Putting Friendship to the Test - Cover

Putting Friendship to the Test

Copyright© 2003 by HedbangerSA

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Two young friends enjoy one's mother. They face other "tests" when they arrive at college.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Humor   Incest   Mother   Son   Gang Bang   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   School  

Both Ronnie and I were tired the next morning, but were feeling pretty good otherwise. We had to work the morning shift at Cooties and I was promising myself a long nap as soon as we got off. I'd been a little worried that Ronnie would be touchy about sharing Janice with me all night, but he didn't seem to be. We were getting good at this, first with Susie and now his mom.

Sarah was late but Ronnie and I had her station ready when she rolled in five minutes before the restaurant opened. That was part of our deal with her. I was putting the silverware and place mats on the last table when she came walking over tying her apron.

"Nice job, pencil dick," she said, using her favorite term of endearment for me. She was smiling a little and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Thanks, I guess," I said. Sarah stared at me for a moment.

"I had dinner with your little friend last night," she finally said.

"Which friend is that?" I asked.

"Little Miss Tightbutt."

"You did?"

"Yeah. She invited me and was buying so I said why not?" Sarah said, shrugging.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked after I finished with the silverware.

"The usual girl stuff. Clothes, sex, shopping, sex, asshole men and... oh yeah, sex," Sarah said without smiling. She looked like she wanted to say something else, and for a second I thought Sarah was going to let down her guard. Her face softened a little and she glanced around. But then the moment passed.

Mr. Regan was unlocking the front door and a group of four men was heading our way. Sarah straightened her uniform and tugged the front down a little so her boobs showed more.

"Time to get to work, pencil dick," she said.

By about ten o'clock things slowed down. Ronnie and I took our break, sitting at the first table in the front of the restaurant that no one ever wanted, behind the register and next to the bathrooms.

"I'm tired. You?" I asked. Ronnie nodded.

"Quite a workout last night," he said.

"You can say that again. Do you think Janice would be okay if we cool it for a couple of days? It was great, but I need to get some sleep," I said.

"She told me the same thing this morning. She had a lot of fun, though."

I poured us both more coffee.

"You okay on all of this?" I asked. Ronnie shrugged.

"Yeah... no... I don't know, maybe not. I guess I'm thinking I'll probably end up in therapy someday. But hell, at least the shrink won't be bored, right? And I'm glad to see her happy."

"You going to tell Brittany about it?" I asked.

"Are you nuts?" Ronnie said, shaking his head. "And don't you dare tell Vicki about it either. It'd be all over campus. I nodded in agreement.

"I was just asking," I said, then hesitated. "Your mom talked to me last night about why she's doing this. She said she'll probably want to stop screwing us after Christmas."

Ronnie nodded. "We talked about that, too. She says I need a girl my own age but she's not sure if Brittany is the right one." He looked at me, really serious. "It's okay if we have to stop. The important thing is that she's feeling good about herself. And I want her to get married again and be happy."

The door to the restaurant opened. Sheila Waters and Jessica Granger, two cute girls from our high school class walked in. Both were part of the "hug but don't fuck" crowd we used to hang out with. Jessica held the door open and Susie Venable walked in after them. Susie looked great wearing tight jeans and a white sweater, one of those fuzzy ones that look really soft and cling to every curve.

"Hi, guys," Jessica said to us. "Okay if we sit anywhere?"

"Yeah, sure," I said, still looking at Susie. I was hoping she'd come over and talk, but she never even looked at me. Jessica and Sheila followed Susie to a table on Sarah's station, and all three girls seemed aware of the looks they were getting from the men in the restaurant. When Sarah went to take their order she sat down next to Susie like they were old friends. Every so often Sarah glanced over at us, and there was lots of laughing going on.

"I wonder what's so funny?" Ronnie asked.

"Gee, I don't know. Let me take a wild guess... us?" I said.

"Why would they be laughing at us?"

"Susie and Sarah had dinner together last night. They're big buddies now and something is up," I said. "I'm betting that Sarah spilled the beans about us being losers."

"She wouldn't do that, she wants everyone to think we're studs. Guys have been hitting on her all week," Ronnie said.

Just then Mr. Regan waved at us and pointed to his watch. Time to get back to work.

Things got busy after that and I didn't have much time to worry about Susie. The next thing I knew they were leaving. While Susie and Sheila paid the check, Jessica came over to where Ronnie and I were slicing pies for the lunch crowd so Sarah wouldn't have to do it.

