Paul's Big Find - Cover

Paul's Big Find

Copyright© 2003 by Erotica Author

Chapter 6: Paul Makes a Discovery at School

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6: Paul Makes a Discovery at School - A collection of rings used to control the citizens of a newly colonized planet falls into an American teenagers hands. He doesn't care about colonizing Earth, he just wants to have fun. This is a long involved tale that crosses many lines and pulls in many unsuspecting celebrities and politicians.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Science Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Aunt   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Black Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   BBW   Size   Violence  

Beginning with this chapter, I have had a volunteer editor and story consultant assist me in the writing of this series. She has requested no direct credit, but she knows who she is.

Paul is sitting in his fourth period biology class listening to Mrs. Ivanov drone on about the sexual organs of plants. It's a continuation of a lecture from yesterday Paul only vaguely remembers.

The biology room is divided into a classroom area and a lab table area. With two more students than seats Paul and Peggy Freeman are forced to sit behind the first lab table. He and Peggy sit on chairs behind the waist-high lab tables.

Peggy is busy taking writing down Mrs. Ivanov's words in a notebook just inches in front of her face. Her pen is racing along the blue lines, recording the intricate details of the plants' sexual organs.

Paul's attention flags as he has seen too many human sexual organs in the past two days to show excitement over stamen and pistils. His eyes are more attracted to Peggy's breasts. To sit on the low chair and write on the high desk Peggy is forced to lean forward and stretch to write. Paul analyzes the way this posture pushes out her breasts and draws the blouse snug across her ample chest.

Her posture also forces her mini-skirt to embrace her bottom tightly, pulling up the hem to allow Paul the pleasure of a view of Peggy's thighs. He's unconsciously rolling his pencil across the black tabletop his eyes moving from Mrs. Ivanov to Peggy's tits to Peggy's legs and back to Mrs. Ivanov.

Mrs. Ivanov is in her fifties, short, barely five feet tall, and a bit more fat than plump. Paul looks at her now in the light of the past two days and imagines what it would look like with his dick settled between her tits stroking to a finish and squirting his come around her month. He imagines her licking the cum from her tits and face.

Paul's cock, sensing a major fantasy coming up, begins to harden. Lost in his daydream Paul doesn't notice his cock until the pain of its entrapment draws him back to the present. Glancing down at his cock he looks over to see if Peggy has noticed. She hasn't.

He is trying to recapture his daydream when his undirected fingers roll the pen onto the floor. Peggy's attention is moved by the sound of the pen and she reaches down to pick it up for Paul. They both reach the floor at the same time. She picks up the pen and starts to rise up when the back of her hand slides over Paul's ring.

Peggy stops her movement as Paul continues to sit all the way up. After a couple of seconds she brings herself upright and hands Paul the pen. He notices she's looking at him. He whispers his thanks and pretends to listen to the characteristics of mating plants, waiting for Peggy to go back to listening so he can go back to staring at her legs and tits.

She doesn't look back to the front of the class, but stares at Paul. He looks at her and smiles; she smiles back then starts writing in her notebook again. After writing a few words she tears a strip from the bottom of the notebook, folds it in half and passes it to Paul.

Paul slowly pulls the note in before him, watching for Mrs. Ivanov's reaction; he looks back at the note and opens it.

The note reads: "I think you're pretty hot."

He closes it quickly and glances at Peggy. She's leaning back in her chair and smiling at Paul. She winks at him.

Paul thinks, "Holy shit, what's going on here."

She picks up her pen and starts writing in her notebook just above the torn section. She tears off another strip and passes it to Paul. Paul checks Mrs. Ivanov for her attention and slides the note in front of him. Almost fearing what it will read he opens the note: "I can see your dick is hard. Did I do that?"

Paul's dick jerks a bit and he sees Peggy's eyes grow wide big at the movement. He looks at the clock and sees that there's still thirty minutes left in class. Glancing to his right he sees Peggy still looking at his cock.

