Ryan's Summer - Cover

Ryan's Summer

Copyright© 2004 by Gary Johns

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - When Ryan Crawford takes a summer job with a pool servicing company he has no idea that the service he performs will be much more than cleaning pools.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

When Ryan awoke early the next morning he looked out the window and moaned. The unusual cold front that had begun on Wednesday had lingered into Thursday and brought a chilly rain. Today he dressed in a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and tennis shoes without socks. The jeans and the shirt fit his trim body snugly, emphasizing his strong arms and chest as well as his narrow waist. He put on a baseball cap and hurried downstairs.

Ryan's mother was in the kitchen getting her normal morning coffee and toast before heading off to work. "Hi Mom," Ryan beamed. He walked over to her and kissed her cheek, grabbing a piece of toast from her hand.

"Hey!" she complained with a smile.

Ryan smiled brightly at her as he took a bite.

"Why are you so happy on this dreary morning? Bet you met a new girl huh?" his mother asked.

"Well, kinda of," he answered noncommittally.

"You gonna bring her over to meet your old Mom?"

"You're not old Mom. You're almost the sexiest woman I know."

"Almost," she pouted, then added, "Hey... how many 'women' do you know anyway?"

"A couple," he said with his white teeth shining.

"Hmmm... I hope some of those old rich women you visit everyday haven't gotten their fangs into you." She looked at him with an intuition that only a mother could have.

Ryan was shocked. His Mom was a lot more perceptive than he gave her credit for. "There not old," he said before he realized it.

She pursed her lips as if in disapproval. Although she had no idea what was going on, she knew that Ryan needed to build self-confidence. She also knew that part of the responsibility for his shyness was because of her; she had always been overprotective with him. "Just be careful young man," she warned in a serious tone.

"Well, gotta run," he said quickly, wanting to cut off the conversation before it got too personal. He kissed her again and hurried out of the house.

The rain was pouring from the sky in torrents as Ryan rushed to his car. He turned the key and the engine groaned and backfired before turning over. He strained to see out the window as he pulled away from his house, leaving a trail of white smoke. The old windshield wipers were totally ineffective in the torrential downpour. Somehow he made it to the rich side of town before things started to get worse. The engine conked out several times but he was able to start it again. Finally as he ascended a long hill, the car just stopped; the engine gave one last loud bang and died.

"Shit!" Ryan yelled and slammed the steering wheel hard with his hand. A sudden pain rushed through his wrist and up his arm. "Ouch... Goddamn it!" he groaned at his stupidity when realized that he had hurt himself. He sat in the car for a few minutes cursing to himself and rubbing his sore wrist, hoping the rain would slow. When it didn't, he realized that he was going to be late for his appointment and would need to get to a phone. He got out of the car and stood in the pouring rain, looking up and down the street. He was about two miles from his next appointment and about a mile from the Billings estate. He figured that if he tried to go up to any of the other houses, they would probably call the police. That is, if he could even get inside the gates.

Taking a chance that someone would be home he decided to risk the walk to the Billings place. Within a few minutes he was soaked to the skin. His baseball cap was sopping and his jeans were becoming heavy with water. His feet squished in his tennis shoes and he shivered, suddenly wishing that he had worn socks. By the time he reached the Billings estate, he looked like a drowned rat. In addition, his wrist was hurting worse and it had begun to swell.

He stood in the shelter of the small alcove at the Billings door and rang the doorbell. He waited a few minutes and rang again and then again. When the third ring brought no answer, he figured that no one was home. He turned to leave and started to walk down the marble steps when the door opened.

"Ryan... what are you doing here?" Ms. Baker called before adding, "Mrs. Billings isn't home."

Ryan stopped and turned around. A big smile crossed his face in spite of his miserable state. "Hi Ms. Baker. I'm not here to see Mrs. Billings. My car broke down and I was hoping that I could use your phone to call the office."

"Why of course, Ryan. Come in here out of the rain." She held the door open and let him step inside. "Sorry I didn't answer right away but I was doing my Yoga lesson."

Ryan noticed that she had a little sweat on her brow.

"My God, you look like you're almost drowned," she gasped. He was trembling from the cold and holding his wrist. "What's wrong with your wrist?"

"I hit it on the steering wheel after my car broke down." He saw her look and added, "Stupid I know." Then he looked down at the wet puddle on the floor at his feet. "I'm making a mess on your floor."

"Don't worry about it, it can be cleaned up."

"Sorry to bother you but I didn't know where else to go."

"I'm glad you came here. Now wait just a second while I get some towels."

Ryan watched Ms. Baker as she walked away. She had on a pair of well-worn black stretch pants and a tight leopard skin top that was cut very low into a V, exposing much of her breasts. It was obvious that she wasn't expecting company. Around her neck she had on a set of headphones with a CD player hooked to her pants.

A few minutes later Ms. Baker came back carrying several large fluffy towels and some type of garment over her arm. "Here," she said handing him a towel.

Ryan took the towel and removed his rain soaked hat and began to dry his head.

