Kitty - Cover


by GentleButFirm

Copyright© 2003 by GentleButFirm

Erotica Sex Story: Another story that wrote itself. I was trying to tell the whole story in dialogue. I think I managed something. Yes, it's supposed to be at least a bit silly. <br>Quote from the story: <i>"...but I just can't seem to lose my virginity. I'm wondering if you can help"</i>

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Humor   First   Masturbation   Slow   .

"Hi, uhh... is that John?"

"Yep. Who's that?"

"Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty."

"Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys."

"Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember."

"I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?"

"You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?"

"Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?"

"Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the porch to talk to Alice..."

"Masters. Yeah, I remember that."

"... and I was standing next to her."

"In the blue dress? That was you?"

"You are good, aren't you?"

"I remember looking at you, and thinking that you were unfamiliar. But I'm afraid the beer was getting to me, and I had to go sit down. I should have said hello."

"Oh, that's alright. Listen, I hope you don't mind, but I've been doing some checking."

"Checking? About what?"

"Well, you actually. I found out that you have had four girlfriends in the last couple of years, and that you still..."

"What? How did you know that?"

"... keep in touch with them all, and they all regard you as a friend. I think that's important. I also found out that you were pretty outstanding in the bedroom department."

"I was? Well, that's nice to know, but if you could see me now, you'd know I was blushing."

"Blushing, huh? Anyway John, I wanted to ask you about something."

"Hey, ask away, you already know a lot more about me than I know about you, so carry on."

"Well, I'll be blunt. I'm seventeen years old. You know what I look like. I'm a nice enough girl, but I just can't seem to lose my virginity. I'm wondering if you can help."

"Me? You want me to find you a date, or something?"

"No John. You don't understand. I want you to do it."

"Ay? Hold on. We've never met, and you want to umm... you know... with me?"

"Well, we sort of met actually, and yes, I want you to fuck me. I'm very honest with myself, and I know what I want. From what I hear, you're the man to give it to me, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, but you can't just ring someone up out of the blue, and... Did you say 'fuck'? Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"John, I know exactly what I'm doing. I've got all the normal urges. I've been masturbating for years. I've had a guy touch me with his hands, and he even sucked my nipples. I'm not shy. I need to take the next step. Can you help?"

"Hell Kitty, no one has ever asked me like this before. Shouldn't you get a boyfriend, and wait until he asks you?"

"I don't want a boyfriend John. I want intercourse. Are you up for it, or not?"

"Well I..."

"Yes or no. Have you any idea how hard it was to make this call?"

"... Yes! How could I say no? I'm making no promises as to performance or anything though. I'm just a normal guy."

There is more of this story...
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