Experiment - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Bailer

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Doug Lewis creates a special experiment to see if he can control the thoughts of others using different musical sounds. His experiment takes him out into the community. See how far the experiment takes him! Written for a friend...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mind Control   Mother   Son   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Bestiality   Food   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Doug Lewis sat on his couch pondering his successful experiment earlier that morning. He lived in an okay lower middle class neighbourhood since his divorce. He did not have anyone he would call a friend but his neighbours would all describe him as a nice guy. The members of the large Church he often attended would have also described as being an okay person but a bit of introvert. They all would describe him as a very good listener but not much of a talker.

Doug was not all that interested in what people thought about him. He was interested in what people thought. In fact he had completed a rather extensive study of psychology and was always watching and carefully listening to people. During the course of his investigation into the human mind he came across several possibilities of directly conversing with the unconscious. Under the right conditions one could theoretically take control of another person with their permission.

Doug had worked out a program and had some very good results. He was able to create a musical-like program that allowed him to delve directly into one's unconscious. It works by using two specific tonal frequencies played on the right and left channel of a stereo sound track. The interplay of these frequencies made the person's unconscious very receptive to various subliminal messages under the music. Also, as the program progressed he found that not so subliminal messages would be accepted.

Doug had tried these out on himself with only partial success. He found that by just knowing what the programs contain this immunised him to a large degree to the effects. Now after attempting to use the program on himself a number of times the program no longer had any effect.

He wanted to experiment on someone else and this morning he got the opportunity. He was working in his yard when his neighbour, Mrs. Allen, called to him.

"Doug could you do me a very large favour?"

"Sure, what can I do for you?" he replied.

"Sarah's friend can not take her to school this morning and I have an appointment in the other direction. I hate to ask you but could you drive her to school?" she asked.

"Sure," Doug was not doing anything special and would enjoy the 20 minute drive. It was then the idea arose to experiment on Sarah.

"Give me a couple minutes and I will be ready," he said and went into the house to get his newest CD. This one had a number of strong messages related to control.

"Hi, Sarah," Doug said as she approached his car. She was a pretty 18 year old senior. She was wearing a blue skirt and white blouse.

"Hi, Mr. Lewis," Sarah said as she open the car door.

Doug had already begun the music as they pulled out of the driveway.

"That is some strange music," Sarah said as she adjusted the seatbelt.

"Yeah, it is some jazz I have been listening to. It is on the strange side but it grows on you," he replied.

As they drove Doug kept watching Sarah without being too obvious. When they began she was very talkative but then the talk slowed. After about 10 minutes she was now quiet looking straight ahead with a kind of stupid grin on her face.

"Sarah, are you okay?" Doug asked.

"Yes, Mr. Lewis," she said in a dull voice unlike her normal perky voice.

"Is there something the matter?" Doug asked.

"No, Mr. Lewis I'm fine," Sarah said again in the dull voice.

Doug decided to try something. "Sarah, lift your arm," he said.

Sarah without question lifted her left arm and held it in front of her.

"Sarah, lift your left leg."

Sarah lifted her left leg as high as she could in the car. She sat staring ahead with her left arm extended in front of her and her left leg touching the dash of the car.

"Sarah, are you okay?" Doug asked in amazement.

"Yes, Mr. Lewis," Sarah said in the dull voice.

"Anything strange going on Sarah?" he asked.

"No, Mr. Lewis," she replied.

"Put your arm and leg down."

They were a little over half way to the school and had plenty of time before school began. Doug decided to pull over in the park for a few minutes to fully test his nearly gained control over Sarah.

"Sarah, turn and face me."

She complied with the dumb smile on her face.

"Sarah, raise your left leg on the car seat."

Sarah raised her left leg onto the car giving Doug a good look at her blue panties.

Doug could not believe what was happening. He also felt a budge beginning to develop in his pants.

"Sarah, let me see your pussy," he said nervous that this might be enough to awaken the young girl from her trance.