"Let's get these wet clothes off."

Ryan pulled the towel from his head and looked at her in shock.

She saw his surprise and shook her head. "Come on, hurry. Besides, it's not like I've never seen you naked," she said with a smile and then added, "I am a nurse after all."

Ryan shrugged and began to pull his tee shirt over his head. As it covered his eyes he felt the belt of his pants being opened. He pulled the shirt from his head quickly and saw Ms. Baker squatting as she unsnapped his jeans. He idly began to dry his chest as he watched her pull his pants down, leaving him in his wet underwear. The shorts were white boxer briefs and were so wet that they had become transparent, exposing his curled up penis and the dark pubic hair underneath.

Without asking she pulled his shorts down, leaving him naked.

Ryan's eyes wandered to her exposed cleavage and he suddenly felt himself becoming excited.

Ms. Baker took the other towel and began to dry his stomach and hips. Her face was only inches from his now growing erection. Then she turned him to his side and began to dry his buttocks.

Electric shocks began to course through Ryan as he felt her hands, under the warm towel, wiping his buttocks and the backs of his thighs. When she turned him back around, his penis was fully erect and pointing at her face. Without missing a beat she used the towel to wipe his pubic hair and then she gently caressed his penis, moving the towel up and down the long shaft until it too was dry. Next she moved to his thighs and down his legs to his calf. She didn't say anything or act surprised that he was excited.

"Lift," she said and took one foot into her hand and dried it thoroughly, moving the soft cotton between his toes almost sensuously. When she had completed one foot, she did the other, taking her time while seemingly ignoring the boy's obvious state of excitement. Then she stood up. "Here, this is all I could find for you to wear." She handed him a silky kimono type robe with flowers on it.

Ryan looked at the robe, his face showing his disapproval.

"It's all I have. Besides, no one is going to see it but me."

Ryan slipped the garment on. It was too small and the sleeves came halfway up his arms. The bottom came to just below his groin. His erection was sticking through the opening.

Ms. Baker put her hand over her mouth and giggled. "All right, take it off and wrap this around you," she said and handed him one of the large towels.

"Thanks," he said in relief as he wrapped the towel around his waist. Now his penis was covered but tenting the towel.

"Go on into the kitchen and I'll fix you some hot chocolate after I throw your clothes into the dryer."

"Not the hat," Ryan said and snatched it from her hand. "It's my favorite."

Ryan went into the kitchen and sat down. Although he had the towel wrapped around him, he still felt naked. Fortunately, his penis had begun to soften.

A minute later Ms. Baker came back into the kitchen. "Feel better?" she asked.


"I have a icepack that you can put on your wrist," she said as she went to the freezer and took out a jell-filled icepack and brought it over to him. She took his hand and felt around his wrist. "I don't know," she said, "You should definitely see a doctor." She wrapped the ice pack around his wrist. It had a Velcro strap on it and fit snugly around his wrist. "That should keep the swelling down."


"Hot chocolate okay?"

"That would be great," he said and watched her go over to a cabinet and reach up for the chocolate mix. The stretch made her tight pants pull up into the crack of her buttocks, outlining her sexy butt. It only lasted a second but it was enough to start his penis to grow again. Then he watched the pretty woman hurry around the kitchen getting cups and saucers. When she bent over to get the milk out of the refrigerator, he got another good view of her buttocks. This time the movement forced the tight material up enough to outline her pubic mound. Ryan almost gasped when he saw the pouch of her sex under the thin covering. The seam at the crotch sliced through her lips, outlining the outer lips. When she stood up and turned around, it was still imbedded between her lips.

Ms. Baker felt the seam of her tights between her lips but she couldn't reach down and pull it out. She felt it rubbing on her swelling lips as she moved. She saw Ryan's eyes on her crotch and looked down to see the renewed tent in his towel. An unwanted electric shock rushed through her and her heart started to pound. Although she knew that he was just a kid, he was incredibly cute. Their flirting over the last couple of weeks had been just for fun... harmless teasing. But now she was alone with him and getting a little worried: not because of Ryan but because of her own desires. She was relatively young woman, still in her prime and although she had denied her sexuality for a long time, it was never far from the surface. Several weeks ago, Sandra had talked her into a conspiracy to seduce the young man. Her role was only to be as an assistant and not to actually seduce him.

It had been a long time since she had felt the desire that had come over her in the last couple of weeks. Since the first moment she had seen the young man at the door she couldn't stop thinking about him. No matter how much she chastised herself, she couldn't help the feel of excitement in her stomach-and much lower. Still, she was almost engaged to Vic and he was good to her, not to mention that he was filthy rich. Unfortunately, the sexual desire was not there with him. Although she cared for him greatly, he was almost seventy and had never even made a pass at her. It was definitely going to be a marriage of convenience. He had no one to give his money to and she was a nurse; he needed someone to take care of him and she was lonely and the money would go to a good cause... her. That may have been cold to some people but she had to take care of herself.

