Sarah's Story - Cover

Sarah's Story

Copyright© 2004 by Rob Henson

Chapter 5: Sarah and Andy

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Sarah and Andy - Simon Lindley is happy little boy who gradually realises he could be an even happier girl. The story tells of his wakening both physical and sexual, as Sarah begins to take over until the ultimate decisions have to be made.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   ft/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   TransGender   CrossDressing   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

"So how was your meeting today?" asked Clair one evening not long after their first dinner together in the new dining room.

"Fine," replied Richard, "one Chamber of Commerce is much like another but they seem a little more switched-on here than Warwickshire did. By the way as it was my first meeting I got talking to the chap who runs the finances and he said that he was looking for a temporary office manager at his company. I mentioned that you were looking for something and he suggested you ring his son Andy," Richard continued and turning to Sarah.

She had finally made her mind up to take a year out from university and had started looking for a job but had not found anything so far. They had been in Cambridge for about a month and had begun to settle in well although a flash of panic crossed Sarah's face at the thought of actually going for a job interview. Clair noticed her anguish and squeezed her hand across the table.

"Don't worry you're doing fine," she smiled and Sarah relaxed again. "and I'll help in anyway I can of course." She had already done so much to help create the person that was now Sarah but she still needed occasional reassurance.

"Ok dad, what do they do?"

"They run some sort of home based care service for the elderly and sick. They have loads of staff on their books and it takes a fair bit of organising. I told him about your A level results and the work you did helping me with the reorganisation and he seemed impressed. Andy pretty much runs the business now so you need to arrange an interview with him. Robert said he would tell him to expect a call tomorrow."

"Thanks dad," said Sarah getting up to take out the empty plate and kissing Richard on the way to the kitchen.

Clair smiled and Richard was curious.

"Oh nothing really, its just that Simon would never have dreamed of taking out the plates. Sarah is quite a different personality." Richard smiled back.

"She's a lovely girl," he said as she returned to the table with a freshly made lemon meringue pie.

She rang the following day and agreed to see Andy the day after at eleven o'clock. Clare thought that would be ample time to look her best and Chesterton, where the office was located, was not far by car. Clair had arranged to go in late the following morning so that she could help Sarah to prepare.

"Have a shower, get dressed then come to my room and we'll make a start. You need to wash your hair as well. Have you been using conditioner with your shampoo?"

"No, I've never given it a thought."

"Well you ought to, it will soften the hair and make it easier to style. Use mine, it's in the bathroom cabinet."

Sarah returned to her room to dry off and get dressed. She had recently enjoyed dressing a lot more now that she had a much better choice of clothes to wear. Sarah and Clair had enjoyed themselves too over the last few weeks going shopping at almost every opportunity.

Sarah chose a dark blue medium length dress with long sleeves that looked professional and was just right for the interview. She looked through her newly created underwear draw and found an unopened pair of ten denier tights. They were labelled 'suntan' and looked very sheer, almost transparent. The feel of then was fantastic as always. She pulled on a black, full length slip but left the dress until after Clair had finished her makeup. Her shoes were also black and she checked her figure in the mirror before going in to Clair's room. Her hair was still wrapped in a towel but, once again she was pleased with the result.

"Everything alright?" asked Clair.

"Yes, ready to go."

"Good, sit in front of the mirror and I'll do you hair first and then your make-up. Are you nervous?"

"Yes, a bit. It's one thing going out but talking to people close up..." her voice faded away and she became thoughtful.

"Believe me no one will guess the truth by looking at you or listening. We noticed how you weren't... boyish soon after you were born," Clair began to explain, "and you were always being taken for a girl, partly because we never gave you the tradition blue romper suits I suppose. It never mattered though, we loved you for what you were, and what you have become - a lovely caring and thoughtful person. The rest doesn't matter just so long as you're happy and if you don't like things as they are well... then change them."

Sarah continued listening and thinking.

"I thought a pony tail would look nice with a couple of loose strands. Clair began to put some curlers in but just around the fringe.

"So you don't think I'm strange then?"

