Coed's Wild Ass - Cover

Coed's Wild Ass


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She knew the effect that she had on men, and the effect that men had on her, but she could do nothing about it...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

They had finally left her alone for a few minutes. Lydia lay against a wooden wall in a small shed attached to the main house. After beating her ass with the belt, Rick had had her taken from the house and stuffed in the shed.

It was during this time she learned he was one of the local police sergeants of the small town attached to the compound, and one who was assigned the duty of occasionally patrolling the area as Tom told her they did. The shoemaker, it seems, had often scouted out young prey for them before, while the third man also belonged to the Sturbridge Village police.

This she learned from the casual conversation held behind her back. Rick and his buddy had to call in to the main station and report, while the shoemaker was left behind to mind the store-- that is she and Tina.

As she lay on her back in the cold, damp darkness, Lydia wondered why the other victims--if there were other victims-- didn't report what had happened to them to the legitimate authorities. Surely most would be too ashamed to say anything for fear of public ridicule and shame. But surely there must have been one or two who were outraged enough to have risked exposure to bring justice down on these men's heads. These and similar thoughts drifted through the young blonde's head as she leaned on an elbow and looked at a tiny beam of moonlight streaming in from the outside. Her belly felt warm as she passed her hand down her right side to her belly and kneaded the soft flesh between her fingers. Her ass still burned and stung from the beating Rick had given it. She thought of how she'd been draped over that table, her long legs spread widely apart and held down firmly while her ankles were restrained in the same way. She'd been pinned down to the top of the table like a biological specimen, her high-riding asscheeks completely exposed to Rick's brutal attack. And yet how exciting it had been. She couldn't deny the heat that had burned in her pussy with each killing blow of the belt against her jiggling buttocks. Even now she could feel her pussy thrilling to that strange heat radiating up from her ass. Lydia smiled to herself, cupping a hand under her large and firm titties.

The touch gave her a chill. At first she thought about removing her hand. Why should she drive herself on sexually while these men were providing all the ammunition for perversion. And yet no one could see her. What harm did it do. She moved her hand up, thumbing her nipple until it grew stiff and pushed up out of the soft dark red aureole. The effect was hot and electric. She sensed the tension in her body building once again. The tickle of her nipple had started those slick juices flowing between her cunt-lips. She thought of that belt, of the sensations she'd felt when that Setter licked her off earlier that evening, of Tom and his fat cock ramming up her asshole while his finger strummed her clitty mercilessly.

All the images blurred together in Lydia's confused, tortured mind. When she started rocking her hips, the buttery heat spread and leaked out to dot her blonde cuntal curls with dew. Even after the assault she'd received, the blonde was theirs for more sex. Her breathing had grown shallow. She licked her dry lips, tossed her head against wooden wall behind her and spread her legs further apart as she let her right forefinger droop over her cuntal mound and brush against her stiffening clit.

"Ahhhh," Lydia sighed, closing her eyes and slackening her jaw. She moved her finger back and forth, spreading the outer lips apart gently, milking the fleshy lobes together with the palms of her hands while stroking the clit-shaft more purposefully.

Lydia felt her knees trembling. She was fingering herself to cum. Oh, to be left alone where she could fantasize all she wanted.

But then the sounds of footsteps approaching the shed made the blonde pull her hands away from her crack. The door squeaked open, and in the bright moonlight Lydia could distinguish the all too familiar faces of Rick, Doug and Jack.

"Mmmmm, I smell pussy juice in here," Rick taunted.

"Good fresh and hot," Doug took up, raising his face and taking in a deep breath.

"I think the lady's ready for another round," Jack joined the other two, all three of them peering down at Lydia. The blonde shrank against the wall, pulling up her knees protectively against her chest and pushing her back hard to the wood behind her.

"She likes to fuck outside. Let's take her to the garden," Rick said to the other two men.

They all moved quickly, dragging the protesting blonde from the shed, down the path and back to the garden where the Setter had so rudely licked her pussy to climax.

When they got down to the garden Lydia saw the big Setter was down there waiting for them. His bushy tail wagged back and forth while his thick head was tilted and facing her.

"This can't be happening," Lydia said out loud as Jack and Rick held her on either side, guiding her down to the approximate spot where she'd lain before. And yet the sight of the dog excited her as it sickened her.

Lydia felt her stomach turn over as she realized what was happening inside her. Tossing her head from side to side she let out a scream, tearing at the two men as best she could in a last attempt to free herself.

"Damn it!" Doug said, nearly falling on his face because of the blonde's violent struggling. Both men looked at one another while Rick moved down to the dog, squatting and stroking its head. On a mutual signal Doug and Rick let Lydia go, throwing her forward and thus pitching her down on the ground.

"Ohhhhhfffff!" Lydia cried, throwing her hands protectively out in front of her. The woman jerked forward, hitting her chin against the hard dirt while her injured ankle twisted more and ripped an anguished cry from her throat.

"Get her!" Rick said to the dog. The same command was used before, and the big Setter recognized it. Barking twice, the dog jerked from his resting position and lunged for the prostrate Lydia.

The blonde saw the big animal prancing toward her and groaned, covering her face protectively with her hands while rolling over on her belly. Rick and Doug weren't to be disappointed. Reaching down they rolled Lydia on her back just when the Setter reached her shoulders. The confused woman kicked her legs free of their hands and the animal settled down between her legs and prodded her hungrily between her thighs.

"Oh no, don't!" Lydia cried, shuddering as she felt that familiar tongue slosh back up her slick, fat crack. It was terrible, that same forbidden feeling of earlier tearing at her snatch. The big dog was growling excitedly. Lydia struggled backward on the ground, propping her torso up on her elbows and scooting her violated asscheeks over the ground. But where could she go? The fence was behind her, and the men all around her.

As she moved backward she could feel the velvet wetness of her pussy exposed. She sensed the inner surfaces of her pussy rubbing together as she wormed further away from the creeping, growling animal.

"No!" she begged.

"No!" all three men shouted back, breaking into mocking laughter as they all watched the dog jump, his front big hairy paws hitting her thighs. His nose plunged immediately under her hot cuntal mound, his tongue wetting her. The animal wasn't fooled by Lydia's reluctance on the surface. He was whining, wiggling his strong body back and forth as he towered above her. Lydia felt petrified.

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