"Hi guys. I didn't know you baked, Austin," Jessica said. I grimaced at her.

"Very funny, Jessica. I like your hair, by the way," I said. It was shorter than in high school and while still dark blonde there were streaks in it that were really light. It made her look like a hooker but I figured it couldn't hurt to stroke Susie's friends.

"Thanks, Austin. Hey, are you guys doing anything Friday night?

"Friday night? I don't think so," I said, looking at Ronnie.

"Well, my folks are out of town for the weekend, and I'm having a party. Stop in around eight if you're not doing anything. Should be fun," Jessica said. She winked at us and then trotted up to join Sheila and Susie.

Cooties was closed for Thanksgiving so we got the day off. Ronnie and I hung out at his house most of the day watching football. That's what we always did on Thanksgiving Day, so it was nice... Detroit beat the Cowboys again. It wasn't exactly the same though, because Ronnie's dad wasn't there. That and Janice kept walking through in her underwear and she asked me to help her zip up her dress.

Ronnie and Janice were coming to my house for dinner. My mom said it didn't make sense for both of them to cook but the real reason was that she was afraid Janice would be sad about her family being broken up over a holiday. Yeah, right. I was pretty sure Janice hadn't thought about Dean Randall all week and she looked pretty happy.

Anyway, dinner went fine. My goofy dad asked Janice twice if she'd lost weight, and he kept telling her that she looked great. She did look a little thinner than during the summer but I was betting that the all-night fucking had more to do with it. Like Ronnie said, it was doing wonders for her confidence.

After dinner we watched more football and had a couple of beers. Ronnie and I were working the breakfast shift again, and by about nine I was ready to hit the rack. Ronnie got up to leave and Janice gathered up the empty dishes for the food she brought. Before they left she said something to my mom, who called me into the kitchen.

"Austin, why don't you go with them? Janice told me how much she appreciated you staying the other night, and it has to seem empty over there with Dean gone."

For about five seconds I thought about saying no. I was still pretty sore from the last time and a guy needed to get some sleep, too. Plus we worked really hard at Cooties and I was stuffed with turkey. But what the heck, who was I kidding? Janice was hot and I'd have to be a fucking idiot to turn that down. I could catch up on my sleep later, like when I was thirty.

"Sure, Mom. I'd love to," I said.

Judging from the smug look on Janice's face as we left, I was in for another all-nighter.

I'd been at the break table for five minutes when Ronnie got there. My head was against the wall and all I could think about was how great it would be to fall asleep for a while.

"Sarah wants us to cut up some salad," Ronnie said, with his forehead on the table.

"Don't talk to me. Takes too much energy," I said. Ronnie started to laugh, and I couldn't help but join in.

"Hey, Ronnie. See anything on the floor back there? I think my dick fell off," I said, setting off a new bout of laughter. We were both moaning at the same time - my jaw was still sore from eating pussy and all the muscles in my stomach and chest were aching from other parts of the workout Janice put me through.

"Oh, jeez. Don't say anything else," Ronnie said with tears in his eyes.

We both fought to get back into control, breathing deeply and not looking at each other. Mr. Regan was at the cash register shaking his head like he thought we were crazy.

"That's it, I'm not sleeping over at your house any more until at least Sunday," I said, calm again. At least I didn't feel tired anymore.

"Tonight's easy. We've got Jessica's party," Ronnie replied. I looked at him.

"You want to go?"

"Sure. Why not?

"Because Susie will be there. She's not even talking to us."

"There'll be other girls there. Sheila was looking pretty hot," Ronnie said. I had to admit that he was right, and college could sure change a girl's attitude about putting out. It worked with Susie.

"Okay, but only for a while. We're working again on Saturday," I reminded him.

Jessica's dad was loaded and she had a perfect house for parties. They had this huge great room with a 56" TV that had MTV2 blaring over the surround sound and there was a keg set up in the kitchen and another downstairs in a family room by their pool table. We got there around nine o'clock and there must have been a hundred cars out front already.

We let ourselves in and looked around. Jessica was in the kitchen so we wandered over there.

"Hey, glad you could come," she said, handing us two big plastic cups of beer.

"Glad we did. Great party," I said, half-shouting over the music. I took a big swig of beer, expecting Jessica to turn her attention elsewhere. Instead she put a hand on my shoulder and guided me to a less crowded spot. It looked like she had a pretty good head start on drinking - she was having trouble keeping her eyes focused.

