Horse-Loving Niece - Cover

Horse-Loving Niece


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - While helping out her aunt on her farm/ranch, a gal gets more loving than she can handle, from a dog, forced sex with a horse and of course the foreman.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"So what about it? Is this place a stud farm or isn't it?"


Linda sat at the other end of the kitchen table, a glass of juice in her hand. The question had caught Linda off-guard. Janice was sitting opposite her, sipping her coffee nonchalantly, staring at her with those blue eyes.

"Well, I've heard all those stories about the men who work on the ranches... you know," she said confidentially, setting down her coffee and leaning forward with a wicked smile on her lips. "And I thought... well, that my sister was being cared for, especially since Aunt Jane's out of the way for a while."

Linda nearly blanched. It was all she could do to keep from giving away her terrible secret. That night Chad had attacked her she had phoned her sister, nearly begging her to come up. Janice had arrived late Wednesday night, the two of them chatting quickly until fatigue and guilt forced Linda to call time until Thursday morning. Now Janice was sitting opposite her, leering at her, making jokes while she felt her life crumbling. And this was the night Hank the foreman was supposed to take her out to the dance!

"Well, you can put all those stories out of your head, Janice," Linda said stiffly, setting down her juice glass on the plate with a clatter. "Nothing's happened here, and nothing's going to happen. I was just feeling very lonely and... oh, I don't know," Linda said impatiently, waving one hand in front of her face.

"I can understand how you might feel lonely up here, Linda, but with all those handsome studs out there... someone like me would... well, have a good time and run the ranch," Janice said, narrowing her eyes and broadening her smile.

Linda sighed, feeling somehow less a woman than her sister. She had always felt that way. Janice had always had the men, had had the dates while she sat at home and felt her pussy tighten and burn.

"Have you... fooled around any?" Janice asked after a moment or two of silence had passed.

"No," Linda said firmly, somehow feeling a little ashamed of herself. "But I've got a date tonight with the foreman. A dance in town and..."

She couldn't finish the sentence. What was she doing going out with Hank? Was she going to let him try something? Was this her first go at a... a fuck? Just thinking about the possibility made her a little short of breath. Linda picked up the juice glass again and took another sip, feeling her sister's mocking smile.

"Well, not bad. The foreman yet. Nothing like starting at the top."

Linda shivered, studying her sister for a moment.

"Don't you have any hang-ups? I mean, when you go out on a date, do you..." Linda couldn't finish the sentence, feeling her face blush furiously.

"This is the day of women's liberation," Janice said simply, shrugging and sipping her coffee once more. "If a man wants me and I want him, why should I stop what's so natural?"

"But morals... don't they mean anything to you?" Linda asked, feeling her flesh crawling with excitement, her nipples stiffening, scratching against the stiff material of her bra. Her sister's arguments were making her more and more aroused, excited at the thought of going out with Hank tonight.

"The problem's that you're just too uptight about men, Linda. You've always been that way. Of course, mama had a better crack at you than me. I think she just threw up her hands and left me for the devil," Janice said, running the rim of the coffee cup back and forth over her lips. "Well, that consignment hasn't been all that bad, let me tell you."

Linda wanted to ask her sister so many questions about men. She was sure Janice could tell her much. Of course, she was one up on her sister. There was the other night, the night when she had let that German Shepherd crawl on top of her and lick her pussy into orgasm. She was certain Janice had never thought about that, let alone done it. But that was something Linda wasn't about to confess to anyone, let alone Janice!

"I just don't think doing things with men is all that important," Linda said a little gloomily, getting up and starting to collect the breakfast dishes.

"That's your problem, Linda. But if that foreman were to take me out and if I liked him, I think I could fuck with him all night."


"Darling, if your precious virginity means more to you than being happy... you are still a virgin, right?"

Linda nodded her head up and down.

"Well, then, if keeping your cherry means more to you than having a man's dick, I feel a little sorry for you. You don't know how good it is to --"

"Stop it!" Linda shouted at Janice, her fingers trembling and threatening to let go of the breakfast dishes. She wasn't used to this kind of talk, this kind of horrible banter about men and cocks and sex.

"Don't you worry, Linda. I won't mention it again," Janice sniffed, a little miffed at her sister's sudden outburst.

"Don't... don't you have any hang-ups at all?" Linda asked bitterly, dumping the dirty dishes in the sink and turning to face her sister.

"Few," Janice said, getting up from the table and stretching her arms over her head. She was still dressed in a silky blue robe. It began to open as she moved her body from side to side, revealing the inner curves of her full, big, high-riding tits. Linda sucked in her lower lip and bit down.

"The men... they can see you through the back window," Linda whispered.

"Let them. I'm available," the brunette said wickedly, winking at her sister, then sashaying out of the kitchen.

It had been a mistake inviting Janice up here. Linda could see that already. She had forgotten what a slut the girl could be when she wanted. Linda had wanted comfort, some companionship. And instead she had managed to land another problem. Well, why not? This seemed to be the year for problems, for trials. Taking one dish at a time, Linda began rinsing off the unused food, thinking about Hank, about what was going to happen later that evening when he took her to the dance in town.

Several hours passed. Janice, in respect to her sister, had kept her profile low, wearing the most modest of dresses around the house and doing her best not to entice the farmhands. Even though she taunted her sister with all sorts of smart remarks, Janice really loved her sister, admiring her for trying to run this ranch and still deal with the problems of her life. It was shortly after one o'clock when Linda announced 'she was taking the car to town.

"I'll pass on the big tour of the metropolis," Janice said jauntily, stretching out on the living room sofa and leafing through a magazine. "It's too hot out there anyway and I'll bet you don't have air conditioning in the car."

"Aunt Jane thought it was too expensive and --"

"Thought so," Janice said, arching her eyebrows knowingly and going back to her magazine. "I'll sit here while you go out and have fun. Then we'll have a nice long talk about men."

Linda shivered, once again thinking about her date with Hank that evening. She paused at the door, then walked out to the waiting car, leaving Janice alone in the house.

The brunette sat in the living room for the next few minutes looking at the pictures of the journal, her mind drifting as she heard Linda's car drive off. Contrary to what her sister thought, she hadn't been the town whore. Her mother had managed to instill some guilt in her, although not the quantity she'd dumped onto Linda. It had taken her quite a lot of time and effort to finally fuck a guy. Even now at college, Janice found herself initially reluctant to let a man do more than simply kiss her and feel her up every now and then. Her talk was bravado -- or a good deal of it.

Her reverie was broken by the sound of paws scratching over the kitchen tiles. Looking up from the pages, Janice saw Chad pause at the doorway, tilt his head and look curiously at her. His long pink tongue was hanging from one corner of his mouth.

"Why, a friend," Janice said flippantly, folding the magazine up and putting it to one side. She patted her legs and called to the dog. "Come here, Chad. We didn't have a good chance to get acquainted."

The German Shepherd raised his bushy tail and barked, trotting over to her and sniffing around her legs.

"Friendly little thing, aren't you?" she cooed, rubbing her fingers against his head and bending down slightly to press her chin against his soft, warm fur. "Oh, you're a nice, nice dog."

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