Now, she was faced with a dilemma and it was sitting in the kitchen with her... she had to resist. She certainly didn't want to do anything to hurt her relationship with Sandra or ruin her marriage before it even began. Still, it had been so long since a man had paid attention to her. Her sexual relationship with her former husband had been very good but it was the only good part of her marriage. Sexually they were very compatible and had tried almost everything two people could do. Amazingly she had learned that she was very anal erotic and found that she absolutely loved anal sex. She had become addicted to it during their eight years of marriage, doing it at least several times a week. Now, it had been ten years since she had felt a mouth on her sex or a stiff shaft up her rear passage.

Ryan watched Ms. Baker fix their hot chocolate, his eyes following her around the room. Her back was to him as she stood at the island counter in the center of the kitchen. He stared at her sexy form... the way the low back of her top exposed the soft white skin of her shoulders and back... the way the curve of her waist went in and then flared out at her hips... the sensuous rise of her buttocks and the seam that disappeared between the cheeks. He felt the blood in his penis flowing. It began to affect his judgment. He took a deep breath and stood up. His legs were almost trembling as he walked over and stopped behind her. There was a moment of indecision as he thought of the consequences of what he was about to do. Then he placed his hands on the counter on either side of her, leaning close. He felt her tense but was relieved that she didn't move away or worse, slap him. He leaned in close and could smell her; there was a hint of perfume but also an earthy smell of her sweat, which made his head spin.

"Ryan, behave," she whispered but then trembled as she felt his lips on her bare neck.

"I'm sorry but there's something about you that drives me crazy," he answered and pressed his erection into her.

"Please sit down," she pleaded... almost whimpered.

"I will if you really want me to." With that his arms moved until they were around her waist, his hands on her stomach, pulling her back to him. "I remember how you kissed me yesterday. I've been thinking about it ever since." He bent and kissed her neck again, his hands beginning to move slowly upward. He felt his knuckles under her breasts and turned his hands over, his palms suddenly covering her now heaving breasts.

"Oh God," she moaned but didn't try to pull out of his grasp.

"I love your breasts. But I love your ass most of all," he hissed into her ear.

Another gasp came from her lips as he said the magic words.

One hand slipped from her breast to grab an ass cheek. "Mmmmm!" It was Ryan's turn to moan as he felt the soft but firm cheek of her ass. He suddenly turned her around until she was facing him. He saw fear and excitement in her eyes. As his lips met hers, both hands found her ass cheeks and he began to squeeze them like he was kneading pizza dough. His now pulsing penis was pressed to her stomach and his tongue was in her mouth.

They kissed for several minutes, their tongue dueling for possession of the other's mouth.

Ms. Baker pulled her lips from Ryan's and gasped, "Ryan, this isn't right, we have to stop."

But when she didn't push him away, he reached up and began to massage her breasts again, his lips going back to hers. Almost before she knew what was happening, he slipped his fingers under the straps of her top and pushed them from her shoulders and then down her arms, baring her breasts. He pulled his lips from hers and looked down at the soft mounds of flesh with two hard nipples and sucked in his breath. They were gorgeous. Although there was some sag, they still appeared to be firm and the nipples incredibly hard and jutted out a good half inch. Ryan quickly took them in his hands in fear that she would pull away if he didn't act fast. His lips pressed to hers again.

She moaned into his mouth and put her hands on his chest as if to push him away. However, there was no strength in her arms.

The young man began to massage the soft mounts of flesh, squeezing them and then tweaking the long nipples. He grasped each on in his hand and pulled them out.

"Oh Jesus," Ms. Baker gasped. She knew she had to stop this now or she would be lost. Mustering up her strength, she wrenched her mouth from his, gasping for breath, her head turned down as if she couldn't look into his eyes.

He lifted her chin and pulled her to his chest, feeling her soft breasts on his bare skin. "God, I want to... to... to eat you," Ryan struggled to say.

"Oh no," she whimpered.

It sounded to Ryan more like an "Oh yes." He began to slide down her body, stopping at her breasts. He lifted one and sucked the hard nipple into his mouth as his fingers worked on the other one. Then he switched and began to suck on the other. He heard the woman moaning and it sounded far away. His head was spinning with excitement and there was a loud humming in his ears. With one loud suck he let the nipple pop from his lips. As he began to move to his knees he felt Ms. Baker vainly trying to pull him back up, her hands grasping at his shoulders. It was only a half-hearted attempt and he continued downward. When he was on his knees and his face near her crotch, he gasped. He saw that the thin black material was still trapped between her lips and the entire area was now dark with her juices. He could smell her excitement and it drew him closer. Slowly he moved forward until his nose was almost touching her. He took a deep breath, her scent almost overwhelming his senses. Then he let his breath out, blowing warm air onto the thinly covered lips.

"Oh Jesus," she moaned when she felt his breath on her swollen sex.

Then Ryan pulled back slightly and turned her around until her buttocks were in his face. A moan escaped his lips as he stared at her perfect ass. His hands were trembling as he reached up for the waist of her leotards. With one quick movement he pulled them down to her thighs, baring the milky white cheeks of her ass.

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