Wild Naked Family - Cover

Wild Naked Family


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Teen Millie has sexual relations with every male member of her family, including her grand-father and cousin. She even has sexual relations with her mom. So what do you give her for her birthday? - how about a family orgy in her honor!!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Rough   Gang Bang   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

After polishing off Jack and sending him back to Navy life with plenty to brag about to his shipmates, Millie and her mother felt like they were on top of the world.

"What next?" Millie asked Betsy. "Let's face it, Mom, we're on a roll. We got to pour it on."

"Are we still keeping it in the family?" Betsy Underwood asked her daughter.

"Why? Is there somebody in the family you're just dying to fuck?"

"Ever since I was just about your age," Betsy wistfully sighed. "He was always there, but he never touched me except just that once. Just a couple of fingers in my hot, young pussy for a few seconds while we were kids and that was it. But I never got it."

"Uncle Matt?" Millie guessed.

At the mention of her older brother, Betsy Underwood dreamily nodded, sighing, "You know, I've never seen his cock hard, not even the day he felt my pussy. I begged him to take it out so I could suck it, but he lost his nerve and ran out of the room. So guilty that a few days later he ran off for good and joined the Navy. I never got over it and I was even jealous when he finally married your Aunt Libby."

"Do you think Uncle Matt's hung, Mom?" Millie asked.

"He's Jack's father, isn't he?" Betsy noted. "When we were sucking and fucking that boy's beautiful, big cock, I just couldn't help thinking that it must run in the family."

"Well, damn, Mom! I don't have to tell you there's only one way to find out for certain," Millie declared.

"Mmmmm, don't I know it," Betsy moaned, rubbing her pussy in anticipation of fucking Jack's father, her brother Matt. "And this time I'll do the scheming. Listen..."

"Been getting into any strange stuff, kiddo?" Jack's father asked as they were drinking beer in the den. "Enough so you'll be the man of the hour when you get back on board ship and everybody else starts swapping lies."

In the midst of packing his gear, Jack had to grin. He and the old man had a real locker-room kind of relationship. Pals more than father and son. Probably because his dad had been a hell-raiser too.

"I've been doing all right, Pop," Jack finally answered.

"Anybody I know?" his father persisted.

"You mean anybody you might have fucked first, don't you?" Jack laughed.

"Well, yeah, then how 'bout it, Son?"

"Not this time, Pop," Jack answered. "Think the stuff I got into this time was too strange for even a dirty, old man like you."

"Don't be so sure of that, junior. The years haven't caught up with me yet."

Just then, a honking horn sounded from out in the street. Jack closed his bag and stood up with it.

"Gotta split, Pop," he said. "You take care of yourself, okay?"

"You too, Son. Just too bad you didn't tell me more about that 'strange stuff.' I could've kept it warm for you until your next shore leave."

"You'll do all right on your own, Pop. Get a piece of ass for me, huh?"

"Sure, kid."

They embraced. Then Jack, the son, left to catch his ride back to his ship and Matt, the father, settled down in an easy chair with a fresh can of beer to think in private about what it would be like to be young again.

Matt grumbled when the doorbell rang a few minutes after Jack had gone. "Don't need any damned company when I'm sitting around worrying that my own son's getting more pussy than I am."

When the ringing continued, Matt finally got up to answer. On his way through the house, he caught sight of himself in the mirror, automatically flexing his biceps so his tattoo rippled. Then, with his other hand, he patted his flat, hard belly.

"Christ, I still got it," Matt told himself. "While Jack's jacking off in the middle of the ocean on his ship, I'll be getting all the pussy I can handle back here at home. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky right away with another one of those door-to-door sales-cunts?"

He'd fucked one of them just last month. She'd been selling Bibles for Christ's sake. Sure, she wasn't as young as Matt would've liked her to be, but that's why he'd butt-fucked her. At least her asshole was as tight as any teenager's cunt.

Indeed, thinking about it, by the time he opened the door, Matt had himself a hard-on. Which was why he abruptly turned as red as a beet with embarrassment as he saw who had come calling.

