into the town centre. Mike waited for her by the Magdalene bridge as they agreed but he never saw her as she strode towards him. She thought he looked wonderful, slightly taller than her when she wore high heels and nicely cut dark brown hair. His years playing hockey for his college rewarded him with a well-built frame and fine body shape which he somehow kept despite starting work, an activity that sucked all his time and energy. She crept up behind him and squeezed his waist. He turned quickly his face alight with a huge smile as he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

"Wow, you look terrific," he said standing back.

"Do you think so?" she asked, never fully confident that he appreciated the image she worked so hard to perfect.

"So, how you doing? Come on let's start with King's Chapel, it's wonderful inside then we'll get some coffee."

Sarah nodded and slipped her arm in Mike's as they walked off towards the entrance to the chapel. They spent the rest of the morning wandering around the main colleges that squeezed in between the river and the town centre to the west. Backwards and forwards they wandered, across the old fashioned bridges which separated the hallowed cloisters from the greens at the rear, strolling along the old paths and watching young men taking their ladies down the river in their romantically impossible-to-steer punts.

The afternoon eventually gave up slipping into early evening as they stood in front of St. Johns, next to the gate used only by Masters and now locked in any case, causing them to backtrack across the green. The streets emptied as students and shoppers disappeared back to their rooms or to one of the many coffee shops around the town. The noise of the traffic eased through the swirling mist as they took their final look at the college buildings in the dim evening light, before turning back to join the Saturday afternoon shoppers in the busy centre. Sarah snuggled into Mike shoulder and they ambled along trying to stretch out these beautiful moments for as long as they could. Close to the bridge that would take them back over to Clare College, Mike stopped and turned towards her. He looked into her eyes and smiled.

"This has been a wonderful week for me getting to know you," he said holding her waist.

"Me too," she whispered.

"I'm afraid I have a confession to make," he said softly.

Her face gave way to the panic she felt, what horrible surprise would he spring on her now?

"I have to say that I am growing very fond of you."

He pulled her towards him and kissed her full on the lips. She melted in his arms as his admission stopped short of anything dramatic or shocking. They kissed for a long while in the quiet of the October evening moving slowly and caressing each other bodies sensuously. She felt him growing as they pressed against each other and knew the time for her next important decision rapidly approached.

They met at seven on Sunday and drove to an upmarket restaurant few miles north of Cambridge on the Ely road. The evening meandered sensuously through to coffee as they chatted about their day together on Saturday and Mike's time at the university. The romance of the evening and the seductive restaurant took her mind away from the plan she formulated earlier that day but the drive back brought it back into sharp focus like a cracked and nagging tooth.

Her fondness for Mike grew over the week much as he had described earlier that day. The relationship would need to move on naturally and they would both want it to slip into the next stage, Mike would want sleep with her and Sarah needed to act soon.

Since the call to the support line she let the issue subside preferring to push the memory of Kent as far away as possible but over the last few days she realised the situation arising with Mike, must be faced. This time though, she would be in control. She planned what to say during the day, turning the words over and over in her mind, trying out different scenarios, gauging how Mike would react and when the best moment to break the secret might occur. By the time she left to meet him her head span. Mike noticed her thoughtfulness on the drive back to his apartment but did not say anything.

The clear night encouraged the moon to shine out brightly light the road ahead of them until she pulled into a dark parking space, out of the way behind a large hedge at the back of the small apartment block. She turned off the engine and the car lights went out. Mike leaned across and put his arm around her. The dreaded moment arrived and she shivered. Mike couldn't have been more different to Kent but she still couldn't be sure how he might react. He leaned over and they kissed. He is so nice she thought, I can't let him go but then he put his hand on her knee and her insides froze as the painful memories returned. She gripped his wrist hard forming the line which he could not, must not cross. They kissed again and he pulled slowly away smiling...

"What's wrong, you've been quiet all the way home?" She looked into his eyes and all of her energy disappeared. She couldn't do it. The words were ready but they evaporated before she could voice them. No, not now. Not this time. Not ever. Her head reeled. The difficulty of the moment overwhelmed her and she panicked. Then she became calm and detached. Just say a final goodbye and then go home. All she wanted now was to get away quickly.

"I'm sorry Mike there is something I have to say. We won't seeing each other any more," she told him despondently and anxious to finish it as swiftly as possible.

"What do you mean?" he asked puzzled by the statement, "is there someone else?"

"No, it's not that, it's something entirely different, there's no one else."