She leans over her notebook and busily begins scribbling again. She raps the period and quietly strips off the paper. She slowly pushes in front of Paul's face.

He's starting to sweat. The paper opens to read: "I've never seen a cock that big. Can I see it?"

"Double shit," he thinks. He picks up his pen and writes underneath Peggy's message "When?" He folds it and slides it back.

She looks at the message, smiles, writes one word and again folds it and slides it back. He pushes the note open with the end of his pen and sees at the bottom "Now!"

Paul glances at Peggy's face and sees the lust written in her eyes. He writes two letters on the note and passes it back. Peggy looks at the word "NO" and sits quietly. Paul mistakes her inactivity for surrender.

Peggy pulls her notebook closer and writes a new message. She looks up at Mrs. Ivanov explaining how pollen is involved in plant reproduction and silently tears off the strip of paper. She folds it twice ensuring no accidental opening. Rather than sliding it across the table top she lowers her hand between them and sets the note on Paul's leg between his knee and crotch. Peggy's damp eyes look into Paul's. He thinks, what now? He holds the note in front of his stomach and unfolds it while watching Mrs. Ivanov draw on the board.

The paper is open in his lap when he looks down. She has written:


He looks up at her and raises an eyebrow as a question. In reply she turns her knees toward him, keeping her face and chest forward and opens her smooth tanned legs. Her mini-skirt is up around her hips and the pink crotch of her panties is visible. She gives Paul a toothy grin and licks her lips.

Paul looks around at the last rows of seats in the classroom and realizes that no one can see her display. He smiles back and raises an eyebrow again in encouragement. Peggy's hand drops to the crotch of her panties, a finger slips in behind the gusset and pulls it aside.

She shows Paul that her pussy, covered by thin blonde fur is open and wet. She slips her index finger into her pussy and begins to lightly stroke the lips. Paul points to her panties and then points downward. Peggy raises slightly, pulls up her skirt, and slips her panties down to her ankles. She slips them over her shoes and drops them into Paul's lap. Before setting her bare ass back into the chair she moves the chair closer to Paul's.

Still facing her upper body toward the biology lesson, she reaches out and takes Paul's hand and leads it on another biology lesson. She pulls his hand into her pussy. Peggy draws the back of Paul's hand tightly into her pussy showing how wet it is. She moves his hand up and down over her cunt. She spreads her legs widely and slightly turns her hips toward Paul to improve his angle of attack.

Paul puts a finger to his lips to indicate silence and turns his hand around and slips a finger into her swamp. She emits a slight sip of breath and Paul sees her body tense.

He starts to slowly rub his thumb around her clit and finger fuck her pussy. Paul stares at Mrs. Ivanov, hoping she won't stop her lesson and ask them a question. Peggy, looking at him intently, grabs his wrist and speeds up the motion. A thin film of moisture forms on her forehead; she's rocking her hips back-and-forth on the chair.

He's lightly stroking her. She leans into his ear and whispers, "Please. I need to cum." He nods and increases his thumb's motion on her clit.

She moves her other hand to his wrist and squeezes tightly; her body goes rigid and begins to softly vibrate. Paul relaxes his thumb from her clit and Peggy gradually relaxes. She is exhausted. She leans her head down on her hands.

"Peggy, are you all right?" Mrs. Ivanov inquires from the front of the room.

"Yes, Mrs. Ivanov, I just felt a bit dizzy."

"Would you like to go see the nurse?"

: "No, I think it will pass in a bit."

Mrs. Ivanov goes back to her drawing on the board. Peggy looks at Paul and reaches for her notebook. She writes and rips off another strip. She moves it over and Paul looks down, "I've never cum that hard before. Can I see you after school?"

Paul nods to her and writes, "I'll stop at your locker after fifth period." Peggy reads the reply and smiles.

Paul reaches for Peggy's panties still sitting in his lap and wads them up and puts them in his pocket.

The fifth period bell brings geometry class to a conclusion and Paul grabs his books and heads for Peggy's locker. She' pulling out a book when he stops and leans into the locker next to hers.