Sarah continued to smile and reached down. She pulled her skirt up and moved her panties aside to give Doug an unobstructed view of her pink pussy lips and small patch of neatly trimmed public hair.

"Very nice," Doug commented.

Sarah said nothing.

"Sarah, do you like to rub your pussy?" he asked.

"Yes, Mr. Lewis, I like to rub my pussy," she said in an uninterested voice.

Doug wished he had thought to bring his camera but knew they did not have much time and he did not want to explain why Sarah was late to school. However, he did want something to memorise his first success with his new program.

"Sarah, take off your panties and give them to me," he instructed.

Sarah squirmed around and slid her panties over her shoes. She handed them to him. Doug took a quick sniff and then put them in his pocket.

"Okay, Sarah. Thanks for show but we need to get you to school," Doug said as they drove away.

He did not know what was going to happen as he turned off the CD and turned on the regular radio program. Sarah did not do anything for a few minutes and then began to look around. She did not look disturbed.

"Are you okay Sarah?"

"Yes, Mr. Allen, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she quizzed.

"Oh nothing. You were just so quiet."

"No, there is nothing wrong. I feel great."

It was not until she got up to get out of the car that Sarah noticed there was something missing. She felt a cool air next to her soft skin under her skirt. She could not believe that she had forgotten to put on panties this morning. Sarah spent the day pantiless and found she kind of liked the feeling.

Doug was very excited over his little experiment. He could not believe it worked as well as it did. He also could not believe that he had just viewed a young girl's pussy. As he pulled into the garage he had a full blown erection that was demanding attention. As he walked into his kitchen he quickly pumped a load on the kitchen floor. He then settled back to think about his next move.

Doug often thought about the human dilemma. There were the basic animalistic urges and desires everyone had somewhere in their minds. Then there were the many rationalisations everyone makes to demonstrate our advanced civilised minds. He noticed many that attended his Church that used the worse kind of reaction formation defences to be vehemently opposed to those desires and impulses they most desperately wanted. Doug felt that anytime one had extreme feelings about a subject particularly of a sexual nature, it demonstrated an unconscious desire for that very thing. The most homophobic person was the one who was most insecure about their sexuality. The person who felt sex was only for propagation was the one who had the strongest sexual impulses for pure pleasure.

Doug wanted to use his new technology to test some of his theories. He also wanted to have a bit of fun, more fun than just jerking off on the kitchen floor.

Doug's next opportunity presented itself about a week later. He was attending to some Church business when he found himself alone with Kathy. They were in the back of the Church and no one else was present. Doug was in his van and his van had previously been set up for his next experiment. However, this time Doug wanted to use the fear factor to see how someone would react. He also had to acknowledge how much he liked the idea of dominating someone.

Kathy was just such a person. She was nice enough but had pledged to remain a virgin until marriage. His Church had such a program mainly for teenagers but Kathy, now 32, lead the program and preached the message of no sex without marriage. Doug felt Kathy had many pent up sexual desires and she would be perfect for his investigation.

Without warning Doug grabbed Kathy's hands and used duck tape to tie them behind. Kathy was taking totally by surprised so she did not even think to scream until she felt the duck tape go over her mouth. Then it was too late.

"Kathy, we are going to do a little experiment," Doug said to the terrified Kathy as he bound her feet together and lifted her into the back of the van.

"Please let me go," Kathy tearfully pleaded as Doug took the tape off her mouth.

"Not just yet," Doug said as he finished adjusting the rope that secured Kathy firmly to two trees. Her arms and legs were stretched out between two small pines leaving her standing with her legs spread and arms stretching between the two trees. Kathy wore a plain multicoloured dressed that draped to slightly below her knees.

"Please don't hurt me," she whimpered.

"No, I don't plan to hurt you. I just to have a little look at those tits," he said as he cupped her left breast and squeezed.

"Ohhhhh," Kathy could not believe what was happenings. Just an hour ago she was working at the Church and now this man she thought she knew had abducted her.

