Coed's Wild Ass - Cover

Coed's Wild Ass


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She knew the effect that she had on men, and the effect that men had on her, but she could do nothing about it...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

"Oh yeah, get that tongue around it, yeah, yeah," Rick said, pumping his fat thighs back and forth, jamming his fat dickroot into Lydia's stretched mouth. The young blonde student felt her stomach turning over as spittle frothed over her lips and leaked from the corners of her mouth. The stray cockhairs peeking from around the silver teeth of Rick's zipper tickled Lydia's nostrils as she sank forward, then backed away until the groove just behind his dick-meaty cock-crown was held between her lips.

Both hands were clasped behind her head now, and his fingertips digging into her skull as the big man pushed his cock farther down Lydia's throat. Hot tears welled up in her eyes as she gagged, coughed and gasped for air. She could taste the sour, slightly bleachy flavor of his jizz that slowly leaked from his piss-slit.

"Hey, you don't wanna blow your wad in her fuckin' mouth, do you?" Doug asked, stepping forward and laying one hand on his buddy's shoulder.

"Naw. We've got special plans for this cunny of yours," the big fat man said, giving a few more quick jabs into her mouth before yanking his dick out. Lydia closed her lips and leaned forward, her arms wrapped tightly around her belly as she coughed and fought back the desire to vomit in front of them. She could hear them laughing and sniggering as she sucked in large breaths of air, fighting for mental balance as they made lewd remarks about her pussy and what they had planned for it.

"Oh!" she cried suddenly as Rick bent down, grabbed her hands and pulled them roughly from her belly. He pushed forward at the same time, sending her sprawling backward on her ass. The big man quickly straddled Lydia, sinking on his knees and trapping her down on the floor while he reached up and tore open her slacks. The young blonde screamed in protest, tearing at his face with her long fingernails.

But the big man was ready for her, pulling his face away from her in time, then swinging his right paw in a broad arc in front of him. The closed fist struck Lydia hard across the chin, knocking her semi-unconscious for several seconds. Her head snapped back from the force of the blow then crashed down hard on the dirt floor as Rick and Doug finished their job of disrobing her. The girl moaned, feeling the soft material of her slacks peel down over her slender thighs, past her knees and finally over her ankles.

A few rough fingers slid up over her thighs to her pussy, digging into her cuntal membranes before moving up to her cotton sweater. Quickly that garment was pulled up over her big titties, over her face and head until it too was laying in a crumpled heap next to her.

"Got a cigarette Doug?" Rick asked after gazing several silent minutes at Lydia's motionless body.

"Sure," the other man said, wrinkling up his forehead in confusion as he fished out a pack of cigarettes from his right shirt pocket and handed it to Rick. The big fat man kept his eyes riveted to Lydia's peaceful face, tapping out one cigarette and putting it in his mouth. The big man inhaled the first puff of smoke deeply, blowing it out again into the girl's face.

Lydia coughed slightly, but still remained dazed and silent.

"This ought to wake her up," he said to Doug, taking the cigarette from his mouth and holding it only inches away from her belly. Lydia was aware of a not too pleasant warmth suddenly over her stomach that quickly grew to an intense heat. Her eyelids fluttered open just when the glowing tip of the cigarette touched her flesh. Lydia's body jerked heavily, futilely trying struggle away from the fierce, sharp agony. Her slender young body arched and heaved against dirt floor. She could feel particles of loose dirt working into her tight asscrack as she struggled against the biting agony of that burning cigarette against her flesh. Her nose was filled with the sharp, acrid odor of burning flesh as the ash grew across the reddening belly flesh. Her head arched back, digging into the floor as the cords stuck out in her throat. A strange gurgling, gagging shriek was ripped from her throat as she pleaded with them to stop this insane torture.

From the corner of her tear-blurred eyes she could see Rick laughing, then turning around to see the reactions of Doug and Jack. The other men were just as intrigued and amused with Lydia's predicament as he was.

"AIYEEEEEE!" she cried. She felt the muscles in her limbs stretch and contract painfully as her belly cramped and twisted. Lydia prayed for unconsciousness. And then as if in answer to her prayers Rick took the half-burned cigarette away from her belly, taking another drag on it before tossing it carelessly away.

"That's just a sample," he said, pushing his fat body up off Lydia's slender one and tucking his rigid prong back into his trousers. The blonde raised her hand and rubbed it across her lips. Her heart beat wildly as she moved her eyes from man to man, watching them stare at her like a piece of meat. Then she thought of Tina; of the way she'd found her, beaten, bruised, tied and tossed away in that foul way. Instinctively she moved her hand down to the burned place on her belly and rubbed it over the sore area.

"Let's give her a taste of what her friend got," Rick said, turning around and winking at Doug. Then turning back he reached down and slid both hands under Lydia's arms, jerking her up.

"Ohhh!" she cried, the pain in her ankle almost making her faint as the big man gripped her arm and pulled her roughly behind him toward the opened door.

"And tie that other one up. We can have fun with her later," Rick called back to Jack. Lydia heard Tina cry out, followed by the sounds several slaps and moans of submission as she was dragged stumbling and whimpering out into the open. The sky was a dull purple now. A low, fading light illuminated the area, barely outlining the various buildings and animals. The stars and moon were becoming more visible and bright as Lydia was hauled out, dragged to the garden, and finally let go. Reaching out, the young blonde gripped the top wooden bar of the fence.

She heard Doug call out from somewhere below. Turning her head she saw him walking from the main house back up to where she and Rick were standing. Next to him trotted a full-grown male Irish Setter, its long, hairy tail wagging slowly back and forth high in the air while its tongue hung limply out the side of its mouth. Rick said nothing but turned toward Lydia and smiled knowingly. His yellowed teeth made her want to vomit. But then another thought assailed her mind, making her forget about the physical repulsiveness of the big man next to her.

That dog! The suggestions made to her by them all! No, they weren't doing that to her! Impossible! That idea was just the product of her terrified imagination. Rape, maybe. Even torture, but this?

"She's so damned high and mighty about who she passes her pussy out to. Let's see what she thinks of dog dick."

Lydia cried out, her body stiffening as the last words came out. She turned and backed against the fence, the splinters digging into her naked flesh. The big dog trotted on ahead of Doug, sprinting up to Rick, then curling around his fat legs while wagging his tail ferociously and jumping up while barking excitedly.

"Your girlfriend didn't mind his cock after a while. You broads are all alike; pretending to be the reluctant virgin, then suckin' up all the cock that you can get," Rick said, spittle flecking his lips as he grew angrier.

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