She looks at him a bit strangely and says, "Hi."

Paul watches her leaf though the book.

She looks up from the book and stares back at him. He continues to look her in the eye.

She says with some irritation, "Well, Paul what do you want?"

"I thought we were going to get together after school?"

"Where did you ever get that idea?"

"In biology after I, uh, you know?"

"Well, I'll tell you that I don't know? Did you tell anyone you were meeting me after school? All I need is a pissed off boyfriend!"

"Peggy, I'm sorry. I must be confused."

"I'll say you are!" She slammed her locker door and strode off leaving Paul still leaning against the locker.

He stands there a minute trying to figure out what just happened and then heads of to his sixth-period study hall with Peggy Freeman's panties still in his pocket.

Paul is reading his biology text book trying to catch up on the lesson he missed while diddling the now amnesiac Peggy. It's not difficult material and he's making good progress toward catching up when Ms. Glens, the study hall monitor, hands him a note that says Mrs. Henderson, his guidance counselor, wants to see him. He picks up his books and heads for the main office.

Mrs. Henderson's office is located at the far end of the administrative wing of the high school. Paul steps up to her door and knocks, and hears Mrs. Henderson say, "Come in."

Her office is small room just big enough for her desk and a couple of chairs to seat a parent and student.

Irene Henderson is in her twenty-eighth year as a guidance counselor at Ferguson High School. Divorced for the past ten years, she had put on weight until she tipped the scales at close to 180 lbs. on her five-foot two frame.

"Sit down Paul."

Paul sits down and looks Mrs. Henderson in the eye. He looks at her eyes to avoid staring at her breasts, a constant problem with Mrs. Henderson's charges. Even though she isn't the prettiest of women, she did have a huge set of tits.

"Paul, I called you down because I would like you to sign up for the Young Leadership program. It's a program for our better students that show signs of leadership and wish to advance in this area."

"What does it do?"

"You work on a leadership project, and then you present your project in competition with other high schools. The team developing the best project goes to Washington to compete in a national competition."

"It sounds interesting. Who do I work with?"

"We pick two sophomores, two juniors, and two seniors. We're still developing a list and we'll let you know the names of your teammates."

"Ok. Put my name down and let me know if I get accepted."

"Great. I'll let you know."

Mrs. Henderson rises from behind her desk and walks toward the door with Paul.

"I'm glad you will be joining the team." She held out her hand and shakes hands with Paul.

As Mrs. Henderson's hand touches Paul's ring a surge of sexual energy moves from the ring into Mrs. Henderson. Her eye snap open, she inhales sharply and increases her pressure on his hand. The increased pressure raises the level or energy transfer.

Paul sees her shocked expression. Then in the next few seconds he recognizes the look of intense desire he had seen in the eyes of his mother and Mrs. Mathews. He can not avert his eyes from the look of desperate desire that has ignited in her eyes. She seizes the front of his shirt, spins him around and shoves him into the wall by the door. She reaches an arm around his body and presses him into the wall with her giant breasts. Her free hand grabs the hair on the back of his head and pulls his mouth to hers. She kissed his lips and thrusts her tongue into his mouth. Paul's cock immediately grows rigid pressing into the stomach of the crazed woman.

She moves her hand to the front of his pants and traces the shape of his cock. She pulls her mouth from him and pants, "My god, boy you've got a big cock." Mrs. Henderson returns her lips to his. She roughly rubs his cock. Its hardness is making her pussy scream for fulfillment. She is panting into his mouth trying to suck his tongue into her mouth. She reaches for the snap on his jeans and yanks it open. Shoving her hand down into his underwear she comes into direct contact with his pussy pleaser.

Mrs. Henderson whispers in his ear, "We can't make much noise." Her hand pinches the tab of his zipper and pulls it down. Stretching his underwear she shoves it down to free Paul's cock.

She looks down, "Oh, Paul it's so big and hard." Taking the shaft into her hand she starts jacking him off. She can't remember the last time her pussy had been this wet.