"Let's see what we have here," Doug said as he unbuttoned Kathy's blouse exposing the white lace of her bra. "Oh, very nice," he said admiring the rosy flesh beneath her blouse. He already had a hard erection that was noticeable through his pants.

"Oh, you must let me go, you can't do this Doug" Kathy said in desperation. She had noticed the budge in his pants.

"Not just yet," Doug replied. Kathy's blouse was now unbuttoned her bra revealed to the world. She could not believe it as the man reached under her dress and quickly cut her panties on each side allowing them to drop to the ground below. Doug was enjoying the power trip he was having and he was keenly conscious of Kathy's every reactions.

"No, you can't do that," Kathy said as she felt her panties fall off her body.

"Ah, it looks as if I can do this," Doug said in a matter of fact tone of voice. With that he lifted her dress up and squatted so he had direct view of her pink pussy. "What a pretty pussy you have," he commented.

"No, you are not supposed to see me. Let me go. Doug this is not right. No one has ever seen me like this." Kathy was becoming quite agitated and screamed for help.

"Your screams hurt my ears and they are not helping anything. There is no one for miles around here. So be quiet. Also, it is about time someone took a look at this pretty pussy," the man said in a stern voice.

Kathy stopped screaming afraid she might agitate Doug to the point he would hurt her. She did not want to think about what was going to happen.

"Now let me finished exposing various parts of your body and we can begin," Doug said as he pinned her skirt up above her waste so her pussy and the large patch of pubic hair was plainly visible. He then slipped her breasts out of the bra leaving the bra to support Kathy's 36C breasts.

He stepped back and said, "That looks just right."

"Please don't hurt me," Kathy muttered not knowing what was next. She could feel the cool air passing between her legs to her most sensitive and private areas. She had never been so exposed to another person.

The man walked over to his van and removed a video camera. "Now we will have a little talk," he said as he put the camera on a tripod and focused it at Kathy.

"Kathy, how does it feel to have your pussy for the entire world to see?" Doug calmly asked.

"Why are you doing this?" Kathy pleaded.

"Please answer the question," Doug replied.

"It feels terrible. I can't stand this. It is not right," she cried.

"Would you like for me to publish these pictures over the internet for everyone to see?" the man asked.

"No, you can't do that. What would my friends, my parents think?"

"I don't know, what would they think?"

"They would think I had gone crazy. Please just let me go and I will never tell anyone about this," she said.

"What will you let me do if I let you go?" Doug asked.

"What do you mean?" Kathy knew what he meant.

"What is in it for me if I let you go?"

"I will not let you have sex with me if that is what you mean."

"Will you suck my dick?" Doug asked with a smile.

"No, I would never do such a disgusting thing. You will have to kill me first," Kathy said and meant it.

Doug noted this and according to his theory this meant that some part of Kathy felt just the opposite.

"What about letting me fuck your butt hole?" Doug inquired.

"You a disgusting human being and I hate you," Kathy screamed with vengeance.

"Ok, that is enough questions. I am going to let you go but not until after we are finished here," Doug said as he walked over to her. He took the camera and got a very close shot of her face, then moved down to her breasts, and then to her pussy. He moved around back and raised her dress taking a shot of her butt. "Nice ass," he commented as she felt him spread her ass cheeks to get a good shot of her puckered anus.

"Ok, I think I got good pictures all around," he said. He then took a walkman-like device out of his bag and put the earphones on Kathy. As he pushed the button Kathy heard very strange music. It seems to have an effect all over her. Her head began to spin and her stomach began to feel funny.

"You can hear my voice since I am networked into your headphones. This is not your usual musical; this is a very special computer generated tape. It can affect the way you think and what you remember about things. So I want to both remember and forget what is happening. However, if there is a next time I ask you to come with me you will come with me with no hesitation. Do you understand, Kathy?"

Kathy felt really strange. She did not understand what he was saying but then she also seemed to understand it as she heard herself almost automatically say, "Yes I understand." What was stranger was she knew she that she was agreeing to this evil man's request.