"Of course not darling. Gender is such a complicated thing and people try to make out that its so black & white. Everyone has a feminine and a masculine side and for some its just a bit stronger that's all. It's really not that important compared to how you behave and what you do."

She switched the hair dryer which meant they fell silent for a while. When it was dry she brushed out the hair and found a pink, elasticated tie which she pulled the hair through brushing out the two curls running down on either side of Sarah's forehead. She then made a start on the makeup. Sarah watched intently as Clair worked with swift fingers. She hoped she would be as skilled. Clair laughed and told her that she would be after years of practice. Neither realised the assumption left hanging that statement.

She had decided that pink was to be the theme which matched Sarah pink nail and toe varnish she had applied the night before.

"There, what do you think?"

"Oh Mum, I look wonderful, thank you," A tear welled up in Sarah's eyes as she hugged her mother.

"Go and get into your dress and I'll help zip it up."

The drive out to Chesterton didn't take long; she arrived about ten minutes early and asked to see Andy.

"Hi, I'm Julie the Office Manager, Andy mentioned you were coming in, I'll check if he's free."

She got up and went to an office at the rear of the open plan area and Sarah immediately saw why the temporary job was available. Julie was very obviously pregnant, about seven months Sarah guessed.

"Come on in," said Julie from the door of the office, "he's free now."

Sarah walked in and was immediately knocked out. Andy Walton looked about twenty two with his very sharp suit adding a few more years to the image. He was just over six foot with thick curly hair but well groomed and a recent, expensive looking tan. His face was long and slender and his smile lit up his whole face.

"Are you OK, please sit down?" asked Andy looking concerned.

Sarah came back down from the moon and sat in the chair opposite his desk. There was a good chance she would have collapsed if she had not fallen in to the chair at that point. Boy is he a looker she though gradually composing herself once again.


"Yes please, white no sugar," that will also help calm me down a bit at least, thought Sarah.

"Thanks for coming in although it looks like our Father's have organised our lives for us well enough," said Andy with another big smile. Sarah loved the way his eyes sparkled whenever he smiled. She smiled in return.

"Let me tell you about the job. I expect you've already guessed why there's a vacancy," Andy looked towards the door which was now closed, "Julie has decided to take a while longer before returning to work after the baby is born and will probably come back after the Summer next year, which suits you, I guess, as your going to Uni?"

Sarah nodded and told Andy her plans and the results from her A levels exams. She also explained what she had been doing with Richard and the re-organisation.

"Well, that sounds pretty good to me," said Andy when she had finished, "I am sure you'll be fine here in that case. Let me tell you about what's involved. Although most of it is straight forward office management I also need someone who will act as mine and Dad's PA. Would that be OK?."

Sarah nodded once again. So she'll be working closely with Andy, even better.

"... and one more thing. Your first job will be to help me arrange a stand we are having a the Local Council Suppliers Conference in Manchester in three weeks time. I will be speaking this year so you will have to look after the stand when I am on the platform. It will mean stopping over at the hotel for a couple of nights as well. I know it sounds a bit sudden but it would be great if you could help with that as well."

Sarah could hardly take it all in. Not only was she being offered the job but was being invited away overnight with this gorgeous hunk of a man. How quickly can you say yes to a dream come true?

"Er... Yes that seems Ok. I have nothing planned and the job sounds great," she replied doing her best to sound a bit more collected than she felt.

"Good. It's Julies last week next week, can you start on Monday and she will show you where everything is?"

"Of course, Monday's fine."

"Great, be here for ten and let me know if there are any problems," said Andy getting up as he showed her out of the main office and shook her hand. Sarah stopped and looked around. She took a few deep breaths and made her way back to the car. She called Clair on her mobile to give her the good news.

The next three weeks were extremely busy getting to know the office procedures and trying to remember as many names and faces as she could. She also worked very closely with Andy until the day before that were due to leave for the conference.

"I thought we could drive up tomorrow after lunch which will give us time to set the stand up and put out the brochures. Then I'll treat you to dinner if you wouldn't mind." His winning smile turned her to jelly for the umpteenth time that week.