"Hi, Uncle Matt!" she said, standing there in her tight cut-off jeans and skimpy halter. "Do you think I could come in for a minute and talk to you about something?"

"Uh, sure, Millie honey," Matt nervously replied to his sister Betsy's teenaged daughter. "Always got time for my favorite niece. What's it all about?"

"I'd rather wait until we're inside," Millie said. "Is Aunt Libby around?"

"No, she's off somewhere," Matt answered. "And Jack just left for his ship so I'm rattling around by myself in the house."

"Good," Millie said, brushing past her uncle so her jiggling tits briefly scraped his arm and raised goose bumps on it. "'Cause this is real private."

They went to Matt's den. He was glad to sit down so he could hide his stubborn hard-on with his lap. His niece sat too, directly across from him, providing just enough of a view into her cut-offs so Matt swore he could see pussy hair. He was almost sure the little girl wasn't wearing only panties.

"Well?" Matt asked, anxious to get this over with so he could go beat his meat.

"No point in beating around the bush, Uncle Matt. I know you're a stand-up guy."

"Then, uh, shoot," Matt muttered uneasily.

"It's Jack," Millie said.

"What about him?" Matt gulped, sensing disaster.

Millie paused. Her eye-contact became more intense. Trapped by her stare, her uncle began to sweat.

"Jack fucked me, Uncle Matt."

Jesus, Matt thought as his blood seemed to drain from everyplace except his rigid cock, so this was what his boy had been up to! But that was going too far. Fucking family was over the line, Matt firmly believed. If he didn't, he would have gotten into his sister Betsy's pants a long time ago.

"Okay, listen up, little girl, I'll make it good to you," Matt promised his niece, fuming inside at his careless son. "Next time that damned Jack shows his face around here, I'll personally kick his ass for you."

Millie shifted in her chair. More of her wispy bush showed under her cut- offs. Then, before she spoke again, her dangling fingers traced the tawny slope of one of her inner thighs just shy of her semi-exposed crotch.

"Actually, Uncle Matt," she purred, "that isn't what I had in mind. You see, I'm not pissed off at Jack at all. Well, except that he's left town and can't fuck me again until his next leave. But I was thinking..."

Matt was abruptly on the edge of his chair. His heart felt like it had dropped between his legs, wildly beating in the shaft of his throbbing hard-on.

"Something tells me you can definitely help me out, Uncle Matt," Millie sweetly cooed. "After all, Jack must've inherited what he's got from someone and his dad seems like the best place to look."

Matt nearly strangled. "God, little girl, you mean what I think you mean?"

"Right on, you're elected," Millie stated, standing and dropping her cut- offs. "It's your turn to fuck me now, Uncle Matt."

Her hairy cunt was like an explosion between her legs. Then her fingertips reached into the curly jungle, snagging and separating her pussylips so a slice of vibrant pink showed. Next, as she kept her pussy spread, it dripped with the leaking juice of female arousal.

"I'll bet," she then said, "that your cock's as big and hard as my cunt is soaking wet, Uncle Matt. How about it? Eight inches?"

"T-ten," Matt stammered.

"Well, don't expect me to just take your word for it," Millie teased.

She closed the distance between them. Then, with her teenaged pussy

lingering in Matt's face while he sat there in astonishment, she reached down and unzipped his extremely swollen fly. Since he never wore shorts, his muscular prick immediately sprang out at attention.

"I don't even have to see it to know it's a monster," she maintained, closing her eyes. "Got a better way of testing out its size than that."

She refused to look, but she wrapped her slender hand around her uncle's pulsing cock, holding it straight up. Now she slid down on it, bending at the knees so her dripping cunt swallowed Matt's hard-on to his balls.

"Oh, no," Millie sighed, wiggling her hips. "This cock's not any ten inches long. Now, you sure you were telling me the truth, Uncle Matt?"

Matt self-consciously muttered that he thought he'd been accurate. Having the size of his cock questioned was a new experience for him. Only thing he could think of was that he wasn't as hard as he thought he'd been. Was he really getting that old? Couldn't even get it all the way up for a piece of ass as young as his teenaged niece?

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