"All I have to do is to say, Come, and you will come with me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," she answered again on some level realising the agreement she was making but that did not seem to matter.

"Okay I am going to untie your hands and you will obey me," the man commanded in a stronger voice.

"Yes, I will do as you say," Kathy said as she felt her hands being untied. She had no desire whatsoever to escape. She just wanted to be here, now, and do whatever the man wanted her to do. Yet, deep down she hated this man and what he was doing to her.

"Bend over," the man commanded.

Kathy bent over; her feet still tied, and explored her ass to the man. She could feel him touching her ass cheeks and felt something cold be rubbed on her. She shuttered as she felt the man moisten her anus and shuttered again as she felt his finger intrude into her bowels.

"Kathy, what you are going to feel will be the most wonderful feeling you have ever experience. Your pussy will tingle and almost explode with pleasure as I stick my dick up your ass. Do you understand?" the man asked.

"Yes, I understand," Kathy said and could not believe how excited she had just become. Kathy had very few sexual experiences. She had never had sex with a man but had masturbated a few times. Each time she had felt extremely guilty and vowed to never do it again. However, she would always have another weak moment and find her hand working her clit into an intense orgasm. Of course, the more pleasure she derived the more guilt she felt later.

Kathy was feeling really good right now. Even though the guilt never really left her, at time it fell far into her unconscious. This was one of those times as she felt a firm pressure on her anus as Doug pushed his dick into her most private opening. There was some pain but the pain only intensified the pleasurable sensation emulating from her pussy. Her pussy was buzzing with a frenzy of sensations she had never known. She could not believe the intensity of the feelings and her pussy was not even being touched. She felt she might pass out from the intense pleasure the man's cock provided as it entered into her body.

The man suddenly stopped his motion and said, "Kathy, I am now the one. Whenever I say something you will not question it, whether today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, you will do what I say. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Kathy managed to answer fighting the fog of pleasure that had her trapped in this man's power.

She could feel his cock break the seal of her anus and force itself deep inside. As the man began to push in and out, rocking back and forth, Kathy exploded with an orgasm of an intensity she had never known. She was in pure bliss as she felt the man's cock erupt deep within her bowels. She swooned in delight as she felt the warm flow of his cum as his pulsating cock pumped out its load. Kathy could barely manage to stand as her body trembled from what she had just experienced. The anal intrusion had given pleasure she had never known. She was in deep appreciation and even awe of her hated capturer. But Kathy also felt a strange sense of extreme guilt and shame somewhere deep within her mind. Something was wrong but she just did not care. Her pleasure was complete and easily kept these thoughts in the deep recesses of her unconscious.

"Ok, I am going to untie your legs and we can leave," the man said as if he had just finished mowing the yard.

Kathy was disappointed that it was over but felt she would not be able to stand in this position much longer. Her legs felt weak and her body trembled as the man untied her feet. He readjusted her dress over her panty less pussy and helped her put her breasts back into her bra.

"There you go. I think you are ready. Get in the van." Kathy did as instructed.

"Okay, we are finished for today. How do you feel?"

"I feel great," she replied and really did.

"Okay, shortly I am going to remove the headphones and you will return to a normal level of consciousness. I want you to remember this event and particularly the extreme pleasure that you derived. You will be powerless to tell anyone of this event. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," she answered in a dreamy sort of voice.

"You are going to feel very conflicted about what happened. You are going to both hate and love what I did to you. Both of these feelings exist in you and I want to know how you handle them. I want you to keep a journal particularly information about your sexual feelings. Write down any kinds of feelings of guilt or shame and if you should masturbate I want a record of your fantasies during the masturbation. Will you do this for me?" Doug asked in a firm tone.

"Yes, I will do what you want," Kathy answered.

"Ok, when I take these headphones off you will return to normal consciousness. However, you will also remain very sexually fulfilled and sexually stimulated even though you will have whatever other emotions that would normally arise in you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," Kathy replied.

