Ryan's Summer - Cover

Ryan's Summer

Copyright© 2004 by Gary Johns

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - When Ryan Crawford takes a summer job with a pool servicing company he has no idea that the service he performs will be much more than cleaning pools.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

The rest of the week and the weekend were a blur to Ryan. His thoughts were never far from the events of the past week. It had been an exciting and strange week and one that he would never forget. However, as exciting as it had been, he had the feeling that something fishy was going on. It almost seemed as if he had been set up in some way, but he couldn't figure it out.

As he drove to the Wellsworths the following Tuesday, he thought of his friend Benny. He decided that he would talk to him. He would know what was going on.

When Ryan arrived at the Wellsworth's, "Jigs" met him at the door again and directed him to the pool. The old guy didn't seem as rude this time. As he began to work, he looked around for Mrs. Wellsworth. She was not at the pool and he saw no one on the balcony above. He held out hope that she would know that he was there and come outside. When she still had not appeared as he neared the completion of his tasks, he became disheartened. Then, as he collected his equipment, Jigs came out of the house and strutted over to him.

He said, "Mrs. Wellsworth has requested an audience with you."

Ryan looked at him like he had two heads.

The butler said, "She would like to speak with you."

Ryan's face lit up. "Oh, why didn't you say so?" he said with a big smile.

"Follow me please."

Putting down his equipment, Ryan followed the butler into the house. As he walked behind him he thought of how much the man looked like a penguin and tried unsuccessfully to walk like him.

The butler led Ryan to a large den near the front of the house. He tapped on the door and then opened it and ushered Ryan into the room. Mrs. Wellsworth was sitting on the sofa, dressed in a short summer dress. The dress had a halter-top, with thin straps across her shoulders holding up the bodice. It had a floral design and appeared to be made of a silk. She also had on more jewelry then would normally be worn around the house. Ryan thought that she might have been out this morning.

"Good afternoon Ryan," Mary said. "Sorry I wasn't here when you arrived but I had a ladies club meeting and it ran longer than I expected. It's normally on Fridays but we had to change the time this week."

"No problem. You wanted to have an 'audience' with me?" Ryan asked in an attempt to mimic the butler. He was actually growing to like the way the old guy talked.

Mary smiled and said, "Yes, please sit down."

Ryan sat on a chair across from the pretty woman. He watched her cross her legs and saw her silky dress slip dangerously high on her thighs. From his position, he could see that she wasn't wearing nylons and he had a very good view of her sexy legs. They were tanned, smoothly shaven and well toned. He suddenly wondered what she did to stay in shape.

Mary waited a minute before she started to talk. She could see Ryan's eyes on her legs and shifted slightly, giving him an even better view.

Ryan's eyes grew wide when he realized that he could almost all the way to her ass. When he looked up, he saw her staring at him and his face flushed.

"After you left last week, I became a little concerned about what happened."

Here it comes, thought Ryan and was suddenly worried that he was in trouble.

Mary continued, "I let things go too far. I must apologize to you."

"Apologize to me?" Ryan blurted.

"Yes. I am the adult here and I let things get out of hand. I don't want to be some 'Jezebel' that corrupts young men."

Ryan wanted to scream, "Go ahead and corrupt me!" Instead he said in a rush of stuttered words, "Uh... you... uh I... uh... I liked it."

Mary smiled. "I'm not surprised... you being a virgin and all. But I shouldn't have let it get that far. It's just that you are so cute and I had a hard time controlling myself." The older woman paused, her eyes showing her growing lust. Slowly she uncrossed her legs allowing her legs to open slightly.

Ryan's eyes dropped from her pretty blue eyes to her legs. His own heart began to beat faster as he realized that he could see the soft skin of her inner thighs. The light from the window was shining through the thin summer dress, brightening the normally dark area between her legs and bathing her thighs in a dusty glow. Ryan felt his penis begin to harden.

When their eyes met, Mary had a frown on her face. "Are you looking up my dress young man?"

"Uh... no... I..." Ryan stuttered again, totally at a loss for words.

"Cat got your tongue?" she said. "Or is that a pussy got your tongue?" Her face turned from a frown to a smile and she laughed. "You're cute, she said and then added, "Have you ever seen a real live pussy?" She paused for a second to watch his shocked face.

Ryan couldn't answer.

Slowly she opened her legs wider.

Ryan swallowed hard when he realized that he could see almost to her crotch. Then he watched her legs open another inch and he gasped. She didn't have panties on.

"It's been a long time since anyone has looked at me like you are right now."

Ryan still couldn't find any words. His penis was now totally hard and tenting his shorts.

"I can see that it excites you," she said, looking at his crotch and brazenly opened her legs, letting her dress slide up her thighs until it was rumpled at her waist. Her breathing was heavy now and she squirmed in her seat.

The room was suddenly very quiet with only the heavy breathing of the two of them.

"Would you like to kiss it?"

Ryan suddenly thought he was hearing things. She couldn't have said what he thought he heard. He stared at her with a dumb look.

"I know you've heard of oral sex. It's been so long since anyone has used their mouth on me." Mary was rapidly losing control. She shifted slightly lower on the sofa and spread her legs wider. "Come here," she gasped.

Ryan hesitated for a second but then, like a zombie, he stood up and took several steps toward Mary.

Impatiently the older woman reached up and grabbed his hand, pulling him downward.

Ryan almost fell as he let the older woman pull him to his knees. Now he was staring at her throbbing vagina, only inches away. He could see that there was a clear liquid running from the inner lips. His head began to spin when he got of whiff of her excitement. The scent was like an aphrodisiac and made his penis throb in his shorts.

The pretty woman began to rub her thighs with her hands, spreading them even further in the process. "Will you eat me?" she asked, her face turning into a pout.

There was a roaring in Ryan's head and he barely heard the words. However, he knew what she was asking. While he wasn't totally naive about oral sex, he had never done it. He had heard the boys talk and even seen movies, but this was different, this was a real flesh and blood woman... and she wanted him to eat her. He was scared to death.

Mary could see the panic in Ryan's eyes. She knew that she had to act fast or risk him running from the room in fright. "Come on... I'll tell you how to eat me." With that she grabbed the surprised boy's head, pulling him down until his head was between her thighs. "Kiss my thighs," she gasped.

Ryan felt her warm thighs caressing his face, his mouth only inches from her baby smooth sex lips. His own excitement quickly overcame his fear and he began to kiss the soft flesh of her inner thigh. His head was spinning even faster and he could feel the blood pumped through his body like molten lava.

"Oh yes," Mary gasped as she directed his head closer and closer to her center. She felt his wet tongue on her soft thighs. She allowed him to kiss her thighs until she couldn't stand it anymore. Then she grasped his hair and whispered in a lust filled voice, "Now kiss my pussy lips." She hunched her hips upward, pulled his mouth down and then gasped when she felt the young boy's lips touch her swollen and sensitive inner lips. Ohhhhhhh Jesus!"

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