"Yes I'd like that," she said weakly.

"The next day will be busy as I will have meetings to attend and then deliver the talk. You've done great these last few weeks and I can't believe how much you have learned about the business. After the conferences closes the organisers will be taking us to dinner in the hotel restaurant and there a disco afterwards. Think you could cope with that?"

The journey up was uneventful and Andy took the opportunity to fill in some more details of the business. He was conscious that he was throwing her in at the deep end but she seemed to have lots of confidence. They worked all afternoon and in to the early evening until the stand was ready.

"Right, that's as much as we need I think. Now what about a curry, I'm famished?" asked Andy.

"Yes that sounds nice but I must have a shower first."

"Good," Andy looked at his watch, "Shall we meet in the lounge at eight then and then we'll look for something local." They parted and Sarah went to her room.

She had been wearing jeans and a pink top while that had been working and stripped off as soon as she could. She then unpacked her things into the wardrobe. She had brought a trouser suit for the main day tomorrow and a cocktail dress for the evening which Clair had helped to choose the previous Saturday when they were out shopping. For this evening she had packed a simple skirt and blouse with a plane jacket which she particularly liked. She showered quickly and tidied her hair which she was wearing as a pony tail just as she did on the day of the interview.

She put on her makeup, quite adeptly now that she was having to do it every morning before leaving for work. She had become both skilled and quick. She picked out a white patterned bra which was well padded as they all were, with matching panties. Her cock was very soft as it often was these days which actually gave her a nice shape when she tucked it down the front of her panties. In the early days she used to get very excited when she was dressed and it became uncomfortable but that didn't happen so much now. It was as if she was getting used the change of life style and things were now much more natural. However she still did fell horny at times especially in Andy's company so she would have to be careful.

She pulled out a pair of beige tights which matched her skirt and shoes well and pulled them up her shapely legs. She always loved this most feminine part of dressing and the feel of nylon around her legs was so thrilling especially when she was outside with the wind blowing around her. She grabbed her coat and met Andy in the reception at just on eight o'clock.

"Wow, you look great, I hope I don't have to spend all evening beating off the competition," said Andy. Sarah blushed. She hoped she hadn't used too much perfume.

They found an Indian restaurant near to the hotel and ordered some drinks while they choose from the menu. The chatted easily over dinner getting to know each other although Sarah had learned to avoid any reference to things that would give away her secret.

"That was great," said Andy as he folded his napkin and placed it on the table, "I don't think I could manage another morsel."

"Me neither, that was really nice, thank you."

"My pleasure you've put in a lot of effort these past few weeks and its been good working with you. I'm glad you could make it away for the few days but will your boyfriend not be missing you".

Sarah stopped in surprise.

"Er... No there is no one... at the moment," She began to wonder if he was fishing but it soon became clear that he wasn't.

"How about you?"

"Well, I do have a fiancée, Diane, but she is also away working for a couple of days. We're due to get married next Spring once we've sorted out the house we're buying."

Sarah fell silent. She had a crush on Andy, that was obvious although she had never seriously thought anything might happen. She just loved being with him, it somehow brought out her femininity even more. But she had fantasised that... well... something might occur however silly that might have been. But now her fantasy was crushed.

"What's the matter, are you OK?" asked Andy concerned.

"It's nothing, just heartburn," said Sarah taking a last drink of wine.

"Anyway, I think its time we left, it'll be long day tomorrow, come on I'll get the bill".

They left the restaurant and returned to the hotel.

"Come on then, time for bed. I don't want your Father chasing after me for keeping his beautiful daughter up all hours." Sarah blushed furiously but it could have been the wine making it worse.

They got in the lift and arrived at the fifth floor. They walked along the corridor until they arrived outside Sarah's room. Andy turned towards her. Sarah wondered what was going to happen next. He took her shoulders in his strong hands.

"I must say you look ravishing tonight." Sarah blushed again. She loved it when Andy said these things to her, "and you really have been great these few weeks, I don't know what I would have done without you and I sure tomorrow will be a big success for both of us."

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