"I thought we had a great time this week, didn't we, just like the wonderful evening tonight and yesterday too?" he said, "is it something I've said?" is it me?"

"No not at all, I like you a lot Mike, and I have had a great time but I can't tell you what it is, it's me that's all. I'm sorry," she said staring forward through the windscreen into the darkness, the skin of her knuckles tight-white as she clutched at the steering wheel.

He leaned over and drew her chin gently round and kissed her on the lips a second time. He pulled away and smiled, so sweetly it would have melted ice.

"Is the thing you can't tell me..." he said softly and slowly kissing her again, "the fact that ... underneath that gorgeous body and that beautiful face ... there is a boy called Simon lurking around somewhere?"

His words filled the air for a moment stunning her and then dissipated leaving behind a void. It felt like an eternity passed before she could speak again.

"When ... how ... could you possibly know that?" she couldn't believe she had given herself away again. Her head spun chaotically on hearing his words. Something completely unplanned, out of her control. She panicked for a second but then he kissed her again gently holding her waist.

"I've known right from the first moment when we met. Remember when you dropped your bag in the bar and I picked up your mobile and driving licence. I noticed the name on it said Simon Robert Lindley. I needed to be sure that it belonged to you, that's all. It intrigued me initially which is why I asked you out to see what would happen, but then it all changed. We seem to have such a nice time together this past week it never seemed important after that. So I decided to wait and see what you would do. Whether you would tell me or let me find out on my own. I never thought you would want to call it off though."

The shock took over and left Sarah speechless.

"So that's it. Don't worry, you never gave your secret away and I would never have realised if I hadn't known from the start. I'm sure no one else has the first idea of what lay beneath that gorgeous figure. You were ... are amazing and it really isn't a problem for me, is it for you?" he asked pulling her towards him again and putting his hand on her leg rubbing her smooth thigh. This time she made no attempt to move it.

"No, Mike, not at all," she said and kissed him passionately.

"Good, now let's really get to know each other bodies properly you gorgeous lady," he whispered in her ear.

His hand slowly slid further up her nylon covered leg and she put her hand on his thigh feeling his balls inside his trousers. Her palm rested on the hard base of his cock and she slowly moved up its length. Oh my gosh, she thought, as her hand seemed to glide upwards forever, he is enormous. She slid down in her seat slightly as he moved further up her leg rubbing her gently between her thighs. It felt silky smooth like the many other girls he petted except for a small but slowly hardening bulge. He rubbed and squeezed her so gently that her heart skipped a beat. Her skirt rode up around her waist and her long nylon clad legs stretched out in front of her, thighs apart and moving rhythmically. Meanwhile she undid his zip and took out his sold cock rubbing it slowly up and down, feeling it growing harder in her hand. Her small fingers barely reached around the thick, solid shaft. He slipped his hand under the waistband of her tights then into her panties and took her much smaller but equally hard cock in his fingers. Their tongues explored each other's mouths for a full fifteen minutes as they both stroked each other, fast initially and then slowing down the pace and speeding up again until each knew that the other could not hold back any longer from that that special moment. They kissed deeper and with a final flourish, they brought each other off, pumping until completely spent and then slowly calming down. They continued to kiss without stopping while they replaced each others clothes until they looked decent again, then he pulled back and they smiled at each other.

"Incredible!" he said at last and opening his eyes. She lowered her face and took a deep breath.

"Mike, are you absolutely sure that ... that this ... is what you want?" he kissed her again.

"Sarah, it's you I have got to know and become very fond of this week and yes, it's you that I want. You are every inch a beautiful woman, and I must say, the extra bits are pretty exciting as well."

She listened to the words but they sounded distant and she could hardly believe what she heard. She opened her eyes and saw him smiling again.

"So long as you don't mind of course?" he said with a quizzical look.

She laughed, "I want nothing more in the world right now." She hugged him hard in case he floated away.

"Good. Now, it's late and I have to be out early for a meeting in Manchester tomorrow and I am away all week."

Sarah's face dropped and she shivered.

"When am I going to see you again," worried in case he left and she didn't want to let him go this quickly.

"Why don't I cook dinner for us on Sunday and we'll talk on the phone in the meantime."

"Alright, and..." she stopped.

"Yes?" He nuzzled her hair smelling the sexy perfume she wore and tickling her ear with his tongue.

"Mike, are you really, really sure about us ... no ... I mean me?"