Doug reached over and removed the headphones from Kathy's ears. He watched as he eyes began to changed and looked directly at him.

"How do you feel Kathy?" Doug asked.

"I hate you for what you did. I can't believe you stuck that thing in me. I want to kill you but I can't believe how good you made me feel. Damn it, what did you do to me?" Kathy said as she put her hands to her face and began to sob.

"I just released a few things in your mind that needed to be released. You will be okay," Doug said in a reassuring manner.

"What are you going to do with those videos?"

"Oh, I am going to study them and particularly your reaction while I fucked your ass. I will also probably jerk off to them too," Doug said with a smile.

"You are a horrible man," Kathy said but even as she spoke she felt a surge of sexual desire wet her pussy and she blushed.

"You like it, I can tell," Doug said and laughed.

"I hate it but I love it. It is not right," Kathy said resisting the strong urge to rub her pussy. Kathy knew she was trapped and she knew as soon as she got home she would have a long session by herself administering to her strong sexuality that had been released. She still believed that sex without marriage was morally wrong but that would not stop her from satisfying her most basic needs. She also knew she would make careful notes and report these to Doug.

Doug felt pretty good as they arrived back at the Church and parted company. The next week was mostly uneventful for Kathy at work. However, at home things were very different. Kathy masturbated every night that week. In the past she would never even thought such behaviour was possible for her. Kathy also remembered to write of her experiences in her secret journal for Doug.

"Dear Journal," she wrote as her first entry. "I just finished having a wonderful sexual experience with myself. It took about 30 minutes of rubbing my pussy to obtain an orgasm that lasted about several minutes. It was very nice. I feel very guilty that I even did it but even more so because while I rubbed myself I was thinking about Doug. My feeling of guilt and shame made me even hornier. The guiltier I feel the more I want to touch myself and that just increases the guilt. I can't believe this circle I am in."

"Dear Journal, I just finished masturbating again. I can't believe I continue to do this. It feels really great but I am disgusted with myself. This time I thought about being naked at the beach. All the men would see me and want to touch me. I can't believe that I liked that image but it was a great turn on."

"Dear Journal, Here I go again. I just finished masturbating thinking about Doug fucking me in the butt. I have never had real sex but today I used a small cucumber and put it inside me. It was a very intense experience and I loved it but know that it is wrong. I just can't stop doing it. I wonder what Doug will say when he reads this. I can't believe that I look forward to showing him this journal and telling him how I feel about my sex."

On Sunday Kathy dressed in her normal conservative dress for Mass with one major difference. While dressing she suddenly decided to not wear panties. Kathy could not believe she did this but also could not believe the sensual feelings she had as she walked into the Church. She could feel her pussy moisten as she walked to her normal seat in the sanctuary. She sat with her normal crowd that included a few teenagers who were in her Sunday School Class and two other women her age. Kathy wondered if she was the only one not wearing panties.

"Dear Journal, "I just can't believe what I just did. I went to Mass without panties and it was totally exciting. When I arrived home from Mass and I could not control myself. I began to touch myself as soon as I walked inside. I lifted my dress and began to rub my already moistened pussy. My clit was already swollen and very sensitive. Then I can't believe I began to think about Father John. His image popped into my mind and as soon as it did I began to cum. I could not stop myself. I did not want to stop myself. It was the most intense orgasm I have had since Doug fucked me in the ass. I really feel bad but even as I write this my pussy is itching again and I can't get Father John out of my mind."

During the week that Kathy wrote in her Journal, Doug was pondering over what his next move was. He was thoroughly enjoying his research. It was both an intellectual stimulating experience and of course like every man he liked to empty his nuts. In fact Doug had masturbated everyday since he affair with Kathy's ass. It seems as if his libido had returned. After his wife had left Doug has mostly lost his desire for women. Now it had returned and he was anxious to formulate his next experiment since the one with Kathy went so well.

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