"It's great seeing you again, Austin."

"It is?"

"Sure. We weren't real close in high school but I always liked you, ' she said, leaning a little closer. Jessica was wearing a tight tank top that didn't cover her stomach. She smelled pretty good.

"I, uh... liked you too, Jessica," I said, still trying to figure out what was going on. I asked her out once during junior year and got blown off big time.

"It's too bad we're going to different schools," she said, as though I could have gone to an Ivy League college too. "That's neat about you and Susie hooking up at State."

I took a long pull on my beer, stalling for time as I struggled to get my bearings. This conversation was getting weirder by the minute. Luckily Jessica kept talking.

"It's too bad things didn't work out, but she told me you had a lot of fun," she said, her mouth practically against my ear. I nodded, figuring that was safe.

"I was thinking that maybe we could have some of that kind of fun, Austin."

Jessica was running her tongue over her upper lip and looking at me like I was covered with chocolate sprinkles. She moved closer, shoving her left tit against my arm. Jessica had big boobs and wasn't wearing a bra. My cock started to inflate and I shifted a little to keep her from bumping into it.

"Gee, that'd be great, Jessica. When?" I asked, thinking that both of us were going back to school in a couple of days. That got a smile from her, and I decided that Jessica looked pretty hot. She had her hair different, kind of curly and the streaks didn't look so bad anymore.

"Soon! I've got to play hostess for a while so just hang out. Then we'll sneak up to my room," she said, her eyes sparkling. She kissed me on the cheek and moved away, walking unsteadily. Ronnie came over after she left, carrying two more beers.

"What was that all about?" he asked.

"Jessica just asked me if I wanted to fuck," I said.

"No shit?"

"She wants to go up to her room in a minute."

"You gonna do it?" Ronnie asked.

"Sure. I've been wanting to get hold of her tits since I was about twelve," I said.

"Me, too," Ronnie replied. We both watched Jessica as she mingled. She had on really tight jeans and they showed off her long legs nicely.

"She looks hammered," Ronnie observed. I shrugged.

"Maybe she won't remember it."

"Remember what?"

Ronnie and I turned to find Susie standing next to us. Neither of us said anything. Susie smiled, and I wondered how much of our conversation she overheard.

"Jessica's not going to remember much if she doesn't slow down," Susie said. We both nodded. Being this close to Susie and hearing her voice made it kind of hard to breathe. Susie was wearing these tight, cream colored pants and a yellow tube top. She looked great in yellow.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"Good. You've been working a lot?"

I cringed. This reminded me about Susie talking to Sarah.

"Yeah. We needed the money," Ronnie said.

Ronnie and Susie kept talking but I wasn't really listening. I was studying her face and thinking about how pretty Susie was. And wondering how I could have screwed things up so badly with her. For a while there we could communicate almost without talking and now a simple conversation was so uncomfortable that I was sweating. Susie looked over at me.

"Well, I think I'll take off," she said. She looked kind of sad.

"So early?" Ronnie asked. Susie nodded.

"I can't drink much. I've got to drive back to school pretty early tomorrow. The squad is working up some new routines for the big game next week."

"Oh, right," I said. It was Homecoming week.

"You guys have fun, though. Good seeing you," Susie said. Ronnie and I both watched her leave. On her way out Susie stopped to talk to Jessica. We couldn't hear anything because the music was so loud, but it looked like they were arguing.

After we talked to Susie I was a little depressed. A few more beers helped, and by the time Jessica wandered back over I was feeling a lot better.

"You ready for some of that fun?" I asked.

"Sure," Jessica said. She slurred the word and was leaning against me for support.

"Lead the way," I said. She took my hand and meandered toward the stairs. I knew where her room was because I'd been there once when we were in the seventh grade. Jessica had our Student Council retreat at her house and gave everyone a tour. Her room had been covered with posters of boy bands and she had about a million stuffed animals piled everywhere.

Jessica was having trouble holding my hand and climbing stairs at the same time, so I took an arm firmly and frog-marched her to her room. The boy-band posters were gone, replaced with framed prints of flowers that I recognized from my art history class - by that French guy Monet. The stuffed animals were still there. The bed was covered, including a pink teddy bear almost as big as Jessica.

Jessica shut the door and locked it, then turned to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her tits were pressed against my chest, nipples already hard.

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