Paul can't believe the swiftness of her reaction. It seemed that just seconds had passed since he had shaken her hand. She was driving him crazy pulling on his cock. Peggy's reaction had been slower, more of a smoldering response. If Peggy had responded as Mrs. Henderson was now, they would have started serving their suspensions two hours ago.

Mrs. Henderson pushes back off Paul and turns around. Her ass is turn toward him. She leans over the desk, and pulls up the hem of her skirt until her ass is fully exposed to Paul. She snatches the waistband of her panties pulls them to the floor and lifts a leg out. She spreads her feet on the floor. Her head turns back to Paul and she says in an intense hiss, "Get your cock in me and fuck me."

Paul almost bolts. "This is nuts," he thinks. His dick is hanging out of his pants. It's as hard as an iron bar. Sexual energy flows through him burning brightly. He should get the hell out of here, but he moves behind the big round ass of his counselor and moves his cock close to her gapping pussy.

Mrs. Henderson notices his hesitation. Not wanting any hesitation she reaches through her legs and grabs Paul's cock. She gives it a tug and pulls it up to her cunt. "Paul, stick this damn thing in my pussy and fuck me."

Paul looked down at the broad ass, the big pussy dripping cunt juice down her legs. She aligns his cock with her pussy and shoves her ass back toward Paul.

Mrs. Henderson inhales sharply and says, "That's it. Get that big cock up my pussy. It feels so good. I've never had such a big cock in my cunt."

Paul bottoms out and pulls back until he can see the crown emerge from her lips. He reaches out to grasp her wide hips. Paul wiggles his hips to get his rhythm and sharply slams his cock in her cunt.

The last thrust opens the floodgates of her passion. Paul's firm thrusts up her pussy were met with violent return strokes by Mrs. Henderson.

"Ok, fuck. I can't believe I'm fucking a student. I've never fucked a student before, but Paul you inflame me. I had to have your cock. I just knew you'd have a big dick that would fill me up."

The rutting couple approaches orgasm. Mrs. Henderson goes over the line first. Slamming her ass into Paul's crotch she cums with an intensity she has never known. "Paul, give me your cum, cum with me, I need your hot cum. Do you want to cum in my pussy or my mouth?"

Paul grunts, "I'm going to cum in your hot cunt."

"Give it to me. I'm cumming. Fuck me!"

Paul's cock blasts her cunt full of his cum. He falls over her back as the last drops of his cum pump into her pussy. She thinks, "My first load of cum in ten years. It's feels so good to have a cock cumming in my cunt."

Paul pulls out and pulls up his underwear and pants.

Mrs. Henderson is lying on the top of her desk. Her dress is up over her ass, and a small stream of cum is dripping from her pussy down her leg.

Paul walks over and places his hand on her ass, and says, "I've got to get back to study hall."

Mrs. Henderson doesn't move she just says, "Fine, Paul. I'll let you know about the project."

He turns before opening the door, "Mrs. Henderson, are you alright?"

"Paul, I've never been this alright in my life."

"Thanks," Paul said opening the door, stepping into the deserted hallway and softly shutting the door behind him.

After Paul leaves Mrs. Henderson's office she stands up on her shaky legs. She finds her panties on the floor and picks them up. She touches the wet crotch and opens her desk drawer and slips them inside.

As the memory of her mating with a student fades from her mind she recalls a blind date she went on a couple of months ago. She opens up her address book and looks for the man's name.

She remembered that he stared at her tits so much during the evening that she became angry and had him take her home. The memory of his eyes on her tits now, rather than making her angry, gave her a little tingle you know where. She finds the number and begins dialing.

Paul walks into his house, drops his book bag by the door, and heads into the kitchen for a can of pop. He is late getting home. Usually he gets home at 3:45, but today he stayed late to go back and talk to Mrs. Henderson. He wanted to see if her memory of their sex was as short as Peggy's. He asked her a simple question about the youth project. She answered him as if her old self. They discussed her answer and she gave no indication that she remembered being fucked on her desktop.

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