"Look, I understand how you must be feeling right now, but I really like you a lot and I don't want to stop seeing you. I've got and idea," he took off his watch, "this is my eighteenth birthday present from Mum and Dad right?" He handed the watch to her.

"Bring it with you on Sunday, OK?"

"Oh Mike I couldn't..." she looked down at the gold watch he placed n her hand.

"Why not, are you going to run away?" he asked.

"No, of course not, but it's a valuable present."

"Which is why I trust you to look after it for me and bring it with you on Sunday and if you change your mind, put it in a bag and pop it through the letter box."

"OK, but I won't be changing my mind," she said unsure what to do next. They kissed again then he got out of the car and walked around to the drivers door. She opened her window.

"Good night my sweet." He kissed her for the last time that evening.

"Good night, Mike." She watched him walk off before putting the watch safely in the bottom of her bag.

She sat for a moment and watched him walk through the front door. A curtained-covered light came on in a third floor window. She let out a large sigh, started the car and pulled out of the drive heading back towards town. She couldn't believe what just happened. She had planned well but then lost her nerve at the last minute, and all that time he knew her secret without letting on, never embarrassing her in any way, oh, how sweet of him. All seemed to be well now though, or maybe not? Perhaps he really wanted to be rid of her? It didn't feel like it. No, that can't be right after all he gave her his expensive watch. What a wonderful gesture. She relaxed and smiled to herself. Everything seemed to be fine and she looked forward to telling Deedi her marvellous news.

Sarah and Deedi travelled down to London on Friday evening. She'd seen a lot of Mike the previous week and missed him very much. Still at least the weekend with Deedi would take her mind off things. The main event would be shopping in Oxford Street on Saturday before going out to eat and then clubbing for the rest of the night. Their friendship grew since they found out each other's secret and now they shared everything. Anything they didn't yet know about each other would only be a matter of time.

Sarah left Ealing and drove home early on Sunday morning after a light breakfast with Deedi. The clear road and straightforward journey gave her time to think. Something evaded her consciousness over the past few weeks but it came to her the night before when she chatted with Deedi after returning to the house. They had a great time together and before going to bed their conversation turned to the future and what it hold for both of them.

The bright, late autumn sun worked hard but the chill in the air took the upper hand as her car sped towards the M11. She had not thought about the future a great deal or what she wanted until then, and now she would be meeting Mike, who seemed to have accepted her for who and not what she had become. The conclusion flashed before her but felt like it had always been there.

She spent the rest of the journey pondering her decision and arrived back home a little after one o'clock. Clair noticed her thoughtful demeanour and intuition told her not to press the question. The table at Michel's Brassiere for two thirty gave her enough time to change before Richard drove them all into town. They ordered lunch and some drinks before Clair asked Sarah how her about trip to London with Deedi.

"Yes, we had a great time but there is something important I want to say to both of you," Sarah took a sip of wine while Clair and Richard waited in silence.

"We agreed when we moved here, that living as Sarah would be a sort of trial for a year until I was ready to go off to university. Well I must admit, once we arrived there never seemed to be time to do much thinking and I suppose that part of the reason I have made this decision," she took another sip and continued.

"Life seems to be moving along so naturally that I often forget I am ... or rather, used to be Simon. Living as a girl doesn't seem to have been as difficult as I thought it would be and I don't think anyone has spotted that I am really a boy."

She chose her words carefully since she never mentioned the incident with Kent to them or how Mike had tumbled onto her secret and Deedi's discovery.

"Anyway after this week-end and thinking over things on the way back this morning, I am pretty sure I want to stay as Sarah now and never return to being Simon. I owe so much to both of you for helping me over the months but I am clear what I want now. Is that OK with both of you?"

Clair and Richard didn't respond each thinking the other might want to reply first. Clair broke the silence first.

"Of course we don't mind darling but are you really sure? It's a big step and a long way to go, I'm not certain what you should do next."

"If that's what you want Princess then I'm behind you all the way," said Richard when Clair finished. They both held out their hands and Sarah took them in hers.

"I'm not clear what to do either but I do know it's the right thing for me. I have no doubts now."

"That's great," said Clair, "Now let's wish Richard happy birthday and worry about the rest later. Happy Birthday my love," said Clair raising her glass and kissing him on the cheek.

"Happy Birthday Dad," said Sarah leaning across and kissing him on the other cheek.

"Thank you to my two gorgeous ladies. Now, where's my presents?" asked Richard.

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